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Political Confusion And Information War

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Sep 19, 2017
The situation is that "Politics" is a game where people of sound mind do not for a while participate in, in particular, because politicians are having less and less their so called "will" and abilities to act in regards to anything.

However, that is also a deception to keep all able people from participation, creating a double effect. Those into politics can't in anyway 'act' or have an opinion, and the system self-circuits itself with the same people who have nothing serious to improve.

The jews have created carefully a "corruption on both sides" issue, by fragmenting the truth, and sticking specific aspects of it to each side on the political spectrum. One example is the "Republican" and "Democrats". The positions in regards to Israel, or what would free America from Jewish servitude, lie in the thinking of both parties, and not "one" of them.

For example, the fact that Israel is a bandit state, has been made into a 'leftist'' meme, which, if one belongs to the right, cannot 'believe' into. To be a Good Republican that wants closed borders and an end to injections of mass foreign labor, also has to do the following: Trust in the Jewish God and suckle Israel's tits.

Likewise, if you want to criticize Israel, you have to become a Democrat, but here is the sacrifice you have to do for this: Destroy the borders of your country and have brown slave wage hordes overrun you and replace the natives. The meme is also now that ironically, despite of the fact that Whites are being literally on the edge with the jewish question, if one has to be "Anti Israel", they also have to be Arabic.

If one wants for example personal freedoms as a focus, and more tolerance between differences, oh, you HAVE to become a Libtard, but you also have to do some drugs to summarize your "love of freedom". Can't be without.

So if you want to listen to any opinion criticizing Israel, you have to vote for people who also will bring Arabia in Europe, open your borders, and also want Islam to dominate, or want to steal your tax payer money to pay millions of savages for free.

Anything meaningful both from the "right" and the "left" is all but becoming assimilation. The "country" and "people" of the right has become an abstraction, the "worker rights" of the kosher left have become nonsensical memetics about how one will give free money to everyone, the organization of national labour or military of the right has become total nonsense for slaving for jews in the Middle East, for absolutely no National Interest, the list goes.

Through this sea of incessant confusion, also arise chaotic circumstances, which, due to warfare and pressure on the enemy, collapse onto their head. For example, their policies to censor do backfire, and this has a penalty of waking up NPC's to tragic Orwellian realities. They report Fake News, and their "News" are totally losing credibility. Then, the public kissing of Israel's ass until one's lips stink of Israel, starts becoming apparent. In the imagination of jews who are being persecuted by Ghosts, even the NPC sees the jew screaming and pointing at the ghost.

In other words, always, one has to choose an evil and a good in the same package, eventually, leading to destruction.

Many people are critical or complain of political figures like Trump, Salvini, Orban and so forth. Let us just be clear here, anyone who has exaggerated expectations, that is their own fault. Salvini, except of the memetic aspect of his campaign, didn't say he was going to be Anti-Israel.

These people progressively are also learning, such as anyone else. For example, Trump probably assumed he could 'get away' from Israel's domination just by saying a few things, and giving an embassy. But that is not true. They want people in power to circus for them. The same goes for anyone whom they suspect is not in the mode of being totally dominated. And in one way or another, they can extort people to this exact result.

So even if a politician secretly does not really like Israel, which is the case for a lot of people, they have to have some backing up, in order to gradually have the ability to resist. Not "Fight", but let's just say on a first level, resist, or at least, be able to not care as a priority for the jews.

Trump has been elevated into some sort of "Savior" meme by the alt right, which resulted from a few whatever type of people putting words in Trump's mouth and exaggerating any simple action from him, while has been totally trashed by his "haters", all of which did not pay attention to the man himself.

At best, Trump dislikes Israel, here and there, privately. Nobody likes to be kicked around like an oxen by crazy yids, not even jews. But that is the jewish nature in general. He said he wants to make a wall, he can't really do it. Even if he had a plan, he can't really follow it.

Yet, he never really claimed to be "Anti Israel" in any way, shape or form. At best, he has experienced some discontent with Israel which was leaked to the news, but this is simply the reality of being a president in the US today. You simply do not rule, others rule for you. He will have no election if he doesn't do the appropriate ritualistic dance circus to prove Israel's friend. The same goes for every other politician.

Meanwhile, it has become "illegal" to say that one's country is literally run from Israel. While all presidents, senators, MP's, and everyone else, is either a jew, or has to dance the jewish drum on any tune to start being relevant.

It's good news that they are not fullfilling these demands of popular awakening. For one, these remain unresolved, and for two, these highlight the important problem which lies indeed, WAY beyond politics. If certain problems were about signatures and political power, we may have been saved a long time ago.

As I have stated again, any "Political" change only comes absolute last, out of a series of many other changes, and not in the reverse. Those who hope for political changes are just looking at a painting and waiting for it to paint itself, exactly as they imagined it, by a monkey holding a brush and not having colors. This monkey is the mental level of our civilization, the fact it has no colors is because it has no ideas.

Actually, all the above nonsense which many question if it is "real", ie, if Politics represent anything at this point rather than abstraction, does actually represent a large mass of sleepwalking NPC people, who constitute the "majority". This "majority" is basically the people who are brainwashed to still believe in the consensus and way of life of the present day "system" which is totally devoid of purpose of any form of value.

And through this majority all this system of decay takes it's life and runs it. In other words, all this situation gains credence by the blind masses, who do nothing to change this, or see no wrong in any of this.

Many people who ask of political solutions are like people who ask of the above monkey how to paint. People who complain why this world is not getting 'better' by politics, is as if they shout to the above monkey for not painting Mona Lisa. For one, one must take the paints away from this monkey. For two, one must curb their expectations to not get depressed, as this monkey can never paint. For three, one must not shout to this monkey everytime it falls for any banana thrown at it, as it's a monkey after all.

The only way for this world to actually 'evolve' is through information and application of information for individuals to develop. Then, the people who are aware, have to guide the monkey to the proper direction, slowly making the monkey into something superior. This takes time and patience. The Gods are progressively and through everything trying to elevate us, irrespective of politics and what will go up and down.

The situation of the above has been created through centuries of information and mental warfare on the Gentiles, who eventually handed over their civilization to jews, progressively. The jews then eventually hand it to anyone else to destroy it.

Political power is put on many other levels of power, above all, the power of social acceptance, as a crown or a hat. In other words, one must not look this matter in reverse. The fact a tyranny for example is running in Europe, does not really mean it's going to be justified 'forever'.

The very agenda of the jews has a conclusive end which will eventually force all inhabitants of the earth, sooner or later, in question or a forced choice. This will become more and more blatant as the enemy is pushed. Even the most NPC types of people are realizing that 'something is up'. This 'something' in regards to the enemy, as time progresses, will become something very pressing.

In plain words, the questions many are trying to avoid today by being NPC's, are only stacking in severity to be answered in the future. One such question is if Whites want to biologically exist or not, which an NPC portion is trying, despite of the proofs of the problems, put the matter as a question of the future.

People don't want to think about the upcoming Robocop "No rights whatsover for you goyim" apocalypse? Then they just wait a decade more, when your TV will send your anti-semetic or naughty thoughts to the state, and wait for this time to address it.

One thing people can be sure of, is that the conclusion of this matter WILL take place. It's just we have woke up first, and we are early. Or one could say, at the right time to self develop to better live through these times where the NPC's will be busted out of their heads when they finally comprehend.

Imagine for example if Israel was pushing for Greater Israel and was actually getting grounds. The millions of corpses in the middle east, and Israel's rapid territorial expansion, isn't a matter that would leave all the people of the world 'alienated'. At some point, Israel's agenda is going to shout itself. We are reaching this point more and more as time progresses.

Our purpose here with informing the populace and doing the RTR's is extremely important. This is important, because our ideas have penetrated into the mind of people. They are there. As the enemy is pushing, more and more people will wake up. The NPC category is a category that will never disappear, but it never mattered in history, as their opinion is non-existent, but their 'support' gives power.

Any actual 'revolution' or social change, takes time either by force from the higher strata, which doesn't really always go as planned or work, or by a created transformation in the perception of the people themselves. Seeds result to trees. Ideally, these should go hand in hand.

When the truth roots itself hard into the minds of people, which it does, unavoidably, despite of what the jews will try to legislate, and despite of what will be the case politically, or how many stooges they elect, and games they play, the situation for them will be irreversible. And in that regard, progress is basically steady or ascending.

For so called "Politicians" to arise and better anything, there has to be a supportive backup of at least a percent of people who agree with these presently "non NPC" ideals. This happens gradually, and by breaking the conditioning of the larger masses, and having a few people accept more and more of certain ideas. If a politician fails them, they become more resolute. In other words, the people who wanted a wall that will never come, will just become even more disillusioned as to the necessity of said wall.

If these people are not really developed, and ready to fight, there is nobody and nothing that can simply go in the front and say whatever. It's by definition impossible. Anyone needs some backup.

Politicians for centuries have found themselves censored, muted, controlled, extorted, displaced, and brutalized into doing what Israel wants them to do. Whole countries. This is not a mystery. But they really do come in 'last', and they need spiritual, information, and 'mass' backup to do anything good.

They themselves, also, need some sort of education, and understanding, which can be given to them by them having proper ideas.

The war of spiritual power and above all, information, has to be won, for any fruitful solutions that will be permanent and lasting. Even Hitler, what remained of him and Germans, is not the tanks and the nukes, but the surviving idea, the unmasking, and the highlight of the problem, and the idea of how a civilization without enemy control would be. That has in the dawn of time more power than the power of the tank, the law, the nuke, and all the means the enemy is presently using against people of the world.

Patience and winning the information war is key here.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Unrelated but I think the next ritual we should do is to prevent race mixing and to enlighten the people to its dangers.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Great to see some more in-depth intel on the political aspects. It really is disgusting how the jews always infect and control both sides like that.

Appreciate you shedding some more light on this, HC.
This is the 666th sermon on our forums btw :lol:
I have a perfect idea. Obviously we did some group rituals to make the kind information free. This is simply excellent, but it is not enough. To win the information war it is necessary to force people to accept the truth into the unconscious. Most people, when you show them the truth, do not accept it. If we want to spread the truth with respect, we certainly must not allow people to offend the truth. Because, people do not accept the truth, they offend it and after a long time they see it is obvious and accept it. This is not respect. We want to save the gentiles. And every thing we do is for their own good. To receive respect, you need power and strength. I do not say stupid things. I do not say to curse those who do not accept the truth. I say to influence the masses in their unconscious to study the truth obligatorily and inevitably. Obviously, the smarter will understand more, those who are unintelligent will understand less ... anyway, you can only imagine how many people will wake up like that. And then, they will do the work for us and we just have to drive them. We have more important things to do instead of begging each individual to accept the truth. Gentiles must have no choice whether to accept the truth or not. All of this is simply silly and offensive and it gives me nerves. We must instill the truth in a forced way. It's for their own good. With this spiritual strategy, the most intelligent will join Satanism and the less intelligent ... at least, their support will be for us. And it is here that ... many eventually want to unite but for them it will be too late ... it may be that the Jews and their superiors will not be able to use and exploit more the Gentiles and they could make open war of destruction. We must engrave and program in the masses of the Gentiles, our objectives which are also their objectives and not allow the enemy to use our people against us. We must guide our people to do what they have to do. I personally feel offended and I absolutely do not tolerate offenses. Seriously guys, we have to do this important thing ... it's the only safe, certain, obligatory and respectful way to spread Satanism on a global scale. We must not allow the enemy to use our people. If someone has the right over our people to guide them, then we are the Satanists and above all our Gods. HAIL SATAN
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This was an excellent post for a few reasons, one of which just happens to be the timing of my assertive judgement towards political issues.

I've never been keen on politics, I found myself just displaced from it, having heard the complaints of the lazy minded cynics and just doing with an agnostic and insular approach.

In the late years I've come to acknowledge and appreciate the essentials within studying history and how we are lined up with the present system of politics and economics.

While I can't say I've ever been too fond of debating with people about it (because stupid NPCs), I am certainly no longer insular to it and I e plenty of enthusiasm to show people what a muddy fuckhole they'll end up in should they continue to be useful idiot cogs.

It took a bit of digging to know how my own fears of death in it's hypothetical and theoretical consequences would inhibit me from fully exacting violence or triggering it remotely upon any mass of life despite the not so innocent stirrings of my darker depths, tying all of this into the collective system.

Death, many say it's illusory and just a transformation.

Yet at what radical degree of transformation does one even consider their existence functional and for that matter concientious?

The deleterious effects of a death upon ones present development, their knowledge and experience, and their character all scramble and blur into the backest recesses of their psyche and, if the rest of the people didn't pull their own weight then you awaken in an even shittier Borg than before.

What I'm going on about is the sacrifice people in the past paid for us just to wake up now when there is still time.

Suffering and death of innocents is all around and it really fucks with people to see this and feel like they have no power while they are further embedding theirself in the very indifference which does nothing to resist the system that wants them to be this way.

There was a video I watched on jootube about the necessities of life being farmed where people are quite literally farmed like cattle, and that the ones barely straggling between imminent doom and "sanctuary" will act on the joos coin to attack the "naysayers" of this system.

The only thing was they omitted the truth behind the banking dynasties and the illuminati being jooish.

Here is the thing, a viscious but reasonable dog bumps into a shrewd person, this person trains the dog first by gaining it's trust with menial rewards.

The person can never really antagonize or starve this dog too much as eventually the dog will bite back and even kill if pushed way too far.

It's been said the US is pissraels bitch dog and this metaphor applies appropriately.

Over time this dog becomes the militant hand of the person (joo), and it's used to conquer people, which give up bit by bit their land (that is by force only if the joo doesn't just slide in like they have discretely, and even then not so much), with exorbitant usury and fearmongering.

The acquisition of the people is a workforce which is assimilated by this jooluminati Borg and the land is the essential substance to mine, farm, reap, and form sustenance and materials for general living.

They take the land for their greater shitrael and eventually the opposers who've been killed off and the rest into submission act as an initial intimidation factor if they play the loud game like in the ME.

As land itself and resources are guarded over by their dog (military/police), people question whether a war will even be economically feasible, let alone if they choose to fight and through spite the enemy doesn't just have you submit when you are dried out, but executes you as an example for their loud version of a crowd control.

The conquest ebbs and flows in it's aggression, while they sweet talk the crowd at their borders, as they can't exactly just bomb them without taking themselves out as a resort, but they might just risk tossing a carpet or two over some populace on the other side of the planet...

In any case, the sacrifice and suffering have to be endured and fought through by the means which we should be grateful to have today due to the sacrifice of those in the past.

That thing I said about people who'd like to give up and die or wonder about the consequences of death, I say I'd rather suffer prolonged violence to maintain the majority of what I am than accept death in it's dissolvent and stagnating consequences.

You can't sleep away the problems, you can't refute, argue, debate, or deny them.

You can't just say "hey it's your battle not mine" and accept the bullet to the head on your knees.

You have to fight.

I have to fight.

This comes from someone who's struggled to grasp the motivation direction of the fight for years, but now understands it's our death or their death (destruction).

We have the age of information, Aquarius will spearhead in the years upcoming, but we are still pouring disinfectant on the wounds of the Piscean dillusion the joos farmed the weak and stupid masses into.

The US was originally a republic, but is now a divided representative democracy that's on the verge of tipping over constitutional rights and that's because it's really an infouenced oligarchical plutocracy beyond either side of capitalism or communism.

The masses represent a tyranny of ignorance, because we are not in any educated republic.

So use the information and educate them.

Evil is born from ignorant exacerbation, if you can destroy the liars, and illuminate the populace, the weight will instead tip back onto the enemy.

Again, great post.
I've heard it said that people try and enter politics and find out how it really works and that they can't do anything so they drop out of politics.

Not too long ago a politician here in Scotland killed himself and I thought it could be because he couldn't handle fighting the system.

The media said he was a wierdo with strange outlandish political ideas. They went on to say he was battling with his mental problems and was a major alcoholic.

A person just cannot trust anything the controlled media says. I don't believe their stories.

As you say it's the expectations and mental energy of the masses that create society as it is. And when more and more people start thinking differently, the different energy will bring different results.

My only regret is hearing the Nazi's could have won the war if Hitler didn't tell his troops to retreat at Dover.

Apparently Germany could have invaded and taken Britain but Hitler wanted to make a good will gesture because he didn't want war but allies.

WTF. If that is true I stress and mourn as I bet Hitler himself must do. The consequences of humanity in war resulted in terror bombing of Germany after the war. And all of this crap we have to deal with now.

Anyway we have awakened early and the early bird gets the worm.

We have time to advance so that our lives will be pleasant if things get worse.

It's true. People at work have problems but everything always just works out for me. Plain sailing when you meditate. Meditation itself is my battle though.

One more thing. The joos prophesy that there will manifest this jooish king of theirs that will rule the world from Israel.

And that all countries won't want their Prime Minister anymore and will reject their parliaments to have this jooish king instead.

Well with this Brexit thing the leave people feel really fed up with how our politicians are betraying us.

So the joos get us really fed up with our politicians so we happily boot them out for their planned world joo king.

All part of their plan. But we don't want to lose Sovereignty and become a nothing in a global state.

Bring back National Socialism. SS
Personal Growth said:
At the time of Hitler, the jews had a lot of spiritual power and still he almost won...i too wish he had won the war but what he did at that time was awesome!
TopoftheAbyss said:
Unrelated but I think the next ritual we should do is to prevent race mixing and to enlighten the people to its dangers.

And have less concentration on The Ritual which takes on *ALL* The Enemy throws at Us, including this aspect of The dangers of race mixing

The FINAL RTR IS our FINAL RTR, because it ultimately finishes The Enemy by reversing The Hebrew alphabet, draining ALL The Power And energies of The letters, making ANY And ALL tryes of The Enemies curses, which ALL lie in The Hebrew alphabet, powerless.
Artanis said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Unrelated but I think the next ritual we should do is to prevent race mixing and to enlighten the people to its dangers.

And have less concentration on The Ritual which takes on *ALL* The Enemy throws at Us, including this aspect of The dangers of race mixing

The FINAL RTR IS our FINAL RTR, because it ultimately finishes The Enemy by reversing The Hebrew alphabet, draining ALL The Power And energies of The letters, making ANY And ALL tryes of The Enemies curses, which ALL lie in The Hebrew alphabet, powerless.

I meant like the ritual to racially awake the white race like we did not long ago using the runes.
I was feeling hopeless myself about the only political parties out there which are all off the mark.

In Scotland we have the SNP (Scottish National Party) in power. And they are heavily the majority.

The SNP use persuasive language in their literature and pull on the emotions about patriotism and the Scottish people. When I read their news letters and pamphlets. I think yes this is my political party........But is it really now?

The SNP is the fake national party. They were heavily marketing how they 'welcome refugees,' and have now put out all of these anti racial laws. And the police treat saying anything racial as a heavy crime. Just recently they put out a letter saying how they demand and will do everything to stay in the EU. So clear as crystal the SNP is not true Nationalist.

I was feeling hopeless about the political situation and I couldn't run for anything myself. My reasons were different to what's given in this post. Mainly because the Scottish are racist. Racist against Polish and white immigrants, just don't say anything about paki and black immigration, Mmm....And besides no one voting for me because I'm not Scottish. The police would break my door and incarcerate me because of that I would stand for. As BNP political candidates have been.

The best political party ever was Hitler's Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("National Socialist German Workers' Party", or Nazi Party).

The NSDAP needs to come back. I believe in all of their policies.

I am a NAZI and contrary to popular belief. It's not about hatred. But about love and respect for each race and your people.

The NSDAP was the only political party that was true and just.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Artanis said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Unrelated but I think the next ritual we should do is to prevent race mixing and to enlighten the people to its dangers.

And have less concentration on The Ritual which takes on *ALL* The Enemy throws at Us, including this aspect of The dangers of race mixing

The FINAL RTR IS our FINAL RTR, because it ultimately finishes The Enemy by reversing The Hebrew alphabet, draining ALL The Power And energies of The letters, making ANY And ALL tryes of The Enemies curses, which ALL lie in The Hebrew alphabet, powerless.

I meant like the ritual to racially awake the white race like we did not long ago using the runes.

That is why We ARE going to do the Race Awakening Ritual much more than before this year, to wake up the white and black race EVEN more than now. :cool:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
