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Why Satan doesn't make me rich?


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017
A lot of people dream of having their "financial" problem solved overnight, and expect that by some miraculous event they will wake up one day and simply be rid of all their financial issues, such as by winning the lottery.

People also feel that Satan is not helping them, by not making money rain on top of them. Some Satanists understand the situation, and a majority of those who understand it become quite angry at others for this, but I take the same stance as Him when it comes to this, people simply do not understand the situation and assume He doesn't care, because they lack the sight to see things for what they are.

Satan is helping us more than many realize, people typically don't see the full picture.

Have you ever wondered why a vast majority of lottery winners become broke after only a short time?

Have you wondered why most famous and rich athletes end up without a penny?

Why it is always a large percentage of people who become outrageously wealthy overnight, will also lose it all overnight?

Why it is that it seems like the only ones who can truly hold outrageous wealth for their whole lifetime and never go broke seem to mostly belong to a certain group or tribe?...

Very few exceptions exist. But a vast majority of gentiles will always be poor. Even those who are "miraculously" showered in outrageous wealth and become millionaires overnight will lose it all shortly after and be poor again.

Have you ever considered that the reason you have the financial troubles that you do, is because of curses thousands of years old?

Curses cast upon your ancestors, now cast upon you and your children, to keep you poor and with nothing forever. And that what will set you free from this, is not a lottery ticket, but reversing those curses that made you poor in the first place?

And that the methods to reverse these curses come from Satan and His Daemons?

Make no mistake, wealth is in the soul. And the gentile soul has been cursed and robbed of all it's wealth. It's why a kike owns thousands of homes while you live in a rented apartment.

It's why a kike has more money than they could ever spend in a hundred lifetimes, while you're counting your pennies to buy bread.

And if not for Satan and His guidance, this would be our reality forever. Forever cursed, forever poor. You want to be financially free? He's given you the tools, apply them.

The kikes have stolen it all, and Satan has given us the tools to take it back, but we must man up and take it back ourselves. So before you blame Satan for not helping you, consider the reality that the reason you are poor is the torah, and that he's given you the tools to reverse it and free yourself from it's influence and curses.
Great post. I would like to add to this topic my own thoughts and info.

A persons ability to hold onto wealth is in the soul. Mostly, your Solar Plexus Chakra controls your ability to attract wealth, and how much wealth you can attract. But all 3 lower Chakras working together control our daily physical lives and the quality of our lives physically and materially. This can also be seen in a persons Birth Chart in Astrology.
Saturn rules poverty and if placed in the 2nd or 8th house it can cause total financial hell in a persons life and can be brutally vicious with its restrictions to personal happiness(materially). However Saturn in the 2nd can reward hard work and effort. HPS Maxine has stated that she has noticed Saturn in the 2nd house of Millionaires many times before.
Karmic issues can be seen in ones birth chart and can manifest in the chakras that control different areas of our lives.

Its a sad reality that most people these days are living in poverty. Most people probably do have bad Saturn aspects in their charts that causes this. I believe that Saturn in someone's 8th house is more of a sign of a deep seeded karmic issue from a past life. The good part is that this can be fixed with a Freeing the Soul working. Using the Rune Ansuz, or more importantly the Munka mantra for removing negative karmic issues that someone has from past lives.

One thing I would like to mention to newer members reading this is to not rush with Money workings. The thing is that most people these days want to rush and get money in the fastest way possible, so they keep doing Money spells, and Sun Squares and things like that.
You need to first directly deal with and remove all negative karmic issues and hang-ups regarding wealth. If your just trying to spam money spells and things constantly, your basically not going anywhere because the karmic issue regarding wealth is still there on the soul that still restricts wealth. That's one mistake a lot of people make, they never deal with the karmic issues or try to empower the areas of the soul that control your material wealth.

Empowering the Solar Plexus on its own can start helping a persons financial situations. But the problem is that a lot of karmic issues regarding wealth can come from the solar plexus itself from past lives, which needs to be cleaned out and dealt with before empowering it. If you don't then you'll just be empowering both your Solar Plexus AND the karmic problems with wealth.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the 666 chakra - the number of Physical & Spiritual Perfection and Immortality, the Grail of Lucifer, the cup that holds the elixir of life secreted by the Pineal Gland, it is one of the most powerful chakras of the human soul.

Satan's sigil itself also represents this Chakra and its power and importance in achieving the Magnum Opus.

The Solar Plexus, the Grail of Lucifer, our Personality, our Willpower, our Confidence and Happiness, our Wealth is one of the most attacked, slandered, and cursed thing in humanity's history by jews trying to cut humanity off from all spiritual knowledge and teachings to enslave us and keep all material wealth and occult knowledge for themselves.
Betelgeuse said:
One thing I would like to mention to newer members reading this is to not rush with Money workings. The thing is that most people these days want to rush and get money in the fastest way possible, so they keep doing Money spells, and Sun Squares and things like that.
This is where a basic understanding of astrology comes into play. Not all people have these restrictive forces against building wealth.
Dahaarkan said:
Have you ever considered that the reason you have the financial troubles that you do, is because of curses thousands of years old?

And if not for Satan and His guidance, this would be our reality forever. Forever cursed, forever poor. You want to be financially free? He's given you the tools, apply them.

thousands of years for nothing for those who have the will and already eminent power to remove it in 40 days 🤣
he who persists, achieves ( totally personal phrase, obviously it will never be that)



All the members of the Joy of Satan Ministries, Dedicated to Lord Satan by blood, advancing in this Spiritual Path, are now growing in material wealth and power, and are permanently protected and prosperous in all ways, NOW, CONTINUOUSLY, AND FOREVER!
Henu the Great said:
Betelgeuse said:
One thing I would like to mention to newer members reading this is to not rush with Money workings. The thing is that most people these days want to rush and get money in the fastest way possible, so they keep doing Money spells, and Sun Squares and things like that.
This is where a basic understanding of astrology comes into play. Not all people have these restrictive forces against building wealth.

In my opinion and experience, the RTR is a key component for building wealth. Cleansing the torah's influence from one's soul also lifts the curses of poverty.

Not doing the RTR is one of the reasons some people who focus only on money workings end up getting little if any results. Every time you do the RTR not only are you helping everybody in the world but you are helping yourself a great deal also. And if one's focus is wealth, reversing the torah is a key component of this, as jews are forever cursing gentiles with poverty and one must reverse this.
Nimrod33 said:
In short, Satan is not the lamp genie and you need money for things you really need, not useless edonistic stuff.

It is not the point of what you need and what you want to have, but how much money you can make and how.

Certainly not all of us will have the same goals but those who want more and maybe even always more then why not since that is the nature of the universe.

There is no goal more beautiful than infinity.
Dahaarkan said:
In my opinion and experience, the RTR is a key component for building wealth. Cleansing the torah's influence from one's soul also lifts the curses of poverty.

Not doing the RTR is one of the reasons some people who focus only on money workings end up getting little if any results. Every time you do the RTR not only are you helping everybody in the world but you are helping yourself a great deal also. And if one's focus is wealth, reversing the torah is a key component of this, as jews are forever cursing gentiles with poverty and one must reverse this.
No doubt about the importance of reversing torah magick.

But my point was about personal predisposition or lack of it toward wealth which is another layer.
It's You and not Satan that should do workings for wealth if You want it. That's my simple short answer.
Money is the God of this world and everyone wants it very bad, not least the Jews,
who's got the most power over it through occult power and criminal means.

Step 1 I think is to reprogram your mind from the notion that money is evil, and step 2 would be money workings and affirmations.
These should be done daily and consistently. You may also want to remove that profile signature picture even.
Thanks Dahaarkan. I like these posts you make regarding wealth and money, attitudes about money, mindset, etc... you make a lot of good helpful stuff. I think a compilation of all your posts on this subject would be a good idea because you really have offered a plethora of amazing advice.
I don't work, never a day in my life, so I'm lucky. I use this time to meditate, I no many are unfortunate and can't have time to meditate.

I'm on disability though, I am far from rich. I just have no desire for cars, prostitutes, drugs and whatever else normal people crave in there material possessions.

A healthy dinner, a roof over my head, a bed and heating, clean water, all I need and will ever need. Once you have those things, be grateful and practice it in your meditations, much like a monk.

What Satan has planned for us is so much better than all those meaningless things in the world. I much rather be able to explore the mind than spend days on my latest Iphone or watch Netflix for 20 hours a day.

I hope you see the wisdom in my words.
Leeges said:
I don't work, never a day in my life, so I'm lucky. I use this time to meditate, I no many are unfortunate and can't have time to meditate.

I'm on disability though, I am far from rich. I just have no desire for cars, prostitutes, drugs and whatever else normal people crave in there material possessions.

A healthy dinner, a roof over my head, a bed and heating, clean water, all I need and will ever need. Once you have those things, be grateful and practice it in your meditations, much like a monk.

What Satan has planned for us is so much better than all those meaningless things in the world. I much rather be able to explore the mind than spend days on my latest Iphone or watch Netflix for 20 hours a day.

I hope you see the wisdom in my words.

You don't have to work to be rich. Jews don't work and are the richest people in the world. Wealth is not about having iphones and cars, wealth is about power.

When you have power, you have agency in the world. You can make things better for yourself and others, you can repair the world and feed and shelter people. Without power you cannot do anything.

The powerless are ever at the mercy of the powerful, and likewise allowing yourself to remain poor you are allowing yourself to stay at the mercy of the jews who pull the strings of economy in nations and ruin the lives of people in your situation for entertainment. You've a lot of free time, I would focus that time on establishing cashflow as well as meditation. There is a lot of money you can make with free time and computer.

If the sum of your ambition is to have a roof, food and clean water, I respect your wishes on a personal level, but I must condemn your mentality. Satanism is about power, godhood and joy. Not powerlessness, mediocrity and endless struggle.

Reconsider your mentality, and detach from the shackles of poverty.
It's nice to not have to do mundane jobs or at least not having to go to a job one might hate. There are many people who have to be moving around doing something productive though so it really just depends on the individual.

I'm glad to hear you are taking advantage of a bad situation that might of occurred to you and putting you on disability instead of giving up. Keep it up. Make sure to be healing yourself thru workings as well if you have not yet.

Leeges said:
I don't work, never a day in my life, so I'm lucky. I use this time to meditate, I no many are unfortunate and can't have time to meditate.

I'm on disability though, I am far from rich. I just have no desire for cars, prostitutes, drugs and whatever else normal people crave in there material possessions.

A healthy dinner, a roof over my head, a bed and heating, clean water, all I need and will ever need. Once you have those things, be grateful and practice it in your meditations, much like a monk.

What Satan has planned for us is so much better than all those meaningless things in the world. I much rather be able to explore the mind than spend days on my latest Iphone or watch Netflix for 20 hours a day.

I hope you see the wisdom in my words.
Betelgeuse said:
Great post. I would like to add to this topic my own thoughts and info.

A persons ability to hold onto wealth is in the soul. Mostly, your Solar Plexus Chakra controls your ability to attract wealth, and how much wealth you can attract. But all 3 lower Chakras working together control our daily physical lives and the quality of our lives physically and materially. This can also be seen in a persons Birth Chart in Astrology.
Saturn rules poverty and if placed in the 2nd or 8th house it can cause total financial hell in a persons life and can be brutally vicious with its restrictions to personal happiness(materially). However Saturn in the 2nd can reward hard work and effort. HPS Maxine has stated that she has noticed Saturn in the 2nd house of Millionaires many times before.
Karmic issues can be seen in ones birth chart and can manifest in the chakras that control different areas of our lives.

Its a sad reality that most people these days are living in poverty. Most people probably do have bad Saturn aspects in their charts that causes this. I believe that Saturn in someone's 8th house is more of a sign of a deep seeded karmic issue from a past life. The good part is that this can be fixed with a Freeing the Soul working. Using the Rune Ansuz, or more importantly the Munka mantra for removing negative karmic issues that someone has from past lives.

One thing I would like to mention to newer members reading this is to not rush with Money workings. The thing is that most people these days want to rush and get money in the fastest way possible, so they keep doing Money spells, and Sun Squares and things like that.
You need to first directly deal with and remove all negative karmic issues and hang-ups regarding wealth. If your just trying to spam money spells and things constantly, your basically not going anywhere because the karmic issue regarding wealth is still there on the soul that still restricts wealth. That's one mistake a lot of people make, they never deal with the karmic issues or try to empower the areas of the soul that control your material wealth.

Empowering the Solar Plexus on its own can start helping a persons financial situations. But the problem is that a lot of karmic issues regarding wealth can come from the solar plexus itself from past lives, which needs to be cleaned out and dealt with before empowering it. If you don't then you'll just be empowering both your Solar Plexus AND the karmic problems with wealth.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the 666 chakra - the number of Physical & Spiritual Perfection and Immortality, the Grail of Lucifer, the cup that holds the elixir of life secreted by the Pineal Gland, it is one of the most powerful chakras of the human soul.

Satan's sigil itself also represents this Chakra and its power and importance in achieving the Magnum Opus.

The Solar Plexus, the Grail of Lucifer, our Personality, our Willpower, our Confidence and Happiness, our Wealth is one of the most attacked, slandered, and cursed thing in humanity's history by jews trying to cut humanity off from all spiritual knowledge and teachings to enslave us and keep all material wealth and occult knowledge for themselves.

Now you got me thinking.
Next year I have planned a Sun Square to increase my financial wealth.
But now that I've read this, I'd rather clear the obstacles to my financial well-being with this Sun square.
This seems wiser, I might try it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
