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What can I do if it’s too late?


New member
Apr 24, 2023
I’ve made some mistakes over the years. Fell down so many times but each and every time I’ve gotten back up. The problem is I haven’t made any real progress, and due to my own (now admitted) stupidity, and miscommunications with the gods and Satan. I heard from Satan not too long ago that I will never be saved. This obviously shocked me back into reality, and I am ready to make some real progress… I just regret that it took all this to make this decision.

I did have a bad habit of being negative, and due to miscommunications with the gods and possibly enemy interference, things weren’t great between me and Satan.. but still I NEVER left him, I NEVER turned to the enemy or any BS like that!!! I did hear from him that he left ME though.. because I “failed him” and that he considers me “dead”. I also spoken to him last week, and did hear that he does indeed hate me. And this absolutely breaks me..

Now, since the 20th I’ve started a working to be consistent with meditation and to deny laziness. I started with 216 vibrations of Nauthiz and Sowilo, and saying the affirmation 40 times. This admittedly might be burning me out so I reduced the number to 111 instead of 216. I also plant to start a working to further empower my astral communication senses today to clearly communicate with Satan and the Gods and to tell the difference between them and the enemy. I’ve also never backed off warfare!!! I joined in the recent RTR schedule and many many before that! and I do around 3-4 final RTRs every day (since the 20th) Previously I only did one a day, have I have also donated this month and plan to keep doing so! I’ve also been sending Satan RAUM energy every day after working on my hand chakras.

Yesterday I was talking to a demon to apologize to him for my previous behavior, and I told him that even if I’m never to be saved, I’m still gonna meditate, do warfare, send Satan energy, donate..etc even if I never benefit from it. And he said “you’re not helping” I don’t know what he meant by this… he just said “sorry.” (He wasn’t mean about it, just matter of fact) Is everything I’m doing really in vain?? I can’t understand why Satan is permanently punishing me when I’m ACTIVELY working on being better, I’m actively working on myself to do better. If I was truly a failure wouldn’t I be dead?? Wouldn’t I have stopped fighting and given up?? I know 5 days isn’t enough to show Satan I’m serious either. But I am going to stay consistent this time…

My question is what do I do now?? Out of the many times I’ve failed, why is it too late now?? I just don’t know how to cope with being given up on when I haven’t given up on myself. I’ll never know the glory of Godhead like you all will… but so long as I’m alive I still want to fight the enemy and be useful.. even if I’m only a mere ally that will only be judged by my mistakes and failures.
666WithGratitude said:

This is basically not true at all, as the Gods would never say this. It is much more likely that you turned your cynical attitude onto yourself, in combination with your own poor quality of communication and enemy attacks.

Deeming your life as ruined simply due to some years spent in ignorance is just simply incorrect. You are alive, functioning, and able to meditate. You are also actively working on solutions here. How could this result in a bad outcome, especially over the entire course of your life?

Even if you did something to offend Satan, which I don't think you did at all, relationships can be rebuilt and amended over time. There is no reason to act like the Gods operate on a low level of permanently cutting off people, especially over what are otherwise minor problems.

Instead of this destructive attitude, you should instead pull the energy of the Gods into your heart chakra, as you meditate on their sigil, so you can experience their love and also feel development your own attachments to them. This creates a mutual relationship in which you feel part of their community, both receiving and giving help.

3-4 RTR's is too many, and you should do 1 FRTR plus a ritual of one of the Gods. Also make sure you are developing your soul, as the power of any ritual is based on your own abilities.

Rather than crushing yourself, you should recognize the miscommunications that have happened here, then continue to do well with what appears to me as a good foundation for further success.
I don't want this to come across as harsh but you really need to take a step back and ground yourself. This is most likely a simple case of self-doubt and the enemy using that to make you feel like you are having these communications... ask me how I know!!!

Satan and the Gods would never speak to a devoted Spiritual Satanist in that manner to put it plain and simple. If you had truly gone against them (which you haven't) YOU WOULD KNOW.

That does not mean they won't show you tough love and lay out the facts if they need to bring something to your immediate attention, I have had this happen to me many times.

Never forget that they understand us better than we understand ourselves, they can see past all of the lies we tell ourselves and know the situation we are dealing with on Earth. They truly want nothing more than for us to advance ourselves and be a part of Satan's Kingdom.

More importantly, they know that we are fallible as humans.

If you keep up with warfare, advancing yourself and giving them respect... when or why exactly would they abandon you???

Perhaps go back to 1 RTR a day, focus a bit more on cleansing without using so many reps and give yourself some credit!!!

You will know when you can start to do more, your soul will crave it in a healthy way... not in a way like living up to "expectations".

Stay strong within your fight, both inner and outer.


Every communication you have described here is a lie. None of that is from any of the gods. You do not have the necessary senses for communication, and everything you describe is created by your own thoughts and imagination. You talk to yourself then you blame it on the gods. If you have consumed drugs, you have made this problem much worse.
Thank you to everyone that has read/replied, I really appreciate the help!

I’m not nor have ever been on drugs so it’s not any drug-induced psychosis, nor do I have any history of schizophrenia or anything related. I’ve been working on my astral senses for a good time, but I guess they’re not completely open yet. I am currently doing a working to open them more

F/HZ666 said:
Satan and the Gods would never speak to a devoted Spiritual Satanist in that manner to put it plain and simple. If you had truly gone against them (which you haven't) YOU WOULD KNOW.
I’m possibly in the “you would know” category.. I’m aware Satan isn’t like the enemy god with unlimited, unconditional love no matter what. I remember in one of HP Maxine’s audio sermons very clearly “Satan doesn’t love everybody”, like the weak and stupid for example. And even though I’ve been trying very hard to improve, and I clearly haven’t been killed by the enemy for doing all this warfare, that unwelcoming energy is still there. So I can only assume I’m still allowed to help out, but won’t reap any benefits like you all will. Which is fine, when it’s my time I’ll at least know I didn’t give up.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=438633 time=1682379976 user_id=21286]

After I did the psychic working a few days ago I was told “too much” so I have cut back a bit. I’m afraid to take in their energy in my heart chakra because of a possible push back on their end. I do get the feeling that I am unwanted/not needed (things I have also heard) which may or may not be the enemy. But IF all those things were said by the enemy and not the Gods..why wouldn’t they say anything instead of letting me assume? I never wanted to blame them for something the enemy did. In the working I’m doing, part of the affirmation is “I can clearly tell the difference between Satan and the gods, and enemy delusion” so hopefully this helps with that.
666WithGratitude said:
Thank you to everyone that has read/replied, I really appreciate the help!

I’m not nor have ever been on drugs so it’s not any drug-induced psychosis, nor do I have any history of schizophrenia or anything related. I’ve been working on my astral senses for a good time, but I guess they’re not completely open yet. I am currently doing a working to open them more

F/HZ666 said:
Satan and the Gods would never speak to a devoted Spiritual Satanist in that manner to put it plain and simple. If you had truly gone against them (which you haven't) YOU WOULD KNOW.
I’m possibly in the “you would know” category.. I’m aware Satan isn’t like the enemy god with unlimited, unconditional love no matter what. I remember in one of HP Maxine’s audio sermons very clearly “Satan doesn’t love everybody”, like the weak and stupid for example. And even though I’ve been trying very hard to improve, and I clearly haven’t been killed by the enemy for doing all this warfare, that unwelcoming energy is still there. So I can only assume I’m still allowed to help out, but won’t reap any benefits like you all will. Which is fine, when it’s my time I’ll at least know I didn’t give up.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=438633 time=1682379976 user_id=21286]

After I did the psychic working a few days ago I was told “too much” so I have cut back a bit. I’m afraid to take in their energy in my heart chakra because of a possible push back on their end. I do get the feeling that I am unwanted/not needed (things I have also heard) which may or may not be the enemy. But IF all those things were said by the enemy and not the Gods..why wouldn’t they say anything instead of letting me assume? I never wanted to blame them for something the enemy did. In the working I’m doing, part of the affirmation is “I can clearly tell the difference between Satan and the gods, and enemy delusion” so hopefully this helps with that.

The Gods are respectful and kind and would not talk to someone like you described. Unless you did something purposefully to offend the Gods why are you worried. Sounds like the enemy trying to get you to give up. Is an enemy entity attached to you try to check. Get rid of entity if so.
666WithGratitude said:
After I did the psychic working a few days ago I was told “too much” so I have cut back a bit. I’m afraid to take in their energy in my heart chakra because of a possible push back on their end. I do get the feeling that I am unwanted/not needed (things I have also heard) which may or may not be the enemy. But IF all those things were said by the enemy and not the Gods..why wouldn’t they say anything instead of letting me assume? I never wanted to blame them for something the enemy did. In the working I’m doing, part of the affirmation is “I can clearly tell the difference between Satan and the gods, and enemy delusion” so hopefully this helps with that.

Remember that we are the limitations in regards to our understanding, not the Gods. If you have made your mind up that you are unloved, it is very hard for them to communicate the opposite with you.

There is no logical basis for you to feel this way, and the Gods do not operate on an immature level in regards to emotions. You are being way too hard on yourself for what are otherwise very minor mistakes.

Beating your head with an emotional hammer is only going to make it harder for you to build a positive and mutual relationship with the Gods.

If you are psychically overstimulating yourself, then this may very well be playing into your inability to separate from these negative feelings. This is separate from invoking the energy of the Gods themselves, which should be done in almost all cases.
Doing so would also serve as a means for you to understand the true intentions of the Gods, which is much better than just guessing that the outcome is negative, when it actually isn't.

Part of clearly differentiating between the enemy and the Gods involves increasing your exposure to their energy itself, so again, do not delay this.
666WithGratitude said:
But IF all those things were said by the enemy and not the Gods..why wouldn’t they say anything instead of letting me assume? I never wanted to blame them for something the enemy did. In the working I’m doing, part of the affirmation is “I can clearly tell the difference between Satan and the gods, and enemy delusion” so hopefully this helps with that.

I don't think it's the enemy in your case. Or it's correct to say that it's the enemy, but not someone outside of you. Sometimes we are our own enemies.

You say that you do have a lot of negativity and self-hatred, so the voice that you think comes from Satan or the Demons is the voice of your own subconscious. It happens to many people. Some people are very insecure and think they are bad and secretly yearn for someone to tell them that they're the greatest person in the world. Well, guess what "Satan" tells them? Again it's their own subconscious telling how great they are. Once you understand the psychological mechanism it isn't hard to see how you hear the voice of your subconscious insecurities and fears instead of Satan. That's why void meditation and a calm, neutral mind is important. Satan and the Gods really can't do anything if you apply the filter of your insecurities and filter them out. You have to get rid of these first.
Satan expects you to be stupid, actually. Much like a patient, loving father, waiting for you to learn your lessons and helping you along the way.
Be sure you are not speaking to entities pretending to be Satan. His energy is unmistakable and will fill the entire room with power, your body will be alight with lively fire. His energy will humble you. He will never, ever turn his back on you, no matter how many times you fuck up, that is unless one is jewish. This is why we call him Father Satan.

I owe so much to Satan. It is never too late to return to the Gods.
Shadowmage said:
666WithGratitude said:
But IF all those things were said by the enemy and not the Gods..why wouldn’t they say anything instead of letting me assume? I never wanted to blame them for something the enemy did. In the working I’m doing, part of the affirmation is “I can clearly tell the difference between Satan and the gods, and enemy delusion” so hopefully this helps with that.

I don't think it's the enemy in your case. Or it's correct to say that it's the enemy, but not someone outside of you. Sometimes we are our own enemies.

You say that you do have a lot of negativity and self-hatred, so the voice that you think comes from Satan or the Demons is the voice of your own subconscious. It happens to many people. Some people are very insecure and think they are bad and secretly yearn for someone to tell them that they're the greatest person in the world. Well, guess what "Satan" tells them? Again it's their own subconscious telling how great they are. Once you understand the psychological mechanism it isn't hard to see how you hear the voice of your subconscious insecurities and fears instead of Satan. That's why void meditation and a calm, neutral mind is important. Satan and the Gods really can't do anything if you apply the filter of your insecurities and filter them out. You have to get rid of these first.

I don’t have self hatred per se… I’m just aware that I’m hated (if that makes sense) I know what Satan’s energy is like. Calming, strong and unmistakable. I’ve had good interactions with him in the past, But that was before everything. Honestly there’s no way to put this in words that doesn’t sound like enemy interference or self-sabotage. He did come to me this morning and told me “I know you” which is something he’s said a lot to me in the past.

I did retaliate out of frustration and told him that he doesn’t really… if he did he would see that I’m trying, he wouldn’t hate me if he knew me cause if he did he could see my intentions are pure, I have nothing to hide. He said it was “fair” (to hate me) and I forgot what I had said, but he replies with “irrespectively”. Which isn’t even in my normal vocabulary!! I had to google if that was even a real word, (it is). So I don’t think it’s my own subconscious per se…

I did do a ritual this morning after this to send him energy. I told him I only repeat to myself what I hear from him. If he had told me he loves me, or cares about me I wouldn’t BE having these thoughts and feelings. After which I cried a bit and he called me pathetic. I can’t help that I have emotions and cry a lot because of this situation. But when I do, I don’t make a whole day out of feeling sorry for myself either. I still meditate, do warfare..etc

I even did the ritual to Janus yesterday, I couldn’t include myself in the affirmations of that ritual, instead I asked the blessings to be channeled to everyone Satan cared about/everyone he felt deserved the blessings. After the ritual I went to lie down and relax. After a few minutes I heard “you know her?” And I have no idea who that was. It felt like it wasn’t addressed TO me, but was ABOUT ME. Then this morning that’s when Satan said “I know you” etc etc.

Update on the workings, I cut them to 40 vibrations each. I feel Satan is displeased (but not surprised) about this. The Nauthiz and Sowilo rune working went from 216, to 111, to now 40. I personally feel it’s manageable for me now but it feels like I’ve don’t something disgraceful.

Before I go any further, I have talked back to Satan and the gods before out of frustration with being hurt. Usually cause they (or the enemy, Satan and the Gods never confirm or deny that they say these) say things that I already know. Like “You’re alone” In regards to relationships, “you’re ugly!” Which to be fair HAS BEEN THE ENEMY a few times, but the times it really got to me were from an incubus I used to be with (not anymore since him saying that), “I/we don’t need you” from Satan and the Gods. After being told these things over and over and over and over is it not reasonable I would be upset??? Is it not reasonable that I would be sad about this??? Is it not reasonable to be frustrated that I am constantly reminded of these things??

So this is not only a case of someone lazy trying to get back on their feet. That is an aspect of it, but it’s also someone who’s been disrespectful because of these constant insults and cruelties before. When I only wanted to do better, be loved and assist in this war. I never wanted anything like this to happen...
Please stop beating yourself up over this issue you have currently, no-one likes to see another SS hurting this way.

I can completely identify with what you're dealing with and I have wanted to write about it here for a long time... but I feel like speaking on a topic like this can make one come across as weak as well as at times I feel that it would just become a burden for other people since we are all individually having problems of various magnitudes. I'm still trying to work on that.

Look, I have been exactly where you are now albeit slightly different variables to the situation.


We all get frustrated with ourselves and we all make mistakes, anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar, conceited, ignorant or a combination of the three. Unlike those who are without we as SS utilize our introspection and self-criticism for the betterment of ourselves which in turn allows us to help others. If you have been being plagued by what you are experiencing and still continue to push yourself forward by cleansing, meditation and warfare then you've already beaten the worst of this! If you really think about it objectively you will break through these barriers before you know it.

I'm not saying that this will miraculously happen over night but it will happen and you'll look back on this proudly knowing you have toppled another obstacle that stands between you and Satan. Trust me. :)

What used to help me a lot when I was dealing with this was vibrating a SMALL amount of reps of ISA and purposefully and intently cleaning my clairaudience centers and closing them using affirmations that would allow them to re-open on their own accord in a healthy way. Not too long after doing this, the only thing needed was to perform Void Meditation to keep my self-destructive thoughts at bay. Currently, I have been trying my hardest to work on eliminating general cynicism and non-objectively thinking about negative things. This has been ongoing for years now.

Ever since doing those things I have not received ONE negative message that was not from my own mind as well as have heard Satan and the Gods clearly many times. (I still get teary-eyed thinking about it)

I also want to say congratulations because this tactic is often the last-ditch efforts of the enemy trying to keep you from advancing. I'm not saying they will stop... because they will keep trying until they are completely eradicated. Keep in mind that moment draws closer and closer and will be achieved more quickly the more we are actively fighting them.

You have already overcome the battle of misinformation, overcome the "fear" of commitment and dedicated to Satan, overcome the typical tactics they employ to beginner SS (trying to scare you back, "what if I'm not a Gentile", etc) and you have begun one of the hardest tasks of destroying the worst parts of yourself in order to nurture the best within you.
It takes guts to put yourself out there and as I said last time, GIVE YOURSELF SOME CREDIT!!!


You are a proud Spiritual Satanist!!!
We are the spiritual defenders of our home and when we advance enough we will aid the Gods in ridding the Universe of the enemy in their entirety!!!
Satan, the Gods and all devoted SS are standing beside you!!!



Your words comfort me, thank you for not being mean :) (no one here has been so far, so thank you everyone!) yes, I could definitely use more void meditation. My affirmation for psychic hearing/seeing is “my clairaudience points and clairvoyance points are now open, active and positively empowered in a safe, health and manageable way for me, I can easily tell the difference between Satan and the Gods and enemy deception” with the vibrations being Ansuz,Ehwaz,Laguz x40. Also I just remembered Mercury was in retrograde when I started this working… my senses have opened a bit more since starting though, so I’ll keep it going unless I get a strong feeling not to continue.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
