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The Al-Jilwah


New member
Jan 28, 2014
I am confused. When looking up to see more about spiritual Satanism I found a site "http://www.spiritualsatanist.com/articl ... heism.html" that says it has been proven that the Al-Jilwah isn't a Satanic document. I was wondering if those of you who aren't a newbie like me could check this out a verify the validity of its claims because I am not one who is always capable of comprehending what's really the truth. And only because as far as I can tell from the JOS website, is that we accept the Al-Jilwah as Satan's word.

Another question I have is: Do we accept Father Satan as all powerful or just really powerful?

And: Are there enemy gods working against Father Satan? I remember reading something about it, but it wasn't very clear to me.
Please help me to understand and as always, Hail Satan.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "crimsonwolf1134" <red_hell_wolf@... wrote:
I am confused. When looking up to see more about spiritual Satanism I found a site "http://www.spiritualsatanist.com/articl ... heism.html" that says it has been proven that the Al-Jilwah isn't a Satanic document. I was wondering if those of you who aren't a newbie like me could check this out a verify the validity of its claims because I am not one who is always capable of comprehending what's really the truth. And only because as far as I can tell from the JOS website, is that we accept the Al-Jilwah as Satan's word.

Another question I have is: Do we accept Father Satan as all powerful or just really powerful?

And: Are there enemy gods working against Father Satan? I remember reading something about it, but it wasn't very clear to me.
Please help me to understand and as always, Hail Satan.
Stick to the joyofsatan.org website and the sites it links to. Many Satanist sites are wrong. The Al-Jilwah is Satanic but has been altered: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... rines.html

No one is All-Powerful. All Powerful can freaking destroy the universe at will. But we use the universes energy. Father Satan is the MOST POWERFUL being in the universe however. So much power, you would look as all-powerful. Satan is the Highest GOD!

Yes there is Other Alien Species fighting against our Father Satan. They work with the Race of the Jews to keep humanity from evolving into gods. They created the mainstream religions today. We are fighting them throught spiritual Warefare!

This site hasn't "proven" anything. I have done extensive reading and research on the Al-Jilwah and the Yezidis. Isya Joseph did not 'forge' anything. There are many other references as well and it is a known fact historically that the Yezidis are "Devil Worshippers." Many also try to claim the 'Necronomicon' was "invented by HP Lovecraft." The Necronomicon is a powerful grimoire that dates back to the 7th century C.E.

My only guess that some people would have a hard time accepting the Al Jilwah- again, because it has negative references to the jews. This is no different from the CoS and company who claim Satan is only an "archetype."
Again, being a real being, he is a threat to the jews.

The Yezidis rites included sexual orgies and such, no different from the Satanic celebrations of the Sabbats in Europe, such as on the Eve of Beltane. This is hardly xian, muslim or Zoroastrian as mentioned in the quote below from that website:

"The religious beliefs and legends of the Yazidi are known to be loosely based on Zoroastrianism Christian, Islam, Persian and the Vedas."

As for the reference to "Persian" I never heard of any such religious sect.

As for the "Seven Towers of Satan" and the "Seven angels" these are ALLEGORIES. As I have written time and again, 'scholars' and such; those who are without, cannot see. Akhenaton for example, [please excuse me for repeating this over and over and over...ad nauseum], represents the male and the female aspects of the soul uniting as one- the hermaphrodite. Scholars claim Akhenaton had a "glandular ailment" which caused the male and female physical features to manifest.

Nearly everything related to the number seven in spiritual writings has to do with the seven chakras, such as the "Seven Towers of Satan" which are the seven chakras of the human soul; and the "flute shaped chakra" in the middle is the heart chakra.

"God" is a code-word for the self, and/or the chakras. As for the Al Jilwah, like other spiritual writings and texts, when one is open, loyal to Satan and in accordance with his desires, he reveals the 'hidden' meanings of these writings and they all make sense. Those who are without cannot see or understand. They take what is written at face value.

The texts of the Yezidis, which describe the creation are all ALLEGORIES. To understand these allegories [which I might add are essential to advancing in personal power and understanding/knowledge] one must be close to Satan. Satan is the bringer of knowledge and enlightenment. Through power meditation, he opens the eyes of our soul so that we can see. Then, everything makes sense.

Just as in the ancient alchemy paintings, the old wizard stands in a huge mess, everything out of place, dirty, filthy and in the midst of a room full of junk. This symbolizes the 'chaos' in the beginning. When we begin to work using witchcraft/power meditation/spell-working, often we cannot see, thus visualize the bright light needed to correct the mess of a situation or individual problem of magnitude we wish to change within our lives. One must experience this for one's self before one can 'see' or understand this.

Getting started working on a major issue, often the meditations/workings on the problem start out with problems in visulization; things are a mess in the mind, but with the repeated and consistent application of energy, affirmations and such, the meditations/workings become gradually easier. The bright light grows brighter and energy finally comes together and it can be seen. This is the same with healings, whether for one's self or for loved ones. Eventually, the energy, like a laser becomes powerful, focused; the visualizations become more and more real [depending on the strength of the problem, the time with this varies] and then, the desired outcome eventually manifests in reality. Chaos eventually gives way to direction. With spiritual writings, this is given in allegories, due to centuries of persecution, such as the Yezidis have experienced.

Satan guides us to understanding. Those who are without take everything as literal and cannot 'see.' Those of us who are close to and have experienced Satan can see that the Al Jilwah is his revelation. I have also provided several references below of books I have read about the Yezidis and the Al Jilwah.

Certain quotes from the Al Jilwah are quite obvious that they are from Satan and directly conflict with the article on that website:

"I participate in all the affairs, which those who are without call evil because their nature is not such as they approve."

"I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."

"No god has a right to interfere in my affairs, and I have made it an imperative rule that everyone shall refrain from worshipping all gods."
***Satanism is about the only religion that does not preach or demand slavish worship.

"Those who oppose me I afflict with disease"
***No other race on the face of this earth has as many rare and hideous ailments and afflictions as the jewish people. Elephant man's disease, progeria, ALS, and many others. Anyone who doubts that the jews are against and oppose Satan, just read their fucking bible. On every single page of the "holy bible" is the word "jew" and/or "israel" or the name of some jewish archetype, patriarch or other jewish invented and written bullshit.

"I reveal my wonders to those who seek them, and in due time my miracles to those who receive them from me."
****Anyone who has been close to Satan for any length of time knows the truth of the above quote. I have experienced many of his miracles in my life. I am not talking 'coincidences' and such, I am talking MIRACLES.

"I have not taught these teachings, nor do they proceed from me. Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do."
****The above quote speaks for itself here. No one is as persecuted as a Satanist. The Yezidis have endured centuries of intense persecution, especially from muslims, who like xians, mass murdered and tortured anyone who refused their sick perverted filth.

To answer your question, no, Satan is not "all-powerful." Yes, he is powerful, but the enemy has power as well.

Below are some of my references regarding the Al Jilwah and the Yezidis:

The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed, 1975

Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Seabrook, 1927

Yezidism- its Background, Observances and Textual Tradition
by Philip G. Kreyenbroek, 1995

The Yezidis: A Study in Survival by J.S. Guest, 1987

Peacock Angel by E.S. Drower, 1941

The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed, 1975

Devil Worship 1919: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz
by Isya Joseph

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "crimsonwolf1134" <red_hell_wolf@... wrote:

I am confused. When looking up to see more about spiritual Satanism I found a site "http://www.spiritualsatanist.com/articl ... heism.html" that says it has been proven that the Al-Jilwah isn't a Satanic document. I was wondering if those of you who aren't a newbie like me could check this out a verify the validity of its claims because I am not one who is always capable of comprehending what's really the truth. And only because as far as I can tell from the JOS website, is that we accept the Al-Jilwah as Satan's word.

Another question I have is: Do we accept Father Satan as all powerful or just really powerful?

And: Are there enemy gods working against Father Satan? I remember reading something about it, but it wasn't very clear to me.
Please help me to understand and as always, Hail Satan.
I thank you for your answers. They give me confidence.

Hail Father Satan

In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:
This site hasn't "proven" anything. I have done extensive reading and research on the Al-Jilwah and the Yezidis. Isya Joseph did not 'forge' anything. There are many other references as well and it is a known fact historically that the Yezidis are "Devil Worshippers." Many also try to claim the 'Necronomicon' was "invented by HP Lovecraft." The Necronomicon is a powerful grimoire that dates back to the 7th century C.E.

My only guess that some people would have a hard time accepting the Al Jilwah- again, because it has negative references to the jews. This is no different from the CoS and company who claim Satan is only an "archetype."
Again, being a real being, he is a threat to the jews.

The Yezidis rites included sexual orgies and such, no different from the Satanic celebrations of the Sabbats in Europe, such as on the Eve of Beltane. This is hardly xian, muslim or Zoroastrian as mentioned in the quote below from that website:

"The religious beliefs and legends of the Yazidi are known to be loosely based on Zoroastrianism Christian, Islam, Persian and the Vedas."

As for the reference to "Persian" I never heard of any such religious sect.

As for the "Seven Towers of Satan" and the "Seven angels" these are ALLEGORIES. As I have written time and again, 'scholars' and such; those who are without, cannot see. Akhenaton for example, [please excuse me for repeating this over and over and over...ad nauseum], represents the male and the female aspects of the soul uniting as one- the hermaphrodite. Scholars claim Akhenaton had a "glandular ailment" which caused the male and female physical features to manifest.

Nearly everything related to the number seven in spiritual writings has to do with the seven chakras, such as the "Seven Towers of Satan" which are the seven chakras of the human soul; and the "flute shaped chakra" in the middle is the heart chakra.

"God" is a code-word for the self, and/or the chakras. As for the Al Jilwah, like other spiritual writings and texts, when one is open, loyal to Satan and in accordance with his desires, he reveals the 'hidden' meanings of these writings and they all make sense. Those who are without cannot see or understand. They take what is written at face value.

The texts of the Yezidis, which describe the creation are all ALLEGORIES. To understand these allegories [which I might add are essential to advancing in personal power and understanding/knowledge] one must be close to Satan. Satan is the bringer of knowledge and enlightenment. Through power meditation, he opens the eyes of our soul so that we can see. Then, everything makes sense.

Just as in the ancient alchemy paintings, the old wizard stands in a huge mess, everything out of place, dirty, filthy and in the midst of a room full of junk. This symbolizes the 'chaos' in the beginning. When we begin to work using witchcraft/power meditation/spell-working, often we cannot see, thus visualize the bright light needed to correct the mess of a situation or individual problem of magnitude we wish to change within our lives. One must experience this for one's self before one can 'see' or understand this.

Getting started working on a major issue, often the meditations/workings on the problem start out with problems in visulization; things are a mess in the mind, but with the repeated and consistent application of energy, affirmations and such, the meditations/workings become gradually easier. The bright light grows brighter and energy finally comes together and it can be seen. This is the same with healings, whether for one's self or for loved ones. Eventually, the energy, like a laser becomes powerful, focused; the visualizations become more and more real [depending on the strength of the problem, the time with this varies] and then, the desired outcome eventually manifests in reality. Chaos eventually gives way to direction. With spiritual writings, this is given in allegories, due to centuries of persecution, such as the Yezidis have experienced.

Satan guides us to understanding. Those who are without take everything as literal and cannot 'see.' Those of us who are close to and have experienced Satan can see that the Al Jilwah is his revelation. I have also provided several references below of books I have read about the Yezidis and the Al Jilwah.

Certain quotes from the Al Jilwah are quite obvious that they are from Satan and directly conflict with the article on that website:

"I participate in all the affairs, which those who are without call evil because their nature is not such as they approve."

"I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely."

"No god has a right to interfere in my affairs, and I have made it an imperative rule that everyone shall refrain from worshipping all gods."
***Satanism is about the only religion that does not preach or demand slavish worship.

"Those who oppose me I afflict with disease"
***No other race on the face of this earth has as many rare and hideous ailments and afflictions as the jewish people. Elephant man's disease, progeria, ALS, and many others. Anyone who doubts that the jews are against and oppose Satan, just read their fucking bible. On every single page of the "holy bible" is the word "jew" and/or "israel" or the name of some jewish archetype, patriarch or other jewish invented and written bullshit.

"I reveal my wonders to those who seek them, and in due time my miracles to those who receive them from me."
****Anyone who has been close to Satan for any length of time knows the truth of the above quote. I have experienced many of his miracles in my life. I am not talking 'coincidences' and such, I am talking MIRACLES.

"I have not taught these teachings, nor do they proceed from me. Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do."
****The above quote speaks for itself here. No one is as persecuted as a Satanist. The Yezidis have endured centuries of intense persecution, especially from muslims, who like xians, mass murdered and tortured anyone who refused their sick perverted filth.

To answer your question, no, Satan is not "all-powerful." Yes, he is powerful, but the enemy has power as well.

Below are some of my references regarding the Al Jilwah and the Yezidis:

The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed, 1975

Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Seabrook, 1927

Yezidism- its Background, Observances and Textual Tradition
by Philip G. Kreyenbroek, 1995

The Yezidis: A Study in Survival by J.S. Guest, 1987

Peacock Angel by E.S. Drower, 1941

The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed, 1975

Devil Worship 1919: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz
by Isya Joseph

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "crimsonwolf1134" <red_hell_wolf@ wrote:

I am confused. When looking up to see more about spiritual Satanism I found a site "http://www.spiritualsatanist.com/articl ... heism.html" that says it has been proven that the Al-Jilwah isn't a Satanic document. I was wondering if those of you who aren't a newbie like me could check this out a verify the validity of its claims because I am not one who is always capable of comprehending what's really the truth. And only because as far as I can tell from the JOS website, is that we accept the Al-Jilwah as Satan's word.

Another question I have is: Do we accept Father Satan as all powerful or just really powerful?

And: Are there enemy gods working against Father Satan? I remember reading something about it, but it wasn't very clear to me.
Please help me to understand and as always, Hail Satan.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
