I just had a very strange spiritual experience, and I was wondering if anyone has any idea what might have happened.
So basically what happened was:
I was doing a Jupiter square for astral hearing, it's the second time I do one for this, I had good experiences the first time and I decided to try again, I was on the second day of the square and I went Aum Guruave Svaha 3 times in my chakra crown and auditory chakras, after finishing I made an affirmation 8 times and vibrated aum, soon after I started to focus on the auditory points of the head, I lay on my bed for this process and closed my eyes, before closing my eyes I looked at the lamp on the ceiling and when I closed my eyes I saw the light of the lamp still there, there is this light that I saw was moving and changing colors, turning purple and then black, I decided to focus on what I was seeing for a while, until my head started to shake, which is normal for me when I have a spike of energy mainly energy going up my spine, but this time I shook until my face started to hurt, but it didn't feel like a normal pain, it was like the sensation of pain was something that existed inside my face it was weird but right after i started to feel like i was spinning really fast and hard but i was completely still and with my eyes closed, at first i thought i felt like i was spinning, then i thought that it felt like something around me was spinning, but the spins of that something went through me causing discomfort and pain, but I didn't feel that these pains were bad, the feeling was strange, and with time it felt like I had gone into a trance, I didn't there were but my thoughts, just like with me in trance, but I could at the same time understand that wu was thinking things, but without expressing them, my body at that point was hard as stone, until out of nowhere everything stopped and I got up from the bed. bed, I was very hot afterwards, I felt like I had a fever.
While writing the above I remembered one more thing, I'm starting to test a meditation I created using HP information about it, which is currently corrupted, it's the So Ham meditation, it's currently used breathing in while thinking So, breathing out while thinking Ham, and after finishing focusing on the third eye, but according to some sermons this was changed from the original, which would be used to raise energy up to the seventh chakra, so I started testing the meditation breathing in, thinking So, visualizing the energy rising from the chakra base up to the crown chakra, breathing out, and thinking Ham while focusing on the crown chakra, I've been having results, I wonder if this could have anything to do with what happened.
So basically what happened was:
I was doing a Jupiter square for astral hearing, it's the second time I do one for this, I had good experiences the first time and I decided to try again, I was on the second day of the square and I went Aum Guruave Svaha 3 times in my chakra crown and auditory chakras, after finishing I made an affirmation 8 times and vibrated aum, soon after I started to focus on the auditory points of the head, I lay on my bed for this process and closed my eyes, before closing my eyes I looked at the lamp on the ceiling and when I closed my eyes I saw the light of the lamp still there, there is this light that I saw was moving and changing colors, turning purple and then black, I decided to focus on what I was seeing for a while, until my head started to shake, which is normal for me when I have a spike of energy mainly energy going up my spine, but this time I shook until my face started to hurt, but it didn't feel like a normal pain, it was like the sensation of pain was something that existed inside my face it was weird but right after i started to feel like i was spinning really fast and hard but i was completely still and with my eyes closed, at first i thought i felt like i was spinning, then i thought that it felt like something around me was spinning, but the spins of that something went through me causing discomfort and pain, but I didn't feel that these pains were bad, the feeling was strange, and with time it felt like I had gone into a trance, I didn't there were but my thoughts, just like with me in trance, but I could at the same time understand that wu was thinking things, but without expressing them, my body at that point was hard as stone, until out of nowhere everything stopped and I got up from the bed. bed, I was very hot afterwards, I felt like I had a fever.
While writing the above I remembered one more thing, I'm starting to test a meditation I created using HP information about it, which is currently corrupted, it's the So Ham meditation, it's currently used breathing in while thinking So, breathing out while thinking Ham, and after finishing focusing on the third eye, but according to some sermons this was changed from the original, which would be used to raise energy up to the seventh chakra, so I started testing the meditation breathing in, thinking So, visualizing the energy rising from the chakra base up to the crown chakra, breathing out, and thinking Ham while focusing on the crown chakra, I've been having results, I wonder if this could have anything to do with what happened.