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Satanist with mental health issues


Oct 4, 2020
[email protected]
Hello, I am writing for advice here, I did the dedication ritual to Satan when I was about 16 years old, pricked my left index finger too and then I started mediating and all went well. Then I came to this forum and I got really scared because of the fascism and then I had a mental breakdown and was sent to psychiatric ward by my Christian parents. Then I got out and tried to not go to church but I was bullied into going back to Christ. Now I am 20 and had another breakdown. This time I was diagnosed with F.31 which is BAP. Now I am never going to church again and I will do my best do meditate a lot daily. Now I know that my faith is true. I have only heard Father Satan twice but I always felt his presence. Any tips on how to meditate properly, which meditations should I do like open the soul and what should be done daily ? Any advice is good, the longer the better. Thanks, Paul from Slovakia.
Bipolar Bear said:
I will reply because I find your name really funny.

The first thing you need to do is ensure you are not still taking any anti-psychotic medication that these psychiatrists likely told you to take. Do not stop it completely right away as this could have heavy withdrawal effects, but instead slowly reduce the dosage you take every few weeks until you eventually take none of it anymore.

Prioritize Void Meditation above all else, as it is an immense help for those with mental issues. It will help you stay calm and in control. Try to do it atleast twice daily for 3 minutes each (or longer if desired).

Once a day, vibrate "RAUM" into your body for 36 times and state the affirmation "In a positive and happy way for me, my mind and soul are completely clean at all times."

This should be enough to start. Keep doing these as you go off the medication slowly, and once you feel like you can do more, let me know and I will reply back to you again.
Shael said:
Bipolar Bear said:
I will reply because I find your name really funny.

The first thing you need to do is ensure you are not still taking any anti-psychotic medication that these psychiatrists likely told you to take. Do not stop it completely right away as this could have heavy withdrawal effects, but instead slowly reduce the dosage you take every few weeks until you eventually take none of it anymore.

Prioritize Void Meditation above all else, as it is an immense help for those with mental issues. It will help you stay calm and in control. Try to do it atleast twice daily for 3 minutes each (or longer if desired).

Once a day, vibrate "RAUM" into your body for 36 times and state the affirmation "In a positive and happy way for me, my mind and soul are completely clean at all times."

This should be enough to start. Keep doing these as you go off the medication slowly, and once you feel like you can do more, let me know and I will reply back to you again.

Thanks, I will have to have my medication reduced by my psychiatrist, but it will go down slowly, I can't reduce it on my own. Thanks for the tips on meditation too. More replies are welcome too.
Keep your faith about Satanism to yourself and you will do good... Having xtian family members that know about you being a SS is very unideal, so keep it to yourself.

If you start to have some bad episodes then up your aura cleaning and aura protection efforts not to forget void meditation. Build a strong foundation so to speak so you can later on stand tall firmly.

Basics are aura of protection, aura cleaning, chakra spinning, void meditation and breathing excercies. For aura cleaning and aura of protection you can use mantra + visualisation tehnique for more effective approach, but doing only visualisation is good enough also. Search the forums for different topics about these two activities. You will find a lot of useful info.

Add physical yoga and some mantras on top of that and you are to a good start. Keep doing whatever you are doing daily, and you will see results pretty soon. Keep on building on those results. Try something different every once in a while, and eventually add something new to your daily routine or switch things up so that you get different stimulus for different results.

You might or might not have heard of HP HC666 40 day program, look that up. Also something else to consider is the 6 month program. You can find it here

Do not forget to hit that final rtr every day. Use the evilgoy.com timer for it. Using timer for that ritual is very important at this point of time.

Oh, and one last thing. I think the eight fold path deserves a mention here..
Bipolar Bear said:

Here is a thread on daily routines that should give you a good idea of a program. As far as bipolar goes, you should try a wunjo working for emotional stability or Satanama for general balancing. Yoga and alternate nose breathing also aid in balance. See this thread on balance by HPHC.

Do lots of RTR's and you can also use demonic blue flames/energy to cleanse yourself and your environment. This should help remove any past issues from Christianity. The fact that you are back here is a pretty good sign though.

You should work on reducing your meds, they are no good. Continue treatment in the form of talking and what not, but I wouldn't take any of those drugs.
I would also advise Traditional Chinese Medicine support for this. I have read about certain herbal formulas that are used to treat emotional imbalance and work for Bipolar very well. If you have the means, look around for a clinic to help you. They will also give general lifestyle advice that would indirectly help you, on the physical level.

Anyway, good luck to you, and welcome back!
Henu the Great said:
Blitzkreig said:
This is just to note that, while your advices are valid, it's best to take it slow until he fully gets off the medication. These cases are usually quite fragile, so I would recommend to stick to just the basics I outlined for the time being.
Big thanks to everyone who replied, I will do my best to meditate as often as possible also doing some yoga whenever I can, but living under the same roof with 3 xians is very hard. I will try to move out as soon as possible.
Bipolar Bear said:
Big thanks to everyone who replied, I will do my best to meditate as often as possible also doing some yoga whenever I can, but living under the same roof with 3 xians is very hard. I will try to move out as soon as possible.

Great name pal, well when you are happy it is.

This is a great religion to help you advance although be careful doing kundalini as this can make you go into Crazy Bipolar Bear mode.
Bipolar Bear said:
Then I came to this forum and I got really scared because of the fascism

What makes you think we are Fascist?

Read my signature "National Socialism is not fascism, fascism is not National Socialism. Why are we memetically assaulted into a lump labelled fascism. Do you, pinko, know what fascism really is?"

You do realize we are not Fascist technically we support it as it's not communism but Fascism has a lot of flaws and can be viewed as an enemy system not outright enemy but technically not really National Socialist.

I really have no idea why everyone lumps us as Fascist. It makes absolutely no sense I guess all the decades of kosher supervision has created a weltanschaang(World-view) of retardation on the senses of people. And how can you get scared of our National Socialism or Fascism as you supposedly call us. If anything it should make you happy and go let me research this stuff and figure out why these guys are NatSoC.



SatChives ghostbanned videos: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/SajDEf33UJd3/ / https://www.bitchute.com/video/ToRBxUZdrWmM/

As well as Magenta666 video on George Lincoln Rockwell extended discussion: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4pbtIfGgX88z/

Again Fascism lacks a lot of stuff compared to NatSoc, even Knufjen's 1911 Swedish National Socialist Government has superior attributes in comparison to Fascism it's one of the reasons why the N.R.M.(Nordic Resistance Movement) uses a lot of Swedish Nazism to create their own O.R.I.O.N.(Our Race is Our Nation) NatSoc system sure it employs some Hitlerian era NatSoC but most of it is their own system not necessarily and recreation outright of German National Socialism.
Gear88 said:
Bipolar Bear said:
Then I came to this forum and I got really scared because of the fascism

What makes you think we are Fascist?

Read my signature "National Socialism is not fascism, fascism is not National Socialism. Why are we memetically assaulted into a lump labelled fascism. Do you, pinko, know what fascism really is?"

You do realize we are not Fascist technically we support it as it's not communism but Fascism has a lot of flaws and can be viewed as an enemy system not outright enemy but technically not really National Socialist.

I really have no idea why everyone lumps us as Fascist. It makes absolutely no sense I guess all the decades of kosher supervision has created a weltanschaang(World-view) of retardation on the senses of people. And how can you get scared of our National Socialism or Fascism as you supposedly call us. If anything it should make you happy and go let me research this stuff and figure out why these guys are NatSoC.



SatChives ghostbanned videos: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/SajDEf33UJd3/ / https://www.bitchute.com/video/ToRBxUZdrWmM/

As well as Magenta666 video on George Lincoln Rockwell extended discussion: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4pbtIfGgX88z/

Again Fascism lacks a lot of stuff compared to NatSoc, even Knufjen's 1911 Swedish National Socialist Government has superior attributes in comparison to Fascism it's one of the reasons why the N.R.M.(Nordic Resistance Movement) uses a lot of Swedish Nazism to create their own O.R.I.O.N.(Our Race is Our Nation) NatSoc system sure it employs some Hitlerian era NatSoC but most of it is their own system not necessarily and recreation outright of German National Socialism.

Obviously i respect my fellow ssrs views.

In UK our British union Of Fascists historical leader said the movement Fascism became the name to describe it best.

Sir Oswald Mosleys views were that National socialism and fascism, in his view the same movement.

Sometimes its used interchangeably, but whilst being here i have downloaded a few documents that disagrees with this, mainly due to Race.

Im a member of the new BUF over here.

Get bad press getting called a fascist or a nazi all the time.

Our hero is Adolf Hitler but its hard these days to get that out in the open dont get me wrong we do our best.

Back to the OP

Bipolar Bear hope you are okay. But this is our views we are fascist/national socialists.

Hail Satan
Hail Jos
Gear88 said:
I really have no idea why everyone lumps us as Fascist. It makes absolutely no sense I guess all the decades of kosher supervision has created a weltanschaang(World-view) of retardation on the senses of people.
You said it. It's the damn jews, again.
Gear88 said:
Bipolar Bear said:
I really have no idea why everyone lumps us as Fascist. It makes absolutely no sense I guess all the decades of kosher supervision has created a weltanschaang(World-view) of retardation on the senses of people.
Indeed is mainly because of the modern progressist/neomarxist culture that has brainwashed humanity. Every person with traditional/conservative values is labeled by media and even by the justice system as a far right extremist, therefore a fascist or nazist. People are confusing them because of lack of education and knowledge and believe they are both same `far right extremism`.
Yes, I understand that I was scared because of the years of brainwashing by general opinion, what was said in school, what was said in church where I had to go even though I didn't want to.
Now I realize that, Hitler was really the good guy here and it's very sad that he did not manage to accomplish what would be good for all of us.
I am really sorry about my past mistakes, hope you can forgive me.
Bipolar Bear said:
Yes, I understand that I was scared because of the years of brainwashing by general opinion, what was said in school, what was said in church where I had to go even though I didn't want to.
Now I realize that, Hitler was really the good guy here and it's very sad that he did not manage to accomplish what would be good for all of us.
I am really sorry about my past mistakes, hope you can forgive me.
Don't worry, you are doing fine. :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
