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Reminder for new members


Active member
Mar 10, 2022
I wanted to remind all new or intermediate members of the importance of liberation and cleansing.

There are many drosses in the soul and it will take time to remove them all, but this process is essential to reach higher goals and to gain personal power, and it will also make you feel better.

Here is a list of the main ones:

For the newer ones you can start removing most of the curses with the FRTR, to make it more effective do it to yourself and visualise all the curses disappearing, you can also visualise chains breaking, as many of us come from the false "abrahamic" programs and these programs enslave you from an early age, programming your mind like with hypnosis, this can be an example of a chain.

For those who have used porn, they need to do a more intense release and cleansing depending on how much they have used it, here the process is the same only you focus more on the second chakra.
Porn is full of jews and full of lots of subliminals, and before you know it they will be part of your "philosophy of life" a bit like the false "abrahamic" programs, these subliminals lead to degeneration, an example can be seeing women as objects (=blocks to the feminine side of the soul), then there is the mixing of races, and can go as far as incest, child abuse, and fetishes on animals and the dead.
80-90% of the actors are Jewish, and as much as you connect to them through masturbation, their soul will drain you and affect you negatively.
By doing liberation and cleansing you will feel much better.

For those who were in the false "Abrahamic programs" you will still have to do liberation and cleansing, as the FRTR will only help you up to a point, as the connection to an enemy program can be much deeper.

Many of us may have experienced traumas, big or small they are always blocks in the soul, here the process of liberation can be concentrated in the 5th chakra and in my experience it is as if it is co-governed by the 2nd chakra. A trauma can also be related to a person, such as an abusive parent or a bully of the most stubborn kind, so it is appropriate to disconnect contact with these people.
The same applies to depression and suicide attempts or thoughts.

A very important point is the masculine and feminine aspects of the soul, which are fundamental to achieving balance and power, and are therefore a requirement for Kundalini work. In today's society there are a lot of pitfalls, males have to repress the feminine to be cool, porn harms both sides and can create deep insecurities (hence blocks), females to be cool have to repress or objectify their femininity, going as far as shame, LGBT teaches females to hate males and then brainwashes them about Transgenderism, attacking both male and female. These jews have created endless confusion, sorting this out may require a separate post. It will require liberation, purification and healing.

Then we have the harmful addictions: cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, fast food, excessive and compulsive use of social media, energy drinks and more. Even if you've quit this crap, you'll still need to do some freeing and cleansing from the negative effects. If you haven't stopped, you need to stop now! These drugs ruin your body and soul and reset your spiritual progress and can potentially lead to death or madness. There are already posts on the forum about this, use the "search" function.

In general, also everything related to self-delusion of all kinds.

This process is long, but necessary, so it is worth starting it at the earliest possible date. In this process you will explore your whole life and remove any negativity, you will have to free your soul from all negative connections and all negative traumas, I mean all of them. Keep in mind that when you clear your soul there will be negative energy coming out, this is where cleansing will come in, which will be done after the daily work of clearing.

The advice is to start from where you are worst off, and do the liberations by category, here organisation is needed. You can also maintain an indefinite work of general liberation that does not end in 40 days, but you can extend it for 180 days or even more, general liberation should accompany you during this long process. During liberation or cleansing, especially deep cleansing, you may have the feeling that your whole perception of the universe is an illusion, as if you had been living in a matrix of lies. There are more stubborn blocks, so you have to relax and surrender to the liberation. It can be very helpful to keep notes on your feelings and progress if you get the chance, you can also ask a Demon to help you in this process, but you will have to really want to. Doing trance affirmations (self-hypnosis) can also help.

I probably haven't described everything we need to get rid of, but if it comes to mind I will write it down, in another post I will give examples of affirmations and work. Much more information can be found on the forum and there will be new sermons from the HP soon.

As for past lives, I'm just doing a general clearing at the moment. I think going into specifics is more advanced.

Good Luck!
Hail Astarte!
Hail Satan!
Wonderful post, well done.

The amount of trauma and other things to work through within ourselves can seem very daunting at first like a mountain of issues that will take too long and too much effort, but the sooner we start working through it, the sooner we will start to feel better.

The other option is for people to keep doing what they are doing, even filling their life with distractions, and never touch this work and continue to suffer.

It's better to start on that mountain today. Even if it sucks and we don't want to bother, we just need to do it. Like I always say, "Sometimes you just have to do things you don't want to do so that you can do things you do want to do." It's worth it.
Excellent post Brother, keep up your advancement.
Şeytanın hep kötü olduğu söylenerek büyüdüm ve okuduklarımdan tam olarak anlamadım sayfada bi çok bilgi yer alıyor nerden başlamam gerektiğini bilmiyorum bana yardımcı olurmusunuz?
Veritá_666 said:
For those who have used porn, they need to do a more intense release and cleansing depending on how much they have used it, here the process is the same only you focus more on the second chakra.
Porn is full of jews and full of lots of subliminals, and before you know it they will be part of your "philosophy of life" a bit like the false "abrahamic" programs, these subliminals lead to degeneration, an example can be seeing women as objects (=blocks to the feminine side of the soul), then there is the mixing of races, and can go as far as incest, child abuse, and fetishes on animals and the dead.
80-90% of the actors are Jewish, and as much as you connect to them through masturbation, their soul will drain you and affect you negatively.
By doing liberation and cleansing you will feel much better.

Can masturbation while contemplating demonic sigils also help in this issue?
My scheme on this kind of workings will be this:

Choose a Munka working for general negative karma wich will be done in the next years, atleast once a year. Same rule for money and health workings

Do a working with Munka, Ansuz or a similar rune to clear all the obstacles in a major negative aspect in life, then a working to empower the weakness

Deep cleanings must be taken in consideration, Sabbath dates are extremely useful
Elas Qilar said:
Veritá_666 said:
For those who have used porn, they need to do a more intense release and cleansing depending on how much they have used it, here the process is the same only you focus more on the second chakra.
Porn is full of jews and full of lots of subliminals, and before you know it they will be part of your "philosophy of life" a bit like the false "abrahamic" programs, these subliminals lead to degeneration, an example can be seeing women as objects (=blocks to the feminine side of the soul), then there is the mixing of races, and can go as far as incest, child abuse, and fetishes on animals and the dead.
80-90% of the actors are Jewish, and as much as you connect to them through masturbation, their soul will drain you and affect you negatively.
By doing liberation and cleansing you will feel much better.

Can masturbation while contemplating demonic sigils also help in this issue?
Personally I have never done such a thing, if I had the seal of my Demon Lover I would do it every day.

Essentially you connect to their soul in this way, in the case of the jews it's negative because they are parasites, in their spiritual systems there are parasitic meditations.
Great post, it gives me a better understanding on using the RTRs on myself.
Many thanks!
The perfect post at the perfect time. Like Shadowcat said, many people do not clean enough. I'm one of those that tends to "be too busy" to clean my Soul and it shows as the amount of bullshit and bad behavior collected is constantly piling up, and won't go away by just ignoring it.

It's scary how the whole porn program can lead people to completely destroy themselves and never advance. I thought I was done with this problem, but because I have not eliminated the root, that "plant" grew back and resulted in more confusion. The fact that I let the words of some clearly deluded ex Brothers and Sisters touch me didn't help either and I became more confused than ever.

Thank you for taking the time to write this. I'm in a phase of total reconstruction and I forgot the first thing before I do anything else is to clean myself, or anything I build will shake and crumble anyway, leading to nothing.

If you do have more advice or specific affirmations and Runes to apply to each chakra just for cleaning them completely, you're more than welcome to share. I'll be very grateful for that.

Veritá_666 said:
I wanted to add that you should not strengthen the chakras, because in this way you also strengthen the dirt.

After this long work you might consider upgrading.

Ok, but how do I know I am cleansed enough for this? Would doing both be a bad idea? I have been doing aura of protection daily for more than 5 years, for instance. I have done the munka meditation too (among other things concerning cleansing). Am I cleansed enough? I don't if you have read about Asanas + Mantras by Egon, but I have been feeling very good since I started following those exercises that strengthen the chakras as well. I know these exercises are for more advanced satanists, just to make it clear.
I am not being sarcastic: what is the average age here? Are the people who write these guides already working, etc.? For example, the first comment of this topic is 5200 characters, but it ends by saying that it hasn't covered everything. Of course it is good if a person can do spiritual work all day long. (If you really do it and not just write about it.) But are there programmes for people who are not 25, tired and busy?
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
The perfect post at the perfect time. Like Shadowcat said, many people do not clean enough. I'm one of those that tends to "be too busy" to clean my Soul and it shows as the amount of bullshit and bad behavior collected is constantly piling up, and won't go away by just ignoring it.

It's scary how the whole porn program can lead people to completely destroy themselves and never advance. I thought I was done with this problem, but because I have not eliminated the root, that "plant" grew back and resulted in more confusion. The fact that I let the words of some clearly deluded ex Brothers and Sisters touch me didn't help either and I became more confused than ever.

Thank you for taking the time to write this. I'm in a phase of total reconstruction and I forgot the first thing before I do anything else is to clean myself, or anything I build will shake and crumble anyway, leading to nothing.

If you do have more advice or specific affirmations and Runes to apply to each chakra just for cleaning them completely, you're more than welcome to share. I'll be very grateful for that.

Basically, if you don't cleanse your sacral chakra and of course your whole soul you can't get rid of the unhealthy porn addiction you have and you will end up with psychological problems and blockages that will gradually destroy you. On top of that, porn ''kills'' your kidneys and their vital essence, in other words Jing.

Given your problems, do as much and as soon as possible soul-liberation work. You can use Ansuz+Uruz+Thurisaz 40 times each, followed by an affirmation. If you don't feel drawn to the runes you can use either Muñka 111 times or Surya or Vishuddhi. These mantras are very good at cleansing and eliberation.
SatanicSpirit666 said:
Basically, if you don't cleanse your sacral chakra and of course your whole soul you can't get rid of the unhealthy porn addiction you have and you will end up with psychological problems and blockages that will gradually destroy you. On top of that, porn ''kills'' your kidneys and their vital essence, in other words Jing.

Given your problems, do as much and as soon as possible soul-liberation work. You can use Ansuz+Uruz+Thurisaz 40 times each, followed by an affirmation. If you don't feel drawn to the runes you can use either Muñka 111 times or Surya or Vishuddhi. These mantras are very good at cleansing and eliberation.
Munka is for liberation and Surya is for cleansing.
They are different processes
Also the Esabat for purification is happening April 1st which is a good day to make a lot of headway for those who are new, be sure to couple it with extra protections as well.

more information- https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=257348
Açelya said:
Şeytanın hep kötü olduğu söylenerek büyüdüm ve okuduklarımdan tam olarak anlamadım sayfada bi çok bilgi yer alıyor nerden başlamam gerektiğini bilmiyorum bana yardımcı olurmusunuz?

Yes. Please visit Turkish forum.

Türkçe foruma gelirseniz daha rahat yardımcı olabiliriz. Burası İngilizce konuşan Spiritüel Satanistler için. Türkçe kısmı daha rahat bulmanız için link bırakıyorum. Tek cümleyle özetleyecek olursam: Satan insanlığın özgürleştiricisidir ve bu hediyeyi (“yasak” meyveyi) verdiği için köle gibi tapınılmayı talep eden sahte tanrı tarafından iftiraya uğramıştır.

Fanboy said:
Veritá_666 said:
I wanted to add that you should not strengthen the chakras, because in this way you also strengthen the dirt.

After this long work you might consider upgrading.

Empowering the chakras, and cleaning the chakras is an exactly identical technique.

Also what is this shit about "LGBT teaching you"?
LGBT Just is a label for a bunch of different people. Homosexual men don't hate women, and lesbians don't hate men. Anyone who has some LGBT friends knows about this. We are peaceful and cool.

Just because someone is different, or making choices you disagree with doesn't mean they are "unclean" or that they "need to stop now!" Kindof crap. That's just christian propaganda

People change gradually in their own time, at their own pace. The druggie and porn users know how bad it makes them feel. They are trying hard to quit, and they just need some love. That's all
It's jews who run lgbt, the opinion of some of your friends peace, weed and race mixing counts for nothing.

What I said there is true.
Fanboy said:
Veritá_666 said:
I wanted to add that you should not strengthen the chakras, because in this way you also strengthen the dirt.

After this long work you might consider upgrading.

Empowering the chakras, and cleaning the chakras is an exactly identical technique.

Also what is this shit about "LGBT teaching you"?
LGBT Just is a label for a bunch of different people. Homosexual men don't hate women, and lesbians don't hate men. Anyone who has some LGBT friends knows about this. We are peaceful and cool.

Just because someone is different, or making choices you disagree with doesn't mean they are "unclean" or that they "need to stop now!" Kindof crap. That's just Christian propaganda

People change gradually in their own time, at their own pace. The druggie and porn users know how bad it makes them feel. They are trying hard to quit, and they just need some love. That's all

LGBT refers to the organisation lead by the kikes who brainwashes people into marxist concepts, hook-up culture, how to be a carefree NPCs, and so on. It doesn't refer to homosexual and bisexual people as a whole. It also includes "transgender" and other things that do not exist.

Fanboy said:
Dark Lawyer said:
I am not being sarcastic: what is the average age here? Are the people who write these guides already working, etc.? For example, the first comment of this topic is 5200 characters, but it ends by saying that it hasn't covered everything. Of course it is good if a person can do spiritual work all day long. (If you really do it and not just write about it.) But are there programmes for people who are not 25, tired and busy?

We are tired too. Us children are fighting hard. you can do your meditations and yoga as much or as little as you want, it's not that hard sir.

Start with this. And in the meantime Learn the runes, and the serpent meditations, and the merkaba meditation, and the elements. These are the biggest things.


Work at your own pace. Research the jos website all the sermons and the meditations and such. It was written by full time working adults if it makes you feel any better. Feel free to ask me anything.

That's far from being a starting programme. This person barely started meditating and you're already suggesting him advanced work (elements) and intermediate work (everything else you mentioned). They should work easily with the basics: void meditation, trance, aura cleaning, aura of protection, breathing exercises, full chakra meditation. One should stick to the beginner section when they are beginners, and for some it may take years to move out of it, especially if they are not consistent. Doing work from more experienced sections does not benefit them any more than the beginner section. If anything, they will not even reap the benefits from them and will not advance at an appropriate pace, but lag behind instead.


@DarkLawyer: spirituality is not a game nor a hobby. And there are some people here who are very busy already in their 16, having to work to support themselves because their parents are addicts/degenerates, they were thrown out or something like that. You don't need to be above 25 to be busy. Some people also have children before that age, which is supposed to be the norm if most NPCs did not have developmental delays due to being shallow and thinking only about entertainment or other peculiar developmental issues of Millennials, Zoomers, and after.

If you really don't have the time, just doing the basics as highlighted at the end of the 40-day programme will be sufficient to progressively lessen the burden of daily until you have enough time because of a better schedule, retirement, or whatever.
Veritá_666 said:
I wanted to remind all new or intermediate members of the importance of liberation and cleansing.

There are many drosses in the soul and it will take time to remove them all, but this process is essential to reach higher goals and to gain personal power, and it will also make you feel better.

Here is a list of the main ones:

For the newer ones you can start removing most of the curses with the FRTR, to make it more effective do it to yourself and visualise all the curses disappearing, you can also visualise chains breaking, as many of us come from the false "abrahamic" programs and these programs enslave you from an early age, programming your mind like with hypnosis, this can be an example of a chain.

For those who have used porn, they need to do a more intense release and cleansing depending on how much they have used it, here the process is the same only you focus more on the second chakra.
Porn is full of jews and full of lots of subliminals, and before you know it they will be part of your "philosophy of life" a bit like the false "abrahamic" programs, these subliminals lead to degeneration, an example can be seeing women as objects (=blocks to the feminine side of the soul), then there is the mixing of races, and can go as far as incest, child abuse, and fetishes on animals and the dead.
80-90% of the actors are Jewish, and as much as you connect to them through masturbation, their soul will drain you and affect you negatively.
By doing liberation and cleansing you will feel much better.

For those who were in the false "Abrahamic programs" you will still have to do liberation and cleansing, as the FRTR will only help you up to a point, as the connection to an enemy program can be much deeper.

Many of us may have experienced traumas, big or small they are always blocks in the soul, here the process of liberation can be concentrated in the 5th chakra and in my experience it is as if it is co-governed by the 2nd chakra. A trauma can also be related to a person, such as an abusive parent or a bully of the most stubborn kind, so it is appropriate to disconnect contact with these people.
The same applies to depression and suicide attempts or thoughts.

A very important point is the masculine and feminine aspects of the soul, which are fundamental to achieving balance and power, and are therefore a requirement for Kundalini work. In today's society there are a lot of pitfalls, males have to repress the feminine to be cool, porn harms both sides and can create deep insecurities (hence blocks), females to be cool have to repress or objectify their femininity, going as far as shame, LGBT teaches females to hate males and then brainwashes them about Transgenderism, attacking both male and female. These jews have created endless confusion, sorting this out may require a separate post. It will require liberation, purification and healing.

Then we have the harmful addictions: cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, fast food, excessive and compulsive use of social media, energy drinks and more. Even if you've quit this crap, you'll still need to do some freeing and cleansing from the negative effects. If you haven't stopped, you need to stop now! These drugs ruin your body and soul and reset your spiritual progress and can potentially lead to death or madness. There are already posts on the forum about this, use the "search" function.

In general, also everything related to self-delusion of all kinds.

This process is long, but necessary, so it is worth starting it at the earliest possible date. In this process you will explore your whole life and remove any negativity, you will have to free your soul from all negative connections and all negative traumas, I mean all of them. Keep in mind that when you clear your soul there will be negative energy coming out, this is where cleansing will come in, which will be done after the daily work of clearing.

The advice is to start from where you are worst off, and do the liberations by category, here organisation is needed. You can also maintain an indefinite work of general liberation that does not end in 40 days, but you can extend it for 180 days or even more, general liberation should accompany you during this long process. During liberation or cleansing, especially deep cleansing, you may have the feeling that your whole perception of the universe is an illusion, as if you had been living in a matrix of lies. There are more stubborn blocks, so you have to relax and surrender to the liberation. It can be very helpful to keep notes on your feelings and progress if you get the chance, you can also ask a Demon to help you in this process, but you will have to really want to. Doing trance affirmations (self-hypnosis) can also help.

I probably haven't described everything we need to get rid of, but if it comes to mind I will write it down, in another post I will give examples of affirmations and work. Much more information can be found on the forum and there will be new sermons from the HP soon.

As for past lives, I'm just doing a general clearing at the moment. I think going into specifics is more advanced.

Good Luck!
Hail Astarte!
Hail Satan!

Great post!
Açelya said:
Şeytanın hep kötü olduğu söylenerek büyüdüm ve okuduklarımdan tam olarak anlamadım sayfada bi çok bilgi yer alıyor nerden başlamam gerektiğini bilmiyorum bana yardımcı olurmusunuz?

bunu okuyarak başlayabilirsin ayrıca türkçe forumda sorarsan daha çok yardımcı olurlar
Stormblood said:
Fanboy said:
Start with this. And in the meantime Learn the runes, and the serpent meditations, and the merkaba meditation, and the elements. These are the biggest things.


Work at your own pace. Research the jos website all the sermons and the meditations and such. It was written by full time working adults if it makes you feel any better. Feel free to ask me anything.

That's far from being a starting programme. This person barely started meditating and you're already suggesting him advanced work (elements) and intermediate work (everything else you mentioned). They should work easily with the basics: void meditation, trance, aura cleaning, aura of protection, breathing exercises, full chakra meditation. One should stick to the beginner section when they are beginners, and for some it may take years to move out of it, especially if they are not consistent. Doing work from more experienced sections does not benefit them any more than the beginner section. If anything, they will not even reap the benefits from them and will not advance at an appropriate pace, but lag behind instead.

THANK YOU, I was about to tell him just that but you got here sooner. That's nowhere NEAR a starting programme. I should know, cuz 20 years ago I thought this was the answer too. I dwelled in all the above ones and more, thinking SS was merely about "super charging" ourselves and that the cleansing and liberating the Soul part was something "for wimps" can displayed weakness.

So I followed plenty of elemental work, used the MerKaBa for a while (not long cuz I couldn't feel anything from it, and I later understood why I didn't), and all that stuff Fanboy mentioned.

Fanboy, I assume you are a teen, maximum 20 years old, correct? Consider yourself lucky if you are, cuz you can correct the HUGE mistake you're making and not repeat mine. I'm 40 now and finally working on cleansing my Soul and removing bindings and curses, and for the FIRST time in my life it's doing something to propel me forward and make me advance in some measures.

Telekinesis, Pyro, superpowers and Dragonball level meditations are NOT for beginners.
The first thing you wanna do is healing your Soul and freeing it from ALL the bindings and bullshit curses the kikes spat on us. If you DON'T do that first, all your hard work and meditations will be completely pointless, and the elemental energy (which you won't likely even feel much) is going to DESTROY your sanity, making you unawarely develop thoughts and vices you never thought you could like, but you will, and the more you do this self-destructive shit, the worse it will get to free yourself.

Verità_666 is absolutely correct here.
Don't rely on kike programs and wrong ideas to sculpt yourself, cuz if you're truly aiming for Godhood, those ideas are never going to work and you'll hate yourself in the end.

Focus on cleaning and freeing. You'll know when you're doing it right cuz it feels beautiful. It's like removing a tick from your leg. It's been there for so long you think it's normal, but when you take it off you see the difference and could never go back to the pitiful state you were in before.

I suggest you take the advice Verità_666 suggested to me (see above) and use mantras like MUNKA and AUM SURYAE with a powerful affirmation like "I am completely and permanently freed from all bindings and curse upon me. My Soul is completely released and free, forever." (This is the one I'm using.)

Hope you'll heed these advices cuz you DO NOT WANT to end up finding they where right in 10 or 20 years from now... you'll kick yourself as I've done. So take it from someone who's been there. Be SMART.

SatanicSpirit666 said:
Basically, if you don't cleanse your sacral chakra and of course your whole soul you can't get rid of the unhealthy porn addiction you have and you will end up with psychological problems and blockages that will gradually destroy you. On top of that, porn ''kills'' your kidneys and their vital essence, in other words Jing.

Given your problems, do as much and as soon as possible soul-liberation work. You can use Ansuz+Uruz+Thurisaz 40 times each, followed by an affirmation. If you don't feel drawn to the runes you can use either Muñka 111 times or Surya or Vishuddhi. These mantras are very good at cleansing and eliberation.

Thanks for your advice. I'm using MUNKA x40 then an affirmation and AUM SURYAE x9 in the end. This was a HP Maxine working posted on the Romanian Forum, given to me by a Sister.

I also have started to almost unawarely chant URUZ and have been attracted to the combination of Runes you wrote.. think it's a good sign, I'll use them too. They have a lot of Z sound, and I found it to be very powerful when vibrating ZEUS a couple years ago, useful to raise the bioelectricty like DAGAZ.

Good advice!

SatanicSpirit666 said:
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
The perfect post at the perfect time. Like Shadowcat said, many people do not clean enough. I'm one of those that tends to "be too busy" to clean my Soul and it shows as the amount of bullshit and bad behavior collected is constantly piling up, and won't go away by just ignoring it.

It's scary how the whole porn program can lead people to completely destroy themselves and never advance. I thought I was done with this problem, but because I have not eliminated the root, that "plant" grew back and resulted in more confusion. The fact that I let the words of some clearly deluded ex Brothers and Sisters touch me didn't help either and I became more confused than ever.

Thank you for taking the time to write this. I'm in a phase of total reconstruction and I forgot the first thing before I do anything else is to clean myself, or anything I build will shake and crumble anyway, leading to nothing.

If you do have more advice or specific affirmations and Runes to apply to each chakra just for cleaning them completely, you're more than welcome to share. I'll be very grateful for that.

Basically, if you don't cleanse your sacral chakra and of course your whole soul you can't get rid of the unhealthy porn addiction you have and you will end up with psychological problems and blockages that will gradually destroy you. On top of that, porn ''kills'' your kidneys and their vital essence, in other words Jing.

Given your problems, do as much and as soon as possible soul-liberation work. You can use Ansuz+Uruz+Thurisaz 40 times each, followed by an affirmation. If you don't feel drawn to the runes you can use either Muñka 111 times or Surya or Vishuddhi. These mantras are very good at cleansing and eliberation.
What is the process by which it "kills" your kidneys? Is it from ejaculating too often?
Goast-The Lone Wolf said:
What is the process by which it "kills" your kidneys? Is it from ejaculating too often?

Too much salt and oxalates causes kidney stone and excessive ejaculation or release of semen damages the kidney. Balance is key.
Veritá_666 said:
Good Luck!
Hail Astarte!
Hail Satan!

Is the final rtr the only thing we should focus on or are there others like the freeing of the soul MUNKA vibration?
Lasollor said:
Veritá_666 said:
Good Luck!
Hail Astarte!
Hail Satan!

Is the final rtr the only thing we should focus on or are there others like the freeing of the soul MUNKA vibration?
If you are referring to curses, then FRTR is the best, but you can also do Serpents Rituals (3 in 1).
Eagle Bearer 666 said:

I did all the mistakes in the book too because of being impatient and rushing, even if I have a much higher aptitude for meditation and any type of spiritual practice (including witchcraft) than most. Thankfully, I have managed to bring it under control after several years, which is why I've been on a mission to try and ground people. I don't want people to repeat the same mistakes but in some cases it cannot be helped and they need to walk the wrong route themselves.
RockSeed13 said:
Goast-The Lone Wolf said:
What is the process by which it "kills" your kidneys? Is it from ejaculating too often?

Too much salt and oxalates causes kidney stone and excessive ejaculation or release of semen damages the kidney. Balance is key.
What exactly is excessive do you think? I've seen recently that doctors recommend sex or masturbating 21 days out of the month which is almost everyday. Do you think this is too much? I used to have to have sex or masturbate at least once before bed or I couldn't sleep. Is daily too much? I'm not that horny anymore at 36 but I rarely like to go more than 3 days unless I'm really depressed...
I don't see any problem with incest, I think this is an issue that needs to be addressed directly and not ignored. What could go wrong if I marry my sister and decide that we won't have children at all? I think you should not use consequences of inbreeding to criminalise incest in general. I welcome the views of others here...thank you.
Goast-The Lone Wolf said:
What exactly is excessive do you think? I've seen recently that doctors recommend sex or masturbating 21 days out of the month which is almost everyday. Do you think this is too much? I used to have to have sex or masturbate at least once before bed or I couldn't sleep. Is daily too much? I'm not that horny anymore at 36 but I rarely like to go more than 3 days unless I'm really depressed...

Once a day is excessive, I think so. I only release once a week, it really depends on the individual. There is a member here that masturbates once every three days, so it's probably fine for you.

Crying baby said:
I don't see any problem with incest, I think this is an issue that needs to be addressed directly and not ignored. What could go wrong if I marry my sister and decide that we won't have children at all? I think you should not use consequences of inbreeding to criminalise incest in general. I welcome the views of others here...thank you.

Bro, gross. :shock:
Once a day is fine for those who have higher sex drives. It's on the JoS, where it talks about making the male elixir. Lady Maxine specifies there need to be several hours of distance between your ejaculation orgasm and your sexual alchemy.
Goast-The Lone Wolf said:
RockSeed13 said:
Goast-The Lone Wolf said:
What is the process by which it "kills" your kidneys? Is it from ejaculating too often?

Too much salt and oxalates causes kidney stone and excessive ejaculation or release of semen damages the kidney. Balance is key.
What exactly is excessive do you think? I've seen recently that doctors recommend sex or masturbating 21 days out of the month which is almost everyday. Do you think this is too much? I used to have to have sex or masturbate at least once before bed or I couldn't sleep. Is daily too much? I'm not that horny anymore at 36 but I rarely like to go more than 3 days unless I'm really depressed...
It's completely fine.
Crying baby said:
I don't see any problem with incest, I think this is an issue that needs to be addressed directly and not ignored. What could go wrong if I marry my sister and decide that we won't have children at all? I think you should not use consequences of inbreeding to criminalise incest in general. I welcome the views of others here...thank you.
You are sick nonetheless. Knowing that a relative is attractive is one thing, but having sexual attraction towards them is a symptom of a sick mind. jews literally practice this and it's normal for them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
