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Dealing with Astral Entities: On Dreams
by HoodedCobra666 Feb 13, 2018

There is a lot of in-depth knowledge that can be shared on dreams, but because of the enemy's interest in this craft, and also how even some Jews like Freud and others who have attempted to decode and steal this knowledge, it has to be kept brief for the time being. In other words the enemy is just very thirsty to know about this matter as there is not much info around.

The dreams one experiences come in many levels. What level the dream corresponds to, one needs experience to understand, and spiritual insight. Depending on one's insight, one can also understand their dreams aside a level.
One example is how many people see dreams of the 'apocalypse'. This is because a lot of people are enforced in this meme and this scares the mind. This is a scenario of ultimate fear. This is why the enemy keeps using it, and all the catastrophe involved. This creates the ultimate feeling of PTSD and worry for the mind, so the more one delves on it, the more the mind becomes shattered. The brain possesses this as danger, and therefore attempts to live this scenario to be better prepared to deal with it in the walking life and to absorb the unimaginable shock of it. So for this reason people can dream this dream over and over, until they really believe it. This is the use of fear for those who are gullible. This is one level of the same dream, a very basic level.

Another level of it is simply a spiritual level, where the enemy enforces this dream with spiritual means. Dreams can come from external sources, not only internal sources, and how actual is the dream, one needs to have spiritual experience and an open consciousness to understand. Obviously many people don't know this, therefore they think it's 'Prophecy' or 'God' talking to them.

There are also many level of dreams in the sense, if one goes hungry to their bed, they may see that they are eating. This is a very common dream and happens for obvious reasons, the person is hungry. Sometimes a dream can have a mixed message, for example, one eats, but one eats in a specific way and conversations with one specific person. This dream can have a different meaning than simply eating.

Other dreams are also the dreams of sex. For example someone sees they have sex with a specific woman, or a person they do not like, or a person they like. If the person in their walking life desires this specific woman, this can mean many things, depending on the situation. In the situation where one is already intimate with the woman, this can be a push or an omen that something may happen in the future, or that they need to work in that direction. If one doesn't know the woman, it could be a woman that saw them this day and is strong and did obsess over them, or just a simple imagery that was conjured to satisfy the need for sex.

Dream analysis is like trying to analyse a web and it's a high spiritual practice that requires also realism and knowledge of Symbols. Symbols are the way through which our unconscious mind tries to communicate our Subconscious. Some dreams happen on one level that is higher, others on a lower. Most people see low level dreams. However some people are born with a spiritual gift (this is in the chart as well) and they can see omens, the future, and important happenings, or tend to have more deep dreams than others. This can also come with an instinct on the dreams. People who had this power in the Middle Ages were exterminated, as this power can escalate into other powers.

Dream Yoga goes into this, this can be turned into voluntarily dream astral projection etc.

This is why Jews like ‘Fraud’ have completely failed on this interpretation, because their soul is lacking and it cannot explain anything deep on these matters. So Freud made all these bizarre theories that for a male to see their mother is because every Goyim wants to have sex with their mother. Again the Jew projected his own mental issues and turmoil to other Gentiles. However this is not the case why Gentiles in most situations see these dreams. This is not the case the majority of the time, and such dreams are symbolic as well. Freud was just talking about the soul of their Reptilian and Jewish race.

Two people may see the same thing but for completely different reasons, because the souls are different. It's well known the Jews are a race that is heavily, if not the most, inbred on the planet, so to see such a dream would have a different interpretation for a Jew than for a Gentile. So this practice is quite common to them.

(((Scientific))) Fraud Freud did this on purpose to create guilt and mental issues to Gentiles.

Because the bible says it's sinful to do this, but oy vey, you dreamt about it anyway Goyim, so go repent to Jewsus now. The typical meme they always do. Lack of knowledge, fear and instilled complex is used to control the person. The same thing Jews in every science they touch. It turns into the profit of the Talmud.

On the other hand, Carl Jung, who was a Gentile, had a better perspective and understanding of dreams. This is because with the eyes of his soul he was more capable to understand and decode these matters. While Fraud approached these dreams as the little mind trying to 'do the forbidden' and all the rest of the Jewish 'taboo bullshit' (remember Jews come from a culture of intensive Reptilian restriction), Jung approached dreams as an open way that the unconscious mind tries to let you know about something that is required for your path.

The same 'culture' that was enforced on the Pagan/Satanic Soul (As the Jews admit) of Gentiles, is completely against to our nature and our creator (Satan). So our mind revolts consistently and tries to break these Jewish imposed limitations. The Gentile Soul is different, and to impose a Jewish system on it, creates mental illness and neurosis. Just look at your average Christian and you will see why. These people are broken on the inside.

In closing dreams are a very complex system of symbols. The more one grows the more they can understand these symbols, and also, there are levels of dreams. Modern psychoanalysis and dream analysis is a fraud, so people studying this need to be on high alert. Every person is their own soul and universe, especially when it comes to dreams, aside of a few things we share.

I will write on more specific examples in future posts, like dreams analysed etc.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


R e: Dealing with Astral Entities: On Dreams
by a Forum Member » Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:51 am
Freud's entire circle of scat anal-yst school were all Kikes. The only Goy was Jung and this is due to Freud stating they need a front Goy to hide behind to the Goy public. From Freud's letters and statements of those who knew him. Freud was a typical Gentile hating, supremacist Kike. Who by his own admission just created a cheap psychological weapon to attack and destroy Gentile society with. Psycho babble analyst of Freud is just purposeful Jewish subversion of Gentile society. Its a cheap Jewish trick. But also shows how fucked up Jews are in the head.
Jung realized how disgusting Freud and Kikes were and left the whole thing. And worked to attempt to Gentilize psychology this is why Jung is remembered as someone despite himself being a Nazi who worked for the Third Reich, as being a person who contributed something to society. They gave Jung a pass because they like him so much. Jung's best friend was Serrano who was also a Nazi and was close friends with Devi who wrote the Lighting and the Sun. Serrano stated Jung's problem was he could never fully let go of the frame work of psychoanalyst which was totally materialistic. From studying Jung in school its obvious however Jung took his own work from Yogic and Hermetic knowledge it was an occult doctrine that he secularized.


Cashless and Automated Society
By HP. Hoodedcobra666 Sep 14, 2018

There are many people who keep on the same progressive understanding as launched by the jews, that a cashless, all digital society, is the future. Full of automation, where there is no labor from humans And it probably is. And there are forces competing on where this future will go. Unfortunately Gentiles are not on the prospectful side of it, jews are.

This is constantly repeated by the new prophets of the religion of Nerdism, that now hope, that they will rule the world with machines and automation. The machines will also be so clever and superintelligent and serve these nerds loyally so they can bring them abducted waifus and almost instantly generated MacDonald. And the nerd slept happily ever after in a dream where the super intelligent machine did still not figure out how retarded and morbidly human and frail the Nerd is.

But in reality it will figure it out While people try to keep a positive mindset they do not understand that none of this is existentially valid or natural. Our privacy has been completely shattered. Since everything is connected to the internet, everything communicates. Your TV in the living room is nothing less than what Orwell perceived as the Communist rule in his writtings.

There are two ways the future can escalate. Automation is hapenning more and more but so do people keep breeding stupidly and carelessly. Ie, there will be many mouths to feed, an ever growing demand of jobs and cash, in an era where automation will start becoming the rule.

There is endless strain and pollution put on the planet as a result. There are endless mobs of people with infinite numbers that need to and want to survive. This creates enviromental disasters and all sorts of other problems which require technology to solve. And can only be solved by such to avoid everyone dying. This is an endless vanity circle.

The other was this can go is the positive way. Humans, free from the forced labor in the past, finally have time for information and elevation rather than forced slavery of the past. Everyone finds the JoS and humans live happily ever after in spiritual and technological godlike levels wih elevated responsibilities and freedoms. But as you can see this has one requirment. Free world, strong individuals, and self understanding on a very large and global scale. And to kick off the reptile offspring aliens from our planet.

Jews grovel over the fact of the greater Singularity as they called it. While Gods and Satan gave us the internet, to manifest their era better, the jews are looking over one thing to do with the internet, namely, to link everything and enslave anyone through means of technological connection. They constantly say this is how it's gonna happen.

At first how this should go is through the spreading of the internet worldwide. Then, how this will go is by manifesting a global currency. The final stage is a global government imposed by jews and globally enforced Communism and Judaism.
I have seen the praise for Automation and how this will do great things for mankind. For one, humans will have nothing to do with their time. People are not going to suddenly become spiritual and suddenly elevate. Technology has only increased the power to waste one's time, waste one's life pointlessly, except of the good things it has done. This is observable in all people below the age of 25 right now.

Lives are being wasted. To assume that furthering technology will bring people to a spiritual understanding is absurd. People will just be for their majority steeped in higher and more HD meaninglessness of existence.

Humans normally seek spirituality to fill in for material or to solve big problems. This is also true in that natal charts do not borne the majority of people as naturally interested or inclined to the occult. The majority of humans are sheerly materialistic. When machines and other things will solve all our problems, humans will simply start shrinking. This has already largely happened.

Now for the automation of labor, this is stupid. Why? One needs to look at history. The global situation has only improved because laborers and others have been mistreated by the "ruling classes". These things created revolts, such as the industrial revolution. Since the "ruling classes" were overrun by the mobs, there was no mass surveillence, and the state has had loose power over the people, people gradually overthrew those in power or changed the circumstances. This was however based on one thing: the rich needed the poor to work for them.

In the future of automation with jews at the top as the proconceuved creators of this "future", that all these communist retards praise, plus when all currencies will be digital (and therefore all transactions controlled) any sort of revolution will no longer be possible or plausible. You will not be able to buy a plastic kitchen knife without all the jewish armed forces of the planet being notified. You will not be able to think mean things about the jews without them getting it "as if by telepathy" from a wireless microchip implanted in your brain. The list goes.

Now tell me, will the ruling jews from mega companies need your labor 30 years from now, for very specific things if robots can do them? Better be served by robots 24/7, rather than have "worthless goyim" working for you, and on top of this, complain, need better rights, and also the looming possibility of revolting against you and even killing you. Of course robots that advanced could do the same, but the jewish parasitic brain thinks simply.

What will the mobs mean to a digital multibillionaire man who can hire robots in the hundreds of thousand to have his own army? Also, as we expand and explore, the cashless system will allow for trillionaires and all sorts of incomprehensible amounts of wealth, centered only at few.

As to what jews will do with this power I let it to your own.

The jews right now already are largely detached from goyim labor. Just lookaround and you will see this. See how google always acts in their own progressive leftist interest and it's evident.

They even attack the so called democracy they spoon fed the goyim for the last decades.
Because it is clearly no longer needed.

The only reason jews believe goyim were kept on this planet was to work them and because they were required for such.

But when machines will "serve" them all they do is keep some slaves to slave for specific things for them and that's it. The slave could therefore revolt against the "master" due to proximity. In the future this will not be possible whatsover.

This will happen if jews keep the world in their hands, and what will happen to others? They will simply be exterminated.

This is outlined in the Bible. The jews will rally people by forced to accept their digital system. Then, an "angel" will be called to kill one third of the planet, then another "angel" will exterminate the "disbelievers" and so forth.

Mark Zuckerberg also said in an interview in harvard that simply the goyim of the planet will be living on a trivial universal income of like 500 bucks a month when not working. Given to them by a global jewish ruling bank. Now since the Singularity will have happened and they will know humans in and out, do you think that they will allow amy threatening human to their order exist?

The goyim will be living like zoo animals who will be given some food just to live, this is essentially what Zuckerberg said. And the jews clapped furiously.

Now take a look on Zuckerberg and tell me, do you believe in this privacy invading reptile that it will all be alright? Even his social media network generated from his reptilian type of autism just ruined humans to the point nobody talks to anyone else anymore in the subway, train or anywhere else. He "connected" humans just to ultimately disconnect them. And hook them to an ad network that generated him as one of the worlds deciding forces.

The white person that everyone scorns on this planet was of the few species that irrespectively of military and other power that was incomprehensible, did also show humanity to others. Even today White nations are the only nations which have taught any basic ethics. And even today the jewish nation is the only nation that constantly attacks these new freedoms in a balanced power. And still strives for their ancient aim of enslaving humans for no valid reason.

The WWW or 666 is the key to our salvation as a species. Satan has put his obvious signature here. The freedom of the WWW or in linear words, the Internet, is going to be paramount in the future of mankind. The enemy tries to control this, monitor this and so forth. This is like trying to control all the oceans of all the galaxies with simple dams. The internet belongs to all mankind by default and is a reflection of our minds as a species. In the same way the majority is duped by jews, so does it manifest in the internet the jews control it. It's clear in the internet way more people are woke compared to the observation of the material world, because people keep their mouth shut about it. Even the latest American President was elected rather from their existence on the internet and through it, rather than the traditional jewish dictations in the Talmud Vision.

He may not be ideal but the good news is that the Beast (666 WWW) is rising. The people the jews hate can exist in this alternate material dimension and have results physically through the internet.

Even nowadays we were growing towards an impossibility of such revolt of values and society however since the enemy has a physical and almost impenetrable system and stranglehold.

The internet exposed them. We are lucky to have the RTRs and be able to revolt. As it is clear only with spiritual means could this situation be tackled. We will win at the last minute.

If we do not keep doing the RTR and keep breaking the jewish stranglehold, this world will simply be doomed. Those who do not understand it do not history, nor its patterns, and are simply cowards. We are not like these people.

The glories of the age of Aquarius must be spread evenly, with purity and blessedness on the people of the earth.

Corrupted heartless reptiles seriously need to go. The age of aquarius will bring power to the common man (it already has) but we must also ensure this power is decent, and is also compassionate.

We are standing on the cutting edge of history and it's do or die right now. Do not delay. Keep doing the RTR to clean our planet and help it elevate on a high level against all prior suffering imposed on us by cheap forces.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Re: Cashless and Automated Society
Postby Mageson666 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 2:54 pm
If the Jews bring in UBI and automation then society is simply going to look like the USSR. A handful of all powerful owners and the mass of proles living in a brutal welfare state level of existence.

However the problem is the nature of the capitalist system is leading to this conclusion. And the political class does not have the care to stop it as they are part of the plutocracy. The only thing to change this is a mass labour movement that demands the end of automation of their jobs and the end to the undercutting of their wages and the end to the shipping on their jobs over seas with globalization and the end to private banking systems, artificial scarcity, inflation and massive taxation and an end to Wall Street. And the end of monopoly.

That is going to take a movement that is basically a new National Socialist movement. The problem if one studies the Protest Movement most of them didn't even understand the nature of the capitalist system they were protesting so what demands can be made then.... The German National Socialist movement understood the nature of the system they were protesting so they were able to make the changes where they needed to be made.

The National Sociaist government is not studied in schools because its social and economic polices provide a alternative to Communist ideology. So most people go to Communism as the solution. In Germany when the National Socialist government had put its policies into action most everyone stopped supporting the Communist movements. And support the National

Re: Cashless and Automated Society
Postby Mageson666 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 2:58 pm
When I was in college I was surrounded by Communists from open old school types to cultural Marxists. Cultural Marxists are fucking retarded. However the old school Communists can hold a conversation on economics, politics' and history. The understanding of it all lays in what is value...… Labour is value and money is given value by labour however the Capitalist have claimed the opposite in their own propaganda. So the question becomes how to solve the contradictions in Capitalism Marx stated..... Simply pass law that demands the worker is entitled to ninety percent of the value he makes an hour for the employer the rest going into business costs and what is left to the ownership. This can be negotiated on depending on terms like pensions and other benefits. This allows the workers to have the fruits of their labour and provides a massive spending into goods and services which keeps the economy strong that would solve Marx's major contradiction of capitalism that undercutting the workers wages causes the economy to collapse. This might involve worker councils a guild style economy.
Re: Cashless and Automated Society

Postby Mageson666 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:30 pm

Just putting a number out there that is high to get people to understand things. However in a major corporation with thousands of employees making them millions of dollars a day even five percent is still a major weekly pay check for the owners. High wages allow for massive consumerism in society and allows them to sell more to the public so they make it back anyway to a great degree. Wages have to be kept high to allow for the proper cycle in society.

The problem is the owners don't want to pay high wages which is giving back TO THE VALUE OF LABOUR so they send your job to China or put a robot in its place or bring in millions of illegals to work cheaper. Then everything dries up, so they create more global markets and push globalization because they don't want to pay a high wage. Sooner or later the cycle falls apart.

The formula is based on not wanting to understand labour is the value of money and is what makes money have value. This also comes from the mentality that capitalism has created in society its a liberal form of economics where its all about the individual and how much profit they can grab for themselves at the expensive of everything else. There is no value on labour, nationalism, community or the environment or even other people in general. Which is why so many Socialist and Labour movements arose to combat this problem.

In capitalism the value of a human being by its definition is only determined by their value to the market place at the time. So you a have system that is designed for trouble.

Bull Gotze wrote:
Mageson666 wrote: Simply pass law that demands the worker is entitled to ninety
percent of the value he makes an hour for the employer the rest going into business costs and what is left to the ownership. This can be negotiated on depending on terms like pensions and other benefits.
That formula seems far fetched. Business owners can also claim intellectual property as justification, they provide jobs through their creation. And many buniness owners expect their business to grow which seems hard to accomplish with only 10% of the revenuestream. Especially in small businesses. Imagine creating a highly accomplished clothing brand and having your entire human resources eat 90% of the generated wealth with YOUR IDEA.

Re: Cashless and Automated Society
Postby Mageson666 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:44 pm
When the fake Libertarians whine about Socialism they never mention what causes the rise of Socialism which is they define as the welfare state......Is the Liberal Capitalism they promote as some virtue. The capitalists come and undercut wages, they suck up the money with usury, artificial scarcity, and monopoly that causes the wealth to dry up for the society so the government then is forced to step in and offer welfare and other programs to take up the slack off the social collapse because people need to live. The capitalists don't mind this as it allows them to keep looting for awhile longer till people start to revolt against them.
Its funny because Socialism as they define it is the reaction to the very policies they promote in society, historically. But then they play this fantasy game that somehow that's not the capitalism in this book they wave around so the last several hundred years now don't count somehow magically...Well yeah its not...Its how capitalism works in the real world moron. How many more centuries is it going to take these retards to figure that out. Then factor in those books where all wrote by guys on the pay roll of the very capitalists doing the opposite of the book..... Its cheap propaganda to pillow talk the public as originally the public morality was against capitalism and its usury. They needed a marketing campaign to get the public to accept their own fleecing.

Re: Cashless and Automated Society
by HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:08 pm
Capitalism to me is nowhere close as detestable and deserving of hate as Communism or even Socialism and Leftism. Socialism in all places where it has been applied like Cuba or recently Greece (it caused the financial recession and it was planned to do such) is dangerous. People then beg for a return to Capitalism which cannot happen by default at this point. So we have a generation of a slave sate. This later leads directly to Communism. It can only sustain itself in countries where before there was resonant Capitalism to have produced (or borrowed) enough free money to distribute.
Capitalism is not equally evil as Communism or anything related. But that doesn't make it good either. It cannot be that evil and the people wouldn't tolerate it for a lot of time if it were such. It's designed as the 'soft hand' of the system. Socialism is the tightening of the grip. And Communism is the chocking.
Leftism is this bullshit equality pill all over again which is against all forms of nature. The "left" is based on unnatural pretexts to support itself. Leftism is just bullshit, it doesn't achieve anything for a country in it's sole "Leftist" form and is a corrosive jewish front. The foundations of Leftism for too long have been corrosive Jews.

What will the Leftist Corbyn guy in Britain do with his "Workers" Party? Ensure conditions where Muslims can have 12 children instead of 6. Yay for 'worker rights' and the left.

However the reason it's not about rallying anyone in the Gulag instantly but rather creates the circumstances for it later, does not make the Capitalist system worthwhile or deserving of any respect.

Capitalism is a necessary step for the jews to expand and consolidate the power of money and business over all humans, nations and labor on earth. Some Gentiles can also get prosperous in this process. There is middle class and lower and upper middle class in Capitalism which also sustains freedom of speech and to some extent a degree of control. This is why Capitalism has not manifested into it's final result with then Socialism and then Communism.

I have not studied all Capitalist scholars and businessmen to be evil pricks and bad bosses.

With quite an amount, it's the contrary. It would be unfair to like curse them in one swoop. They could create a lot more in a different system with the same skillset they posses.

Profit is the only viable aim to live for in a world which is build on materialism. Capitalism is softer of a way to go about this 'profit' compared to Communism for example. Those who blame Capitalism are stupid. Capitalism began and emerged from negative preconceptions of the past.

Re: Cashless and Automated Society
Postby Mageson666 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:35 pm
Capitalism is to be blamed for ruining society on every level and creating the problems that lead to total social collapse and the massive inequality between the classes that leads to Communist ideology gaining ground. Marx was writing along with the other Leftist thinkers in the time when capitalism was unleashed. The first socialist workers revolt was in the 14th century in Italy. For the same reason there will be another one at some point. The history of capitalist is people revolting against it. Capitalism does not value race, spirituality, nature, honesty or human beings only profit and the cost of this profit is the loss of race and nation and morals. We can always make a new economic system but we can't get our eco system or race back when its gone. It also creates an artificial social order that ruins everything.

The situation is today people don't understand that they owe their better standard of living to the Leftist Labour movements and Socialist movements. That forced ethical reforms that gave the workers back the fruits of their labour in higher wages and benefits which allowed the standard of living to rise drastically. The same is noted in the National Socialist Germany for the same reasons. Capitalist on its own looks identical to Communism both are State capitalist models run by a government of thieves.

I have worked mainly in non Union jobs the Union makes sure people are treated better and get higher wages and benefits. That is Leftism for the worker. However globalization has destroyed the Union. The National Socialist government created a national labour union for the workers.

Eqaulity is a real thing and society must have social equallity to stay together. That is what the Consitution does it gives people equality before a common law. Wiithout social eqaulity which gives people equal access to resources need to succeed you can't have a mertiocracy. Without equality you end up with stagnation and class warfare. People need to understand this vs equality of outcome which does not exist as nature is diversifaction. You need this to have a society.

Re: Cashless and Automated Society
Postby Mageson666 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:45 pm

The only way to go is by abolishing capitalism and replacing it with a new economic moral system that is based on practical understanding of what the economy really is and how everyone is included into it and what it serves. The National Socialists already did this.

This is the third way beyond capitalism and communism. This failure to resolve this is going to be the end of civilization and the planet unless its dealt with.

Re: Cashless and Automated Society
Postby HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:48 pm

Mageson666 wrote: Capitalism is to be blamed for ruining society on every level and creating the problems that lead to total social collapse and the massive inequality between the classes that leads to Communist ideology gaining ground. Marx was writing along with the other Leftist thinkers in the time when capitalism was unleashed. The first socialist workers revolt was in the 14th century in Italy. For the same reason there will be another one at some point. The history of capitalist is people revolting against it. Capitalism does not value race, spirituality, nature, honesty or human beings only profit and the cost of this profit is the loss of race and nation and morals. We can always make a new economic system but we can't get our eco system or race back when its gone. It also creates an artificial social order that ruins everything.

The situation is today people don't understand that they owe their better standard of living to the Leftist Labour movements and Socialist movements. That forced ethical reforms that gave the workers back the fruits of their labour in higher wages and benefits which allowed the standard of living to rise drastically. The same is noted in the National Socialist Germany for the same reasons. Capitalist on its own looks identical to Communism both are State capitalist models run by a government of thieves.

I have worked mainly in non Union jobs the Union makes sure people are treated better and get higher wages and benefits. That is Leftism for the worker. However globalization has destroyed the Union. The National Socialist government created a national labour union for the workers.

Eqaulity is a real thing and society must have social equallity to stay together. That is what the Consitution does it gives people equality before a common law. Wiithout social eqaulity which gives people equal access to resources need to succeed you can't have a mertiocracy. Without equality you end up with stagnation and class warfare. People need to understand this vs equality of outcome which does not exist as nature is diversifaction. You need this to have a society.

It should be clear I mention about the perversion of the original left. Basically the 'left' never existed, it was marketed like 'left and right' after the jews took over the democratic process in the 18th and 19th century in France and buying their way into politics.

The original thinkers who are identified as the 'fathers of the left' like Rousseau, you have to be a criminal to not accept the things they said. And also it's pointless to call them 'leftists'.

Leftism was hijacked in the 19th century by top jews to be perverted. I have explained on the subject before as well.
Equality became flattening of all values, while it was before equality in front of common law and abolishing the beyond judgement hieratic 'codex of rights'. Now 'equality' just means the same bullshit of assimilation policy the Capitalists support for mass cattle.

Worker unions became trash unions of jews who just sit there, get paid, and do nothing and achieve nothing for workers anymore.

Freeing the slaves was about white people in white lands.

Giving to the weak meant to not allow controlled capitalist famines and other perils.

"The left" does not value race or anything else either. The left as compared to the 'right capitalists' also does not care about race, ethnicity or anything else. All it understands is "workers of the world unite" and the rest of the Commie garbage.

Studying the primordial fathers of what later was called "Left", there is no reason to call them leftists anymore or fathers of the 'left'. And there is no reason to support any traditional 'left' or right. They are both the same shit, lead to the same outcome, from a different perceived side.

It's all vanity.

The jew just divided white thinkers with great ideas like Voltaire and Rousseau and others in categories like 'leftists' and 'right wing' to destroy and fragment their teachings. All of which were necessary. The 'radical right' teachings of Nietzsche are as necessary as the radical 'left' teachings of Rousseau.

The thing is one can dig and find good things about the right and the so called 'left' simply because Whites were behind both movements that gave a fuck to improve the planet one way or another. Whites can have the shittiest system and they will try to make things better anyway.

So it's all irrelevant the only thing that really matters is National Socialism.

Re: Cashless and Automated Society
Postby Mageson666 » Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:40 pm

Originally the left was those opposed to the Feudal regime the ancient regime this becomes a term from the French revolution which is liberal revolution against the ancient regime. This is why all leftist ideology is to a large extent based in liberal thought. The Founding Fathers of America were leftists in their time. People who understood there is no Jew for a God anywhere.

The traditional Left did value race many Leftist thinkers such as Jack London believed in Racial Socialism and the improvement of the race and protecting the environment. They were antiChristian and jew.

What your talking about is equality of outcome which is based the ideal of radical egalitarianism which does not exist. However the ideals of equality where based on meritocracy. And came from a time when the ruling ethos was most people are born to be slaves to the Ancient Regime and that is all. This change in thinking to egalitarianism was needed to improve White society.

Whites have always lived in a egalitarian society before Christianity. This is our nature and its our strength as it creates the meritocracy which powers our race.

The problem has been the Jews got into this with Marxism and they took over the Libertarian schools of thought as well with kikes like Emma Goldman and all this nonsense. That is why the success of the Enlightenment was National Socialism they kicked the kikes out of their program.

You need to be anti-Semitic to succeed.

The Left current went into different directions this includes the major German Socialist revolution that Wagner and others where part of. Wagner then decides to use art as the vechile of the revolution and inspires and becomes friends with Nietzche who creates a openly Pagan philosophy in Germany. This influences the creation of the desire for a return to a tradtional German society beyond capitaism, communism and christianity. This current ends in the creation of National Socialism. Which is the fulfilment of the enlightenment was to return European society to its Traditional Pagan soul. The Opera of Mozart the Magic Flute was the enlightenment Opera its an attack on the Catholic Church and the promotion of Pagan spiritual enlightenment. Wagner carries this tradtion on. And Wagner hated the Jews as well.

It was Wagner that influenced Hitler. Every Nazi rally was a Wagnerian Opera. It was as a young man while listening to a Wagner concert that Hitler had his revelation from the Gods as to his mission on earth. To this day Wagner is banned in Israel.

Re: Cashless and Automated Society
by Mageson666 » Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:44 pm

The problem is reaction to terms like equality we need to define terms there meaning and context. And not just dismiss them off hand.

Shit liberty is the Jewish corruption of Enlightenment values which ends in Marxism.

The problem has been Jews using Xianity to ruin Enlightenment values. Due to this Marx is really the King of the Shitlibs. Liberalized Xianity ends in Marxism. When Xianity falls all this nonsense will go with it.

When a person understand the paradigm there is only two directions Marxism which is where everything is heading towards due to this current. Or National Socialism. A society built on Xianity, shitlibery and capitalism ends in Marxism.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
