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Raw Meat, Filthy infiltrators, My reaction

Luna Black

Active member
Mar 11, 2018
I was checking out some old sermons related to health and diet.
Some random guy comes in to comment that raw meat is so healthy and feels so great to him. Yeah it must feel great to YOU, because YOU HAVE REPTILIAN GENES, YOU FILTHY UNNATURAL ABOMINATION !!!!!!!!
The natural aryan reaction to even thinking about eating that, should be utter disgust.
These monsters find even raw human meat tasty can they be taken as any sort of advice givers...
How much more have our knowledge has been muddled at every occasion by the enemy...
There is a dish made with raw meat and spices, meant to be smear on your bread, called Filet American.

And there are also people that eat raw fish, sushi, haring...

I think that rather than just calling everything from an animal that is raw disgusting to eat (pretty much what your post sounds like)..

There is not always the best foods around.. but this post is more venting than being informative. Just saying. And Im a bit sad that Im wasting my time on this.
...I'm not quite sure what you mean. People eat sea food and sushi quite often. Asians do that - and they seem to be doing quite well.

I don't think you should judge a dish just because it uses something raw. It depends on the culture as well and there are a few cases were raw meat isn't that much of a big deal, especially when it comes to sea food and some fish.
This is raw meat and it’s delicious

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
