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Question #3407: To find someone


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I hope someone can answer me.Yes,I am aware of the lovely gods who are by my side,I can't see them completely,only crazy lines or something like that and I feel them like a chill,somehow I was more open,we have been together for many years.When I was sitting in bed and talking with them,I-I felt the middle of my forehead and after a while I saw someone for a few seconds,he was very familiar to me,that's why I memorized his face.I want to know if anyone recognizes him by the fetures that describe them.He was a middle-aged man,he had a square face,blond hair divided into two parts with side parting and short (his hair was slicked back),small blue eyes,a big nose,thin lips ( he was laughing in the pictures),I'm not sure what color it was wearing a cream or brown cloth coat.Sorry,my English is not good,I hope you can understand.I don't know for sure if Joi Of Satan is on sale,I didn't find it.Thank you for reading .❤️😊
If he isn't described on JoS site, then I think it is less likely that you will get answer here, because it would require someone who has astral senses and knows this particular God.
Also, I am almost sure this God would be most happy if you would keep working on your astral senses, so you would get to know his name by yourself. And you can treat it is as drive for doing meditations (well, it would be considered as motivation and some people are saying that it is better to not rely on motivation, so i don't know).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
