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Question #300: Is racemixing against the Gods?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I want a straight foward answer from the Gods or Satan. Is racemixing against the Gods wishes? Im getting answers from forum members (muh white race) about this and they keep telling me it is. Though id like to get some truth.
Yes and it's against the very natural order of things. Do you see lions going out of their way to mate with tigers?
It is propaganda pushed by the jews to destroy the gentile races.
Well if you ask here you can't expect the Gods to write you here... It's not only about "muh white race", It's about all the races. If all the races start mixing then every race will disappear with time, some very quickly like the Whites, and others more slowly. The souls will not be able to reincarnate and basically, the races created by Satan will not exist anymore. On top of all these people will be less intelligent and less healthy too.
You want to talk to the Gods? Learn evocation and ask them yourself! Or are you too lazy to do any real work on your own? You come here asking a question like this and expect an answer directly from the gods, but don't want us chiming in? :lol:

It doesn't take a genius to figure out who is asking this question, but I won't reveal your name to save you the embarrassment. I have a feeling you won't last long here, anyway considering how new your account is and the only thing you've been asking about is "is it okay for me to f*** multiple white women even though I'm brown?" As far as trolls go, they don't make em much more obvious than you.

You could rephrase this question as: do the Gods want the races to be destroyed? That's what race mixing amounts to. The answer is obvious. If you need it spelled out for you, you're in the wrong place. You know the answer, you just want it to be different so you can continue to justify polluting the gene pool.
What are you talking about, all true SS here, no matter what race, advise against racemixing.

Why destroy the diversity nature created among us, every other species on the planet procreates with their own - bUt wE hUMaNS kNoW betTer
Any logical human being can understand that mongrel mentalities and activities amongst human beings lead to chaos and disorder.
Your disrespectful way and twisted words about our members are just a fart in the wind like yourself.
Why are you using the AS system when we already know who you are? You've been asking this question unanimously...
AskSatanOperator said:
I want a straight foward answer from the Gods or Satan. Is racemixing against the Gods wishes? Im getting answers from forum members (muh white race) about this and they keep telling me it is. Though id like to get some truth.

Race mixing is a situation where blueprints of people who are quite different mix together. This is within the limits of nature but it's not the best and most quality approach to understand life, as it's based on the lower levels of understanding which deal with carnality and often-times just coincidentally giving birth.

As Races mix and keep mixing, it's like mixing musical melodies. If you keep doing this process without a mental order, and by disobedience to nature [which forms the races as "teams" of sorts to develop it's creatures inside], then this recurring violation after a very long time results either in assimilation and destruction, or other highly confusing circumstances.

Humanity has only "Recently" started the race mixing marathon over the kikes and their lies, and still, most people aren't anywhere near the "desired level" the enemy envisions, which will be very close to the greys when all of it will be put in the meat grinder.

The above state is a naturally allowed state by life itself because as a general species humans can procreate, yet at the same time is subject to evolution like the human species to procreate in a better manner and not just do whatever. Race then becomes interesting as it's the accumulation of traits, spiritual or emotional aspects, history and so on, shared on a common species, that, according to natural law differentiates itself from others.

Races are supposed to differentiate like fish in the sea, instead of fusing all the fish into one large blob where only one fish exists. The quality of differentiation on racial basis is subject to higher laws of existence, not the lower.

In the lower "anything goes" and this blind approach creates many longterm problems and does not evolve anything.

Consistent and centuries continued race mixing will in the end form a fully "singular" human race, reverting back humanity to much de-evolved stages of existence.

As a family within a town, can and should disassociate with self to distinct their union from the rest - because they grow children better, or because they are more industrious, or because they are athletic or highly intellectual, or to protect it's accumulated labor and gifts over the decades of consecutive generations, the same reality is with races inside the world.

Races refrain from bastardizing with drastically different species in order to attain better forms. The current levels of "mixing" are nowhere close to the decadence the enemy imagines, which they have extrapolated will be one type of species that will resemble greys in more than one ways.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As Races mix and keep mixing, it's like mixing musical melodies. If you keep doing this process without a mental order, and by disobedience to nature [which forms the races as "teams" of sorts to develop it's creatures inside], then this recurring violation after a very long time results either in assimilation and destruction, or other highly confusing circumstances.

I imagine race mixing a bit like this then :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
