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Question #2217: Protection and cleaning


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hey, I am going thru a extreme bad phase of my life, feel like isn't even a phase more like a definitive think that I cannot escape from.

If possible, can you link me topics talking about methods of protection and cleaning? I've seen a lot of methods in the past and now when I need them the most I cannot find them. I don't what methods to use, I don't know when, or for how long should I do them, planetary hours of when to do them. I don't know how to use SATANAMA or what affirmation to use. I remember seeing that its not ok to do more than one spiritual working at a time, so I can't do cleaning and protection simultaneously? I don't know how to go about things.

Thank you in advance for throwing an eye to my question!
How to Clean Your Aura:

Returning Curses Part 1:

Returning Curses Part 2:

Planetary Hours:
It would have been a valuable information if you would tell how advanced you are, for example, is your chakras open?
Also, what do you want to protect yourself from?
This is a WARFARE AoP, that protects against Jewish influence:
This is a more general AoP:
(Don't affirm that it returns the curs in 10 fold!)
Besides, you can change the affirmations, at will, you don't have to affirm the exact same.

You can also reduce the reps. For example in this general AoP, you can vibrate it just 10 times each.

For a good cleaning, 10x ViSuddhi into each chakra, and than into the aura, or if you find it too much you can vibrate it 10 times into your light body and your aura.
You can affirm something like "this energy completely cleansed my .................. in the most positive way for me"
or a longer one that can be seen in the Returning curses: "The light is cleaning and removing any and all negative energy, thoughtforms, bindings, ill will, and curses on or connected to my soul that have been directed to me, and is returning them to the senders."

After that, you must do the Returning curses pt1.
To clean off the negative energy that ViSuddhi has freed from your soul.

You can do more working at one time, I don't know where you heard this, you maybe heard that it is not good to mix sanskrit mantras and runes in one working, also necronomicons and ect.

These might be too strong for a beginner. Especially if your soul not open yet.
If that's the case, for now, I would only do a "aura cleaning" and returning curses pt1" for cleaning, and than the Returning curses part 2 for protection. This is a good beginner meditation session for cleaning and protection, thou you won't notice fast changes. Start opening your soul, and if you opened at least the main chakras, you can work with runes, and stronger things.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
