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Please tell me, is it true that there were Jews in the SS and the Wehrmacht?


New member
May 31, 2020
Please tell me, is it true that there were Jews in the SS and the Wehrmacht?
Jews in Hitler’s Armies?
The claims of Jewish “soldiers” is because there were traitors among the Officers of the Wehrmacht and SS who disobeyed direct orders. The fact is that the reason for the Jews to come in both is by no idealism, but the same as they do today in NSM and occult organizations. They would repeat in the NSDAP the same they did with Freemasonry, Golden Down and Rosacruci Order, or the same as is “Neonazism” (full of Jews). The same today that “anti-Zionist” Orthodox Jews who love to pose for anti-Israel photos… And right after the run to the synagogue to pray for our decadence… The right-wing Jews or whatever, to protest against the invasion of Gaza… Because they simply do not want to serve in the army. From them, no kind of idealism may arise, any attempt to enter gentile organizations is to disseminate discord and destroy them from within.

The Nuremberg laws were too lenient and that was part of the reason NS Germany did not have better results in the second Jew war. All and any descendant of Jews, regardless of the mix level, should be totally banned from public life and strictly prohibited from marrying any Gentile, be a citizen or subject of the State. But it’s forgive, partly because at their time there was not DNA testing and all they had to do was a long and arduous research in the lineage of individuals.

About the free Middle Easterners, don’t confuse it with accepting Islam. It was very good the initiative to open the Freies Arabien and Indische Legion, and this truth breaks many myths about NS, but some revisionists make a confusion about it. They try to mix this with “acceptance of Semites” or compare it with the case of Jewish “soldiers” (infiltrators) which is totally different or, sometimes, that “NS is not racist, therefore accepts race mixing”. The fact is that practically all nationalities, races and creeds willingly took part alongside with Hitler. Now they did it for the good of each peoples because anything would be worse than global communism, which does not mean their “religions” were fully accepted, since even Christians and Muslims could fight Judaism, going in favor of their racial/spiritual nature and against their Semitic religions which demand them to worship Jews in the form of Jewsus or Mohammed. There are many pictures of multiracial troops in Hitler’s forces, but one thing is to fight for the common good, another quite different is accept mongrelization, spreading Jewish religions or live as citizens within Germany and vice-versa. Each one fought for the good of their own peoples separately.

-Egon Albrecht

There were no jews in the SS, as the SS were heavily scrutinized about their heritage.
The Wehrmacht on the other side wasn't Hitler's army, it was a state army, and as thus jews could join it, that's why there may have been jews in it.
Aquarius said:
There were no jews in the SS, as the SS were heavily scrutinized about their heritage.
The Wehrmacht on the other side wasn't Hitler's army, it was a state army, and as thus jews could join it, that's why there may have been jews in it.

The SS consisted of two different divisions. The Nordic section(what you think the SS is only is) and the Auxiliary section(what you don't study behind the scenes). For example why was Himmler the leader of the SS if he isn't Nordic but a sub-race of darker haired individual. Why would he care about Nordics to place them on a pedestal.

So in essence while we believe that the SS divisions are Nordic-only. Behind the scenes were a cadre of non-Nordic subraces or auxiliary SS that worked to better the organization and nation. Or at the very least some non-SS organization that worked with the SS.

IF jews were in the SS most likely they were detachments meant to patrol the ghettos and concentration camps. As back in the 30s and later 40s with mass concentration camps had to have people knowing yiddish and hebrew to communicate. As a matter of fact some jews were concentration camp guards and or ghetto guards do to multi-lingual skills.

And even if they weren't allowed in the SS fully. The SS had to work with these jews for the sake of keeping things in order and making sure situations don't arise such as putting politically charged communists in camps with everyone causing issues or criminals or maintaining the situation with pest and disease from affecting the person.

Guys it's not black and white situation. Even Hitler and Goebbels were questioning their own citizens during riots like Kristallnacht and having concern with the their own nation but also the international community in wondering what the World would think. It's like Hitler when he read the book "Germany must perish; translated to German". Like Hitler stated "I fear if we were to lose this war it would spell a doom far worse than I could have imagined".

On some level you can argue disinformation and (((fake history))) is far worse than the post-WW2 massacring plans against Germany. At the very least had we done what we done to Germany as all these kosher anti-Gentile/anti-German plans at the very least history would view these as the kosher species pressing it's thumb in Gentiles eyes. At the very least people would be like "WTF fuck the 6 gorillians what about the 60 million and beyond they destroyed". I'd wager to state the information war waged on Germany and elsewhere today is more of a massacre than putting a bullet in someone's head.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
