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No more 'Mr. Nice Guy'!!!

Nov 10, 2022
This post is dedicated to Lord Belial/Beelzebuth: Dark Lord of the Earth, King of the Witch's Sabbat, Master of Forbidden Knowledge and Protector of the Witch's Kin.

Working with Belial is truly a life-changing endeavour. His Wisdom is DEEP, transformative and darker than the darkest night. As Master of the Earth, He teaches many things! Those bold enough to approach Him and ask for His assistance are greatly rewarded. One of the many rewards is access to the storehouse of Wisdom that He holds. It is in honor and dedication to Lord Belial that I bring forth and share what He has revealed to me.

What is fear? We all know it. It's primal, unavoidable, instinctual. It crops up when we least expect it. It shows its face when we least want it to, asking us a question: will you let me stop you? Those who try to hide from it only end up becoming it's slave. It serves a purpose! Never underestimate it's power! But never cower! For it holds the key to great understanding and power. Deny it and it only causes trouble. By tapping into our fears, we unlock the secrets of our own existence and how to become great. If we learn what they are trying to teach us, we can become so much more than we allow ourselves to be. What is keeping you from achieving your goals? More often than not, it is fear. Fear that we won't succeed, fear that others will leave us, fear that we won't be able to achieve it even if we try, fear of the change our success may bring even. When fear is allowed to dominate, the will becomes subject to it.

When fear is allowed to dominate, the will becomes subject to it. Is your will the slave of fear? Are you it's captive? Most would never admit to this, but look at all the truly powerful men and women of the Earth. They are respected, revered, even feared by men. They unapologetically strive towards the accomplishment and attainment of their desire. They know what is their will to accomplish and they accomplish it! The one thing such beings all have in common is their relationship with fear- they never allow it to stop them from pursuing the goal. The same is true for warriors, kings and any accomplished person in their respective field worth mentioning. Compare them now to those who accomplish nothing in their life. How do they compare? What makes them different? Why do some succeed and others do not?

The most common expression of fear is denial. When our fears are denied, what can we expect to learn from them? How can one even begin to manage or harness the power of our own fears if we deny them? This leads to delusion, ignorance and failure. The second most common expression of fear is excuses. Excuses as to why we cannot get what we want, excuses why we don't deserve it, excuses why it's not possible. The list goes on and on. Excuses allow a person to give up. They convince themselves it's not possible before they even try, stopping them dead in their tracks.

One can either be a master of fear or a slave to it. Why does this matter? It's the difference between a life of bondage and a life of freedom! Look at any slave rebellion current or in the past. How did they achieve their freedom? Of course they knew it could mean death if they rebelled, but did that stop them? Even those who died trying to liberate themselves have won it. Rather one ends up succeeding or not is not the matter. What aren't you willing to give up to achieve freedom? And if freedom is synonymous with living the life that you desire, can you say now confidently that you are free?

If a man accepts his fate as it is, that he admits he has no power over it. Then he becomes a slave of circumstance, being tossed around on the waves of external forces which he presumes he has no influence over. This is the height of ignorance. There is always a choice! Look in the eyes of a man who has given up on himself. He should not be hard to identify for the look of defeat is unmistakable. Ask him why he allows himself to continue this way, then wait for his endless list of excuses. He has talked himself out of power and freedom, giving it away to that endless list. Such men should terrify because he is the man you will become if you allow your will to become subservient to your fear. Looking at the self-defeated man should light the flame of ambition under you so that you do not end up like him! All failures of men are unwilling to affect their circumstances in any meaningful way, and will always take the stance of a slave or victim of another's conquest over them.

Have you been conquered? Have you given up? Are you powerless to get what you desire? Only you can answer that, but if you answer dishonestly, you strip from yourself the opportunity to achieve what you truly desire. 'The world' (aka, society, peers, so-called friends, etc.) will provide you with as many excuses as you need to stop trying. If you're looking for an excuse to give up before you even try, it will appear in some form or another. Then you can say "see? It's not possible, so I shouldn't even try." as you stagnate and rot from the inside-out. There is no good excuse, only reasons you've convinced yourself of why you are bound for failure. No matter what we pursue, there will always be challenges and obstacles along the way. How you choose to navigate them makes all the difference. If there isn't a way directly through them, then there must be a way around them. What are willing to stand in your way from accomplishing your will? Will you let it stop you? Will you give up? Will you admit defeat?

To meet with success, our actions must be aligned with our will. If the will has been subverted, then your will should be to liberate it!

Most are familiar with the fear response of fight or flight. There is also the freeze response- doing nothing is also a response to fear. Then there is the less commonly known "tend and befriend" response. This is most readily observed in hostage situations and those at the mercy of a conqueror. This response is the genesis of the 'Mr. Nice Guy'. He is busy placating his enemy out of fear. He goes to great lengths to do what his master wants in the hopes of being spared or receiving better treatment. It is not an entirely useless response, either. It could mean the difference between life or death, comfort or pain. But when this response becomes a way of life due to being conditioned this way, it has consequences. When stuck in it, we again become slaves to our fear. If you were anything like the author of this post, you were taught early on to not question those who have power over you. Disobedience was met with punishment, shaping the will over time to be compliant to whoever happens to be in charge. This is taught throughout modern culture, in all it's institutions- the slave morality.

No more 'Mr. Nice Guy'! When we pursue our desires in the face of fear, there will inevitably be someone who doesn't like it for whatever reason. To them, it 'wouldn't be nice' for you to pursue your ambition or get what you want, for whatever reason (example: you get the job, which means the 5 other applicants are going to struggle feeding themselves and their family. Feel sorry for them? Make yourself a less attractive candidate for the job so the other applicants can feed their families? Is that what a 'nice guy' would do?). Then again, would you be being nice to yourself if you let your life slip by, sinking into a quagmire of your own unfulfilled desires? This does not mean that trampling over others is a necessity, but under certain circumstances it can mean just that. Not all enemies use brute force. Some use words and psychological manipulation so that you'll give up or never compete to begin with. Be aware of this and don't let them win! The resolve of our will is paramount in the face of adversity. Make no mistake about it! When you begin to pursue what you truly desire in this life, adversity is bound to appear. Know this in advance and have a battle plan.

This is the true path of the Adversary! It doesn't mean sitting in the basement, beating your chest that you're the king of the world, lack of real-world success or results be damned. It doesn't mean being an absolute, intolerable prick for no reason 'to prove yourself' or to show someone 'how tough you are'. This sort of behavior is infantile arrogance at best and completely detrimental to achieving what you want at worst. When one sets on the path of attaining their desires, they will be met with adversity in many forms so there is no need to go looking for it. You'll know it when it's there because it will stand between you and your desire! I address this because the "Left hand path" and "Satanic" communities in general seem to attract and even encourage this type of infantile arrogance. This forum is the only real exception, which is one of the many reasons I even bother investing my time and energy here to begin with. That being said, I bring this transmission to a close.
I appreciate and can relate to your post. I recently went through some things mentally that I didn’t understand at the time. In void meditation I realized all the uncharacteristic, sudden, constant and “unexplainable” panic, fear, anxiety etc that I’ve been having was half fear that I’ve been running from and pushing down and avoiding, and half realizing I need to do better - time waits for no one. And having several people I was close to die suddenly and unexpectedly around the same time late last year was the trigger for this, even if I, at the time, felt unaffected by their deaths (running, hiding from fear and pain)

I realized my faiths and beliefs about life and death and reincarnation etc weren’t nearly as solid as I thought they were and I also had to admit I’ve been inadequate in my meditations and in my life, those friends dying could have been me and if I died at that time instead, it would have been a life of wasted opportunity from being too complacent, and not taking action. My subconscious had finally had enough of the running and I had to face it - it was trying to teach me something.

That resonates with me. I’ve heard the sayings “The biggest risk is not taking any risks” and “Take risks: if you win, you can lead. If you lose, you can guide” but it really is true, as you say. I see it every day when I go to work. My boss was my friend before he started the company. He was the poorest person I knew. He saw an opportunity to buy a failing business, planned it out and made certain he could do it, took a risk by getting some loans from a bank and some product to sell from a supplier he knew closely, and now 20 years later he owns a multi-million dollar successful company. Is he intelligent? Yes, of course. But without taking the RISK he would likely still have nothing.

Thank you for this post. I believe what you said about being “Mr Nice Guy” to a fault applies to me, as I have been doing just whatever it takes for the status quo in life partly because it’s easy and there’s no conflict with others and because of my dislike of change. You’ve given me something to think about
Well SAID!!! 🔥 The Power Within speaks! And we do have our choices! I enjoy reading your sermons! And this one hit home with me! And I needed to hear this! Thank you for sharing this sermon Brother HPHC666
Well SAID!!! 🔥 The Power Within speaks! And we do have our choices! I enjoy reading your sermons! And this one hit home with me! And I needed to hear this! Thank you for sharing this sermon Brother HPHC666
I'm sorry, did you mistake me for HPHC? Just so you're aware, I'm not an official JoS clergy member- just another member of the forums as far as the official JoS ministy is concerned. I just felt that needed to be brought to your awareness in case there was some confusion. That being said, I'm glad that you enjoy reading my posts/sermons and also glad you if you got something out of it. Cheers!
Great post. I've felt the fear before. The deer in the headlights look is not good.
Belial was the first Demon sigil I meditated upon and I re-drew Him when I was younger, about 15, before I knew of JoS.
Thank you for sharing this post AryanPriest666, we can transmute our fear.
I feel like the NPCs and everyone around me is in the "tend and befriend" zone with their crumbling system and "not my problem, I'll be dead" attitude towards the cultural genocide of my race. They will see. They will have wished they had fought as we do.
Hail Lord Belial, I feel He inspired this wisdom.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
