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Native Americans are NOT Hebrews/jews! Exposing the Native Hebrew theory LIES!

Jun 2, 2022
I actually worked on this post prior to Part 1 of my Native American series, so the ordering may look a bit off and will be able to tell I was just on the starting days of my Native American project for Satan, I began working on this months ago and saved it up for November, Native American Heritage Month.

It's old news I know, the Kikes just love to push around the "Lost Jew" conspiracy theories to every race, but just when I thought Native gentile brethren were safe from these lies - unfortunately that's not the case. Guess I should have known better, if Chinese people from Kaifeng can be deceived into think they're Jews, anything is possible.

Quite frankly, as usual, just like the British Israel or Ethiopian Hebrew roots BS, it always comes from some neo-Christian or neo-Jewish nutjob, like or a Jew themselves using complete and total psuedo-science or self-imaginations like "well God told me so". This is to the guilt-trip the Gentiles, "....oy vey, I hate myself for being a Gentile, I owe the Kikes every drop of blood" BS.

The two main culprits for propagating these lies are Manasseh ben Israel ( :eek: WOAH what a surprise....a Dutch Jewish rabbi :eek: ), and David Wyrck, an extreme neo-Christian nutjob.

These lies are in no particular order.

Lie #1 - The Natives Wrote/Spoke In Hebrew
Firstly, "Hebrew" in of itself, isn't even a real language, since it was just stolen and perverted from Old Canaanite, and mixed in with Yiddish, Russian and French. Look at the other languages like Aramaic, Arabic, Syriac and Amharic, they still have their Semitic sub-stratums preserved. They've worked VERY hard to suppress original Aramaic and Syriac-speaking peoples.

It's not that hard to compare Hebrew (both Biblical and Modern), to see it bears absolutely no resemblances to any Native American languages, save for a few hebrew church words that the kikes and buzzard brains injected into them.

So the first source of so-called "evidence" is the psuedo-archeology known as the Bat Creek, Los Lunas and Newark Holy hoaxes, where they supposedly found an ancient Paleo-Hebrew inscriptions written by Natives, on a pieces of ancient stone.

These so-call "discoveries" have a couple things in common.

a). They defy actual science and have all easily been debunked - take the Los Lunas hoax for example. The inscriptions on the stone are not even Hebrew, but Phoenician or some other Canaanite language - which was hijacked for all the popular "paleo-Hebrew" pics you see hardcore Christians posting around.

But let's play the "Hebrew card" here.

Somehow, someway, "perfect sharp paleo-Hebrew" inscriptions (not etched into the stone) remained fully in tact, over the course of 500-1,000 years in spite of being left outside, and the stones being vandalized. It doesn't even matter what script is on the stone, it's become quite clear these are forgeries, made by Kabbalists, since even many jewish researchers have admitted that the "hebrew inscriptions" were piss-poor copied forgeries made to mimick whatever period in ancient history.


b). The Newark Hoax Stones - the stealing from paganism should become more obvious in this one.

Once again, the "Hebrew" inscriptions were already exposed as being forgeries, and the stones were expoed as psuedo-archeology, set up by some kike-lover named David Wyrick. While I'm no hebrew expert, those ARE have already noted and exposed the 38 errors Wyrck made in forging.


I can simply go to Google translate, translate some phrase in hebrew or any language (which probably won't be correct), print it out, spill coffee all over it, and find some excavation site. What Wyrick did was simply the 1800s version of that.

As for the stone, it ha been exposed as being the work of Elijah Sutton, who designed Wyrck's tombestone.

However as one can see, the man with a turban on the tombstone-looking piece, any Pagan or SS will recognize that as Nimrod, as well as the "tombstone-style" of tablets in Mesopotamia, and they also bear similarities to the Mesopotamian depictions of the Gods.





Nice try Mr. Wyrck.....just being the good little xian or jew that you are, stealing Pagan cultures to promote your little rebel jewish off-shoot.

c). We have the Bat Creek hoax - and its story is no different than the other two. Some Jew or Jew-lover in the 1800s decided to find an excavation site, scramble some hebrew BS on stone and get all the scientists amed up for.....nothing.


Archeologists Robert Mainfort and Mary Kwas have already exposed this Bat Creek stone hoax well...as a HOAX.

(Read more: The Bat Creek Stone Revisited: A Fraud Exposed and https://books.google.com/books?id=RlRz2symkAsC&pg=PA39#v=onepage&q&f=false, Additional Digging Uncovers Source of Bat Creek Hoax and Let’s be Serious About the Bat Creek Stone) - not sure if that last one is "against" the lie, given it's from a "BIblical archeology" group

It's that simple, if the Native native languages are hebrew dialect, then why don't they ever greet each other with "Shalom" or any diminutive? (Yeah....about that word "Shalom"....). To the idiots who might claim "well it's an ancient form of Hebrew", then explain why Modern Hebrew has "some" recognizable similarities with Biblical Hebrew?

Even languages like Modern Russian or Modern Ukrainian, will still have "some degree" of intelligibility with Old East Slavic or even Proto-Slavic if you wanna go earlier.

d. This pertains to the Cherokees, descendants of the Six Great Mississippian Empires/Five Great Civilized Tribes, the native Cherokee name is "Aniyvwiya" (pronounced Anee-yoon-wee-ya). Proponents of the Jewish lie like to twist this phrase into something like "Aninyhwhah" or "Ani-yahweh" (which would become "People of Yahweh" in Cherokee) - but note the insertion of YHWH. The original actual name only bears the Latin letters "-yvw", which again, altogether is pronounced as "-yoon" and has no connection with the Hebrew Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh, how they'd pronounced YVW or whatever. In Cherokee, "YVW"/Yoon-Wee-Yaah" means "Principle", NOT Yahweh.

The word "principle" in Hebrew means sowrah, tanakh, and etc., none of these words, or any diminutives exist in Cherokee.

You don't even have to pronounce "Anee-yoon-wee-yaah" carefully, to figure out there is no "Yahweh".

Any form of YHWH or Hebrew ever being part of Cherokee language means "YHWH" was clearly inserted into the language by the murderers at the churches. Just remember.....the dumbass Hebrew inscription on the Bat Creek was written by Talmudist Masons. Who knows what other lies they can be coughing off?

The REAL Sick Truth......
Eerily, around the time that all these inscriptions were infused into these stones (19th century), it is around this same time that the Jewish Masons in government began and ramped up their genocidal campaigns against the Native Americans, and celebrated their genocides during Native American harvest holidays, the time-frame when the White Gentiles would also celebrate Thanksgiving.

It seems to me like the Masons were infilitrated very quickly, as unfortunately, most secretive Pagan mystic societies often don't last long without being infested with enemies and enemy dogma.

Seder Olam (a Jewish site) said:
A later attempt, in 2004, reported that the [Bat Creek Hebrew] inscription was a bad copy of a sentence found in a Masonic book published in 1870, that echoed the words of Exodus 39:30

Writing inscriptions, and burying them in an attempt to manifest an event is very occultic in nature. Therefore, it is safe to say that the Hebrew inscription was part of a Jewish ritual cursing the Natives, very likely to manifest the genocide against the Natives as it was inscribed around the same time as events such as the Trail of Tears and other genocidal campaigns against the Natives were taking place.

Dear Native American non-Satanist lurker: please know that these "inscriptions" don't mean that you're Jewish, but quite the opposite, it was one big curse against you and your people.

A spiritually-wise person would take these stones and smash them to pieces, if-ever found, almost like a geologist's RTR.

The Whites themselves didn't hate the Native Americans, as communities of Viking Pagans had already settled peacefully with the Native Americans. Other White settlers who weren't connected with the church or had no true sympathies with Christianity settled peacefully with the Native Americans, and even formed entire trading empires with them.

They were PROGRAMMED to hate the Native Americans, since it is the DERNAGED CHRISTIANS, to the likes of the Puritans, who took orders from Jewish church leaders, who were indoctrinated to hate the Native Americans and wished for their destruction, they partook in Jewish murder rituals against the Natives, as I read in one whistleblower article, using Native American skulls as wine and drink glasses (yeah, very VERY jewish in nature).

Remember.....Cromwell tried to ban Christmas, because it wasn't "Jewish", and punished children for playing ball on Sunday ("Sabbath") because it wasn't "Jewish" - yeah this guy was pure evil. And Puritan literature is also filled and infested with typical garbage Yahweh Jewish messages of hatred, cursing and damning mankind. Cromwell and the Puritans were a literal representation of all that is jewish.

Also remember, before the creation of israhell, overseas jewish communities cursed all of the languages of their host nations by forcing the alef-bet on it.

Look up any "judeo-" dialect, judeo-arabic, judeo-german (yiddish), judeo-persian and etc., its all written in alef-bet. Or judeo-aramaic, that is how we got biblical aramaic and the entire "languageo f rabbi jeebo" BS. Aramaic was a language spoken by the great pagans of the Levant long, long before jewish atrocity.

For the record..."Paleo-Hebrew" too, is a stolen and perverted form of Phoenician and Aramaic.

Lie #2 - The Natives Worshiped Yahweh

The HPs have already exposed the jewish practice of taking pagan Gods, and shoving "yahweh" attributes to replace them. The arguments of those promoting Native American Hebrew lies, is taking Native and indigenous traditions and Gods, and falsely attributing them to some BS bible myth, which themselves are corrupted and stolen from Pagans, such as the myth of the "7 Cherokee trubes" with thumpers claim are referring to Israelite tribes from the Talmudic/Torah "7".

Wyrck claims that the Native Americans ate kosher, and didn't pork.........well they didn't eat pork BECAUSE PIGS AREN'T NATIVE TO NORTH AMERICA, and were introduced by Spaniards in the 1500s, after-which, pork became one of the many meats that the Natives ate.

Apparently, "Yahweh" or "Yowah", "Yowa", "Yeh hoh waah" (Jeh-ho-vah) was supposedly worshiped by the Cherokee name for the Most High God for their Pantheon.

Once again, if you take ultimate blasphemy against christian indoctrination - AND DO YOUR RESEARCH, you'll quickly come to find that

1). the majority of the people propagating this lie are Kikes, rabbis, church leaders, Fox Jews like Glenn Back and Christian sympathizers (many of whom are also unfortunately, also brainwashed Native Gentiles) - and without any true scientific evidence or basis....other than an angry and emotionally-charged claim of "Jewhovah told me so"

....that is because..........

2). The REAL names for God in Cherokee are Unetlanvhi or Kalvlvtiahi, a fact PROVEN and no records of any "Yeh hoh waah" or "Yowah" or any dimunitive of Yahweh/Jewhovah was worshiped by the Cherokees. These liars, whether in the 1800s or today on the internet, will always cough off some story about "...yeah some chief leader told me his god is the same as the hebrew god".

These lies are coming from Kikes or deluded Gentile traitor Christian idiots once-again, attempting to inject the Yahweh virus into a beautiful Gentile language and culture, who like all else, are descendants from priestly-civilizations that were at one point, walking with the Gods.

Given that the Native Americans didn't have a well-kept written record of their language, it was obviously easy for Jews and Judeo-Christians to fool them, via their oral tales in making them believe that they're some "secret Jewish race".

The Serpent mounds are ancient structures similar to the Egyptian ones, destroyed by the Reptiles.

Even with the other Ancients, who kept entire libraries and sophisticated written records of their civilizations, the Jews successfully managed to destroy them, hide their books and print out "approved versions" (i.e. Grimoires, Kabbalah and etc).

The REAL ACTUAL Cherokee names for their Creator God, are Unetlanvhi or Kalvlvtiahi. NOT Jehovah-Yehohwah bullshit.

Evidence already shows that the Cherokees (as well as all the other Natives) worshiped our Gods obviously under different names, given as to how many tribes there were, I obviously can't, nor will list "each and every single one", but I mention these for sake of the post.

Serpentine worship was prevalent in almost all the Natives (YES even the Cherokees). Hello, does the Serpent Mound in Ohio ring the bell?

Now are these Serpentine legends always "100% totally accurate of Satan"? No, even the European Greek Pagan stories were allegories themselves and not necessarily free from corruption or man's misunderstanding, or as usual - distortions progated by Jews and the churche.

It still debunks that the Native American Jew theories, or the entire theories that the Natives were either Lost Jews or primative Godless peoples, and proves that the Natives venerated Satan and the Gods in some way, shape or form.

Cherokees in particular, believed in a "Thunder Man", whom the SS come to know as the Beelzebub or Enlil or Zues or Tengri and etc. No surprise, since many of the Native Americans hailed from Asia (which HAS scientific evidence behind it), as Beelzebub is the God of the Asiatic peoples. Indigenous Native American religion bears much more similarities to the Tengri faith of the Mongols ( :roll: gee I wonder why :roll: ).

You'll actually come to see "Thunder Deities" are prevalent in many native religions, such as the Potowatomi and Shawnee, who too as according to these theories, "lost jew tribes". As a matter of fact, both Thunder (Beelzebub) and Serpent (Lucifer) are prevalent in the native religions, proving that they were Satanic just like you and me.

Read more: Native American Horned Serpents of Myth and Legend

Wikipedia "Cherokee spiritual beliefs said:
The Cherokee believe that there is the Great Thunder and his sons, the two Thunder Boys, who live in the land of the west above the sky vault. They dress in lightning and rainbows. The priests pray to the thunder and he visits the people to bring rain and blessings from the South. It was believed that the thunder beings who lived close to the Earth's surface in the cliffs, mountains, and waterfalls could harm the people at times, which did happen. These other thunders are always plotting mischief.

The Cherokees also worshiped Uktena, who could be Satan himself since he is a serpent God.

Evidence ALSO shows that like with all Gentile Pagan civilizations, the churches were brought it for the complete and total annihilation of their culture.

Now that part, you don't need a hisotry wizz or a dedicated SS to inform you on. They hijiacked an ancient Owl God statue (or if not the statue, the site itself of Owl God veneration), which is now home ot the Jewish Bohemian Grove where they sacrifice infants to Molech/Jewhovah.

It's out there and in the open that the churches murdered the indigenous peoples as sacrifices to Jewhovah, and allowed a "few servants" to live, as long as they attended Christian indoctrination schools. In 2020 and 2021, this was fully exposed in Canada when they unearthed skulls and mass graves of indigenous peoples underneath Catholic schools. It is very likely Jew-stin Trudeau started cracking down on guns in Canada for this very, very reason, as he probably feared that the unearthing of mass graves in Canadian "native Catholic" schools would trigger or plant the seeds to a Canadian revolution of some sort.

And often-not, these church or Jew elites will promote their own "conspiracy theories" or "secret truths" all aimed against cursing and damning the Gentiles and the entire "Lost Israelite" theories seems to be one of these.

We also know that Jews like to marry into the elite classes of entire Gentile races and nations, so I wouldn't doubt that the entire "Ye-ho-waah/Yowah" or the "Aninu-yahweh" BS and Cherokee Jewish theories were invented by these people, or their descendants.

Stay Awake and Stay Vigilant.

Hail the Serpent (Satan) and Hail the Thunder Man (Beelzebub)! Hail the Great Mother (Lillith)! Hail the Great Sun (Azazel)!
There are a lot of lies about the history of the Americas. Yes, Native Americans are 100% Gentiles, not "lost" jews or any such nonsense.

However, there is a lot of evidence that they worshiped the enemy extraterrestrials, the greys and reptilians, for some period of time. As the rabbis secretly state, those aliens are the hebrew god.

There are many Native American artifacts (statues, paintings, masks, etc) that look like the reptilians and greys depicted around the world.

satanslibrary.org - Greys’ Involvement in Ancient America

In a museum, I once saw a Native American ceremonial mask that looked exactly like the reptilian hidden in the Mona Lisa:

satanslibrary.org - Mona Lisa tells it openly: Reptilian/Grey Aliens Exist

And those artifacts would gain the jews nothing to fake, because they don't want the world to know the truth about aliens and the hebrew god.

However, you are correct that Satan and his Demons were the original Gods of the Native Americans. There are older statues that depict gods as humans with blue eyes and blonde hair. What happened was an ancient war when the enemy extraterrestrials outnumbered our Gods and cut them off from this planet, and then "replaced" them in cultures around the world. This is around the time that customs like human sacrifice and self-mutilation appeared... Suddenly that makes sense. It is also very possible that that the enemy ETs introduced hebrew writing and "yahweh" to Native Americans. But I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it is fake, as you said, to push that lie of Native Americans being jews.

satanslibrary.org - Satan, Original God of the Americas
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=398106 time=1667799132 user_id=346]
It is also very possible that that the enemy ETs introduced hebrew writing and "yahweh" to Native Americans. But I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it is fake, as you said, to push that lie of Native Americans being jews.

Yes, I'm aware of the ancient war and the enemy ET worship. On a spiritual-level explanation, your reply in regards to the hebrew stones makes a hell of a lot more sense, which works both ways, whether it's a case of greys/enemy angels introducing alef-bet or some kike cursing a civilization by inscribing Kabbalistic phrases on stone, both work as evidence against any claims of the Natives being Jews.

This actually recalls how some practitioners of angelic magick used to tell me about Jewhovah instructing non-jewish civilizations from afar to write hebrew alef-bet, obvious differences is that we see it for what it is, a malicious agenda with malicious intents (whereas they see it as a "miracle" of jewhovah's phony blessings, which aren't blessings at all).

No doubt, that if the hebrew inscriptions are for real, clearly it was a case of greys beginning the curses on the indigenous peoples.

Maybe perhaps the issue of rabbis denying the authenticity of the rock-dating/tracing of the "hebrew stones" may be a kosher failsafe of some sort of prevent their grey overlords from being exposed.

Does JoS have pictures of the original Native statues of our blonde Aryan Gods, or have they been destroyed like all the others?
I'm guessing the jewish rats are attacking native Americans with the whole what if I'm a jew scat attacks, first it's blacks are the first isralites, now its native Americans if only people would see the destruction xians an Abrahamic trash left in its path, they would see being an (isralite/jew) has an never will be beneficial to Gentiles,anyway be a native American don't let xian trash drag you down to their destructive level, were

(money bads,sex bads,having culture bad,if you dos you bes satanses reeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeee )
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=398106 time=1667799132 user_id=346]
It is also very possible that that the enemy ETs introduced hebrew writing and "yahweh" to Native Americans. But I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it is fake, as you said, to push that lie of Native Americans being jews.

Yes, I'm aware of the ancient war and the enemy ET worship. On a spiritual-level explanation, your reply in regards to the hebrew stones makes a hell of a lot more sense, which works both ways, whether it's a case of greys/enemy angels introducing alef-bet or some kike cursing a civilization by inscribing Kabbalistic phrases on stone, both work as evidence against any claims of the Natives being Jews.

This actually recalls how some practitioners of angelic magick used to tell me about Jewhovah instructing non-jewish civilizations from afar to write hebrew alef-bet, obvious differences is that we see it for what it is, a malicious agenda with malicious intents (whereas they see it as a "miracle" of jewhovah's phony blessings, which aren't blessings at all).

No doubt, that if the hebrew inscriptions are for real, clearly it was a case of greys beginning the curses on the indigenous peoples.

Maybe perhaps the issue of rabbis denying the authenticity of the rock-dating/tracing of the "hebrew stones" may be a kosher failsafe of some sort of prevent their grey overlords from being exposed.

Does JoS have pictures of the original Native statues of our blonde Aryan Gods, or have they been destroyed like all the others?

Is it a language of 6,000 years 'n' sheit, jewish meme. Or does it pertain to the Sea People attack circa 1,500bce area. After that incident it seemed jews magickally spoke hebrew.

What is the origins of Hebrew besides what I learned previous on various 2018 sermons mageson posted for example mentioning Hebrew is suspiciously considered close to Ibaru or Egyptian High Priest rank. Or how Yot/Yod is Yoth/Yodh of the Egyptians.

So then when was hebrew created and taught to the jews themselves? is it a language of extra-terrestrial properties only for the Earth and it's inhabitants(Gentiles) or is it more nefarious and has extra-terrestrial grey/reptilian principles?
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=398106 time=1667799132 user_id=346]
There are a lot of lies about the history of the Americas. Yes, Native Americans are 100% Gentiles, not "lost" jews or any such nonsense.

However, there is a lot of evidence that they worshiped the enemy extraterrestrials, the greys and reptilians, for some period of time. As the rabbis secretly state, those aliens are the hebrew god.

There are many Native American artifacts (statues, paintings, masks, etc) that look like the reptilians and greys depicted around the world.

satanslibrary.org - Greys’ Involvement in Ancient America

In a museum, I once saw a Native American ceremonial mask that looked exactly like the reptilian hidden in the Mona Lisa:

satanslibrary.org - Mona Lisa tells it openly: Reptilian/Grey Aliens Exist

And those artifacts would gain the jews nothing to fake, because they don't want the world to know the truth about aliens and the hebrew god.

However, you are correct that Satan and his Demons were the original Gods of the Native Americans. There are older statues that depict gods as humans with blue eyes and blonde hair. What happened was an ancient war when the enemy extraterrestrials outnumbered our Gods and cut them off from this planet, and then "replaced" them in cultures around the world. This is around the time that customs like human sacrifice and self-mutilation appeared... Suddenly that makes sense. It is also very possible that that the enemy ETs introduced hebrew writing and "yahweh" to Native Americans. But I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it is fake, as you said, to push that lie of Native Americans being jews.

satanslibrary.org - Satan, Original God of the Americas

Aren't some of the Native American religions Monotheistic?
Nimrod33 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=398106 time=1667799132 user_id=346]

Aren't some of the Native American religions Monotheistic?

I'm curious to know which ones, given there's so many, just note my "Native American" posts are mostly pertaining to the USA Natives and Canada First Nations, rather than the Mayans and Aztecs.

I would imagine in their "present day" forms, they're monotheistic (thanks to Grey, Reptilian activity and church distorting their culture), especially the Cherokee whom they've successfully fooled was always monotheistic, but from seeing the names of many Native American deities or spirits, their attributes (such as "Great Thunder", "Great Sun", "Great Serpent/Great Spirit", "Great Mother" and etc....I truly feel that these are Beelzebub, Azazel, Satan and Lillith), it's quite clear they give indications of a Pagan past. Their "mounds" back in the day were actually pyramid-like.

Overtime, as their culture eroded (thanks to Jewhovah and his heinous activities), many of these names became downplayed as just "important figures in legend" or "attributes of spiritual forces" and etc., quite reminiscent (if not typical) to how judeo-xian agenda hijacks Pagan Gods and "attributes" them to their monotheistic right-hand-path BS system. Unethlavhi, of the Cherokee religion is not a formless or non-human thing as commonly-believed, he is Satan.

In my Part 1, I give a list of some of the indigenous names for the Gods of the Orion.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Nimrod33 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=398106 time=1667799132 user_id=346]

Aren't some of the Native American religions Monotheistic?

I'm curious to know which ones, given there's so many, just note my "Native American" posts are mostly pertaining to the USA Natives and Canada First Nations, rather than the Mayans and Aztecs.

I would imagine in their "present day" forms, they're monotheistic (thanks to Grey, Reptilian activity and church distorting their culture), especially the Cherokee whom they've successfully fooled was always monotheistic, but from seeing the names of many Native American deities or spirits, their attributes (such as "Great Thunder", "Great Sun", "Great Serpent/Great Spirit", "Great Mother" and etc....I truly feel that these are Beelzebub, Azazel, Satan and Lillith), it's quite clear they give indications of a Pagan past. Their "mounds" back in the day were actually pyramid-like.

Overtime, as their culture eroded (thanks to Jewhovah and his heinous activities), many of these names became downplayed as just "important figures in legend" or "attributes of spiritual forces" and etc., quite reminiscent (if not typical) to how judeo-xian agenda hijacks Pagan Gods and "attributes" them to their monotheistic right-hand-path BS system. Unethlavhi, of the Cherokee religion is not a formless or non-human thing as commonly-believed, he is Satan.

In my Part 1, I give a list of some of the indigenous names for the Gods of the Orion.

I may be wrong, but I thought that some Native American Tribes from the modern day USA and Canada were monotheistic because to me they seemed to worship only Manitou. Pheraps it could also be from enemy infiltration in the Pagan Pantheons, like it happened with the Aztec (there was an old sermon which explained that their human sacrifices were not directed to Quetzalcoatl but to the grey enemies). The situation may also be similar to some Traditional African Cults, which are described by their practicioner as Monotheistic and are definitely corrupted, as they involve self-mutilation and animal sacrifice.
Nimrod33 said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Nimrod33 said:
Aren't some of the Native American religions Monotheistic?

I'm curious to know which ones, given there's so many, just note my "Native American" posts are mostly pertaining to the USA Natives and Canada First Nations, rather than the Mayans and Aztecs.

I would imagine in their "present day" forms, they're monotheistic (thanks to Grey, Reptilian activity and church distorting their culture), especially the Cherokee whom they've successfully fooled was always monotheistic, but from seeing the names of many Native American deities or spirits, their attributes (such as "Great Thunder", "Great Sun", "Great Serpent/Great Spirit", "Great Mother" and etc....I truly feel that these are Beelzebub, Azazel, Satan and Lillith), it's quite clear they give indications of a Pagan past. Their "mounds" back in the day were actually pyramid-like.

Overtime, as their culture eroded (thanks to Jewhovah and his heinous activities), many of these names became downplayed as just "important figures in legend" or "attributes of spiritual forces" and etc., quite reminiscent (if not typical) to how judeo-xian agenda hijacks Pagan Gods and "attributes" them to their monotheistic right-hand-path BS system. Unethlavhi, of the Cherokee religion is not a formless or non-human thing as commonly-believed, he is Satan.

In my Part 1, I give a list of some of the indigenous names for the Gods of the Orion.

I may be wrong, but I thought that some Native American Tribes from the modern day USA and Canada were monotheistic because to me they seemed to worship only Manitou. Pheraps it could also be from enemy infiltration in the Pagan Pantheons, like it happened with the Aztec (there was an old sermon which explained that their human sacrifices were not directed to Quetzalcoatl but to the grey enemies). The situation may also be similar to some Traditional African Cults, which are described by their practicioner as Monotheistic and are definitely corrupted, as they involve self-mutilation and animal sacrifice.

Ahhh yes, the Manitou, so that's Algonquian-origin, they also practiced the art of having personal "Hero Spirits" which guide people through their lives. Going back further, they worshiped a Nokomis (Earth Mother Goddess), and her grandsons, Michabo and Chibiabos - twin brother Gods. I'm going to take a good guess that Manitou is actually Satan, Nokomis is Lillith or one of his wives, and Michabo and Chibiabos is up to anyone's guess.

Seems to have a similar path as the Yezidi faith, namely in that it's painted as a "monotheistic religion", but has truly Pagan and Satanic origins, could have been also intentionally hidden to keep themselves safe from the church who was on the prowl for native Shamans, or the typical horrid scenario of heinous destruction and distorting of a pantheon. The "Midewiwin" religion (Algonquian religion) is actually quite secretive. Michabo and Chibiabos are so hideously-slandered in the "surviving legends" I don't even feel the urge to try figuring out which Demons they were.

This same pantheon of a Father God, Mother Goddess and two son Gods also appear in the Shawnee religion, namely Kokomthema (Mother Goddess), Great Spirit (Father God), and then the two sons. In my Part 1, I stated the two son Gods were possibly Beelzebub and Azazel, but truly they could be any one of Satan's sons.

I'd hope for more indigenous peoples to come to Satan to complete the puzzle.
Hail the Serpent (Satan) and Hail the Thunder Man (Beelzebub)! Hail the Great Mother (Lillith)! Hail the Great Sun (Azazel)!

I apologize for resurrecting this old thread and I simply want to express my profoundest gratitude for your exemplary work on seeing through the lies and agendas. Over time this becomes instant and instinctual I feel once a dedicated Satanist meditates while working to improve themselves in all aspects daily. This was actually my life model from elementary; be the best in all that you can be. Everyone else was just boring to me; not wanting to create things and learn from the process. I had a constant drive for wanting to learn how and why things operate on the most fundamental levels, thus I did for a time struggle with the social conformity in learning something without understanding it's ultimate outcome, result or goal. This can all be attributed to trauma from parents with addictions and such, putting me in serious special ed until grade 12 and in the custody of foster care. That said, I had some decent (albeit Christan) conservative parents.

Albeit I was "Autistic", labelled and essentially academically suppressed I feel that I've built my own Rome over the years and I'm proud to be not stupid like the rest of the world; and by which I mean lacking common sense and rationality. That said I am proud that I acquired a second language, a passion for language and etymolgy, and a vast understanding of science going back to the 1500s. (Further back is a bit touch-and go for me ATM but intruqing nontheless; namely the marvels of science and medicine pertaining to ancient Greece, India (the Puranas and it's mentions of Vedas or 'flying machines'), Ayuvedic medicine and TCM. Astrology however should probably come first for me because I tend to fixate on topics sometimes.

It is unbelievable to me the writing between the lines throughout history and the malicious intent of LHP (Abrahamic) spirituality. I can't help but think of left-brain thinking vs right-brain thinking being highly comparable to religion. These idiots think they find truth in solely learning from doctrines when true spirituality comes from within (via intuition) by first connecting to your true self and finding your truth through the process of considering all posibilities.

These archaeologists (practically all Jewish) have been blatantly eviscerating our world of sacred Pagan monuments whilst touting their Abrahamic pseudo-history.

I had never thought myself intelligent logically considering how much there is to know, yet after one sees articles after articles akin to these along with Maxine's teachings it has become excruciatingly clear what world we live in compared to the world most of the world think we live in. Xianists are lost and I cannot think of how to change their thinking on current events, even the highly intelligent and 'awake' ones who cannot question a single action made against the middle east. We grow from pain and facing the source of that pain. It is exactly like being one big soul test, one in which for certain we will reclaim our world to it's former glory of, for and with the Gods.

It's things like this that really drive me to action; facing those truths and feeling blessed that I have the means to actualize that change. In that regard I cannot see myself being a full-out activist but rather someone who plants seeds to grow some people food for thought. The world seems to have a long way to go in growing out of all their weaknesses, labels and so forth yet I'm elated to feel so immensely inspired by people with the same heart and soul to my own.

Anyway, thanks again. I am excited to continue my journey as an SS while reading and learning from things of old; such as Plato, Nitzsche and so on. Too much of the jew history can get tough for me sometimes as it can lead to an inclination to become over-analytical and emotionally unbalanced. I for some reason hate to say it but I'm a person who must constantly know and accept my limits and always strive to find a perfect balance in all things at all times.

At work most people seem to think that I must've have a tough go because I simply appear odd and eccentric to most being that I tend to always be in a happy flow kind-of state. That said I find nearly everyone loves my optimism, yet a few others seem to think I must have a mental illness (largely x-tards) being that I'm so (perhaps) completely driven to only to success and creating/manifesting positivity. I find joy in simple experienced-based things and daily conventions that hold value, whilst other people like to discuss finances, purchases, social interactions with other people, etc...

I will allow these people to think I'm insane and feel bad for them only a little because their lives probably aren't nearly as fulfilling as mine; living my best life everyday, like it's my birthday or something. They seem to prefer that zombie-state with a lot of sarcasm and dry humour for some reason; the later which I can at times get behind.

Thanks again and sorry to rant and rave a little bit. That's a part of my personality for sure; a highly empathetic and constant thinker who wears his heart on his sleeve at all times. We are all different I guess and that probably goes back to Horroscopes; something I should indeed put at the forefront of my research. I feel strongly that Blitzerkrieg resembles my own personality somehow and his words are of great comfort and inspiration to me as well as your own.

Keep up the exceptional work!
One little edit for context - "I only manifest and create positivity" - by that I do also mean the positive result of righteous action; namely RTRs.

I might sound very humble and I don't want people here to think I'm one of those Satanists, given my passive language and that. :-/
My great-grandmother was a Mi'kmaq, Im searching for information about mi'kmaq mythology. I'll try to get something out of all those myths and legends but thank you for this work

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
