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Mother Lilith's beautiful black orb


New member
Sep 20, 2017
The Equator
"The enemy is afraid of mother Lilith's ritual".

Recently I have been adding Lilith's power ritual just before any God ritual. It is short enough that it only takes a few extra minutes and is well worth the extra effort.

You can see it as charging up and enhancing the ritual that comes after as darkness, like a black hole hole that sucks up all light around it, is the essence of power which has always been feminine. The ritual after is the blasting off of that energy that has been absorbed and then sent out as light.

My experiences with mother Lilith go back to when I was somewhat new around the mid to late 00's(I've been dedicated since 2004), and at the time I thought, because of her black orb and not knowing any better that this was an enemy spirit. I immediately called out to Father Satan that I was being attacked by an enemy thought form. I very rarely saw her orb after that.

It wasn't until recently that I found out for certain that this was mother Lilith checking up on me. The more you do any God ritual the closer your psychic connection to that particular deity and the more you will interact with them.

It is always a wonder and honor to behold her black orb. After the first when ritual for her the dream I had immediately before waking was of a music that was equal part terror, fright, madness and also an exotic extasy as I was frozen stiff unable to back away. I was a afraid but at the same time I could not stop wanting to listen.

This is undoubtedly the music that the high priestesses of Dionysus must have sounded like in their dithyramb. It almost sounded "evil" and I mean this in the best way possible. The sound of damning your enemies for all eternity. There was a visual added as well which seemed something like ferromagnetic fluid, but a bit more stringy and less symmetrical, like oily tentacles that moved to the beat of the music is the only way I could really describe it.

My purpose for writing this is to buy you some time, as energy is like time, your most valuable asset, and this ritual really only takes about 10 minutes to add to other rituals. The nostalgia and gratitude I felt towards her watching over me all these years from when I was new makes me want others to bless her. You would be surprised at how much paranoia this causes the enemy, and you won't actually find out until you actually practice this ritual often enough to be shown. The curses and insomnia I had to deal with about a lunar opposition from when the ritual started was enough to let me know just how deadly this is. I've had so much of my time wasted as a result and can only hope you do not waste yours.

Hail Mother Lilith!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
