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Meeting Satan For the first time in the Astral Realm


New member
Jul 7, 2022
Last night before I went to bed I said " Only Astral entities of Satan are allowed to enter my dream realm" 9 times and "When I sleep I will enter Satan's realm of enjoyment and excitement." 9 times. I've been dealing with the enemy a lot lately in my dreams, almost every night. The "I am always totally safe and protected in every way." wasn't really working. By the way I said the above affirmations about the realms in my head (I feel like they connect better and have less interference) In the dream I was in a dimly lit room sitting on the couch and Satan just appeared from the side of me kinds behind me. He put his hand on my shoulder and I was flooded with a loving energy and he spoke to me telepathically telling me that I was indeed his child and that I was loved. He also told me that I need to donate to the JOS. He even gave me a specific amount to give. One thing I did notice was I wasn't able to see his face clearly, I noticed the blonde hair which almost looked like an 80's rockstar,, also I couldn't see a bright colored aura. I know for a fact my 3rd eye isn't open I can barely imagine things with my eyes closed like balls of light like when doing the Aura Protection Meditation. But I'm pretty sure it was Satan who visited me. Didn't tell me anything bad. Didn't feel any negativity. Told me I was loved and I'm not a bastard lol. When he was done talking to me he just walked out the door. He actually seemed to be in somewhat of a hurry like he had other things he needed to attend to. I did take note that he was at least 2 feet taller than me and I'm like 6'1. There was also a cat in the dream and he picked it up and it started doing this weird vibrating thing. (Not purring lol) but yeah. Yesterday night was the first time I came into contact with Satan. Has anyone have any of their stories to share?
For me, when I met Satan, I got to be able to draw him. I have his sketch still. He is extremely beautiful, and I can actually see a lot of his physical features in so many people, especially White people (for obvious reasons). This made me really think about how I treated people, because I've seen his face, and made me have this sort of compassion for them because they carry his genes, whether they know it or not. His energy was very Venusian, it was very artsy. He had this aura of this poet, his way of talking was very poetic and carried a lot of depth. And if one were to peel the layers of his words, his genius and his intellect is what makes one like wow. He's definitely one of the smartest, gentle, and so vivid, so alive and so full of color, personality and beauty.
I've been in contact with Satan long before I knew one of the "friendly mentor voices" was him. I was mixed up with xanity, and thought he was Jewhovah at the time. Sometime after I dedicated, I was pulled into a trance and he asked me to visit him. He placed a portal inside my astral temple and I walked into it.

I was teleported to a huge area with very tall pillars and a solid stone block in the middle. I sat on the stone block and he walked into my view. At the time I couldn't see his real face, but his body looked normal. He looked like he had some kind of Halloween monster mask on.

I don't remember much of what he said, but I do remember him saying I still "had some corruption" in me. I knew he was referring to my moderate case of xanity programming. I later found out that tyrannical "monster voice" I would hear sometimes was actually an enemy thoughtform. I had summoned it out of ignorance by reading the bible and trying to communicate with (((god))) :? . However, my Demoness helped me banish it and that thing hasn't been back since.

I wonder if that "vibrating cat" you held could be your familiar.
For aura of protection, simply affirming and or visualising colour will not do much for protection when you go past a point. You would need something more potent, which is why I recommend invoking energy with a mantra. Words of power such as Surya, Algiz and Sowilo as an example are great tools to utilize for protection. There are others, and variations of runes are okay too, but this is just to give you an idea.

At the end of the day it's not okay to be disturbed by the enemy. Aside from aura of protection, doing spiritual warfare daily will give you psychically more breathing room.
Very nice, im happy for you :) few years ago i went on couch to rest for some time than i fell to sleep. Satan visited me in my dreams, i had some problems, i asked Him what to do, and He said: A person does not find that information, but search for it. He was also in hurry and i asked Him only one more thing. I asked Him if i can reach Magnum Opus in this life. He was quiet for few moments and than He said: Yes. I know Satan never lied to anyone, so i know He was saying the truth.

Hail Satan!
Wow. All of your replies are wonderful! Kayva! I would love to see that picture! Yes, his voice was very smooth and poetic, nothing I have ever heard, but what really got me was the energy poured into me, it felt like I was in a stream of cool water but was more soothing than cold. Ursa! I'm glad I am not alone and not being able to see Father's face, maybe I still have some corruption I need to eradicate, also I wasn't the one holding the cat, Satan was! And he was chonky 🤣. Henu! Thank you for that valuable information! I will use it to my advantage! JOS Cyber Security person! It's good to know that I wasn't the only one who witnessed his sudden leave , I was like wait come back! Lol. And as far as you reaching the Magnum Opus yessssssssss I hope we all reach the Godhead, if not I hope we have a major transformation that we can take into Du'at!!

Thank you all!!!
Azureflame666 said:
Wow. All of your replies are wonderful! Kayva! I would love to see that picture! Yes, his voice was very smooth and poetic, nothing I have ever heard, but what really got me was the energy poured into me, it felt like I was in a stream of cool water but was more soothing than cold. Ursa! I'm glad I am not alone and not being able to see Father's face, maybe I still have some corruption I need to eradicate, also I wasn't the one holding the cat, Satan was! And he was chonky 🤣. Henu! Thank you for that valuable information! I will use it to my advantage! JOS Cyber Security person! It's good to know that I wasn't the only one who witnessed his sudden leave , I was like wait come back! Lol. And as far as you reaching the Magnum Opus yessssssssss I hope we all reach the Godhead, if not I hope we have a major transformation that we can take into Du'at!!

Thank you all!!!

Ah, I got it mixed up then lol, maybe he was showing you that you can heal the cat with magick and vibrations. HPS Maxine healed her cat with magick before. Also from what I can tell, most inference we get during communication with the Gods is due to either brainwashing or simply a failure to grasp a foundational concept. To fix this, just keep educating yourself with truthful information, doing Satanic meditations, and chanting the RTR at least once daily.
Last night before I went to bed I said " Only Astral entities of Satan are allowed to enter my dream realm" 9 times and "When I sleep I will enter Satan's realm of enjoyment and excitement." 9 times. I've been dealing with the enemy a lot lately in my dreams, almost every night. The "I am always totally safe and protected in every way." wasn't really working. By the way I said the above affirmations about the realms in my head (I feel like they connect better and have less interference) In the dream I was in a dimly lit room sitting on the couch and Satan just appeared from the side of me kinds behind me. He put his hand on my shoulder and I was flooded with a loving energy and he spoke to me telepathically telling me that I was indeed his child and that I was loved. He also told me that I need to donate to the JOS. He even gave me a specific amount to give. One thing I did notice was I wasn't able to see his face clearly, I noticed the blonde hair which almost looked like an 80's rockstar,, also I couldn't see a bright colored aura. I know for a fact my 3rd eye isn't open I can barely imagine things with my eyes closed like balls of light like when doing the Aura Protection Meditation. But I'm pretty sure it was Satan who visited me. Didn't tell me anything bad. Didn't feel any negativity. Told me I was loved and I'm not a bastard lol. When he was done talking to me he just walked out the door. He actually seemed to be in somewhat of a hurry like he had other things he needed to attend to. I did take note that he was at least 2 feet taller than me and I'm like 6'1. There was also a cat in the dream and he picked it up and it started doing this weird vibrating thing. (Not purring lol) but yeah. Yesterday night was the first time I came into contact with Satan. Has anyone have any of their stories to share?
Re-reading this brought tears to my eyes. I had to make a new account because I got locked out of this one!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
