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Lucky numbers

What the fuck man??

Satanism isn't about winning a lottery, it's about becoming the God that you truly must be.

Lottery is just another jewish act just so they could get millions upon millions of money, even if you win, they take away your money through bills, food, etc.
My goodness.. People like this just crack me up.. The sheer stupidity.. 

He's no SS that much should be clear. 

Mister "I rolled my face over the keyboard because I am too lazy to take the time to write an actual name":

If you are truly interested in Satanism then read the information on these websites:

Joy of Satan  Exposing Christianity
There are better ways to become rich if you are looking to become a millionaire. 
Stop wasting your money on stupid lottery tickets. 

Even if you win it will cause you more trouble than it's worth. 

People like you who rely on stupid miracles to win lotteries are no good. Stop being a lazy ass and do something productive with your time. 

If you are so concerned with material wealth try to look for other ways to become a millionaire. 
There are a lot of better and more accesible ways to satisfy your need for material possesions. 

Also take a moment to think what you will do with the money if you were to recieve it. 
Most likely the few millions you could win with a lucky lottery ticked, unless you get a jackpot aren't going to give you the life of luxury you are thinking of... 

---In [email protected], <kendallnight8@... wrote :

What the fuck man??

Satanism isn't about winning a lottery, it's about becoming the God that you truly must be.

Lottery is just another jewish act just so they could get millions upon millions of money, even if you win, they take away your money through bills, food, etc.
Playing the lottery is a bad investment unless you have a powerful soul and have done a large quantity of money spells. There are many ways to use magick to obtain money and the money can come in ways besides winning the lottery.

You can do Money Meditations, Material Sun Squares, Material Venus Squares, Money Spells, and remove hang-ups about money. You can also vibrate the runes FEHU or ODHAL, use affirmations coupled with visualization, use your aura to attract money, or increase the ability of your aura to attract money.

Money Meditation
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html   Satan's Magickal Squares and The Runic Kabalah PDF and Audio Mp3s
http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Audio_Mp3s.htm   Explanation of the more powerful version of the runes

Money Spells
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... les/MONEY/   Using the Aura
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AURA.html   Increasing the Ability of Your Aura to Attract Money (page 59)
http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Hp ... 66vol1.pdf
You can also use the extremely powerful SATANAS for anything you desire. You can use SATANAS to empower your soul, bring free time to yourself, find lost objects, add power to rituals, and anything else you desire. You can use SATANAS for literally anything, I successfully used SATANAS to return a computer I did not like after the 14 day return policy had expired and without the original packaging. Original packaging was required for returns at the particular store the computer came from.

How to use SATANAS
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ges/149200   SATANAS Mp3
How would you do this ?

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On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 8:54 PM, johnson_akemi@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Playing the lottery is a bad investment unless you have a powerful soul and have done a large quantity of money spells. There are many ways to use magick to obtain money and the money can come in ways besides winning the lottery.

You can do Money Meditations, Material Sun Squares, Material Venus Squares, Money Spells, and remove hang-ups about money. You can also vibrate the runes FEHU or ODHAL, use affirmations coupled with visualization, use your aura to attract money, or increase the ability of your aura to attract money.

Money Meditation
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html   Satan's Magickal Squares and The Runic Kabalah PDF and Audio Mp3s
http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Audio_Mp3s.htm   Explanation of the more powerful version of the runes

Money Spells
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... les/MONEY/   Using the Aura
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AURA.html   Increasing the Ability of Your Aura to Attract Money (page 59)
http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Hp ... 66vol1.pdf
You can also use the extremely powerful SATANAS for anything you desire. You can use SATANAS to empower your soul, bring free time to yourself, find lost objects, add power to rituals, and anything else you desire. You can use SATANAS for literally anything, I successfully used SATANAS to return a computer I did not like after the 14 day return policy had expired and without the original packaging. Original packaging was required for returns at the particular store the computer came from.

How to use SATANAS
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ges/149200   SATANAS Mp3

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
