I would like to communicate as I believe that perhaps I may well be in a position to assist those interested in advancing within Satanism and Magick.
Please be so good as to kindly forward me an email so that we can communicate. I have never come across Asian Satanists before and frankly I'm exited.
The Other. Beyond that Attracting, Transforming, Forbidden Essence. Contradictory Defiance: challenging in its purest, answering, archetypal, shape-shifting form. The fascination that creates, nourishes, destroys and redeems. The Prince of the Earth, the Lord of the Air, the Darkness of the Deep, and the God of Fire! The majestic potency, force, presence, power; Magick of the Name of one known by many. Intoxicating. Subversive. Eternal.
The Other. That arrogant, inspirational quest and elegant undercurrent to a superior life of overcoming Everything you have never dreamed of and more than your deepest nightmares. The alarming, awful, sinister, dispossessed delight of the Empowerment of Knowing The Triumph of Ecstasy reflected in Your Imagination, Honour, Genius and Terror! Rebellion! Liberty!
The Other. That banished suspicion and apprehensive silence - trespassing in disguise. A Question and An Accusation - The Fear and Celebration. The Shadow and horror unknown of Life and Death - Of Aeons passed and Potentiality. Of Willing and Becoming and Exalting in this life...
Hail Myself that I Seek to Be HAIL SATAN **********************
It is revealed individually To those who can bear it **********************
Sic Luceat Lux
The nobility that separation often confers The Anti-hero's awe engendering majesty: Wonderful, terrifying numinous. The grandeur and romance of honour and culture Insurgent and intricately subversive: An illusion within a glamorous mirage Of unrivalled vigour Weaving, penetrating and suffusing The obsession of spectral desires As forbidden as guilt. The charmingly mysterious As unpredictable as our anxieties And as enchanting as the unknown. Inspired, alarming And reflected in the unimaginable.
Please be so good as to kindly forward me an email so that we can communicate. I have never come across Asian Satanists before and frankly I'm exited.
The Other. Beyond that Attracting, Transforming, Forbidden Essence. Contradictory Defiance: challenging in its purest, answering, archetypal, shape-shifting form. The fascination that creates, nourishes, destroys and redeems. The Prince of the Earth, the Lord of the Air, the Darkness of the Deep, and the God of Fire! The majestic potency, force, presence, power; Magick of the Name of one known by many. Intoxicating. Subversive. Eternal.
The Other. That arrogant, inspirational quest and elegant undercurrent to a superior life of overcoming Everything you have never dreamed of and more than your deepest nightmares. The alarming, awful, sinister, dispossessed delight of the Empowerment of Knowing The Triumph of Ecstasy reflected in Your Imagination, Honour, Genius and Terror! Rebellion! Liberty!
The Other. That banished suspicion and apprehensive silence - trespassing in disguise. A Question and An Accusation - The Fear and Celebration. The Shadow and horror unknown of Life and Death - Of Aeons passed and Potentiality. Of Willing and Becoming and Exalting in this life...
Hail Myself that I Seek to Be HAIL SATAN **********************
It is revealed individually To those who can bear it **********************
Sic Luceat Lux
The nobility that separation often confers The Anti-hero's awe engendering majesty: Wonderful, terrifying numinous. The grandeur and romance of honour and culture Insurgent and intricately subversive: An illusion within a glamorous mirage Of unrivalled vigour Weaving, penetrating and suffusing The obsession of spectral desires As forbidden as guilt. The charmingly mysterious As unpredictable as our anxieties And as enchanting as the unknown. Inspired, alarming And reflected in the unimaginable.