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I was wondering about kundalini yoga and immortality


New member
Apr 15, 2022
1. The goal of SS is become God/Goddes and become immortal. But what even means being immortal? It's about body or soul? I mean, maybe it's not the body, i don't know. So, if it's about soul, what means that soul is mortal or immortal?

I want to start kundalini yoga soon. And my questions are:
2. If it is written in "Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series KY kriyas", that i have to do move spine 54 or 108 times, how i have to count? I mean, if i moved my spine forward, backward, forward and backward, it counts as 2 or 4 repeats?

3. In JoS i found Resources page. At the bottom, there is link to Kundalini Yoga Kriyas. There are many kriyas, sets and exercises. I don't no idea which ones i have to choose. Below on this page, there is KY to raise Kundalini in quick order and is it safe (because it doesn't sound like that)?
1. The goal of SS is become God/Goddes and become immortal. But what even means being immortal? It's about body or soul? I mean, maybe it's not the body, i don't know. So, if it's about soul, what means that soul is mortal or immortal?

I want to start kundalini yoga soon. And my questions are:
2. If it is written in "Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series KY kriyas", that i have to do move spine 54 or 108 times, how i have to count? I mean, if i moved my spine forward, backward, forward and backward, it counts as 2 or 4 repeats?

3. In JoS i found Resources page. At the bottom, there is link to Kundalini Yoga Kriyas. There are many kriyas, sets and exercises. I don't no idea which ones i have to choose. Below on this page, there is KY to raise Kundalini in quick order and is it safe (because it doesn't sound like that)?
1. As Brother @Henu the Great mention already Spiritual immortality is the followed with physical immortality. Yes essentially the soul is mortal meaning it can dissipate if no spiritual work i.e power meditation, yoga Kundalini yoga Is done to sustain it.

2. Forwad and back flexing of the spine counts as one repetition. So you would be flexing your spine since you are a beginner, 54 times. Then as you feel the need to progress go up to 64, and do this process gradually until you reach 108. Do not overdo it if you aren’t ready.

3. I would recommend to do the Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Series KY Kriya as you are just beginning it. Once you are well acquainted with it, the other kriyas are others you a use to your hearts content. In regards to trying to raise the kundalini quickly start with the basics. If you go off with multiple facts of KY, you won’t get anywhere. Take it one step at a time. As well as these KY kriyas from the Resource page are for practitioners that are already well into Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
