Very cool. You’re intuition is probably correct. I do feel like souls come in rather pure, but thru enemy programming are corrupted. I weep for all the time lost and what everyone could’ve been(still can be).
And yes, they are definitely there, I’ve just never given them much thought until recently, to be honest. I go thru periods of intense meditation where things are moving forward and for some reason or other(probably spiritual malaise) I stop. Since I’ve dedicated a 4 months back, I seem to be doing better though. Got a huge raise at work and whatever I put my mind to, I’m finally able to have some continuous gains for the first time in my adult life. I suspected they might have something to do with astral travel, but wasn’t sure. My projections have just come back recently, haven’t been able to astral travel for 10 years or so. When I was young I could at least get out of my body thru will and fly to different places. Something happened and every time I’ve managed to get out in the last 10 years, I have no control of my astral body and can’t see. I just drift around without any power and usually spin out of control. I suspect it has something to do with the visualization of falling into endless nothingness that was quite real to me at the time. Recently(past month maybe) I have been intending to heal my astral body and it seems to be working. Not sure if I was correct in assuming I received some type of bad damage to my astral body, but I ask the Gods everyday to help me fill it with light and I’ve had 3-4 projections in the last week. A couple of these I was able to gather real time info about people’s going ons, weather outside and so forth. Next time I’m there I’ll try to work with my wings and see if they are present. I’ll let you know if I learn anything. Thanks!