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Guide to Norse Rune: Uruz

Jul 31, 2021
-Anglo-Saxon: Ur
-Germanic: Uraz (Uruz)
-Gothic: Urus
-Norse: Úr
-Icelandic: Úr
-Norwegian: Ur
(The German prefix “Ur” refers to something deeply primordial or in its original state. Ur is the original power to form and to shape. )

''Aurochs is fearless and greatly horneda very fierce beast,it fights with its horns, a famous roamer of the moor it is a courageous animal.''— Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem.

''(Slag) is from bad ironoft runs the reindeer on the hard snow.''— Old Norwegian Rune.

''Rhyme (Drizzle) is the weeping of clouds and the diminisher of the ring of ice and the herdsman’s hate.''— Old Icelandic Rune Poem.

The rune-name Uruz means “aurochs,” the mighty, wild bovine of ancient times and
the rune poems link this stave to the process of purification and shaping embodied by the cow Audhumbla ( In the mythology URUZ is represented by the great cow Audhumla, which licked a great icy block of salt in order to form the primal androgyne Buri. Also, she was the source of sustenance for the cosmic giant Ymir. Audhumla was herself formed from the dripping rime produced when the world fire met the world ice. This is also the unmanifested energized essence from which the cosmic ice and Audhumla were originally formed.
) and the alchemical process of evaporation. Both “slag” and “drizzle” speak of the endless process of patterning,cleansing, and reshaping which is the work of Uruz.
Uruz is the rune of Wyrd as an active force (the upward stroke) and also the rune used to direct the magical shaping will into the Well of Urdhr (the downward stroke).
Uruz is a rune of healing, since it draws Qi from all the realms and brings itinto being according to the initial pattern which is held in the genetic structure of the body. It both shapes and maintains the health and strength which are necessary to sustain the intense efforts of magic and to withstand the strain which prolonged use of energies puts on the user.
The Uruz rune is the patterning and formulating power in universe, the source of the ordering principles that lead to the final formulation of the world. This rune is the unmanifested pattern of matter (contrast with the antimatter nature of Isa ).
Life’s persistence and its endless resourcefulness in the task of survival are all implicit within the rune meaning of Uruz, thus it is a rune of manifestation and endurance.
Being an oscillating rune while in a draught, it brings with itself a particular dynamism and greatly enhances all of the runes it finds itself next to, be them good or bad.

1. Teutonic Magic: The Magical & Spiritual Practices of the Germanic Peoples-Gundarsson, Kveldulf.
2. Futhark A Handbook Of Rune Magic-Edred Thorsson

( At first I wasn't sure if I should write this but I think it would be helpful since I noticed Arcadia wrote the Fehu post and decided to continue with Uruz.)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
