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Neptunus Eternia

New member
Apr 17, 2010
Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
I'm not knowledgeable in the subject of feminism, but feminism is a reaction towards the brutal and aggressive chauvinism of the Right Hand Path, promoted by the enemy programs: xianity, islam and judism.

Either feminism or the worship of the masculinity is wrong, since these are extremes which cause discord among the Gentiles WHICH IS WHAT THE KIKE WANTS.

Neither the feminine nor the masculine is more/less important - they are EQUALLY important.


--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@... wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
I am glad this question came up, I have been meaning to write something about the modern "feminism" movement for a while.

Your observations are correct. Modern feminism is a creation of the kikes through and through and is nothing but communist trash. In truth, there is nothing "feminine" about it and it also works to destroy the feminine aspect of the Soul just the same as xianity, only from a different angle. Something else it has in common with xianity is that it once again seeks to disturb the balance- there is no equilibrium. In xianity, women are worthless. In modern feminism, men are worthless. There needs to be equilibrium. In Ancient Paganism, both the phallus and the yoni were revered and the concept of equilibrium between the two was understood. This is something which is vital in True Spirituality.

The Hermaphrodite was one of the most sacred symbols, as a perfect balance between male and female. The term comes from "Hermes" and "Aphrodite", Hermes representing the male and Aphrodite the female and the Hermaphrodite was "born from the union of the God Hermes and the Goddess Aphrodite". This is obviously allegorical and pertains to the Soul. Those who were born Hermaphrodites in the Ancient world were revered and highly respected and were most often in the Priesthood.

Anyway, my point is that equilibrium is the key.

There are many things that are very wrong with modern feminism and the doctrine it espouses is poisonous to society. It belittles men and is no better than xianity.

Yes, women SHOULD be allowed to choose their own lives and are NOT the property of men as they are treated in xianity, islam and other enemy programs. Women should be allowed to work and be independent. But this kike feminism is sick bullshit and takes this to the absolute extreme and TELLS women how they should or should not be and attacks any woman who doesn't agree with it. It also seeks to break down the family unit as many women are taught that family is not important and other sick trash that is obviously severely damaging to society. Society needs mothers and care givers, and there is NOTHING wrong with a woman who chooses to be a mother. Child Birth is beautiful and obviously an essential part of life. Yet this kike feminism is trying to teach that these women are "backward" because of their choices and throws onto them all kinds of labels to try and make them feel guilty.

Equilibrium is the key, and kikes always work to remove equilibrium. This modern feminism is also causing a lot of animosity between the sexes and once again, Gentiles are fighting against Gentiles and the kikes get away scot-free.


Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail all the Mighty Gods of Hell!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@... wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
Radical feminist movements have described child bearing as male oppression of women and slavery as well as numerous other ridiculous claims. Not so radical however are the ideals of women in business, science education etc. Which has shifted the paradigms in many industries that were traditionally viewed as men only (such as military, construction etc.). The typical behaviors and attack plans involve taking something positive (feminism, sexual liberation) and turning it into its most radical extreme to play both sides against each other and bring out the most negative elements of each (radical feminism, porn addiction etc.).

A major element of human thinking, especially when employing advanced spiritual techniques as we do, those that have the potential to drive a person mad, is to find not only balance in such things but to realise the elements beneficial for our employment (I'm not talking about jobs here, I'm speaking of employing the benefits) and being aware of those that negate human life.

The jewish brands of these movements play on the sheep mentality generalius (yes I'm aware I just made that word up) and work to promote the latter.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@... wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
What pisses me off to no end is being looked down upon for being a "housewife". It is my choice to stay at home to raise my child, rather than working a job that I probably wouldn't enjoy for wages that barely cover the bills while my child is raised by someone else in a childcare centre. And if I want to cook nutritious meals for my family, again that is frowned upon by society. Apparently my family should be fed microwavable mush with no flavour and extra salt, bad fats and sugars. Also, according to this wretched society, we should live in squalor because no one has time to do a reasonable time in cleaning their homes because they're suck in jobs that they hate and aren't often very good at. I received a decent education before having children, when my children no longer require as much as attention from their mother (although I only have the one child at the moment, I'm hoping to become pregnant again in the very near future) then I will happily work and having two incomes sounds rather nice, but right now my child needs me. Being a housewife is the hardest job imaginable, yet it is also the most rewarding and I've had enough of society calling me "worthless" for choosing to do it. Society isn't responsible for my child, me and my partner are (another thing to piss off society, not being married lol). Apparently me and my housewife friends are anti-feminist for choosing to live are lives this way. Anyways, I think I've ranted enough.

Hail Satan ------------------From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... Sender: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 15:01:56 -0000To: <JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.comReplyTo: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism

I am glad this question came up, I have been meaning to write something about the modern "feminism" movement for a while.

Your observations are correct. Modern feminism is a creation of the kikes through and through and is nothing but communist trash. In truth, there is nothing "feminine" about it and it also works to destroy the feminine aspect of the Soul just the same as xianity, only from a different angle. Something else it has in common with xianity is that it once again seeks to disturb the balance- there is no equilibrium. In xianity, women are worthless. In modern feminism, men are worthless. There needs to be equilibrium. In Ancient Paganism, both the phallus and the yoni were revered and the concept of equilibrium between the two was understood. This is something which is vital in True Spirituality.

The Hermaphrodite was one of the most sacred symbols, as a perfect balance between male and female. The term comes from "Hermes" and "Aphrodite", Hermes representing the male and Aphrodite the female and the Hermaphrodite was "born from the union of the God Hermes and the Goddess Aphrodite". This is obviously allegorical and pertains to the Soul. Those who were born Hermaphrodites in the Ancient world were revered and highly respected and were most often in the Priesthood.

Anyway, my point is that equilibrium is the key.

There are many things that are very wrong with modern feminism and the doctrine it espouses is poisonous to society. It belittles men and is no better than xianity.

Yes, women SHOULD be allowed to choose their own lives and are NOT the property of men as they are treated in xianity, islam and other enemy programs. Women should be allowed to work and be independent. But this kike feminism is sick bullshit and takes this to the absolute extreme and TELLS women how they should or should not be and attacks any woman who doesn't agree with it. It also seeks to break down the family unit as many women are taught that family is not important and other sick trash that is obviously severely damaging to society. Society needs mothers and care givers, and there is NOTHING wrong with a woman who chooses to be a mother. Child Birth is beautiful and obviously an essential part of life. Yet this kike feminism is trying to teach that these women are "backward" because of their choices and throws onto them all kinds of labels to try and make them feel guilty.

Equilibrium is the key, and kikes always work to remove equilibrium. This modern feminism is also causing a lot of animosity between the sexes and once again, Gentiles are fighting against Gentiles and the kikes get away scot-free.


Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail all the Mighty Gods of Hell!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@... wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
its cool :) i would be a stay at home wife if i could as well. i am very domestic.
-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 1:44:07 pm
To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
From: mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism

What pisses me off to no end is being looked down upon for being a "housewife". It is my choice to stay at home to raise my child, rather than working a job that I probably wouldn't enjoy for wages that barely cover the bills while my child is raised by someone else in a childcare centre. And if I want to cook nutritious meals for my family, again that is frowned upon by society. Apparently my family should be fed microwavable mush with no flavour and extra salt, bad fats and sugars. Also, according to this wretched society, we should live in squalor because no one has time to do a reasonable time in cleaning their homes because they're suck in jobs that they hate and aren't often very good at. I received a decent education before having children, when my children no longer require as much as attention from their mother (although I only have the one child at the moment, I'm hoping to become pregnant again in the very near future) then I will happily work and having two incomes sounds rather nice, but right now my child needs me. Being a housewife is the hardest job imaginable, yet it is also the most rewarding and I've had enough of society calling me "worthless" for choosing to do it. Society isn't responsible for my child, me and my partner are (another thing to piss off society, not being married lol). Apparently me and my housewife friends are anti-feminist for choosing to live are lives this way. Anyways, I think I've ranted enough.

Hail Satan

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@...
Sender: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 15:01:56
To: <[url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism

I am glad this question came up, I have been meaning to write something about the modern "feminism" movement for a while.

Your observations are correct. Modern feminism is a creation of the kikes through and through and is nothing but communist trash. In truth, there is nothing "feminine" about it and it also works to destroy the feminine aspect of the Soul just the same as xianity, only from a different angle. Something else it has in common with xianity is that it once again seeks to disturb the balance- there is no equilibrium. In xianity, women are worthless. In modern feminism, men are worthless. There needs to be equilibrium. In Ancient Paganism, both the phallus and the yoni were revered and the concept of equilibrium between the two was understood. This is something which is vital in True Spirituality.

The Hermaphrodite was one of the most sacred symbols, as a perfect balance between male and female. The term comes from "Hermes" and "Aphrodite", Hermes representing the male and Aphrodite the female and the Hermaphrodite was "born from the union of the God Hermes and the Goddess Aphrodite". This is obviously allegorical and pertains to the Soul. Those who were born Hermaphrodites in the Ancient world were revered and highly respected and were most often in the Priesthood.

Anyway, my point is that equilibrium is the key.

There are many things that are very wrong with modern feminism and the doctrine it espouses is poisonous to society. It belittles men and is no better than xianity.

Yes, women SHOULD be allowed to choose their own lives and are NOT the property of men as they are treated in xianity, islam and other enemy programs. Women should be allowed to work and be independent. But this kike feminism is sick bullshit and takes this to the absolute extreme and TELLS women how they should or should not be and attacks any woman who doesn't agree with it. It also seeks to break down the family unit as many women are taught that family is not important and other sick trash that is obviously severely damaging to society. Society needs mothers and care givers, and there is NOTHING wrong with a woman who chooses to be a mother. Child Birth is beautiful and obviously an essential part of life. Yet this kike feminism is trying to teach that these women are "backward" because of their choices and throws onto them all kinds of labels to try and make them feel guilty.

Equilibrium is the key, and kikes always work to remove equilibrium. This modern feminism is also causing a lot of animosity between the sexes and once again, Gentiles are fighting against Gentiles and the kikes get away scot-free.


Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail all the Mighty Gods of Hell!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@... wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
Mia, it's not a rant at all but a passionate statement of fact.

Being a housewife, homemaker, stay-at-home mom (whatever you choose to call it) is looked down upon because turning one's children over to daycare for someone else to raise is part of the jew-system's many-pronged approach to breaking down the family unit.

I would have given my proverbial eye-teeth to have been a "housewife" instead of doing the business & corporate thing which I hated beyond words right from the get-go. (I finally got to retire and have never been happier.)

An unfortunate thing some stay-at-home women say when the inevitable, invasive, "What do you do for a living?" comes up is answer with, "I'm JUST a housewife." Hello? There's no "just" (as in "mere") about it; looking after one's family & raising the next generation is one of the most important jobs on the planet! And it's not for the lazy; it's a full time commitment. Imagine being brainwashed into thinking one is "less than" for doing that! Shameful ... What we DO is not who we ARE.

I don't know why they squawk about couples not being married; I presume it's considered a sign of rebellion against their rigid, bureaucratic system with its reams of paperwork and obsession with record-keeping in quadruplicate. Nothing is as important as "papers".

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@... wrote:

What pisses me off to no end is being looked down upon for being a "housewife". It is my choice to stay at home to raise my child, rather than working a job that I probably wouldn't enjoy for wages that barely cover the bills while my child is raised by someone else in a childcare centre. And if I want to cook nutritious meals for my family, again that is frowned upon by society. Apparently my family should be fed microwavable mush with no flavour and extra salt, bad fats and sugars. Also, according to this wretched society, we should live in squalor because no one has time to do a reasonable time in cleaning their homes because they're suck in jobs that they hate and aren't often very good at. I received a decent education before having children, when my children no longer require as much as attention from their mother (although I only have the one child at the moment, I'm hoping to become pregnant again in the very near future) then I will happily work and having two incomes sounds rather nice, but right now my child needs me. Being a housewife is the hardest job imaginable, yet it is also the most rewarding and I've had enough of society calling me "worthless" for choosing to do it. Society isn't responsible for my child, me and my partner are (another thing to piss off society, not being married lol). Apparently me and my housewife friends are anti-feminist for choosing to live are lives this way. Anyways, I think I've ranted enough.

Hail Satan

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@...
Sender: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 15:01:56
To: <[url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism

I am glad this question came up, I have been meaning to write something about the modern "feminism" movement for a while.

Your observations are correct. Modern feminism is a creation of the kikes through and through and is nothing but communist trash. In truth, there is nothing "feminine" about it and it also works to destroy the feminine aspect of the Soul just the same as xianity, only from a different angle. Something else it has in common with xianity is that it once again seeks to disturb the balance- there is no equilibrium. In xianity, women are worthless. In modern feminism, men are worthless. There needs to be equilibrium. In Ancient Paganism, both the phallus and the yoni were revered and the concept of equilibrium between the two was understood. This is something which is vital in True Spirituality.

The Hermaphrodite was one of the most sacred symbols, as a perfect balance between male and female. The term comes from "Hermes" and "Aphrodite", Hermes representing the male and Aphrodite the female and the Hermaphrodite was "born from the union of the God Hermes and the Goddess Aphrodite". This is obviously allegorical and pertains to the Soul. Those who were born Hermaphrodites in the Ancient world were revered and highly respected and were most often in the Priesthood.

Anyway, my point is that equilibrium is the key.

There are many things that are very wrong with modern feminism and the doctrine it espouses is poisonous to society. It belittles men and is no better than xianity.

Yes, women SHOULD be allowed to choose their own lives and are NOT the property of men as they are treated in xianity, islam and other enemy programs. Women should be allowed to work and be independent. But this kike feminism is sick bullshit and takes this to the absolute extreme and TELLS women how they should or should not be and attacks any woman who doesn't agree with it. It also seeks to break down the family unit as many women are taught that family is not important and other sick trash that is obviously severely damaging to society. Society needs mothers and care givers, and there is NOTHING wrong with a woman who chooses to be a mother. Child Birth is beautiful and obviously an essential part of life. Yet this kike feminism is trying to teach that these women are "backward" because of their choices and throws onto them all kinds of labels to try and make them feel guilty.

Equilibrium is the key, and kikes always work to remove equilibrium. This modern feminism is also causing a lot of animosity between the sexes and once again, Gentiles are fighting against Gentiles and the kikes get away scot-free.


Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail all the Mighty Gods of Hell!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@ wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
"Feminism" was created by the kikes of the Frankfurt school of cultural marxism such as ghoulish looking betty freidman, it simply takes the doctrine of marxism and crosses out class and inserts gender instead. It's no mistake even today all it's major pushers are jewesses.   There is nothing femine about it,  it's drive is to force women to a live masculine life style thus rebelling againist their natural being. It's core carries a implanted resentment complex over being born female not male. It's designed to pit men against women in the kike war on the Gentile races divide and rule.   It's just plain insane.

From: chalchiuhnenetzin <jaguarcat2002@...
To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, May 17, 2011 2:28:11 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism

  Mia, it's not a rant at all but a passionate statement of fact.

Being a housewife, homemaker, stay-at-home mom (whatever you choose to call it) is looked down upon because turning one's children over to daycare for someone else to raise is part of the jew-system's many-pronged approach to breaking down the family unit.

I would have given my proverbial eye-teeth to have been a "housewife" instead of doing the business & corporate thing which I hated beyond words right from the get-go. (I finally got to retire and have never been happier.)

An unfortunate thing some stay-at-home women say when the inevitable, invasive, "What do you do for a living?" comes up is answer with, "I'm JUST a housewife." Hello? There's no "just" (as in "mere") about it; looking after one's family & raising the next generation is one of the most important jobs on the planet! And it's not for the lazy; it's a full time commitment. Imagine being brainwashed into thinking one is "less than" for doing that! Shameful ... What we DO is not who we ARE.

I don't know why they squawk about couples not being married; I presume it's considered a sign of rebellion against their rigid, bureaucratic system with its reams of paperwork and obsession with record-keeping in quadruplicate. Nothing is as important as "papers".

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@... wrote:

What pisses me off to no end is being looked down upon for being a "housewife". It is my choice to stay at home to raise my child, rather than working a job that I probably wouldn't enjoy for wages that barely cover the bills while my child is raised by someone else in a childcare centre. And if I want to cook nutritious meals for my family, again that is frowned upon by society. Apparently my family should be fed microwavable mush with no flavour and extra salt, bad fats and sugars. Also, according to this wretched society, we should live in squalor because no one has time to do a reasonable time in cleaning their homes because they're suck in jobs that they hate and aren't often very good at. I received a decent education before having children, when my children no longer require as much as attention from their mother (although I only have the one child at the moment, I'm hoping to become pregnant again in the very near future) then I will happily work and having two incomes sounds rather nice, but right now my child needs me. Being a housewife is the hardest job imaginable, yet it is also the most rewarding and I've had enough of society calling me "worthless" for choosing to do it. Society isn't responsible for my child, me and my partner are (another thing to piss off society, not being married lol). Apparently me and my housewife friends are anti-feminist for choosing to live are lives this way. Anyways, I think I've ranted enough.

Hail Satan

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@...
Sender: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 15:01:56
To: <[url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism

I am glad this question came up, I have been meaning to write something about the modern "feminism" movement for a while.

Your observations are correct. Modern feminism is a creation of the kikes through and through and is nothing but communist trash. In truth, there is nothing "feminine" about it and it also works to destroy the feminine aspect of the Soul just the same as xianity, only from a different angle. Something else it has in common with xianity is that it once again seeks to disturb the balance- there is no equilibrium. In xianity, women are worthless. In modern feminism, men are worthless. There needs to be equilibrium. In Ancient Paganism, both the phallus and the yoni were revered and the concept of equilibrium between the two was understood. This is something which is vital in True Spirituality.

The Hermaphrodite was one of the most sacred symbols, as a perfect balance between male and female. The term comes from "Hermes" and "Aphrodite", Hermes representing the male and Aphrodite the female and the Hermaphrodite was "born from the union of the God Hermes and the Goddess Aphrodite". This is obviously allegorical and pertains to the Soul. Those who were born Hermaphrodites in the Ancient world were revered and highly respected and were most often in the Priesthood.

Anyway, my point is that equilibrium is the key.

There are many things that are very wrong with modern feminism and the doctrine it espouses is poisonous to society. It belittles men and is no better than xianity.

Yes, women SHOULD be allowed to choose their own lives and are NOT the property of men as they are treated in xianity, islam and other enemy programs. Women should be allowed to work and be independent. But this kike feminism is sick bullshit and takes this to the absolute extreme and TELLS women how they should or should not be and attacks any woman who doesn't agree with it. It also seeks to break down the family unit as many women are taught that family is not important and other sick trash that is obviously severely damaging to society. Society needs mothers and care givers, and there is NOTHING wrong with a woman who chooses to be a mother. Child Birth is beautiful and obviously an essential part of life. Yet this kike feminism is trying to teach that these women are "backward" because of their choices and throws onto them all kinds of labels to try and make them feel guilty.

Equilibrium is the key, and kikes always work to remove equilibrium. This modern feminism is also causing a lot of animosity between the sexes and once again, Gentiles are fighting against Gentiles and the kikes get away scot-free.


Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail all the Mighty Gods of Hell!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@ wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
Are you a Feminist?
If not, what difference does it make?
If not, your question isn't really valid.

If you are a Feminist, then live your life as a Feminist but don't honor the fucking jews.

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@... wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
Dear all

I am so delighted to have found this group and I look forward to getting to know you all and sharing with you too.

I am a learner, but yet having been hurt too many times by religious beliefs, I know I have truly found my home in Satan and I look forward to dedicating my life and soul to Him and to His service.

Since feminist is just another term for Red, and Red is secular xianity, it does make a difference as ones thought process is tied into the enemy thought form.   So it's not possible to be a feminist and not honor the kikes as you are their mental pawn in their race war on Gentiles.

From: darrklady13 <darkladyschild@...
To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, May 17, 2011 3:21:54 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism

  Are you a Feminist?
If not, what difference does it make?
If not, your question isn't really valid.

If you are a Feminist, then live your life as a Feminist but don't honor the fucking jews.

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@... wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
<td val[/IMG]What a great post & so many thoughtful responses, I myself admire womanhood, now I enjoy bdsm I hope by that admissiuon I won't be singled out for a flame war.

I would never spank, restrain anyone who does not consent, as the lifestyle which I am trying to develop is first and foremost consensual. No one is permitted to engage with a non-consenting adult. There are feminist groups in the bdsm world who clash with Male Doms and Female Subs. What annoys me is this desire to control others choices wills etc..........

For me Satanism is about empowering myself through Father Satans truth I require guidance by whatever Father Satan chooses be that by this group or as I would like actually meeting fellow Satanists. From what I understand this is a good view to have, I admire you Mia I certainly do not look down upon you we are all striving to be better in our understandings of Satanism I know I certainly am trying to learn more.
I am sure we are all doing our best.............

--- On Tue, 17/5/11, mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@... <mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@... wrote:
From: mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@... <mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism
To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, 17 May, 2011, 18:31

  What pisses me off to no end is being looked down upon for being a "housewife". It is my choice to stay at home to raise my child, rather than working a job that I probably wouldn't enjoy for wages that barely cover the bills while my child is raised by someone else in a childcare centre. And if I want to cook nutritious meals for my family, again that is frowned upon by society. Apparently my family should be fed microwavable mush with no flavour and extra salt, bad fats and sugars. Also, according to this wretched society, we should live in squalor because no one has time to do a reasonable time in cleaning their homes because they're suck in jobs that they hate and aren't often very good at. I received a decent education before having children, when my children no longer require as much as attention from their mother (although I only have the one child at the moment, I'm hoping to become pregnant again in the very near future) then I will happily work and having two incomes sounds rather nice, but right now my child needs me. Being a housewife is the hardest job imaginable, yet it is also the most rewarding and I've had enough of society calling me "worthless" for choosing to do it. Society isn't responsible for my child, me and my partner are (another thing to piss off society, not being married lol). Apparently me and my housewife friends are anti-feminist for choosing to live are lives this way. Anyways, I think I've ranted enough.

Hail Satan ------------------<hr>From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... Sender: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 15:01:56 -0000To: <JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.comReplyTo: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism

I am glad this question came up, I have been meaning to write something about the modern "feminism" movement for a while.

Your observations are correct. Modern feminism is a creation of the kikes through and through and is nothing but communist trash. In truth, there is nothing "feminine" about it and it also works to destroy the feminine aspect of the Soul just the same as xianity, only from a different angle. Something else it has in common with xianity is that it once again seeks to disturb the balance- there is no equilibrium. In xianity, women are worthless. In modern feminism, men are worthless. There needs to be equilibrium. In Ancient Paganism, both the phallus and the yoni were revered and the concept of equilibrium between the two was understood. This is something which is vital in True Spirituality.

The Hermaphrodite was one of the most sacred symbols, as a perfect balance between male and female. The term comes from "Hermes" and "Aphrodite", Hermes representing the male and Aphrodite the female and the Hermaphrodite was "born from the union of the God Hermes and the Goddess Aphrodite". This is obviously allegorical and pertains to the Soul. Those who were born Hermaphrodites in the Ancient world were revered and highly respected and were most often in the Priesthood.

Anyway, my point is that equilibrium is the key.

There are many things that are very wrong with modern feminism and the doctrine it espouses is poisonous to society. It belittles men and is no better than xianity.

Yes, women SHOULD be allowed to choose their own lives and are NOT the property of men as they are treated in xianity, islam and other enemy programs. Women should be allowed to work and be independent. But this kike feminism is sick bullshit and takes this to the absolute extreme and TELLS women how they should or should not be and attacks any woman who doesn't agree with it. It also seeks to break down the family unit as many women are taught that family is not important and other sick trash that is obviously severely damaging to society. Society needs mothers and care givers, and there is NOTHING wrong with a woman who chooses to be a mother. Child Birth is beautiful and obviously an essential part of life. Yet this kike feminism is trying to teach that these women are "backward" because of their choices and throws onto them all kinds of labels to try and make them feel guilty.

Equilibrium is the key, and kikes always work to remove equilibrium. This modern feminism is also causing a lot of animosity between the sexes and once again, Gentiles are fighting against Gentiles and the kikes get away scot-free.


Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail all the Mighty Gods of Hell!!

Heil Hitler!!
Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- [/IMG]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com, Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@... wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
Since feminist is just another term for Red, and Red is secular xianity, it does
make a difference as ones thought process is tied into the enemy thought form.

So it's not possible to be a feminist and not honor the kikes as you are their
mental pawn in their race war on Gentiles.

From: darrklady13 <darkladyschild@...
To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Sent: Tue, May 17, 2011 3:21:54 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism

Are you a Feminist?
If not, what difference does it make?
If not, your question isn't really valid.

If you are a Feminist, then live your life as a Feminist but don't honor the
fucking jews.

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@ wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other
enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree
with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I
do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is
that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can
someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
wew ive spending my time posting my opinions and experience here... but no one seems to care,,, hmpt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
There shouldn't be any problems with anything you enjoy sexually, so long as all people are consenting, its all on you. Look I have a fetish too (honestly I can be a total freak) you don't have to restrain or hold back at all do what you want to do, just be sure everyone is consenting thats all, and stop if they tell you to stop. Don't worry.
Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], "Aaron De'avalon" <lordaaronbdsm@... wrote:

What a great post & so many thoughtful responses, I myself admire womanhood, now I enjoy bdsm I hope by that admissiuon I won't be singled out for a flame war.

I would never spank, restrain anyone who does not consent, as the lifestyle which I am trying to develop is first and foremost consensual. No one is permitted to engage with a non-consenting adult. There are feminist groups in the bdsm world who clash with Male Doms and Female Subs. What annoys me is this desire to control others choices wills etc..........

For me Satanism is about empowering myself through Father Satans truth I require guidance by whatever Father Satan chooses be that by this group or as I would like actually meeting fellow Satanists. From what I understand this is a good view to have, I admire you Mia I certainly do not look down upon you we are all striving to be better in our understandings of Satanism I know I certainly am trying to learn more.
I am sure we are all doing our best.............

--- On Tue, 17/5/11, mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@... <mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@... wrote:

From: mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@... <mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism
To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Tuesday, 17 May, 2011, 18:31


What pisses me off to no end is being looked down upon for being a "housewife". It is my choice to stay at home to raise my child, rather than working a job that I probably wouldn't enjoy for wages that barely cover the bills while my child is raised by someone else in a childcare centre. And if I want to cook nutritious meals for my family, again that is frowned upon by society. Apparently my family should be fed microwavable mush with no flavour and extra salt, bad fats and sugars. Also, according to this wretched society, we should live in squalor because no one has time to do a reasonable time in cleaning their homes because they're suck in jobs that they hate and aren't often very good at. I received a decent education before having children, when my children no longer require as much as attention from their mother (although I only have the one child at the moment, I'm hoping to become pregnant again in the very near future) then I will happily work
and having two incomes sounds rather nice, but right now my child needs me. Being a housewife is the hardest job imaginable, yet it is also the most rewarding and I've had enough of society calling me "worthless" for choosing to do it. Society isn't responsible for my child, me and my partner are (another thing to piss off society, not being married lol). Apparently me and my housewife friends are anti-feminist for choosing to live are lives this way. Anyways, I think I've ranted enough.

Hail Satan ------------------From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@...
Sender: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 15:01:56 -0000To: <[url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]ReplyTo: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism


I am glad this question came up, I have been meaning to write something about the modern "feminism" movement for a while.

Your observations are correct. Modern feminism is a creation of the kikes through and through and is nothing but communist trash. In truth, there is nothing "feminine" about it and it also works to destroy the feminine aspect of the Soul just the same as xianity, only from a different angle. Something else it has in common with xianity is that it once again seeks to disturb the balance- there is no equilibrium. In xianity, women are worthless. In modern feminism, men are worthless. There needs to be equilibrium. In Ancient Paganism, both the phallus and the yoni were revered and the concept of equilibrium between the two was understood. This is something which is vital in True Spirituality.

The Hermaphrodite was one of the most sacred symbols, as a perfect balance between male and female. The term comes from "Hermes" and "Aphrodite", Hermes representing the male and Aphrodite the female and the Hermaphrodite was "born from the union of the God Hermes and the Goddess Aphrodite". This is obviously allegorical and pertains to the Soul. Those who were born Hermaphrodites in the Ancient world were revered and highly respected and were most often in the Priesthood.

Anyway, my point is that equilibrium is the key.

There are many things that are very wrong with modern feminism and the doctrine it espouses is poisonous to society. It belittles men and is no better than xianity.

Yes, women SHOULD be allowed to choose their own lives and are NOT the property of men as they are treated in xianity, islam and other enemy programs. Women should be allowed to work and be independent. But this kike feminism is sick bullshit and takes this to the absolute extreme and TELLS women how they should or should not be and attacks any woman who doesn't agree with it. It also seeks to break down the family unit as many women are taught that family is not important and other sick trash that is obviously severely damaging to society. Society needs mothers and care givers, and there is NOTHING wrong with a woman who chooses to be a mother. Child Birth is beautiful and obviously an essential part of life. Yet this kike feminism is trying to teach that these women are "backward" because of their choices and throws onto them all kinds of labels to try and make them feel guilty.

Equilibrium is the key, and kikes always work to remove equilibrium. This modern feminism is also causing a lot of animosity between the sexes and once again, Gentiles are fighting against Gentiles and the kikes get away scot-free.


Hail Father Satan!!

Hail Beelzebub!!

Hail all the Mighty Gods of Hell!!

Heil Hitler!!

Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi



Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@ wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
Feminists are among the worst type of woman I've ever met, they are resentful like no other.

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote:

There shouldn't be any problems with anything you enjoy sexually, so long as all people are consenting, its all on you. Look I have a fetish too (honestly I can be a total freak) you don't have to restrain or hold back at all do what you want to do, just be sure everyone is consenting thats all, and stop if they tell you to stop. Don't worry.
Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], "Aaron De'avalon" <lordaaronbdsm@ wrote:

What a great post & so many thoughtful responses, I myself admire womanhood, now I enjoy bdsm I hope by that admissiuon I won't be singled out for a flame war.

I would never spank, restrain anyone who does not consent, as the lifestyle which I am trying to develop is first and foremost consensual. No one is permitted to engage with a non-consenting adult. There are feminist groups in the bdsm world who clash with Male Doms and Female Subs. What annoys me is this desire to control others choices wills etc..........

For me Satanism is about empowering myself through Father Satans truth I require guidance by whatever Father Satan chooses be that by this group or as I would like actually meeting fellow Satanists. From what I understand this is a good view to have, I admire you Mia I certainly do not look down upon you we are all striving to be better in our understandings of Satanism I know I certainly am trying to learn more.
I am sure we are all doing our best.............

--- On Tue, 17/5/11, mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@ <mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@ wrote:

From: mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@ <mia_motherofone_daughterofnone@
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism
To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Tuesday, 17 May, 2011, 18:31


What pisses me off to no end is being looked down upon for being a "housewife". It is my choice to stay at home to raise my child, rather than working a job that I probably wouldn't enjoy for wages that barely cover the bills while my child is raised by someone else in a childcare centre. And if I want to cook nutritious meals for my family, again that is frowned upon by society. Apparently my family should be fed microwavable mush with no flavour and extra salt, bad fats and sugars. Also, according to this wretched society, we should live in squalor because no one has time to do a reasonable time in cleaning their homes because they're suck in jobs that they hate and aren't often very good at. I received a decent education before having children, when my children no longer require as much as attention from their mother (although I only have the one child at the moment, I'm hoping to become pregnant again in the very near future) then I will happily work
and having two incomes sounds rather nice, but right now my child needs me. Being a housewife is the hardest job imaginable, yet it is also the most rewarding and I've had enough of society calling me "worthless" for choosing to do it. Society isn't responsible for my child, me and my partner are (another thing to piss off society, not being married lol). Apparently me and my housewife friends are anti-feminist for choosing to live are lives this way. Anyways, I think I've ranted enough.

Hail Satan ------------------From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
Sender: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 15:01:56 -0000To: <[url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]ReplyTo: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Feminism


I am glad this question came up, I have been meaning to write something about the modern "feminism" movement for a while.

Your observations are correct. Modern feminism is a creation of the kikes through and through and is nothing but communist trash. In truth, there is nothing "feminine" about it and it also works to destroy the feminine aspect of the Soul just the same as xianity, only from a different angle. Something else it has in common with xianity is that it once again seeks to disturb the balance- there is no equilibrium. In xianity, women are worthless. In modern feminism, men are worthless. There needs to be equilibrium. In Ancient Paganism, both the phallus and the yoni were revered and the concept of equilibrium between the two was understood. This is something which is vital in True Spirituality.

The Hermaphrodite was one of the most sacred symbols, as a perfect balance between male and female. The term comes from "Hermes" and "Aphrodite", Hermes representing the male and Aphrodite the female and the Hermaphrodite was "born from the union of the God Hermes and the Goddess Aphrodite". This is obviously allegorical and pertains to the Soul. Those who were born Hermaphrodites in the Ancient world were revered and highly respected and were most often in the Priesthood.

Anyway, my point is that equilibrium is the key.

There are many things that are very wrong with modern feminism and the doctrine it espouses is poisonous to society. It belittles men and is no better than xianity.

Yes, women SHOULD be allowed to choose their own lives and are NOT the property of men as they are treated in xianity, islam and other enemy programs. Women should be allowed to work and be independent. But this kike feminism is sick bullshit and takes this to the absolute extreme and TELLS women how they should or should not be and attacks any woman who doesn't agree with it. It also seeks to break down the family unit as many women are taught that family is not important and other sick trash that is obviously severely damaging to society. Society needs mothers and care givers, and there is NOTHING wrong with a woman who chooses to be a mother. Child Birth is beautiful and obviously an essential part of life. Yet this kike feminism is trying to teach that these women are "backward" because of their choices and throws onto them all kinds of labels to try and make them feel guilty.

Equilibrium is the key, and kikes always work to remove equilibrium. This modern feminism is also causing a lot of animosity between the sexes and once again, Gentiles are fighting against Gentiles and the kikes get away scot-free.


Hail Father Satan!!

Hail Beelzebub!!

Hail all the Mighty Gods of Hell!!

Heil Hitler!!

Heil Heinrich Himmler!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi



Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Neptunus Eternia <xxrygelxx@ wrote:

Hello, I read quite a bit on the JoS website about how christianity and other enemy related programes are hostile to women and why. And I completely agree with what it said. I'm a little bit confused when it comes to feminism because I do agree with women being able to do whatever makes them happy but my issue is that most of these feminist movements have been organised and lead by Jews. Can someone with some knowledge please say a bit more about this subject?
Hello all,

I wanted to say "hello!" to my fellow Satanists. I've been devoted to Satan for close to a year now, but I have been heading towards this path for sometime now; not to say that I am adept or anything foolish like that, but I have been studying and practicing the occult for a handful of years now digging for little truths buried in deep lies. I spend much of my time on JoS, reading and researching, and of course i Have many questions, but I am looking through posts so the questions don't become too redundant before i ask. I am in my mid twenties, In the Northwest USA, My heritage is Italian and German, and last but not least I recommend that anyone who hasn't been there visit holocaustdenialvideos.com for some interesting information to discuss.

Hail Satan and the Demons of Hell!
<td val[/IMG]Hail Satan and Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!

--- On Sat, 8/13/11, roadtohel <roadtohel@... wrote:
From: roadtohel <roadtohel@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] New to the group
To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, August 13, 2011, 5:56 AM

  Hello all,

I wanted to say "hello!" to my fellow Satanists. I've been devoted to Satan for close to a year now, but I have been heading towards this path for sometime now; not to say that I am adept or anything foolish like that, but I have been studying and practicing the occult for a handful of years now digging for little truths buried in deep lies. I spend much of my time on JoS, reading and researching, and of course i Have many questions, but I am looking through posts so the questions don't become too redundant before i ask. I am in my mid twenties, In the Northwest USA, My heritage is Italian and German, and last but not least I recommend that anyone who hasn't been there visit holocaustdenialvideos.com for some interesting information to discuss.

Hail Satan and the Demons of Hell!

I came across the site "Joy of Satan," and somehow, it clicked with me right away. I was originally baptized and raised Catholic, but left the church at a relatively early age. I went through a Hindu and Muslim phase during my college years in the 1980s, but eventually became agnostic. However, I have always felt the presence of spirits in my life, but I could never really quite put my finger on what was actually happening.

I've been having feelings of depression and demoralization for much of my life, thinking that I've been cursed. I feel as if I've been kept in a state of ignorance. I tried going back to the Catholic church last year a few times, but it just didn't feel right.

Today, I performed the ritual outlined in "Joy of Satan" on How to Make a Commitment to Satan. I couldn't find any black candles, but I found some red ones and used them for the ritual. I hope I did it correctly.

I feel as if a great weight has been lifted from me, and I'm wondering what to expect next.

Also, are there any ways of finding local groups. I'm in Tucson.



Hey Steve! <var [/IMG]</var>Im happy you found Satan. The feeling you felt is a great feeling and what you need to do is read the entire joyofSatan website because it will tell you what to expect and so on. You will gain knowledge and clarity. So please read it. Secondly, you need to start a power meditation program to increase your power and so on. This is VERY important. Go to the website and click on meditation and start with the beginners. The groups are here for asking questions and for advice. So feel free to ask. We are family. Remember that the goal of satanism is to reach godhead. Immortality. That is satans gift to us. Satanism is a big path where you discover yourself and unlock abilities and so on. Be the best person you can be. Study learn and grow. Hail our Creator God Satan.
From: stevetucsonaz <sdtucsonaz@...
To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 8:41 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] New to the group


I came across the site "Joy of Satan," and somehow, it clicked with me right away. I was originally baptized and raised Catholic, but left the church at a relatively early age. I went through a Hindu and Muslim phase during my college years in the 1980s, but eventually became agnostic. However, I have always felt the presence of spirits in my life, but I could never really quite put my finger on what was actually happening.

I've been having feelings of depression and demoralization for much of my life, thinking that I've been cursed. I feel as if I've been kept in a state of ignorance. I tried going back to the Catholic church last year a few times, but it just didn't feel right.

Today, I performed the ritual outlined in "Joy of Satan" on How to Make a Commitment to Satan. I couldn't find any black candles, but I found some red ones and used them for the ritual. I hope I did it correctly.

I feel as if a great weight has been lifted from me, and I'm wondering what to expect next.

Also, are there any ways of finding local groups. I'm in Tucson.



Welcome to the family Steve! Hail Satan Brian  "I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad." - Adolf Hitler
From: stevetucsonaz <sdtucsonaz@...
To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 5:41 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] New to the group


I came across the site "Joy of Satan," and somehow, it clicked with me right away. I was originally baptized and raised Catholic, but left the church at a relatively early age. I went through a Hindu and Muslim phase during my college years in the 1980s, but eventually became agnostic. However, I have always felt the presence of spirits in my life, but I could never really quite put my finger on what was actually happening.

I've been having feelings of depression and demoralization for much of my life, thinking that I've been cursed. I feel as if I've been kept in a state of ignorance. I tried going back to the Catholic church last year a few times, but it just didn't feel right.

Today, I performed the ritual outlined in "Joy of Satan" on How to Make a Commitment to Satan. I couldn't find any black candles, but I found some red ones and used them for the ritual. I hope I did it correctly.

I feel as if a great weight has been lifted from me, and I'm wondering what to expect next.

Also, are there any ways of finding local groups. I'm in Tucson.


some are lucky to find even that in candle colors some in this group with issues on finding red, black, or blue candles well some messages ive read here said basically some have not found either one of those 3 colors.  some have had to deal with other colors.
you are lucky to find the one man.
if anyone can find even just blue and/or red (i am typing this in case anyone else is reading this) then that alone is good enough.
as its been said
it is the intention that matters
if what you are doing is true in yer heart then it will work.
only thing i cant assist you with is the location as i am all the way in the northwest west coast in Washington state.  i in Seattle Northgate right now.

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com" <JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] New to the group

  Welcome to the family Steve! Hail Satan Brian  "I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad." - Adolf Hitler
From: stevetucsonaz <sdtucsonaz@...
To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 5:41 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] New to the group


I came across the site "Joy of Satan," and somehow, it clicked with me right away. I was originally baptized and raised Catholic, but left the church at a relatively early age. I went through a Hindu and Muslim phase during my college years in the 1980s, but eventually became agnostic. However, I have always felt the presence of spirits in my life, but I could never really quite put my finger on what was actually happening.

I've been having feelings of depression and demoralization for much of my life, thinking that I've been cursed. I feel as if I've been kept in a state of ignorance. I tried going back to the Catholic church last year a few times, but it just didn't feel right.

Today, I performed the ritual outlined in "Joy of Satan" on How to Make a Commitment to Satan. I couldn't find any black candles, but I found some red ones and used them for the ritual. I hope I did it correctly.

I feel as if a great weight has been lifted from me, and I'm wondering what to expect next.

Also, are there any ways of finding local groups. I'm in Tucson.



Thank you all for the warm welcome.

I've been reading as much as I can on the Joy of Satan site and I tried the breathing exercises outlined in the beginners section of the power meditation part of the site.

If someone told me 10 years ago (or even 1 year ago) that I'd be making a commitment to Satan, I would have told them they were off their rocker. Although I've identified as agnostic these past years, I think my early Catholic upbringing left large residues of fear and guilt within me that never really went away. I've been taking an accounting of my life over the past couple of years, trying to determine where I went wrong and where I was misled. Both of my birth parents died in 2009, and I've been trying to figure out what to do with myself.

I suppose there was still a part of me deep inside which still clung to a belief in the false "bible god" I was raised to believe in, even though my instincts and reason were trying to tell me otherwise. Guilt and fear remained within me like monkeys on my back. I know now that I wasn't born to be a coward, but I was molded that way by disinformation, ignorance, and years of abuse, mainly at the hands of my mother and older brother. It's only been within the past few months that I've finally reached an understanding about that and realized the harm it has done to me.

Despite my doubts, for many years, I was likely emulating Pascal's Wager, trying to live a "moral" life according to the rules and dictates of the religion in which I was raised, just in case all those priests and bishops really were right. But I was never really quite sure whether I was doing the right thing. I was going in circles, constantly worried about making a mistake and feeling guilty about my obvious frustrations about the "bible god." I would think to myself, "screw god" and then fall to my knees saying "no, no, I didn't mean it, please forgive me."

I don't want to go into my whole life story, as it would be pretty long and boring. It's probably not that much different than many others who were raised in religious and abusive families. But finally, last week on Friday, I decided that enough was enough. I was tired of expecting a "miracle" from a false "bible god" that never really cared for me, never loved me, and never had a plan for me (despite all the BS we hear from Christians about that).

To some extent, I accepted the common Christian argument regarding the problem of evil, usually expressed as "If 'god' is so wonderful, why does 'he' allow so much evil?" I can accept the view that sometimes "stuff happens" and that a lot of evil is done by humans against other humans because of free will and that "god" will not interfere in that.

But the worst part of that which I can't accept is that the rules and dictates of the religion in which I was raised pretty much ties our hands. We're not allowed to do anything about injustice, deception and evil. We're just supposed to sit here with our hands tied, turning the other cheek, and loving our enemies. I used to follow those rules, thinking that that was what I was supposed to do, but I can finally now see what utter crap that was.

So, on Friday, I made the decision to turn away from the "bible god" completely. On Saturday, there was a minor power outage in the neighborhood as a result of someone crashing into a power pole nearby. I wasn't sure what that was about, since power outages are an extreme rarity around here.

On Monday, I felt as if I had to make some kind of official declaration to finalize my complete break from the "bible god" and join with Satan, although I knew nothing about the rituals or what I was supposed to do. So, I did a Google search and the Joy of Satan site was the second on the list, and that gave me the information I needed to be able to perform the ritual. At first, I vacillated, thinking that I might wait a few days to think it over, but somehow, I got a very strong urging to perform the ritual that afternoon.

I went over to Walgreens, found some red candles (no black or blue candles were there), and bought 5 for $2.00. I followed the instructions and made a small cut on my left index finger. (Ironically, this was the same finger I accidentally cut when I was in third grade, which happened when I was trying to defend myself from my older brother's abuse, using a sharp kitchen knife. I still have the scar from that.) I've never signed my name in blood before, so that was a bit difficult, but I muddled through that part as best I could. One of the candles melted halfway through when I put the paper on them to burn. It felt rather liberating overall.

Although I didn't actually check ahead of time, when you wrote your post about Mars going retrograde on Tuesday, it seems was a good idea that I did the ritual on Monday and didn't wait. I also realized that it was a New Moon on Monday, so maybe there was something about that day. Not sure.

Anyway, sorry for such a long post, but I just felt I had to get that out there.

Thanks again,


--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

Hey Steve! Im happy you found Satan. The feeling you felt is a great feeling and what you need to do is read the entire joyofSatan website because it will tell you what to expect and so on. You will gain knowledge and clarity. So please read it. Secondly, you need to start a power meditation program to increase your power and so on. This is VERY important. Go to the website and click on meditation and start with the beginners. The groups are here for asking questions and for advice. So feel free to ask. We are family. Remember that the goal of satanism is to reach godhead. Immortality. That is satans gift to us. Satanism is a big path where you discover yourself and unlock abilities and so on. Be the best person you can be. Study learn and grow.
Hail our Creator God Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Hot Guy <hotstudman95@... wrote:

some are lucky to find even that in candle colors some in this group with issues on finding red, black, or blue candles well some messages ive read here said basically some have not found either one of those 3 colors.  some have had to deal with other colors.

you are lucky to find the one man.

if anyone can find even just blue and/or red (i am typing this in case anyone else is reading this) then that alone is good enough.

as its been said

it is the intention that matters

if what you are doing is true in yer heart then it will work.

only thing i cant assist you with is the location as i am all the way in the northwest west coast in Washington state.  i in Seattle Northgate right now.

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] New to the group

Welcome to the family Steve!
Hail Satan
"I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad." - Adolf Hitler
Glad you took the time to post it all.and I am glad that I read it all too Steve.So glad you made it here.And you made the best decision you will ever make,an the most important one,which will become clearer,the longer you study and do the power meditations.You will find as I have,that I finally understand the truth,that I had been looking for all my life too.Father Satan is the only real God,and by far the only one who cares about us.But you have a great adventure ahead of you,and glad you joined this wonderful family my friend.
 Hail Satan Brian  "I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad." - Adolf Hitler
From: stevetucsonaz <sdtucsonaz@...
To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 4:13 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: New to the group

  Thank you all for the warm welcome.

I've been reading as much as I can on the Joy of Satan site and I tried the breathing exercises outlined in the beginners section of the power meditation part of the site.

If someone told me 10 years ago (or even 1 year ago) that I'd be making a commitment to Satan, I would have told them they were off their rocker. Although I've identified as agnostic these past years, I think my early Catholic upbringing left large residues of fear and guilt within me that never really went away. I've been taking an accounting of my life over the past couple of years, trying to determine where I went wrong and where I was misled. Both of my birth parents died in 2009, and I've been trying to figure out what to do with myself.

I suppose there was still a part of me deep inside which still clung to a belief in the false "bible god" I was raised to believe in, even though my instincts and reason were trying to tell me otherwise. Guilt and fear remained within me like monkeys on my back. I know now that I wasn't born to be a coward, but I was molded that way by disinformation, ignorance, and years of abuse, mainly at the hands of my mother and older brother. It's only been within the past few months that I've finally reached an understanding about that and realized the harm it has done to me.

Despite my doubts, for many years, I was likely emulating Pascal's Wager, trying to live a "moral" life according to the rules and dictates of the religion in which I was raised, just in case all those priests and bishops really were right. But I was never really quite sure whether I was doing the right thing. I was going in circles, constantly worried about making a mistake and feeling guilty about my obvious frustrations about the "bible god." I would think to myself, "screw god" and then fall to my knees saying "no, no, I didn't mean it, please forgive me."

I don't want to go into my whole life story, as it would be pretty long and boring. It's probably not that much different than many others who were raised in religious and abusive families. But finally, last week on Friday, I decided that enough was enough. I was tired of expecting a "miracle" from a false "bible god" that never really cared for me, never loved me, and never had a plan for me (despite all the BS we hear from Christians about that).

To some extent, I accepted the common Christian argument regarding the problem of evil, usually expressed as "If 'god' is so wonderful, why does 'he' allow so much evil?" I can accept the view that sometimes "stuff happens" and that a lot of evil is done by humans against other humans because of free will and that "god" will not interfere in that.

But the worst part of that which I can't accept is that the rules and dictates of the religion in which I was raised pretty much ties our hands. We're not allowed to do anything about injustice, deception and evil. We're just supposed to sit here with our hands tied, turning the other cheek, and loving our enemies. I used to follow those rules, thinking that that was what I was supposed to do, but I can finally now see what utter crap that was.

So, on Friday, I made the decision to turn away from the "bible god" completely. On Saturday, there was a minor power outage in the neighborhood as a result of someone crashing into a power pole nearby. I wasn't sure what that was about, since power outages are an extreme rarity around here.

On Monday, I felt as if I had to make some kind of official declaration to finalize my complete break from the "bible god" and join with Satan, although I knew nothing about the rituals or what I was supposed to do. So, I did a Google search and the Joy of Satan site was the second on the list, and that gave me the information I needed to be able to perform the ritual. At first, I vacillated, thinking that I might wait a few days to think it over, but somehow, I got a very strong urging to perform the ritual that afternoon.

I went over to Walgreens, found some red candles (no black or blue candles were there), and bought 5 for $2.00. I followed the instructions and made a small cut on my left index finger. (Ironically, this was the same finger I accidentally cut when I was in third grade, which happened when I was trying to defend myself from my older brother's abuse, using a sharp kitchen knife. I still have the scar from that.) I've never signed my name in blood before, so that was a bit difficult, but I muddled through that part as best I could. One of the candles melted halfway through when I put the paper on them to burn. It felt rather liberating overall.

Although I didn't actually check ahead of time, when you wrote your post about Mars going retrograde on Tuesday, it seems was a good idea that I did the ritual on Monday and didn't wait. I also realized that it was a New Moon on Monday, so maybe there was something about that day. Not sure.

Anyway, sorry for such a long post, but I just felt I had to get that out there.

Thanks again,


--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

Hey Steve! Im happy you found Satan. The feeling you felt is a great feeling and what you need to do is read the entire joyofSatan website because it will tell you what to expect and so on. You will gain knowledge and clarity. So please read it. Secondly, you need to start a power meditation program to increase your power and so on. This is VERY important. Go to the website and click on meditation and start with the beginners. The groups are here for asking questions and for advice. So feel free to ask. We are family. Remember that the goal of satanism is to reach godhead. Immortality. That is satans gift to us. Satanism is a big path where you discover yourself and unlock abilities and so on. Be the best person you can be. Study learn and grow.
Hail our Creator God Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url], Hot Guy <hotstudman95@... wrote:

some are lucky to find even that in candle colors some in this group with issues on finding red, black, or blue candles well some messages ive read here said basically some have not found either one of those 3 colors.  some have had to deal with other colors.

you are lucky to find the one man.

if anyone can find even just blue and/or red (i am typing this in case anyone else is reading this) then that alone is good enough.

as its been said

it is the intention that matters

if what you are doing is true in yer heart then it will work.

only thing i cant assist you with is the location as i am all the way in the northwest west coast in Washington state.  i in Seattle Northgate right now.

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] New to the group

Welcome to the family Steve!
Hail Satan
"I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad." - Adolf Hitler
Good Evening,

I send greetings to all. I joined the group tonight. I have read the JoS site.

I will watch and continue to read. I have had many experiences dealing with what some call the paranormal and supernatural without seeking them out. 16 years ago I had a near death experience. After reading about other NDEs I conclude mine was different. Of course you might expect a new member to say something to make themselves stand out or seem special. I lay claim to none of that. The experience was the leaving of one and the replacement of another. A group or society of people which were and still are unknown to me was involved around me, before and after that period of time for a few months. I'd like to know if any of the elder members have any such knowledge of this group. Of course you'd need more from me to make that determination or guess.

I prefer not to answer to the entire membership. The subject matter is serious and this is not a game. On the other hand it may be a simple matter to you. I have some ideas as to what they are but of course I'll never actually find out. That's one thing I do know.

By the way, I'm not just here for that information. But what better time to ask? Thank you for your time and if you as the owner choose not to pass this along then that is understandable and I'll not mention it again.

Once again, I'd prefer not to have this spread to the general membership. If you agree, I think a question and answer format would be most forthcoming with information desired or needed by participants.

My, I do sound most pretentious. I'm not. I'm very down to earth and not a bullshitter. Ask about me, I don't mind. I belong to no groups and no one.

Thanks for your time.
Good evening people. I dedicated my soul to Satan on 3-19-2012 and I haven't gotten a chance to completely go through these websites yet. I was just wondering if there is some type of outline or some type of guide that explains what you should do first to elevate yourself. Basically how should I start showing my allegiance to him. I have been searching for my own truth for years and never really felt complete. Always felt like I had something missing inside of me. I believe this is it. I want to do this right. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
work on meditation and if you have not done so yet then get started on opening your 3rd eye
From: Dyabolik <d3vilzadv0c4t3@...
To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 7:09 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] New to the group

  Good evening people. I dedicated my soul to Satan on 3-19-2012 and I haven't gotten a chance to completely go through these websites yet. I was just wondering if there is some type of outline or some type of guide that explains what you should do first to elevate yourself. Basically how should I start showing my allegiance to him. I have been searching for my own truth for years and never really felt complete. Always felt like I had something missing inside of me. I believe this is it. I want to do this right. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

As stated above I am new to the group. I have spent my whole life truggling with religion. I have never really believed what they said. I have lived long enough to find that there were societies and civilizations that predate even greece by thousands of years. So how could anything we are taught today be considered truth? How is it in the bible that Cain after killing Able was cast out...wandered for years and came upon a village and took a wife????WHERE DID THESE PEOPLE COME FROM? In fact there is a lot more eveidence that the history we are taught is false than any evidence to support it. Now more than ever in my life I crave the knowledge of truth, and where I came from...as well as where I am going.I would appreciate any help and guidance in this matter. And thank you for helping to open my eyes to this fact.
I want to help you sort through this. The first thing to understand is that the judeo-christian bible is Total Bunk, and nothing but jewish Lies, none of that shit is true. Indeed, where did these people come from?? They simply popped up overnight out of thin air, that is the Jewish Race. This is one of the defining points that has to be addressed when you are ready. The Gentiles are of Satan! The jews are a bastardized hybrid mix that serve no purpose other than to Destroy. Just like their inventors (the reptilians) they hate Humanity. Does a dog need a Tick? Should the dog Love their Tick? No, of course not. To obtain Health and Well-Being the Parasite must be Removed and Burned.

You're right, there is a Ton of Evidence. I invite you to read through this website. It is actually a link on the Joy of Satan website. Exposing Christianity.


There is so much to get sorted out, because everyone has been lied to for centuries. This is really the best place to start in figuring all of it out.

 Hail Father Satan!!
Forever in the Service of Satan.
From The Al Jilwah Chapter III:
"I lead to the straight path without a revealed book; I direct aright my beloved and chosen ones by unseen means." - Satan

From: cfuller2k12 <cfuller2k12@...
To: JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 2:07 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] New to the group

  As stated above I am new to the group. I have spent my whole life truggling with religion. I have never really believed what they said. I have lived long enough to find that there were societies and civilizations that predate even greece by thousands of years. So how could anything we are taught today be considered truth? How is it in the bible that Cain after killing Able was cast out...wandered for years and came upon a village and took a wife????WHERE DID THESE PEOPLE COME FROM? In fact there is a lot more eveidence that the history we are taught is false than any evidence to support it. Now more than ever in my life I crave the knowledge of truth, and where I came from...as well as where I am going.I would appreciate any help and guidance in this matter. And thank you for helping to open my eyes to this fact.

That LIEBLE is full shit. All lies that dont make sense. They are corupted stolen concepts from the original religion SATANISM which is the truth.. Hail Satan!
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 7:33 AM PST Micama Gmicalzoma wrote:

I want to help you sort through this. The first thing to understand is that the judeo-christian bible is Total Bunk, and nothing but jewish Lies, none of that shit is true. Indeed, where did these people come from?? They simply popped up overnight out of thin air, that is the Jewish Race. This is one of the defining points that has to be addressed when you are ready. The Gentiles are of Satan! The jews are a bastardized hybrid mix that serve no purpose other than to Destroy. Just like their inventors (the reptilians) they hate Humanity. Does a dog need a Tick? Should the dog Love their Tick? No, of course not. To obtain Health and Well-Being the Parasite must be Removed and Burned.

You're right, there is a Ton of Evidence. I invite you to read through this website. It is actually a link on the Joy of Satan website. Exposing Christianity.


There is so much to get sorted out, because everyone has been lied to for centuries. This is really the best place to start in figuring all of it out.

Hail Father Satan!!

Forever in the Service of Satan.

From The Al Jilwah Chapter III:
"I lead to the straight path without a revealed book; I direct aright my beloved and chosen ones by unseen means." - Satan

From: cfuller2k12 <cfuller2k12@...
To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 2:07 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] New to the group

As stated above I am new to the group. I have spent my whole life truggling with religion. I have never really believed what they said. I have lived long enough to find that there were societies and civilizations that predate even greece by thousands of years. So how could anything we are taught today be considered truth? How is it in the bible that Cain after killing Able was cast out...wandered for years and came upon a village and took a wife????WHERE DID THESE PEOPLE COME FROM? In fact there is a lot more eveidence that the history we are taught is false than any evidence to support it. Now more than ever in my life I crave the knowledge of truth, and where I came from...as well as where I am going.I would appreciate any help and guidance in this matter. And thank you for helping to open my eyes to this fact.
Hi I'm new here and I want to learn more about Satan, can anyone point me in the right direction? Such as websites that aren't full of Bs?
Greetings and salutations,
I've been reading up and finding some interesting things.  At this point there are several questions I need to have answered before I decide to go further down the rabbit hole, as it were.  If anyone has the time, and is informed and understanding, I would greatly appreciate a little Q&A.  I may be who you've always been waiting for; then again, I might be no one at all.

With sincerest gratitude,

Start with Joy of Satan [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
The website has lots of info. The front page gives a small intro and then there are links running down the left side. Over 500 pages. Read. Enjoy.
Hail SatanHail Lilith

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun, Mar 26, 2017 at 1:43 AM, joebrimingham@... [JoyofSatan666]<JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com wrote:   Greetings and salutations,
I've been reading up and finding some interesting things.  At this point there are several questions I need to have answered before I decide to go further down the rabbit hole, as it were.  If anyone has the time, and is informed and understanding, I would greatly appreciate a little Q&A.  I may be who you've always been waiting for; then again, I might be no one at all.

With sincerest gratitude,
Hello My name is Katherine. I am new to the group and new to learning about Satan. Please do you have information or website to help my spiritual growth? 
Hi welcome!Yes, please read and study our main Joyofsatan.org and its sister sites. 

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 3:28 am, Katherine Reppond redblack6972@... [JoyofSatan666]<JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com wrote:   Hello My name is Katherine. I am new to the group and new to learning about Satan. Please do you have information or website to help my spiritual growth? 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
