it seems like when I reach a certain “level” of awareness(whatever you want to call it) this uncomfortable feeling will come up of the energies around me being to “crisp” or bright for lack of better words.
such as being able to feel people’s auras across the room or being aware of their imbalances, or thoughts will come up that are superstitious like “magic is bad” or not feeling comfortable with power and having thoughts around that.
If I resist and ignore these thoughts and feelings, usually some form of chaos will happen in my life, such as running into “low” people that I used to know or someone will offer me free drugs or something will happen at work that distracts me from meditation.
I’ve grown past the drugs and people, I’m really just wondering if this is normal and common? Does this happen to anyone else?
I’m working through it, so I’m not worried about it, because this is my path and distractions don’t matter anymore. The more I consistently confront these issues, the less effect they have on me and now with power meditations I can consistently build my soul.
such as being able to feel people’s auras across the room or being aware of their imbalances, or thoughts will come up that are superstitious like “magic is bad” or not feeling comfortable with power and having thoughts around that.
If I resist and ignore these thoughts and feelings, usually some form of chaos will happen in my life, such as running into “low” people that I used to know or someone will offer me free drugs or something will happen at work that distracts me from meditation.
I’ve grown past the drugs and people, I’m really just wondering if this is normal and common? Does this happen to anyone else?
I’m working through it, so I’m not worried about it, because this is my path and distractions don’t matter anymore. The more I consistently confront these issues, the less effect they have on me and now with power meditations I can consistently build my soul.