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FAKE SATANISM - (((O9A))) Exposed as FBI operation


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2018


Remarkable filing in the case of high-level Atomwaffen member Kaleb Cole outs Joshua Caleb Sutter, the publisher of Martinet Press (Iron Gates, Liber 333, Bluebird), AWD member & a key figure in the O9A Tempel ov Blood, as an FBI informant. Since '03

This is a motion to suppress evidence from a search warrant served at the Texas house where Cole (known as "Khimaere" in AWD) moved to with John Cameron Denton & other AWD after he came under too much law enforcement pressure in the PNW. For background:

Cole is charged with leading a conspiracy to intimidate reporters across the US, along with other AWD members. Every one of them has since plead guilty aside from him. The allegation is that Sutter's role in building intel was never disclosed.

Sutter, according to the filing, earned more than $140,000 from the feds, including $80,000 since 2018, when AWD came under heavy federal investigation following my ProPublica investigation with @Jake_Hanrahan & AC Thompson



Sutter isn't identified by name, but its undoubtedly him. Martinet Press publishes Order of Nine Angles texts that have radicalized countless youth in Neo-Fascist, (FAKE) Satanist practices. He has that aforementioned '03 conviction for trying to tell a firearm w/an obliterated serial



There's more in this filing, including the original FBI affidavit for the search of the AWD TX house, which has never been made public before. Bottom line is this: Martinet Press has been essentially bankrolled by the feds, pumping out a steady stream of extremist literature.

I've covered terrorism cases in the US (Ethan Melzer) and the UK (see last summer's @BBCPanorama w/@DdesimoneDaniel) where Martinet texts/O9A is a central element of Extreme Right wing ideology.

The FBI have effectively been silent partners in Martinet


Send this to anyone who has a Fake Understanding of Satanism. These are not Satanists. These are Agent Provocateurs who are Funded by Feds to perform false flag terror attacks and then blame the Right Wingers and Satanists as a whole.
Read two topics about the matter and be serious. This is alarming news but nothing unexpected, as they are doing this ALL THE TIME.

Those in power, understand the importance of the Occult. For this reason, they want to censor it and associate anything "Satanic" with a circus or negative things. This happens in Britain, and now this proves this is ongoing in the United States for DECADES!


Christians who watch their TV and are exposed to these negative things, these are ALWAYS manufactured by these idiots.

Fake "Satanism": Never Listen To Online Psychopaths; BE AWARE


Staying Safe On The Forums And Online

fbi checklist
1.defame satanism so they can throw goyims off the trail that the jewish god is destructive to humanity while kissing ass to the jews an working towards humanitys destruction
2.hiding an defending pedos cause have to be a good jewish slave
at this point is anyone even surprised at how corrupt they are defaming satanism is just the tip of the ice berg
Did anyone save the two articles from propublica and thedailybeast, both are 404 for me. i'd like to save them
SATchives said:
Did anyone save the two articles from propublica and thedailybeast, both are 404 for me. i'd like to save them

They are gone. What a cohencidence.
Satnam666 said:
fbi checklist
1.defame satanism so they can throw goyims off the trail that the jewish god is destructive to humanity while kissing ass to the jews an working towards humanitys destruction
2.hiding an defending pedos cause have to be a good jewish slave
at this point is anyone even surprised at how corrupt they are defaming satanism is just the tip of the ice berg

Typical day in the life of some agencies:

1. Create and finance totally bogus extremist organization that promotes crimes and killings that will kill innocents, extremist material and other crazy stuff [WTF]

2. Catch the people who are foolish enough to engage into that, the agents promote to these people to do crimes and other deplorable things, which under normal circumstances would make them also criminals, but now it's not the case or something.

3. Get them to court and give them life sentence, only to the goy, while the other people that did all this claim some bogus shit that it was done for "National Security"

4. Governmental actors and agencies evade the bail even-though they espoused, financed, or even participated in, or directly promoted these individuals to do these atrocities.

5. Use this for fake bogus panic on the media and to smear your enemies such as "Satanists" in this case.

6. Rinse and repeat while you pretend you protect people from what you caused.

7. Allow actual threats to the safety of the Nation go unchecked and just allow your Nation to internally collapse.

8. Ignore any real threats. For example, millions of terrorist muslims can sip tea in London and turning kids into Kebab or make kids disappear all day long, but at least you used the Government to create fake government created moral panic that your chosen jews are the only little ones that get persecuted and how everyone must rush to defend them from annuda shoah.

Are Afghans or Al Qeida or Taliban going to come in your Nation? Well at least they have brown skin and that will enrich us. Let them rape and loot. Our real problem in the agency is to create the next bogus organization to do the next bogus setup crime, so we can blame White Supremacy over imagined crimes it does towards the Chosen People.

9. If nobody plans a shoah, which is what no sane human being would do, just make a bogus "Extremist" organization to support it. Make big post about "Hey goyims whomever wanna shoah the jew please come here join our kosher kike terrorist group, oy veyyyyy", and wait for next round of stupid goyim to come in and do your crimes for you.

10. Read your Torah and your Talmud and have party at the agency while doing Hava Nagila.

The above is essentially the ANTIFA and many other bogus organizations that always do the same shit over and over again, where people are caught in the fire everytime.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Does the YouTube video only embedd in posts that are in the announcements ? Because I noticed I posted videos before in posts and they didn't embedd like they do in this announcement.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SATchives said:
Did anyone save the two articles from propublica and thedailybeast, both are 404 for me. i'd like to save them

They are gone. What a cohencidence.

definitely kike bots/personnel checking our site for links/posts and doing their best to take down any pertinent info

Should make an announcement to everyone who posts a link to archive it first. and only share the archive link. this would solve the above issue, it's a bad day when you lose evidence
As a rational person it seems to me every time someone adds Neo-, to it's organizational aspect it's actually (((Neo-))).

Why would we be considered (((Neo-NatSoc)))? Why would we be considered (((Neo-extremists)))? We might not be 100% original like Jack(Maybe?) replied to me one time. But we are the gateway towards Truth.

Anyways the JoS makes it clear meditation, RTR, and any (Online Activism) within reasonable sound aspect. Oh and mass recruitment through people reading our websites including our links and affiliates and translated material especially as we add more anti-semitism activities from other nations who've had struggles with (((Zog/Jog))) occupation for example our Romanian divisions issue with gypsy and other kosher cabal as well as shabbos who just do not put that kosher cock down for a moment.

We are not a terrorist organization, we are not agent provocateurs(provocative agents). Most certainly we shut down any discussions on criminal activities and even a few as I like to call them [fed-bombers] come here and make a joke of themselves or use schmuck useful idiot IDF(Internet Defense Force) peoples of various Nations including Pisrael.

I honestly don't know how a human being can come up with all this non-sense and literally create a garbage civilization. There are MANY people in Government who seemingly don't give two shits about civilization and living a wonderful life. I guess they like sucking jewish cock or sucked one too many and became kosherfied themselves.

It seems to me the whole agenda is keep sucking jewish cock and pretend to be innocent and champions of anti-Hate.

Seems to me as the wise words of Artosis and Tasteless more so said by Tasteless(Brood War/SC2 commentator).

"At what point are you feeding into your enemy?"

At what point is your enemy gonna use this propaganda you've established against you. It's funny many will state something about what I said but think about it for a second. What are people gonna do when the same circle as us whom the state considers for infiltration and extremeficiation doesn't comply nor care about any kosher cocksucking and tells the opposite.

What happens when the opposite(i.e. US) states the opposite and everyone who cares to read is like WTF.

It reminds me of watching BCP and Tim Pool's video(despite what people state in him cucking to the Gov a bit I agree obviously he would have been shoahed a long time ago). He does break down fake MSM media with their own MSM news many times. For example just recently the FBI despite arresting 541 or so people in the "Capitol Riot" stated there was hardly any cross-communication among the rioters that doesn't mean there is 100% non. But it was found the FBI sees no level of coordination even a Militia group that wanted to attend never really did any more planning than entering and then what do we do?.

I think in the end this will show light and Truth unto us and make our numbers grow. The occult is very real and I'm shocked people in Government care to dissuade rather than persuade. Obviously there is a jewish hand behind everything. Reminds me of a comment a member gave or was it HP.Cobra that stated "When Gentiles broke out of kosher supervision late-Middle Ages, early-Renaissance they asked the jewish community(of all people) and asked them if the Occult is anything we need to study or research. And the jews freaked the bloody fuck out and said "no no it's just non-sense people write about fantasy stories about things". Gentiles went "Oh okay we won't bother".

IF anything Gentiles should have raped the jews knowing how much occult hidden information. I mean for fucks sake before the expulsion of jews in Pluto in Scorpio 1492. The jewish community in Spain knew Babylonian to a degree akin to the original Babylonians centuries earlier, WTF.

Seriously for [fed bombers] the occult is real, it's very real. And the only reason why people are scared is because they don't know how to use it. Even I who never had much success in the occult but study it every day and is in JoS due to Spiritual and Political Fanaticism understand that those who derive from the occult deserve the right information.

In the end it's about being Human but clearly these schmuck kosher cucksucker federralis are too jewmanious for their own good.

It's a shame their talents are wasted on concocting non-sense. Instead of crushing these people and raping face. They'd rather use them. It's funny but like I said they are just feeding into the our organization. And when people run into it blatantly around the World there WILL be massive upheaval in the World due to being lied to.

Like we state we are National Socialists and Spiritual Satanists. We are against (((Communism))) and related Spiri-Political organizations like the big 3 (((Islam, Christianity, and Catholicism))) we are against (((Everyone who is in our way))), we are against (((the smaller xtians as well))).

We want man to evolve to being a God like Hitler stated "I plan on taking mankind to the next stage of Human evolution".

I think in the end these people who visit our site and wish to know the Truth especially the Ugly Truth of life. They'd become one of us. Unfortunately not everyone can handle it and not everyone can put down the kosher cock they keep sucking.

In the end this is a Government agency!? acting like pathetic children, I guess that's kosher supervision. Not a Hu's-Man but a jewman.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satnam666 said:

First talk about o9a. O9A want look like NationalSocialist, but they are not. Most exposing is their webpage "Lapis Philosophicus". They don't care about race or nation. They support human sacrifice and their goal is chaos. And they thing national socialism is good tool for make chaos.

Now about Siege and A.tomwaffen. A.tomwaffen is based on James Mason book Siege ideologia. A.tomwaffen and o9a relationship- o9a members infiltrated into A.tomwaffen to make chaos. Now At.omwaffen is renamed to National Socialist Order and o9a supporters are kicked out.

Siege and James Mason strategy- National Socialist mass movement, like 1933 Germany, in USA is mathematically impossible because there is only ~60% of whites, and even big majority of whites support national socialism, white national socialist are still minority. James Mason think we must support every anti-government and anti-American thing to invite power vacuum and then white national socialist can rise to power.

Joy of Satan is always talking about spiritual and propaganda war. But how national socialist can rise into power in USA where only ~60% of popularion are white and some of them race traitors? I don't support James Mason but his ideas are interesting in some point. I want heard HoodedCobra opinion about national socialist strategy on political and physical level.
siatris666 said:
they are trying to infiltrate here too 😂😂😂😂

Not the first time. Back sometime early this year, late last year.

We had a fed / come in and tell us to build Anti-fa CHOP autonomous zone. Funny cause that's not how we do things. We don't perform the same action as Communists do.

I've always wondered what the heads of these organizations and groups do when they read our rituals we perform. I'm sure many are like these guys are wacko groups doing strange shit.

At least for us sacrifice = time for meditation, ritual etc.etc. give a little bit to the war effort and try and spend some time meditating and performing better in life. The sacrifice of time i.e. life not literally human/animal sacrifice non-sense these fake Satanic organizations are acting like a bunch of retards who listened to one too many xtian non-sense.

Sacrifice = Less Time and Less Life for the benefit of yourself i.e. as I said above. Not everyone is in the mood for meditation perfectly sometimes you just gotta wait for the seed to grow into a plant it takes time and there may even be setbacks.

So a Human effort Sacrifice not a life. WTF we aren't judeo-bolshevik xtians doing animal/Human sacrifice or even pretend cannibalism as in Catholic masses.

We are just normal people who wish to help Humanity and ourselves. Seriously is that so hard for people to understand?

But this is what happens when you got a stupid population of people.
Gear88 said:
siatris666 said:
they are trying to infiltrate here too 😂😂😂😂

Not the first time. Back sometime early this year, late last year.

We had a fed / come in and tell us to build Anti-fa CHOP autonomous zone. Funny cause that's not how we do things. We don't perform the same action as Communists do.

There was another before that too. Idiot came in here not only with his own pfp but with a 09a patch on the shirt he was wearing in said picture. He took it off but not before a member here catching them and screenshot it.

Bunch of low spiritual level no wisdom having clowns
Gear88 said:
Not the first time. Back sometime early this year, late last year.

We had a fed / come in and tell us to build Anti-fa CHOP autonomous zone. Funny cause that's not how we do things. We don't perform the same action as Communists do.
I remember that guy his IP was coming from a school district in West Virginia what a joker writing this in the school computer lab.
hailourtruegod said:
Gear88 said:
siatris666 said:
they are trying to infiltrate here too 😂😂😂😂

Not the first time. Back sometime early this year, late last year.

We had a fed / come in and tell us to build Anti-fa CHOP autonomous zone. Funny cause that's not how we do things. We don't perform the same action as Communists do.

There was another before that too. Idiot came in here not only with his own pfp but with a 09a patch on the shirt he was wearing in said picture. He took it off but not before a member here catching them and screenshot it.

Bunch of low spiritual level no wisdom having clowns

Do these guys who are kinda NS in name only and more like Communsitic/Anarchistic siege non-sense. Do they not realize we don't do and will never do the non-sense they do? Do they believe somehow they are getting a rise out of things? I hate to state this but we do exactly what the jews do Spiritual Warfare, if ANYTHING O9A should just GTFO and stop trying to hijack our cause. I would not be surprised if some idiot attempts to sully our name. Again these guys represent a danger to themselves and others. If anything they are worse than muzzies in some respect. They know DAMN FUCKING well what they are doing and are fucking retarded.

Sometimes I look back at how I learned NS the stereotypical way since 1997 and I'm surprised I never join some Neo-Nazi group or some right-wing crazy nutbag. At this point in time I'm just a normal person with some violent and warfare thoughts but that's because I like militaria and am combative in understanding self-defense as well as further along with 2A.

But I NEVER joined said group nor colluded nor anything. It's basically the American History X agenda turn NS into a violent extremist group. While we are extremist and fanatical that is towards life. I'm aware Matthew Heimback got bad reputation a few years ago for basically abandoning his NS principles. But it's true in all the sense as to what he said "It's all Bullshit. National Socialism is a life loving,[paraphrasing]: life sustaining, life giving. Principle".

If jews hate life then we hate jews. What's wrong with hate. Hate is great, hate is right, right is right. And when Right needs to turn to Might everyone flows through and agrees. I'm sure in Germany was the same thing Hitler, company, and volk didn't want to go to war but realized it's happening and we all need to do our part and murk the enemy.

I think in the end these (((Satanic))) groups are trying to some how teach a form of right-wing communism. A revolutionary right-wing group to extremefy people like for example Trumpers and other groups opposed towards judeo-bolshevism.

And in the end like the BLM thing "Why is the CEO and founder of BLM a schrilock nose jew". Who knows if O9A has a kosher machinarium behind it pumping out the philo-semitic non-sense for goyshkopfation processes. Taqiyya, stratagem against Pagans. Use Paganism/Satanism/Nat-Soc against them.

Which is funny because in Hitler's time the same thing was probably happening on a lesser but more upfront scale. Much akin to how the fake MSM/Judenpresse demoralizes people and hides information using non-sense like "Kim Kardashion was gangbanged in an orgy". What does that news have to do with what is happening in the different states of existence of a Nation and World. It's like DailyMail the amount of non-sensensical news articles about celebrities and all this stuff that funny enough obfuscates real news.

Anyways that's cool. Think about it for a second. These idiots which should NOT represent us can be used a useful idiots for our cause. Point them out for all their nonsense which they perform. And funny enough the intellgentsia that comes by and studies various groups will undoubtedly come to us. We don't do non-sense like they do we are just an internet group. We discourage physical contact by any and all means. No one does it unless personally they got friends or people or family who are with them(i.e. NS/SS themselves) i.e. close people but not random online JoS members who could be strangers or a group of people hijacking the person and trying to cause harm to the person.

Remember the recent Xtian sermon HP.Cobra put up. Push the xtians and jews to fight each other while the intellegentsia of xtians is being turned into NS/SS by our teachings..

And funny enough I would not be surprised if some of these fed bombers as I like to call them cause they come in like clowns from clown university experts in clownology. I would not be surprised IF SOME have even been turned over to our side. They read so much, they study so much, they practice and educate themselves on our principles to better infiltrate and create fictitious hoaxes that they brainwash themselves or the little voice in the back of their head is going "Maybe if you pay more attention to me and these people you'd become just like them. Go on come you know fully well you want to be NS/SS".

Funny but it happens remember Stockholm syndrome there's a reason why that exists.

So you never know if there are fed bombers that harbor secret temptations in joining us and literally learn about us.

Albeit I know low hanging fruit isn't gonna join there seems to be the stupid xtian mentality of being xtian cause their low IQ feeble minds can't handle this stuff. But you never know on some of the intellgentsia if they harbor secret desires of what I stated.

Either way we aren't the bad guy here rather it's (((them))).
This was extremely informative. The website mentioned in that staged psyop video (fascistforged.com) was indeed a Neo-Nazi site. (Neo: prefix for new/changed).

I looked through some of it using archive.org and found that it mostly was people talking about yoga, occult and history with links to various books in PDF format. As well, there were talks on how to organize in political groups and spread awareness (posters, stickers, etc).

The only few posts that seemed questionable were hypothetical posts on how to disrupt control of 1st-world governments, etc. These were clearly anarchist idiots.

It's clear that this community was on some track of discovering truth yet there was no mention of Satanism anywhere, which tells me it was a very off-base from the true nature of Nazism and thus attracted a lot of strange people. On top of that the name of the site itself ("fascist" forged) tells me that these people don't understand the differences between fascism and Nazism.

Overall the feds clearly love to take down any small fish they can and use it as a scapegoat. Disgusting...
Small thing I thought I'd add as I go though this hard-to-watch video.

The Jewish mother of the son who was (allegedly) killed by this 15-year-old stated that her parents were born in Romania.

I find it strange that so many Jews that make it on TV are not ethnically Jewish but rather religious Jews.

It's the same with Seth Rogan and Daniel Radcliffe. I'm starting to think that if too many real Jews/aliens made it on TV people might start waking up to how inhuman they all appear. The real ones are so often behind the scenes. Just a thought anyway.
sublimestatanist said:
This was extremely informative. The website mentioned in that staged psyop video (fascistforged.com) was indeed a Neo-Nazi site. (Neo: prefix for new/changed).

I looked through some of it using archive.org and found that it mostly was people talking about yoga, occult and history with links to various books in PDF format. As well, there were talks on how to organize in political groups and spread awareness (posters, stickers, etc).

The only few posts that seemed questionable were hypothetical posts on how to disrupt control of 1st-world governments, etc. These were clearly anarchist idiots.

It's clear that this community was on some track of discovering truth yet there was no mention of Satanism anywhere, which tells me it was a very off-base from the true nature of Nazism and thus attracted a lot of strange people. On top of that the name of the site itself ("fascist" forged) tells me that these people don't understand the differences between fascism and Nazism.

Overall the feds clearly love to take down any small fish they can and use it as a scapegoat. Disgusting...

Yep your a member who understands Fascist does not equal NS, NS does not equal Fascist. As a matter of fact except in as much personally calling Fascism grey spectrum political opposition. And besides labeling Fascism as container of communism. Fascist = anti-NatSoc and Natsoc = anti-Fascist.

As a matter of fact as National Socialists we are more anti-fascist than Anti-fa. Anti-fa seems to be a chaotic crashdown everything shit group that doesn't understand an iota of Fascist. They literally believe in many cases it is evil for a man to scream emotionally into a microphone to wake people up a.l.a Mussolini/Hitler style. Anti-fa basically on some level revolves around hating a group of political hard workers with fancy uniforms.

Right click open in new tab bloom up with magnifying glass. Thanks to Nimrod33 for this awesome multi-NPC meme.

In the end I think most people who consider themselves Anti-Fa have not a single fucking clue what being anti-fascist is all about. We NatSoC are anti-fascist but not in a destructive way in a way of as Hitler put it "If a nation wishes to be NS give them all the resources available to upgun their civilization. If they wish to remain democratic so be it."

Anti-fa = violence against Fascist/NS but in violent ways with ignorance in believing bullshit about fascism. Like anti-fa in Germany they have no fucking idea NS = Anti-Fa. If they knew we are Anti-Fa with friendly ties and pleadings on helping a government improve itself. They'd freak the fuck out.

NatSoC = Except Anti-Communism which we destroy with full might when Right is Right activates Might is Right. We are Gentlemen changers for Fascist nations.

Reminds me of Argentina it may have been Fascist but they destroyed themselves not being NatSoC. I was gonna talk about Pinochet but it seems he was more capitalist than Fascist or used Fascism as some sort of spring board.

Anyways your absolutely correct these groups don't stand a chance on JoS terms. Without NatSoc and Satanism they flounder and go belly up.

IF anything if your a theorycrafter read their website study their maneuvers and apply their message fixed for our spreading. For example you said they spread propaganda using sticks and manuscripts and pamphlets. That isn't stopping us from taking advantage of such things on a JoS perspective.

I'd say keep the good of the website in mind but eviscerate the bad from it. We can learn and theorize from them and plan accordingly in propaganda and online SSIB(Spiritual Satanic-Internet Battalion).

It's good to study history and bring some modernization into the process. So this website was a good website with information that didn't go far enough. It can be applied to us and we can learn from them. Key word: Learn.
Gear88 said:
Yep your a member who understands Fascist does not equal NS, NS does not equal Fascist. As a matter of fact except in as much personally calling Fascism grey spectrum political opposition. And besides labeling Fascism as container of communism. Fascist = anti-NatSoc and Natsoc = anti-Fascist.

As a matter of fact as National Socialists we are more anti-fascist than Anti-fa. Anti-fa seems to be a chaotic crashdown everything shit group that doesn't understand an iota of Fascist. They literally believe in many cases it is evil for a man to scream emotionally into a microphone to wake people up a.l.a Mussolini/Hitler style. Anti-fa basically on some level revolves around hating a group of political hard workers with fancy uniforms.

Right click open in new tab bloom up with magnifying glass. Thanks to Nimrod33 for this awesome multi-NPC meme.

In the end I think most people who consider themselves Anti-Fa have not a single fucking clue what being anti-fascist is all about. We NatSoC are anti-fascist but not in a destructive way in a way of as Hitler put it "If a nation wishes to be NS give them all the resources available to upgun their civilization. If they wish to remain democratic so be it."

Anti-fa = violence against Fascist/NS but in violent ways with ignorance in believing bullshit about fascism. Like anti-fa in Germany they have no fucking idea NS = Anti-Fa. If they knew we are Anti-Fa with friendly ties and pleadings on helping a government improve itself. They'd freak the fuck out.

NatSoC = Except Anti-Communism which we destroy with full might when Right is Right activates Might is Right. We are Gentlemen changers for Fascist nations.

Reminds me of Argentina it may have been Fascist but they destroyed themselves not being NatSoC. I was gonna talk about Pinochet but it seems he was more capitalist than Fascist or used Fascism as some sort of spring board.

Anyways your absolutely correct these groups don't stand a chance on JoS terms. Without NatSoc and Satanism they flounder and go belly up.

IF anything if your a theorycrafter read their website study their maneuvers and apply their message fixed for our spreading. For example you said they spread propaganda using sticks and manuscripts and pamphlets. That isn't stopping us from taking advantage of such things on a JoS perspective.

I'd say keep the good of the website in mind but eviscerate the bad from it. We can learn and theorize from them and plan accordingly in propaganda and online SSIB(Spiritual Satanic-Internet Battalion).

It's good to study history and bring some modernization into the process. So this website was a good website with information that didn't go far enough. It can be applied to us and we can learn from them. Key word: Learn.

You so right about that! Learning is why I've been slightly over-active on the forums as of late. TBH I lack much of any formal education yet that doesn't stop me from trying to gain some understanding. In a sense I think it's better I got a bottom-up approach. It makes me think of something David Icke once said "consider everything, believe nothing".
If I received said education I honestly think I'd end up being any one of those NPCs in that image above. It honestly gave me some good laughs and it so beautifully represents the vast opposition and polarity of all political ideologies (save from the only sensible one, Nazism where we disassociate ourselves from petty controversy and focus on real issues). The "Regular NPC" must no doubt be "democracy".

I love how you so expertly and comedically described NS as "Anti-fa with friendly ties and pleadings to help the government improve itself". That's exactly what I'm finding true Nazism is; the people and government helping each other to achieve a common goal for one nation as one people while working in perfect synergy and harmony. It's almost like a more complete and functional version of libertarianism, just without the chaotic state of the populace running the country and the constant appeasement of its neighbours.

I used to think libertarianism was this wonderful thing yet now I'm seeing that it would literally destroy any country. The vast majority of people are morons and letting these lepers run the country would undoubtedly cause major civil war. Every country needs a strong leader and role-model to prioritize the collective goals of a nation and dismiss ones that aren't largely accepted. Libertarianism is like having a body without a head.

Pinochet was crazy! I just started reading stuff about him and his capitalism with elements of fascism made for (what I think) is very similar to the mainstream narrative of NS. He was power-hungry, greedy and dictatorial. Debt went up so he made policies to increase GDP and citizens' spending. It's crazy to me that people don't recognize that Hitler saved Germany from an economic crash and rebuilt the entire economy simply by cutting ties to the Jewish banking cartels. If I remember correctly all of Europe was going bust. His people were looked after far better than the Chileans were.

From what I've been reading just today Argentina became fascist because of immigration from Italy around the time that fascism was birthed there by Mussolini. This ripple-effect of politics spreading to other countries explains so well what were seeing today. Here in Com-nada I'm noticing all these Muslum people coming in have the biggest hard-on for Trudeau, who wants to tear down our borders and pay for their education. This is happening everywhere in 1st world countries.

I saw a video from a Muslim person who said he was taught to infiltrate, have many children and take over the land, economy and religion of the country that he goes to. He spilled the beans on this eastern-ideology after finding "Jewsus".
I just recently thought Muslims were kind, virtuous and humble people who like meditating and showing care toward animals. Now I'm starting to feel like they think they're superior to us even though most that I've met have been extremely friendly. Maybe they killed me with kindness?

That's where I've been really struggling (albeit improving) - philosophy. Sorry for my ramblings lol! I'd like to leave with a short question I have as I feel you probably know more about these things than I do:

What is so bad about the philosophy of Objectivism? I recently read that the founder (Ayn Rand) was a Russian Jew with some interesting backstory. (I'll certainly be using the search tool here to find out more about that side of it).

I thought it essentially was where you first look out for yourself and then follow your own path of what you believe is objectively right and wrong based on your own experience and understanding.

To a Satanist NS that sounds like something that would make perfect sense. There must be something I'm missing.

Thanks brother and sorry to talk your ear off. :lol:
sublimestatanist said:
...message ping...

Not to disrespect but you seem to have a lot of ignorance on muzzies. There is a reason why they wage war against the World much like their kosher religion states.

Ayn Rand I believe was either a shabbos or a jewess who called herself Alexandria and who used anti-communism and capitalism to spread communism. Control both sides to move the goal posts around.

As for libertarian or their stuff. To be honest I think it makes perfect sense that it's wholly American in nature. It reminds me of Hiter's time in Vienna he mentions hyper-individualism. Though he does not associate it with America many Americans would be rubbed the wrong way by NS. It's one of the reasons why many Americans fight against traditional socialism which correctly they should fight it because it's jewish socialism. But incorrectly attack ANY form of socialism as bad. Which America has no merit to fight NS.

NS WOULD rub many Americans the wrong way until they notice America is basically after a few 4-year plans back online feasting and beasting. Remember Hitler's NS the beauty of it is FULL Autarky. The Autarky nature or self-sufficiency is driven all the way to the individual up to the regional and national levels. It's okay to have a breadbasket nation or nations inter-changing foods but all nation must guarantee elimination of inter-dependence and self-sufficiency at all costs.

If anything NS is a modern day Ancient World whereby nations traded excess goods but maintained self-exercise.

If you study Mein Kampf except for a few xtian quotes or statements. It's basically a guy with a rational view of Racial-Nation existence if anything it is RATIONAL information that any country can apply.

Plus NS can be customized by the individual such as Knufjen's 1911 Swedish NS the World's first NatSoc nation. Even NRM does it's own ORION NatSoc, NRM = Nordic Resistance Movement. Check out their website very interesting stuff they have pretty much good things except they ignore a good chunk of Hitler. Not out of disrespect but probably out of ignorance or needing to confirm stuff. Remember Nordic nations aren't Germany but that doesn't mean they can't apply many NS principles to their nation. They do blatantly state they try and limit Hitlerian properties but I think that is foolish to ignore it IF they can scientifically test it and apply it I can see it working for them.

Oh some people might ask why is NS = Anti-Fascist. Upon Germany entering Italy for the late-42-43 campaign of the Italian boot. Hitler and company basically had to sweep Italy of jews, degenerates, and other vermin that the Government left alone. Even the Mafia which sided with the allies in America was freely able to go around Italy with impunity.

Basically Hitler probably realized at this point Fascism is a useless system only used as an emergency to activate shock troopers against Communism. Much like the Communist OOB(Order of Battle) whereby they attack using shock troopers. Fascism = pre-NS but not NS nor ever will be NS system to contain communism. Once it does it's job change it for ORION system.

Sheer fact is Mussolini and company may have done some good. But Italy was always on the back foot much like the Germans surmised they are useless fighters unless combined arms is applied and they fight with German officers and act like psuedo-German forces. Which happened several times in the African campaign.

After careful review of Fascism except for a sexy name and a sexy uniform and some anti-communism. I view fascism as a a Government that is used when the virus gets out of hand and we need some anti-viral before the cure is found.

Even Marcus Garvey the real black leader of black people not MLKjr. Even he said he was fascist and had the black shirts before Musolini and this guy graduated from the University of London in 1911.

Again just to iterate we are anti-fascist but in a nice way simply to open people back up to the Ancient mechanism that operated this place when the Gods were around. The Gods might not be around but there are people who wish to maintain a superior human and maintain humanities existence.

Again if the real anti-fa if all these fucktards paid attention and learned NS = Anti-Fa already they'd freak the fuck out and understand their organization is not just a pointless existence but on top of that is being used to subvert nation-state toward communism. Which unfortunately many of these fucktards love to happen only to appease some shehameforashic desire of the enemy God and his communist comissar state which the very anti-FA will be used as useful idiots killed and die a pointless life simply because the anti-fa goy finished the work of delivering nation-state towards the enemy.

It's like Greta Thunberg the sad part is Hitler would agree with this little girl in spirit saying we need to help the Earth and all this stuff and whatnot. But would realize she is a communist dupe and go see what kind of duping the communist due they hijack all narratives use it to drive their drivel into the masses and dupe them into destroying themselves.

The sad part is Greta is right on some things on pollution and digital electronic trash and while climate change is normal, the climate does further require some inspection for some things to improve such as better prediction and better counter-nature such as the Gods spiritual technology to eliminate bad natural disasters using spirituality.

Unfortunately she is just another capitalist-communist dupe spouting pretty words, words which the NS may even say. The very same words today the enemy promote the bullshit of the jews and their destruction of mankind.

Unfortunately we are correct the enemy hijack ALL narratives just to drive ALL things into the ground. Excuse the last sentence I re-read it and it sounds weird but I hope people understand. Even we'd say help the Earth unfortunately even the positive things are just used for fake science and fake bullshit lies to hook people up to destruction.

So NS = Anti-Fascist in a nice way simply to help Racial-Nation. We don't need Anti-fa fags pumping the communism on top of the things we already do or are doing.
Gear88 said:
sublimestatanist said:
This was extremely informative. The website mentioned in that staged psyop video (fascistforged.com) was indeed a Neo-Nazi site. (Neo: prefix for new/changed).

I looked through some of it using archive.org and found that it mostly was people talking about yoga, occult and history with links to various books in PDF format. As well, there were talks on how to organize in political groups and spread awareness (posters, stickers, etc).

The only few posts that seemed questionable were hypothetical posts on how to disrupt control of 1st-world governments, etc. These were clearly anarchist idiots.

It's clear that this community was on some track of discovering truth yet there was no mention of Satanism anywhere, which tells me it was a very off-base from the true nature of Nazism and thus attracted a lot of strange people. On top of that the name of the site itself ("fascist" forged) tells me that these people don't understand the differences between fascism and Nazism.

Overall the feds clearly love to take down any small fish they can and use it as a scapegoat. Disgusting...

Yep your a member who understands Fascist does not equal NS, NS does not equal Fascist. As a matter of fact except in as much personally calling Fascism grey spectrum political opposition. And besides labeling Fascism as container of communism. Fascist = anti-NatSoc and Natsoc = anti-Fascist.

As a matter of fact as National Socialists we are more anti-fascist than Anti-fa. Anti-fa seems to be a chaotic crashdown everything shit group that doesn't understand an iota of Fascist. They literally believe in many cases it is evil for a man to scream emotionally into a microphone to wake people up a.l.a Mussolini/Hitler style. Anti-fa basically on some level revolves around hating a group of political hard workers with fancy uniforms.

Right click open in new tab bloom up with magnifying glass. Thanks to Nimrod33 for this awesome multi-NPC meme.

In the end I think most people who consider themselves Anti-Fa have not a single fucking clue what being anti-fascist is all about. We NatSoC are anti-fascist but not in a destructive way in a way of as Hitler put it "If a nation wishes to be NS give them all the resources available to upgun their civilization. If they wish to remain democratic so be it."

Anti-fa = violence against Fascist/NS but in violent ways with ignorance in believing bullshit about fascism. Like anti-fa in Germany they have no fucking idea NS = Anti-Fa. If they knew we are Anti-Fa with friendly ties and pleadings on helping a government improve itself. They'd freak the fuck out.

NatSoC = Except Anti-Communism which we destroy with full might when Right is Right activates Might is Right. We are Gentlemen changers for Fascist nations.

Reminds me of Argentina it may have been Fascist but they destroyed themselves not being NatSoC. I was gonna talk about Pinochet but it seems he was more capitalist than Fascist or used Fascism as some sort of spring board.

Anyways your absolutely correct these groups don't stand a chance on JoS terms. Without NatSoc and Satanism they flounder and go belly up.

IF anything if your a theorycrafter read their website study their maneuvers and apply their message fixed for our spreading. For example you said they spread propaganda using sticks and manuscripts and pamphlets. That isn't stopping us from taking advantage of such things on a JoS perspective.

I'd say keep the good of the website in mind but eviscerate the bad from it. We can learn and theorize from them and plan accordingly in propaganda and online SSIB(Spiritual Satanic-Internet Battalion).

It's good to study history and bring some modernization into the process. So this website was a good website with information that didn't go far enough. It can be applied to us and we can learn from them. Key word: Learn.
after reading this i got inspired to look on wikipedia and found out that not only benito mussolini wasn't an antisemite,for him race is"a feeling,not a reality",while adolf hitler admired him,mussolini looked at him with contempt,was once a member of a socialist(social democratic/communist)party and,besides declaring vatican a legitimate state,he was also entitled"sword of islam"and protector of it
"national socialism is a form of fascism"you say,(((mainstream history)))?yeah right.
Gear88 said:
Yep your a member who understands Fascist does not equal NS, NS does not equal Fascist. As a matter of fact except in as much personally calling Fascism grey spectrum political opposition. And besides labeling Fascism as container of communism. Fascist = anti-NatSoc and Natsoc = anti-Fascist.

As a matter of fact as National Socialists we are more anti-fascist than Anti-fa. Anti-fa seems to be a chaotic crashdown everything shit group that doesn't understand an iota of Fascist. They literally believe in many cases it is evil for a man to scream emotionally into a microphone to wake people up a.l.a Mussolini/Hitler style. Anti-fa basically on some level revolves around hating a group of political hard workers with fancy uniforms.

Right click open in new tab bloom up with magnifying glass. Thanks to Nimrod33 for this awesome multi-NPC meme.

In the end I think most people who consider themselves Anti-Fa have not a single fucking clue what being anti-fascist is all about. We NatSoC are anti-fascist but not in a destructive way in a way of as Hitler put it "If a nation wishes to be NS give them all the resources available to upgun their civilization. If they wish to remain democratic so be it."

Anti-fa = violence against Fascist/NS but in violent ways with ignorance in believing bullshit about fascism. Like anti-fa in Germany they have no fucking idea NS = Anti-Fa. If they knew we are Anti-Fa with friendly ties and pleadings on helping a government improve itself. They'd freak the fuck out.

NatSoC = Except Anti-Communism which we destroy with full might when Right is Right activates Might is Right. We are Gentlemen changers for Fascist nations.

Reminds me of Argentina it may have been Fascist but they destroyed themselves not being NatSoC. I was gonna talk about Pinochet but it seems he was more capitalist than Fascist or used Fascism as some sort of spring board.

Anyways your absolutely correct these groups don't stand a chance on JoS terms. Without NatSoc and Satanism they flounder and go belly up.

IF anything if your a theorycrafter read their website study their maneuvers and apply their message fixed for our spreading. For example you said they spread propaganda using sticks and manuscripts and pamphlets. That isn't stopping us from taking advantage of such things on a JoS perspective.

I'd say keep the good of the website in mind but eviscerate the bad from it. We can learn and theorize from them and plan accordingly in propaganda and online SSIB(Spiritual Satanic-Internet Battalion).

It's good to study history and bring some modernization into the process. So this website was a good website with information that didn't go far enough. It can be applied to us and we can learn from them. Key word: Learn.
Thanks for the appreciation! By the way, wasn't Pinochet a Zionist, friend with many jews, backed by the jewish Pope Wojtyla, who also supported Mao's regime?
Lol, I am ona, ive worked with nexion dca, founded the order of iniquity and have affiliation with wsa352. I assure u, I have nothing to do with the feds.. nor am I a nazi. I am a theistic sinister adept and seek to pursue my wyrd without drama with others called satanic organizations.. we are not high jacking your cause are we have been here before this organization, we do not need to bicker like children.. satanists should hold respect for their brothers, not fight like warring sects of Christian filth..

Agios o satanas..
NoctiferPestifera said:
Lol, I am ona, ive worked with nexion dca, founded the order of iniquity and have affiliation with wsa352. I assure u, I have nothing to do with the feds.. nor am I a nazi. I am a theistic sinister adept and seek to pursue my wyrd without drama with others called satanic organizations.. we are not high jacking your cause are we have been here before this organization, we do not need to bicker like children.. satanists should hold respect for their brothers, not fight like warring sects of Christian filth..

Agios o satanas..
Do you practice meditation and yoga regularly?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
