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Egbe/offe what existed before teleportation in African vodoo

Whitecloud said:
So I just wanted to post this here to show how Africans were able to travel to far places without using airplanes within a matter of seconds, for those who think african science is primitive,there is news for you
Stay tuned for more info

Call it magic, voodoo or a mysterious trick; there is a phenomenon that had been in operation in Africa Nigeria way before the inception of the idea of teleportation known as EGBE OR OFFE! Literally, this might bring about the idea of teleportation because this had been predominant since the 18th century right before the colonial masters discovered the Gold Coast(Now Ghana) and the Slave Coast (Now Nigeria)on their way from India in the year 1841.

"Egbe or Offe" in Nigerian Culture is the ability to move or transfer from a particular place at a particular point in time to another place withing the twinkling of an eye. It is an instantaneous process and involves invoking some incantations before this phenomenal is actualize. That is the easiest meaning i could come up with from my Grand Pa Ezekiel's narrations while he was still alive.

Unlike teleportation which requires the disintegration of a body first, before that body is transferred with it's exact details to another place where this disintegrated body will be instantly reconstructed. Similar but completely different from either time travelling of teleportation that had been seen mostly in some Western Movies, EGBE/OFFE is a real process and an authentic medium of transportation hidden from technological advancement and only utilized by individuals with metaphysical powers.

Mamalawo and Babalawo (Native Witch Doctors)

A wicked Babalawo

Witch doctors, Wizards are the major vendors of this mysterious process. They can travel to a dozen places within hours, covering great distance to attend to people with various sickness and diseases and still return to their home- base before nightfall i.e imagine an individual in Texas- New York-California-New Mexico-Ontario just between the space of hours, what technology could cover such distance in so short little time?.....None!

As to all existing things, the good side of this process is; they can be in different remote places within short intervals. For the good wizards or white Wizards (Which ever sounds cool), they can help as many people as they can in a single day at their beckoning.

The opposite of good is bad right? So are the dark witches and wizards who uses this process. For the dark ones with darker souls, hurting or killing many victims is the order when using this medium.

With advancement in technology and civilization, "Egbe" is not openly used anymore. A couple of times you could pick up a newspaper or hear it on the news a story of disappearing folks who later reappeared hail and healthy; just know at the back of your mind that he or she is trying out the mysterious medium of transportation!


Again, this is good but has nothing to do with science. Brother you need to understand that siddhis are not necessarily the same thing as harnessing the natural world's properties to make life simpler. They are very related because they both achieve the same desired end to a large extent(phones make possible what telepathy can accomplish, airplanes substitute levitation/flying etc.) but they remain two very distinct things.

Even astrologically, siddhis are affairs of signs like Scorpio and Pisces while Aquarius and to a lesser extent Gemini rule scientific technology. African spirituality was very good and in some cases there were even exceptional abilities. Science and technology are different things altogether that all Gentiles have been moving towards as part of their advancing.
Cowboy123 said:
Could it just be astral projection?
I think so too. Teleportation as was explained by HP HC is a very advanced ability and is only achieved in the higher stages of the Magnum Opus.
The sorcery in Africa has been known for such sending lighting to kill someone and such the problem with sorcery is that it doesn't focus on developing the soul and becoming Noble to realize the Atma even in India there is such sorcery but they also have yogins which is different if you ask many sorcerers/witch doctors how the science works they can't explain but a mature mage/yogins can explain the science behind it any phenomenal can be explained by a mature mage because he or she has mastered the Unvisersal Laws the only thing inexplicable is Parabrahman....
Whitecloud said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Whitecloud said:
So I just wanted to post this here to show how Africans were able to travel to far places without using airplanes within a matter of seconds, for those who think african science is primitive,there is news for you
Stay tuned for more info

Call it magic, voodoo or a mysterious trick; there is a phenomenon that had been in operation in Africa Nigeria way before the inception of the idea of teleportation known as EGBE OR OFFE! Literally, this might bring about the idea of teleportation because this had been predominant since the 18th century right before the colonial masters discovered the Gold Coast(Now Ghana) and the Slave Coast (Now Nigeria)on their way from India in the year 1841.

"Egbe or Offe" in Nigerian Culture is the ability to move or transfer from a particular place at a particular point in time to another place withing the twinkling of an eye. It is an instantaneous process and involves invoking some incantations before this phenomenal is actualize. That is the easiest meaning i could come up with from my Grand Pa Ezekiel's narrations while he was still alive.

Unlike teleportation which requires the disintegration of a body first, before that body is transferred with it's exact details to another place where this disintegrated body will be instantly reconstructed. Similar but completely different from either time travelling of teleportation that had been seen mostly in some Western Movies, EGBE/OFFE is a real process and an authentic medium of transportation hidden from technological advancement and only utilized by individuals with metaphysical powers.

Mamalawo and Babalawo (Native Witch Doctors)

A wicked Babalawo

Witch doctors, Wizards are the major vendors of this mysterious process. They can travel to a dozen places within hours, covering great distance to attend to people with various sickness and diseases and still return to their home- base before nightfall i.e imagine an individual in Texas- New York-California-New Mexico-Ontario just between the space of hours, what technology could cover such distance in so short little time?.....None!

As to all existing things, the good side of this process is; they can be in different remote places within short intervals. For the good wizards or white Wizards (Which ever sounds cool), they can help as many people as they can in a single day at their beckoning.

The opposite of good is bad right? So are the dark witches and wizards who uses this process. For the dark ones with darker souls, hurting or killing many victims is the order when using this medium.

With advancement in technology and civilization, "Egbe" is not openly used anymore. A couple of times you could pick up a newspaper or hear it on the news a story of disappearing folks who later reappeared hail and healthy; just know at the back of your mind that he or she is trying out the mysterious medium of transportation!


Again, this is good but has nothing to do with science. Brother you need to understand that siddhis are not necessarily the same thing as harnessing the natural world's properties to make life simpler. They are very related because they both achieve the same desired end to a large extent(phones make possible what telepathy can accomplish, airplanes substitute levitation/flying etc.) but they remain two very distinct things.

Even astrologically, siddhis are affairs of signs like Scorpio and Pisces while Aquarius and to a lesser extent Gemini rule scientific technology. African spirituality was very good and in some cases there were even exceptional abilities. Science and technology are different things altogether that all Gentiles have been moving towards as part of their advancing.
You are very unaware about what science is,what do you think science is all about,you think it is just robots and techs,then you are wrong,you are caught up in this industrial technology kind of development,however every race have their own way of development,the way blacks and whites develope is not the same,which is why whites are responsible for building all the mechanical technology and not blacks,the way you think that blacks will one day turn into a creative race and start building robots as well
When they havnt even built anything like that before,if African could create these things they would have already done so, no excuse, Jews are not excuse.
You haven't studied African voodou or spirituality and are just speaking from western mind because you live in a western country and have not experienced African culture and way of life.
With this power of teleportation(which is not just a saddhi) one can travel to anywhere within a matter of seconds,why do we need planes to travel when we can just be anywhere in seconds,plane takes around two days to travel from somewhere in west Africa to america but with this power witch doctors can travel to America in seconds,and your telling me how we need planes,you are still uninformed.I will be posting more stuffs,I don't need to explain this any further,you can carry on with your western science and technology,I will keep posting African science and shamanic technologies
Look what can be done magically can be translated into physical science obviously things like talking to someone from a distance or seeing someone at a far off place clairvoyance the corresponding physical science a television or in the other case a telephone so I am sure even teleportation a corresponding physical science can be invented the physical science is lower than the magical/spiritual science what you are saying is that Blacks can only perform the higher science without being able to do the lower physical science Europe for a period of 1500 was in the dark ages science and technology was banned by the church what then happened was certain pagan mages started the Renaissance and introduced certain SOCIAL CHÀNGES that laid the foundation for the technological age ahead of anyone else mind you if the Ancient Dharmic civilisations where not destroyed they all would have brought in the technology age and every gentle nation would be technologically advanced the perfect scenario would be an equal combination of both spiritual and physical science this is what Nazi Germany was working on again this wouldn't have been possible if certain mages didn't come in power to make the necessary SOCIAL AND ECONOMICAL changes to bring that about Blacks can also build technology if the necessary SOCIAL AND ECONOMICAL changes are made in African society
Whitecloud said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Whitecloud said:
So I just wanted to post this here to show how Africans were able to travel to far places without using airplanes within a matter of seconds, for those who think african science is primitive,there is news for you
Stay tuned for more info

Call it magic, voodoo or a mysterious trick; there is a phenomenon that had been in operation in Africa Nigeria way before the inception of the idea of teleportation known as EGBE OR OFFE! Literally, this might bring about the idea of teleportation because this had been predominant since the 18th century right before the colonial masters discovered the Gold Coast(Now Ghana) and the Slave Coast (Now Nigeria)on their way from India in the year 1841.

"Egbe or Offe" in Nigerian Culture is the ability to move or transfer from a particular place at a particular point in time to another place withing the twinkling of an eye. It is an instantaneous process and involves invoking some incantations before this phenomenal is actualize. That is the easiest meaning i could come up with from my Grand Pa Ezekiel's narrations while he was still alive.

Unlike teleportation which requires the disintegration of a body first, before that body is transferred with it's exact details to another place where this disintegrated body will be instantly reconstructed. Similar but completely different from either time travelling of teleportation that had been seen mostly in some Western Movies, EGBE/OFFE is a real process and an authentic medium of transportation hidden from technological advancement and only utilized by individuals with metaphysical powers.

Mamalawo and Babalawo (Native Witch Doctors)

A wicked Babalawo

Witch doctors, Wizards are the major vendors of this mysterious process. They can travel to a dozen places within hours, covering great distance to attend to people with various sickness and diseases and still return to their home- base before nightfall i.e imagine an individual in Texas- New York-California-New Mexico-Ontario just between the space of hours, what technology could cover such distance in so short little time?.....None!

As to all existing things, the good side of this process is; they can be in different remote places within short intervals. For the good wizards or white Wizards (Which ever sounds cool), they can help as many people as they can in a single day at their beckoning.

The opposite of good is bad right? So are the dark witches and wizards who uses this process. For the dark ones with darker souls, hurting or killing many victims is the order when using this medium.

With advancement in technology and civilization, "Egbe" is not openly used anymore. A couple of times you could pick up a newspaper or hear it on the news a story of disappearing folks who later reappeared hail and healthy; just know at the back of your mind that he or she is trying out the mysterious medium of transportation!


Again, this is good but has nothing to do with science. Brother you need to understand that siddhis are not necessarily the same thing as harnessing the natural world's properties to make life simpler. They are very related because they both achieve the same desired end to a large extent(phones make possible what telepathy can accomplish, airplanes substitute levitation/flying etc.) but they remain two very distinct things.

Even astrologically, siddhis are affairs of signs like Scorpio and Pisces while Aquarius and to a lesser extent Gemini rule scientific technology. African spirituality was very good and in some cases there were even exceptional abilities. Science and technology are different things altogether that all Gentiles have been moving towards as part of their advancing.
You are very unaware about what science is,what do you think science is all about,you think it is just robots and techs,then you are wrong,you are caught up in this industrial technology kind of development,however every race have their own way of development,the way blacks and whites develope is not the same,which is why whites are responsible for building all the mechanical technology and not blacks,the way you think that blacks will one day turn into a creative race and start building robots as well
When they havnt even built anything like that before,if African could create these things they would have already done so, no excuse, Jews are not excuse.
You haven't studied African voodou or spirituality and are just speaking from western mind because you live in a western country and have not experienced African culture and way of life.
With this power of teleportation(which is not just a saddhi) one can travel to anywhere within a matter of seconds,why do we need planes to travel when we can just be anywhere in seconds,plane takes around two days to travel from somewhere in west Africa to america but with this power witch doctors can travel to America in seconds,and your telling me how we need planes,you are still uninformed.I will be posting more stuffs,I don't need to explain this any further,you can carry on with your western science and technology,I will keep posting African science and shamanic technologies
Once upon a time both spiritual and physical science where taught by the Priesthood of all Gentile nations the physical sciences of physics , mathematics, chemistry e.t.c where once a part of being a mage all Gentile Priests learnt so a mage was all the professions in one which made sense because of attaining God consciousness but when the spiritual cultures where attacked we lost the Priesthoods and such the material sciences had to separate from the spiritual sciences so there was the physical knowledge which is acquired through intellectual training and the metaphysical dealing with more subtle powers and substances but you see a true adept should be able to understand and do both so if Africa has God conscious leaders they çan introduce the necessary SOCIAL AND ECONOMICAL changes to make Africans improve on material sciences which is what happened with Europeans with the Renaissance the Founding Fathers of America who were mostly mages set up America for the space age the same can be done with Africa you know the Ancient Ethiopians( Kushites/Blacks) talk about a class of Kushites called the Shem-su Hor clothed in leopard skins they where the rocket scientists of the Gods so the Kushites were aware of rocket technology and that was once in Africa like NASA many other African tribes post Kush and Ancient Egypt where aware of Orion and other constellations and knew of Extra terrestrials that came from there with advanced technology so the technology that you are claiming that Africans can never build has been had before in Africa and every else the Tana Toraji tribe in Indonesia build their houses arcordding to the spaceships which they say their Ancestors came on this planet with they knew about space technology before being exposed to the outside world which only happened in the early 1900s when the Dutch missionaries went there humanity has been very advanced in technology before this current civilisation in Africa and every where else even the Hopi Red India n and the Dogons speak of the same what seem like "primitive cultures" that " can't" build advanced technology like Whites are just reminants of a lost very High Advanced Technological Civilisation of previous Ages I mean the Blacks/Ethiopians are the ones who informed Herodotus about Thule the advanced Technological and spiritual society the Nazis where trying to revive..
Whitecloud said:
Why do you people just blaim Jews for blacks not creating technology,are whites not also attacked by jews? Yet they create technology but when it comes to blacks they have to wait until they achieve godhead and blah blah blah.
Why not create technology now if they can and not wait until everybody has godlike powers,
You guys still feel like you are inferior because you don't create technology as other races,and that is why most other races look down on Africans,how they have not contributed to world science and such which is bringing this kind of behaviour,stop giving excuses and study the ways of your ansestors,the dogon people, zulus,yorubas and Benin all had this kind of powers that has could not be explained by western science such as teleportion, bullet proof,weather control etc

I am here to tell you that Africans have their own science,it is not industrial science like the white or Asian race but spiritual one.

Why are you guys so obssess with creating technology,it is because you have been made to believe that that is the way forward for Africa were we will be building robots and airplanes and such but therefore Africans import 99% percent of the technology they use and the Jews are making money.people these days because of Christianity and all kinds of brainwashing have forgetting there ancient practices,the powers they have and they are focusing on american technologies for their future which is why Africa imports alot.
The studies have shown here that Africans have the ability travel to any were on the world and universe without a plane or spaceship but some of you dont even understand it and most of you still see it as nothing because you want to prove you can create technology as whites,why do we need to build planes and jets when we can travel any where within seconds without them.if all Africans developed they will all have this power and we can make intergalactic travels with it we will be able to travel to mars, pluto in seconds.

But I will let you guys keep dreaming about Africa creating robots in the future,I will study about our ancient practices and technology and not beat myself up about becoming creative race like whites,because the ancient Africans never did that,they know what they had, but these things have been lost through out time and only kept secret only by a few.

@ likman666 this is not an agurment of who is more creative whether or not blacks reach godhead or Shiva loka as you call it it is already known that creative intelligence is not our highest point so let us focus on what we have and not what we lack.
Can you put Whites out of your thinking for once?

So what's your excuse about the Blacks who have an aptitude for science and have contributed to it? They were given a brain transplant or something?

The Africa you keep touting had literal Reptilians doing their activities there and Black jews from the jews having visited the continent some milennia ago. African spirituality had itself degenerated if you're not aware, it's like Hinduism. It is not what the Gods gave us in it's original form. Which is why blood sacrifices of even animals were practiced in the more recent times.

So no thanks, we don't study it so we can go back to it fully but pick the good and discard the rotten. Or do you want to be sacrificing poor animals Whitecloud and doing the other senseless things that are obvious corruptions of spirituality that were done by many African tribes?

I've even found evidence of some sort of Kabbalah (not in the jewish sense but like a magical system based on vibrating mantras and stating affirmations) in some East African tribes in my studies. Evidence that some tapped into the Kundalini.

So please stop all your assumptions. From telling me that I'm too caught up in the western world or I live in a western country, I don't study Black spirituality etc.

How many Blacks in Africa do you know who achieved the Godhead in the past few centuries? Most who ascended are from the ancient past, living with the other ascended humans underground or in other star systems out there. Maybe it's because the enemy who you're trying to downplay has indeed corrupted Black spirituality?

All you are doing is comparing Blacks with other races. Which is why you have that attitude. Yes we know our race fell hard and that is why we here to pick our people up. We don't run from reality. We face it and address it properly. You on the other hand are too caught up in the present/past to even see any other possibilities. Putting aside America and other first world countries with Blacks, are you aware that there are African Blacks who excel in science?

TECHNOLOGY IS NOT A COMPETITION. Nobody was ever competing with anyone. This is just a meme of the modern world and actually Whites only talk about it because it's annoying when your people's achievements are trashed by people who achieved less.

People invent things out of a need to make life simpler/more enjoyable. Scientific aptitude is a natural thing for not just humans but all species that are sufficiently evolved. Do you think we Blacks are lower than apes or something? Are we lower than Greys in your mind?

Who talked about robots? I told you science is very wide, and technology as well.

Also, I certainly don't feel inferior because I don't even compare in the first place. I am very glad some races are doing better and that is simply all I feel for them. It's like growing up as a poor kid. You don't have to feel jealous of other kids from wealthier families. Just work hard and one day you and your family will be at a better place.

"Why do you people just blaim Jews for blacks not creating technology,are whites not also attacked by jews?" Everyone is a shadow of where they'd be at if it were not for the jews.
Are you aware that over 500 million Africans are Christians and another 400 million plus are Muslims? And this goes to the extreme end of said religions. I read that some atheist in Nigeria was arrested and they called it a mental problem, to give an example.

"Yet they create technology but when it comes to blacks they have to wait until they achieve godhead and blah blah blah." I didn't need Godhead to perfectly understand all the astronomy books I read, to give an example. This has to do with what's in the soul.

"I am here to tell you that Africans have their own science,it is not industrial science like the white or Asian race but spiritual one."
First off it's not our own. It was given by the Gods to everyone. Healing, teleportation, controlling the weather, predicting the future are spiritual abilities that are achieved by everyone who is sufficiently spiritually advanced. They are not forms of technology and neither are they exclusive to the Black race.

You have an unhealthy 'Black spirituality vs everyone' attitude. Much of the original Black spirituality was attacked by the enemy. Today we all use what is given by the JoS because it is extremely hard to find legit Black spirituality even in Africa that has not been corrupted. This is also part of the reason why HPS Shannon usually studies Black spirituality and filters out what was corrupted and now we have a good archive of such on our website.

"...the dogon people, zulus,yorubas and Benin all had this kind of powers that has could not be explained by western science such as teleportion, bullet proof,weather control etc"
Western science can likewise not explain western occultism or any other one. It has been fashioned in a materialistic view with quick disregard for the occult. The occult is either ridiculed or given a silly Christian explanation in general and it has been that way for centuries in western countries. Why? Because the jews happened.
Whitecloud said:
Why do you people just blaim Jews for blacks not creating technology,are whites not also attacked by jews? Yet they create technology but when it comes to blacks they have to wait until they achieve godhead and blah blah blah.
Why not create technology now if they can and not wait until everybody has godlike powers,
You guys still feel like you are inferior because you don't create technology as other races,and that is why most other races look down on Africans,how they have not contributed to world science and such which is bringing this kind of behaviour,stop giving excuses and study the ways of your ansestors,the dogon people, zulus,yorubas and Benin all had this kind of powers that has could not be explained by western science such as teleportion, bullet proof,weather control etc

I am here to tell you that Africans have their own science,it is not industrial science like the white or Asian race but spiritual one.

Why are you guys so obssess with creating technology,it is because you have been made to believe that that is the way forward for Africa were we will be building robots and airplanes and such but therefore Africans import 99% percent of the technology they use and the Jews are making money.people these days because of Christianity and all kinds of brainwashing have forgetting there ancient practices,the powers they have and they are focusing on american technologies for their future which is why Africa imports alot.
The studies have shown here that Africans have the ability travel to any were on the world and universe without a plane or spaceship but some of you dont even understand it and most of you still see it as nothing because you want to prove you can create technology as whites,why do we need to build planes and jets when we can travel any where within seconds without them.if all Africans developed they will all have this power and we can make intergalactic travels with it we will be able to travel to mars, pluto in seconds.

But I will let you guys keep dreaming about Africa creating robots in the future,I will study about our ancient practices and technology and not beat myself up about becoming creative race like whites,because the ancient Africans never did that,they know what they had, but these things have been lost through out time and only kept secret only by a few.

@ likman666 this is not an agurment of who is more creative whether or not blacks reach godhead or Shiva loka as you call it it is already known that creative intelligence is not our highest point so let us focus on what we have and not what we lack.
development should be all arounded that's what striving for excellence and perfection is strengthen your weaknesses and sharpen your strengths so you work on both the material and metaphysical (spiritual) sciences that's part of becoming a god strive for excellence in all areas that's Supremacy.....that's National Socialism
Whitecloud said:
You are only trying fill yourself with ego that blacks can do what whites can do,all you have done here is back western science as opposed to African science and your wondering why I say you have a western mind,well think again,you do not study voodou or African spiritual religion,HP's Shannon has done so which is why she is so much better than most of you who just dwell on little things you have done in america then ask for repatriation so you can live there forever instead of coming back home to africa,not that i care anyway, were you even not the one who said you were an american meaning you don't even identify yourself as African when you are,its no wonder you have this negative view towards African shamanism and technology as being backwards and primitive.you think African voodou is all about blood rituals and babaric,just like most of your kind who are lost from their culture and therefore see it as not worth studying.
For your information voodou is a science,it is our African science.and we are proud of it.

With voodou Africans can travel to anywhere without airplanes or cars.

With voodou Africans can control weather.

With voodou voodou priest and the practitioners alike can make their bodies impenetrable by bullets and knifes,it didn't matter where you shoot them, head, eyes, mouth it wouldnt penetrate them, such charm is call "odeshi" in western africa,tell me what western technology can do that.None

With voodou Africans can heal illnessess, illnesses that can not be healed by modern medical science such as HIV. and can even raise the dead, something that is deemed impossible by western science.
So voodou is our science and we are proud of it.

You on the other hand are just hoping to build spaceships,I used to also think the same until I studied more of our capabilities as a race,and found out that we don't even need spaceships to travel to other galaxies.
Please Africa is not backwards because they don't create technology they is only backwards because they are lost and have been deceived by Christianity and Islam out from their traditional practices. the ones which you see as evil and primitive
I don't even know why I bothered having this conversation when you still have the mindset that african voodou is a backwards primitive parctice,that is babaric and only about blood sacrifices and you want to stay in america forever and have never studied African sciences.
But now that i know that all you want to do is become an american and see African spiritual system as something of the past not worth studying,instead you want to just focus on mechanical technology,there is no need having this conversation with you then so, good bye
You really need to learn how to argue to get the truth and not to reinforce your beliefs. I'm not attacking your beliefs by sharing my opinion and I apologize if I sounded rude. It is also not very polite to assume things about somebody and proceed to use them against the person even long after they told you that your assumptions were wrong.

Speaking of Voodoo, this is from the Blacks for Satan website, "Now, when one looks further into Vodun and Voodoo, you will come across blood sacrifices of animals and humans (not as common nowadays) and possessions.
The blood sacrificing is not the original Vodun way. Satan and the Daemons would not allow or condone this. It is apparent that the blood sacrificing is of the enemy. The enemy gods have taken over and infiltrated this religion."

True spirituality is all about completing Satan's goal on humanity, that of making us Gods. I am sure Voodoo once had ascension teachings as did virtually all ancient Gentile spiritual systems. But look what they have been reduced to, people self mutilating and shoving hosepipes up their rear ends in the East and performing sacrifices in Africa. Or praising some jewish thoughtforms in Europe.

This is why I told you that you should not seek to embrace fully what we had in more recent times as it was corrupted by the enemy. The best it can do is help you develop some spiritual abilities but what about your life and its problems? Karmic issues? What about raising your Kundalini and proceeding to complete the Magnum Opus? This does not in any way mean that one cannot study it or even apply any good information they come across.

Also, if I may ask, do you ever do the meditations on the JoS website?

As I had earlier told you, you have an unhealthy 'Black spirituality vs everyone' attitude. I mean, who said science in itself has to do with a particular race? If civilization destroyers like reptilians have advanced technology, why can't Blacks have it too? And if what you are saying is true, there never would have been a single Black pioneer in science let alone one who even understands science.

You also seem to have a problem with the White race or at least other races. Why keep emphasizing that their technology cannot explain our spirituality? Who said it has to? Why the need to compare in a passive agressive way?

You said you used to feel inferior because the White race was more technologically advanced until you studied traditional African spirituality. I think what happened is, your previous feelings/attitude made you understand what you came across in a way that worked to trash the western technology. Which is why you consider it a form of technology superior to what they have.

The truth is, no it's not a form of technology and it is also flawed thanks to the enemy. In fact I believe one of the reasons our race fell really hard is because we didn't have just the jews but the reptilians for centuries.

Whitecloud, you know it's possible to accept the truth about our race without sugarcoating it with self-made theories and beliefs. I appreciate you acknowledging that the races have different natural strengths and creative invention is one of the strengths of the White race. But that you have to say that our spirituality is superior to their technology gives away the fact that you do have some hard feelings. And even that argument is not entirely true because the ancient Aryans were literally the most spiritually advanced people on Earth, more than capable of doing all that you call shamanic technology. It has been mentioned that the Demon Balam was an Aryan High Priest in the ancient past who completed the Magnum Opus.

There is really no competition in life. Just move at your own pace and don't try to tackle those who are ahead of you. I also believe that our Black members from the USA are over the reparations mentality.

I'd like to point out that even when life was very hard for Blacks in America, people like Benjamin Banneker managed to shine in science.

Lastly, I'll ask you to not read what I'm telling you like we are on different sides. Just read it objectively. Put feelings and beliefs aside and you'll see a lot of sense in what I'm telling you.
Whitecloud said:
You are only trying fill yourself with ego that blacks can do what whites can do,all you have done here is back western science as opposed to African science and your wondering why I say you have a western mind,well think again,you do not study voodou or African spiritual religion,HP's Shannon has done so which is why she is so much better than most of you who just dwell on little things you have done in america then ask for repatriation so you can live there forever instead of coming back home to africa,not that i care anyway, were you even not the one who said you were an american meaning you don't even identify yourself as African when you are,its no wonder you have this negative view towards African shamanism and technology as being backwards and primitive.you think African voodou is all about blood rituals and babaric,just like most of your kind who are lost from their culture and therefore see it as not worth studying.
For your information voodou is a science,it is our African science.and we are proud of it.

With voodou Africans can travel to anywhere without airplanes or cars.

With voodou Africans can control weather.

With voodou voodou priest and the practitioners alike can make their bodies impenetrable by bullets and knifes,it didn't matter where you shoot them, head, eyes, mouth it wouldnt penetrate them, such charm is call "odeshi" in western africa,tell me what western technology can do that.None

With voodou Africans can heal illnessess, illnesses that can not be healed by modern medical science such as HIV. and can even raise the dead, something that is deemed impossible by western science.
So voodou is our science and we are proud of it.

You on the other hand are just hoping to build spaceships,I used to also think the same until I studied more of our capabilities as a race,and found out that we don't even need spaceships to travel to other galaxies.
Please Africa is not backwards because they don't create technology they is only backwards because they are lost and have been deceived by Christianity and Islam out from their traditional practices. the ones which you see as evil and primitive
I don't even know why I bothered having this conversation when you still have the mindset that african voodou is a backwards primitive parctice,that is babaric and only about blood sacrifices and you want to stay in america forever and have never studied African sciences.
But now that i know that all you want to do is become an american and see African spiritual system as something of the past not worth studying,instead you want to just focus on mechanical technology,there is no need having this conversation with you then so, good bye
Don't take offense I am not trying to gang up on you but in the Ancient past before one learnt metaphysics like flying through the air , weather control, spirit travel to other planetery spheres , spiritual healing and so on and so forth one had to first learn the material sciences(chemistry, physics, mathematics, astronomy e.t.c) and be a master at them then you where taught the advanced metaphysics you are talking about this was universal in all Gentile Priesthoods for the Kushites for example to have built pyramids and palaces and cities so on and so forth showed they understood the physical sciences and their buildings are even longer lasting then the current modern Western buildings we build the physical science is important for even Blacks to know it makes the physical life convienent/easier to fascilitate Self Realisation if you can have machines doing a lot of labour like farming for instance you can give people free food and other examples can be given don't bash physical/material sciences they are equally important to know and yes even for Blacks to know and be innovative and independent the path of perfection is in the middle both metaphysical (spiritual) and material ( physical)are equally important.....
On this topic I don’t think anything should be taken literal but more on a level of let say teleportation is mainly on spiritual level (soul travel) astral projection as in how our gods can manifest to us ... I think physical teleportation is extremely ‘insanely’ advanced with a lot of advance science in the mix ofcoz and even a topic us humans are truelly not ready for that’s insanely advance I don’t think any witch doctors achieved this is Africa mayb in a sense of extreme projection where one could see that the person is standing before them and then the next minute completely disappear but like I said it’s extremely advance and we ain’t even close to be able to debate the topic it’s god things and god science aswel ... in that sense we like monkeys towards that topic .... in my opinion atleast
Whitecloud said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Whitecloud said:
You also seem to have a problem with the White race or at least other races. Why keep emphasizing that their technology cannot explain our spirituality? Who said it has to? Why the need to compare in a passive agressive way?
Nobody trashed white science,I have called the white race as been awesome at creating technology and then gone ahead to lay out how Africans differ in terms of technological developement while you are trying to say how we are equal in creativity.yes there are somethings africans can do that is better than their technology and medical science of now,maybe when they develope they will created more better technology and more better medical without side effects,but the one they have now is not that good because of Jews.

Who is trying to push beliefs,its even interesting how you just called it my belief,voodou is a way of life not just a belief,it is a spiritual practice to harness the forces of nature to ones bidding,you seem to only have negative views on it and only focus on blood sacrifices there by lebeling it invalid,yes it is corrupted but that dosnt mean one should not study it and filter out the corruptions.there are many things to learn and great powers one can harness.
And I didn't say I felt inferior for not creating technology in fact that's how you guys are doing right now,that's why you keep trying to focus on any technological thing that was done by a black person to try to prove you can as well,
Blackdragon666 the bird dose not swim like the fishes does not mean in a million years time or so it will suddenly grow fins and start swiming like them, birds belongs in the sky because they were created like that by nature and it can not change
So would blacks never be able to create as whites because we were not created as a technological race
even if blacks advance we will still practice vodun because it is our way of life,you can believe in it or not it dosnt matter.
I don't remember ever talking about equality. I think maybe that's the problem. You misunderstood me. There is no such thing as equality in nature.

Also it's not exclusively White science. Many people did contribute like the Arab alchemists who contributed a lot to chemistry in the middle ages etc. It's just that the White race contributed a lot more than everyone else. This doesn't mean no one else did anything.

Africans don't 'differ' in technological advancement. That's something you created and is not really fact. Maybe it's how you deal with reality but understand that it's not the truth. Because occult powers are a common thing among all Gentiles and ironically even jews.

Trying to get into science or technology does not mean that you're acting White. This is actually a very restrictive mindset and has no base in reality.

Look at a country like Japan. Would you say that they are trying to 'act White'? They just move at their own pace without looking at technology as some racial competition.

Your argument is part true and part wrong. Yes there are races that have high creative intelligence than our race. However, our own is not as low as you make it out to be.

You are making truthful observations, but then assuming that the observations are conclusions. Yes Africans didn't contribute much to global science, that is a fact.
Who said it has to always be that way?
When I said you are pushing beliefs I was not talking about Voodoo. I was talking about your low opinion of our race. And you know very well that we are operating at a fraction of our maximum potential.

I am not just focusing on the negative side of Voodoo. But you can't act like it has not been corrupted. Voodoo is not invalid. It has just been corrupted by the enemy which is why I said going back to it fully is not a very good thing. You thought I was mocking it when I asked whether you want to be sacrificing poor animals and got offended for no reason.

I already mentioned that it's good to study to find the good and discard the bad. This is what I do. Yes you can harness great powers and that's a good thing. But what about your life problems Whitecloud? Your karma? What about safely raising your kundalini (which will actually make you harness way more powers than even Voodoo can help you get)? That is what was removed.

So what if someone can move objects with their mind but they live in poverty? Getting powers is one thing. But growing in soul and mind is an entirely different thing and is more important. That is what was removed by the enemy from our people. And why even Voodoo is more or less a shadow of what it used to be. No one is trying to trash it, don't get me wrong.

I don't feel inferior in any way. I have never once mentioned a Black person that was a notable figure in science apart from my reply to you yesterday. You're grouping me with the Blacks who lie about creating everything even after this entire conversation.

I don't need to prove anything to anyone, and I'll kindly ask again that you stop assuming things that have not even been mentioned.

Yes birds don't swim like fish. Except you're now going on the extreme end of trying to prove that we are completely different from other races. So all human races, pure and mixed can do excellently in science and technology but Blacks are too low in that regard.

Last thing. Are all the non White scientists(not necessarily Black) in history and modern day trying to act White?
Blackdragon666 said:
Whitecloud said:
Nobody trashed white science,I have called the white race as been awesome at creating technology and then gone ahead to lay out how Africans differ in terms of technological developement while you are trying to say how we are equal in creativity.yes there are somethings africans can do that is better than their technology and medical science of now,maybe when they develope they will created more better technology and more better medical without side effects,but the one they have now is not that good because of Jews.

Who is trying to push beliefs,its even interesting how you just called it my belief,voodou is a way of life not just a belief,it is a spiritual practice to harness the forces of nature to ones bidding,you seem to only have negative views on it and only focus on blood sacrifices there by lebeling it invalid,yes it is corrupted but that dosnt mean one should not study it and filter out the corruptions.there are many things to learn and great powers one can harness.
And I didn't say I felt inferior for not creating technology in fact that's how you guys are doing right now,that's why you keep trying to focus on any technological thing that was done by a black person to try to prove you can as well,
Blackdragon666 the bird dose not swim like the fishes does not mean in a million years time or so it will suddenly grow fins and start swiming like them, birds belongs in the sky because they were created like that by nature and it can not change
So would blacks never be able to create as whites because we were not created as a technological race
even if blacks advance we will still practice vodun because it is our way of life,you can believe in it or not it dosnt matter.
I don't remember ever talking about equality. I think maybe that's the problem. You misunderstood me. There is no such thing as equality in nature.

Also it's not exclusively White science. Many people did contribute like the Arab alchemists who contributed a lot to chemistry in the middle ages etc. It's just that the White race contributed a lot more than everyone else. This doesn't mean no one else did anything.

Africans don't 'differ' in technological advancement. That's something you created and is not really fact. Maybe it's how you deal with reality but understand that it's not the truth. Because occult powers are a common thing among all Gentiles and ironically even jews.

Trying to get into science or technology does not mean that you're acting White. This is actually a very restrictive mindset and has no base in reality.

Look at a country like Japan. Would you say that they are trying to 'act White'? They just move at their own pace without looking at technology as some racial competition.

Your argument is part true and part wrong. Yes there are races that have high creative intelligence than our race. However, our own is not as low as you make it out to be.

You are making truthful observations, but then assuming that the observations are conclusions. Yes Africans didn't contribute much to global science, that is a fact.
Who said it has to always be that way?
When I said you are pushing beliefs I was not talking about Voodoo. I was talking about your low opinion of our race. And you know very well that we are operating at a fraction of our maximum potential.

I am not just focusing on the negative side of Voodoo. But you can't act like it has not been corrupted. Voodoo is not invalid. It has just been corrupted by the enemy which is why I said going back to it fully is not a very good thing. You thought I was mocking it when I asked whether you want to be sacrificing poor animals and got offended for no reason.

I already mentioned that it's good to study to find the good and discard the bad. This is what I do. Yes you can harness great powers and that's a good thing. But what about your life problems Whitecloud? Your karma? What about safely raising your kundalini (which will actually make you harness way more powers than even Voodoo can help you get)? That is what was removed.

So what if someone can move objects with their mind but they live in poverty? Getting powers is one thing. But growing in soul and mind is an entirely different thing and is more important. That is what was removed by the enemy from our people. And why even Voodoo is more or less a shadow of what it used to be. No one is trying to trash it, don't get me wrong.

I don't feel inferior in any way. I have never once mentioned a Black person that was a notable figure in science apart from my reply to you yesterday. You're grouping me with the Blacks who lie about creating everything even after this entire conversation.

I don't need to prove anything to anyone, and I'll kindly ask again that you stop assuming things that have not even been mentioned.

Yes birds don't swim like fish. Except you're now going on the extreme end of trying to prove that we are completely different from other races. So all human races, pure and mixed can do excellently in science and technology but Blacks are too low in that regard.

Last thing. Are all the non White scientists(not necessarily Black) in history and modern day trying to act White?

I wasn't too sure to say this, but I've talked to the god Cimeries. I was genuinely curious and he said 'just because the White race can Excell at technologies at a advanced state, doesn't necessarily mean that blacks can't run in the same direction. Equalitiy exist for no one. Basic laws and as such can primarily follow that understanding, but to a certain degree. Even that depends on the situation.'

Now that I think of it wasn't Whitecloud the one that came in on the forum one time, the one called Nama Enki? Didn't he want his deleted before? Sounds like infiltrator to me.. just saying.
Ramier108666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Whitecloud said:
Nobody trashed white science,I have called the white race as been awesome at creating technology and then gone ahead to lay out how Africans differ in terms of technological developement while you are trying to say how we are equal in creativity.yes there are somethings africans can do that is better than their technology and medical science of now,maybe when they develope they will created more better technology and more better medical without side effects,but the one they have now is not that good because of Jews.

Who is trying to push beliefs,its even interesting how you just called it my belief,voodou is a way of life not just a belief,it is a spiritual practice to harness the forces of nature to ones bidding,you seem to only have negative views on it and only focus on blood sacrifices there by lebeling it invalid,yes it is corrupted but that dosnt mean one should not study it and filter out the corruptions.there are many things to learn and great powers one can harness.
And I didn't say I felt inferior for not creating technology in fact that's how you guys are doing right now,that's why you keep trying to focus on any technological thing that was done by a black person to try to prove you can as well,
Blackdragon666 the bird dose not swim like the fishes does not mean in a million years time or so it will suddenly grow fins and start swiming like them, birds belongs in the sky because they were created like that by nature and it can not change
So would blacks never be able to create as whites because we were not created as a technological race
even if blacks advance we will still practice vodun because it is our way of life,you can believe in it or not it dosnt matter.
I don't remember ever talking about equality. I think maybe that's the problem. You misunderstood me. There is no such thing as equality in nature.

Also it's not exclusively White science. Many people did contribute like the Arab alchemists who contributed a lot to chemistry in the middle ages etc. It's just that the White race contributed a lot more than everyone else. This doesn't mean no one else did anything.

Africans don't 'differ' in technological advancement. That's something you created and is not really fact. Maybe it's how you deal with reality but understand that it's not the truth. Because occult powers are a common thing among all Gentiles and ironically even jews.

Trying to get into science or technology does not mean that you're acting White. This is actually a very restrictive mindset and has no base in reality.

Look at a country like Japan. Would you say that they are trying to 'act White'? They just move at their own pace without looking at technology as some racial competition.

Your argument is part true and part wrong. Yes there are races that have high creative intelligence than our race. However, our own is not as low as you make it out to be.

You are making truthful observations, but then assuming that the observations are conclusions. Yes Africans didn't contribute much to global science, that is a fact.
Who said it has to always be that way?
When I said you are pushing beliefs I was not talking about Voodoo. I was talking about your low opinion of our race. And you know very well that we are operating at a fraction of our maximum potential.

I am not just focusing on the negative side of Voodoo. But you can't act like it has not been corrupted. Voodoo is not invalid. It has just been corrupted by the enemy which is why I said going back to it fully is not a very good thing. You thought I was mocking it when I asked whether you want to be sacrificing poor animals and got offended for no reason.

I already mentioned that it's good to study to find the good and discard the bad. This is what I do. Yes you can harness great powers and that's a good thing. But what about your life problems Whitecloud? Your karma? What about safely raising your kundalini (which will actually make you harness way more powers than even Voodoo can help you get)? That is what was removed.

So what if someone can move objects with their mind but they live in poverty? Getting powers is one thing. But growing in soul and mind is an entirely different thing and is more important. That is what was removed by the enemy from our people. And why even Voodoo is more or less a shadow of what it used to be. No one is trying to trash it, don't get me wrong.

I don't feel inferior in any way. I have never once mentioned a Black person that was a notable figure in science apart from my reply to you yesterday. You're grouping me with the Blacks who lie about creating everything even after this entire conversation.

I don't need to prove anything to anyone, and I'll kindly ask again that you stop assuming things that have not even been mentioned.

Yes birds don't swim like fish. Except you're now going on the extreme end of trying to prove that we are completely different from other races. So all human races, pure and mixed can do excellently in science and technology but Blacks are too low in that regard.

Last thing. Are all the non White scientists(not necessarily Black) in history and modern day trying to act White?

I wasn't too sure to say this, but I've talked to the god Cimeries. I was genuinely curious and he said 'just because the White race can Excell at technologies at a advanced state, doesn't necessarily mean that blacks can't run in the same direction. Equalitiy exist for no one. Basic laws and as such can primarily follow that understanding, but to a certain degree. Even that depends on the situation.'

Now that I think of it wasn't Whitecloud the one that came in on the forum one time, the one called Nama Enki? Didn't he want his deleted before? Sounds like infiltrator to me.. just saying.
I'd be surprised if he is that guy. I think he just has some hang ups that many Blacks have.

I didn't get any hint of an infiltrator from him
Whitecloud said:
Hey shut the hell up,stupid dumb clown, you didn't talk to any god, are you claiming such so you could gain recognition again. And yes it a true that Black's do not create advance technology, go study that before you open your worthless mouth
Instead of glorifying the fallen state of Blacks and reducing us to jewish enforced stereotypes and insulting other SS (instead of addressing the issue like a sane human being), maybe you could chill and work more on your soul and someday you'll see things from a more realistic perspective.

And yes we do communicate with the Gods. The Gods don't share your views on Blacks. I told you that you are just making an observation and assuming that your observation is the ultimate truth.
Blackdragon666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I don't remember ever talking about equality. I think maybe that's the problem. You misunderstood me. There is no such thing as equality in nature.

Also it's not exclusively White science. Many people did contribute like the Arab alchemists who contributed a lot to chemistry in the middle ages etc. It's just that the White race contributed a lot more than everyone else. This doesn't mean no one else did anything.

Africans don't 'differ' in technological advancement. That's something you created and is not really fact. Maybe it's how you deal with reality but understand that it's not the truth. Because occult powers are a common thing among all Gentiles and ironically even jews.

Trying to get into science or technology does not mean that you're acting White. This is actually a very restrictive mindset and has no base in reality.

Look at a country like Japan. Would you say that they are trying to 'act White'? They just move at their own pace without looking at technology as some racial competition.

Your argument is part true and part wrong. Yes there are races that have high creative intelligence than our race. However, our own is not as low as you make it out to be.

You are making truthful observations, but then assuming that the observations are conclusions. Yes Africans didn't contribute much to global science, that is a fact.
Who said it has to always be that way?
When I said you are pushing beliefs I was not talking about Voodoo. I was talking about your low opinion of our race. And you know very well that we are operating at a fraction of our maximum potential.

I am not just focusing on the negative side of Voodoo. But you can't act like it has not been corrupted. Voodoo is not invalid. It has just been corrupted by the enemy which is why I said going back to it fully is not a very good thing. You thought I was mocking it when I asked whether you want to be sacrificing poor animals and got offended for no reason.

I already mentioned that it's good to study to find the good and discard the bad. This is what I do. Yes you can harness great powers and that's a good thing. But what about your life problems Whitecloud? Your karma? What about safely raising your kundalini (which will actually make you harness way more powers than even Voodoo can help you get)? That is what was removed.

So what if someone can move objects with their mind but they live in poverty? Getting powers is one thing. But growing in soul and mind is an entirely different thing and is more important. That is what was removed by the enemy from our people. And why even Voodoo is more or less a shadow of what it used to be. No one is trying to trash it, don't get me wrong.

I don't feel inferior in any way. I have never once mentioned a Black person that was a notable figure in science apart from my reply to you yesterday. You're grouping me with the Blacks who lie about creating everything even after this entire conversation.

I don't need to prove anything to anyone, and I'll kindly ask again that you stop assuming things that have not even been mentioned.

Yes birds don't swim like fish. Except you're now going on the extreme end of trying to prove that we are completely different from other races. So all human races, pure and mixed can do excellently in science and technology but Blacks are too low in that regard.

Last thing. Are all the non White scientists(not necessarily Black) in history and modern day trying to act White?

I wasn't too sure to say this, but I've talked to the god Cimeries. I was genuinely curious and he said 'just because the White race can Excell at technologies at a advanced state, doesn't necessarily mean that blacks can't run in the same direction. Equalitiy exist for no one. Basic laws and as such can primarily follow that understanding, but to a certain degree. Even that depends on the situation.'

Now that I think of it wasn't Whitecloud the one that came in on the forum one time, the one called Nama Enki? Didn't he want his deleted before? Sounds like infiltrator to me.. just saying.
I'd be surprised if he is that guy. I think he just has some hang ups that many Blacks have.

I didn't get any hint of an infiltrator from him

He actually is. I remember him very well. He didn't like the chastisement of everyone that was involved and wanted to have his account deleted. He was posting new age crap.
Ramier108666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
I wasn't too sure to say this, but I've talked to the god Cimeries. I was genuinely curious and he said 'just because the White race can Excell at technologies at a advanced state, doesn't necessarily mean that blacks can't run in the same direction. Equalitiy exist for no one. Basic laws and as such can primarily follow that understanding, but to a certain degree. Even that depends on the situation.'

Now that I think of it wasn't Whitecloud the one that came in on the forum one time, the one called Nama Enki? Didn't he want his deleted before? Sounds like infiltrator to me.. just saying.
I'd be surprised if he is that guy. I think he just has some hang ups that many Blacks have.

I didn't get any hint of an infiltrator from him

He actually is. I remember him very well. He didn't like the chastisement of everyone that was involved and wanted to have his account deleted. He was posting new age crap.
That explains why he got bitter. Thanks for pointing it out.
Blackdragon666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I'd be surprised if he is that guy. I think he just has some hang ups that many Blacks have.

I didn't get any hint of an infiltrator from him

He actually is. I remember him very well. He didn't like the chastisement of everyone that was involved and wanted to have his account deleted. He was posting new age crap.
That explains why he got bitter. Thanks for pointing it out.

It's no problem brother. Even if he's just a black deluded by new age ideals and not an infiltrator, I understand some of what's he's posted on the Black shamanic processes. That still dies not mean we can't gain and build ships. The only difference is that it's our style.
Ramier108666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
He actually is. I remember him very well. He didn't like the chastisement of everyone that was involved and wanted to have his account deleted. He was posting new age crap.
That explains why he got bitter. Thanks for pointing it out.

It's no problem brother. Even if he's just a black deluded by new age ideals and not an infiltrator, I understand some of what's he's posted on the Black shamanic processes. That still dies not mean we can't gain and build ships. The only difference is that it's our style.
I understand brother. He just needs to balance his views. It's not about two extreme ends. It's more about knowing yourself and moving at your pace. Many problems come when one compares. I also appreciate any further information he has on Black Shamanism.
Whitecloud said:
No problem you people should just disapprove all my post
@ hoodedcobra and Shannon I hope two of you be in a situation were you will get insulted and shit on and you can't reply, especially you hooded cobra this is not the first time you are ganging up with that bastard ramier against me,approving all of his post but disapproving mine, you will reap the same, I hope it gets to you. twue
You were not insulted by anyone. You pushed some wrong ideas that demean and demoralize Black people that have an aptitude for science and I took my time for days to have a decent conversation with you.

What will you gain when anyone is insulted?
See how childish that sounds?

No offense but just because science is not easy for you doesn't mean that's the case for every other black person.

Plus, it's very obvious that if you are that Nama Enki guy, you probably have your own agenda here.
Blackdragon666 said:
Whitecloud said:
No problem you people should just disapprove all my post
@ hoodedcobra and Shannon I hope two of you be in a situation were you will get insulted and shit on and you can't reply, especially you hooded cobra this is not the first time you are ganging up with that bastard ramier against me,approving all of his post but disapproving mine, you will reap the same, I hope it gets to you. twue
You were not insulted by anyone. You pushed some wrong ideas that demean and demoralize Black people that have an aptitude for science and I took my time for days to have a decent conversation with you.

What will you gain when anyone is insulted?
See how childish that sounds?

No offense but just because science is not easy for you doesn't mean that's the case for every other black person.

Plus, it's very obvious that if you are that Nama Enki guy, you probably have your own agenda here.

I had a problem before with him only because he was, safe to say, being a complete jackass and asshole to a few Satanist. And HoodedCobra is not ganging up on him. I already see why he didn't approve It Whitecloud's. I merely stated facts. Bastard eh? Well that's a bit of a literal point. Not like I really care. All in all, what he has posted at least on the Black Satanist forum, well the informative part was well appreciated.
Ramier108666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Whitecloud said:
No problem you people should just disapprove all my post
@ hoodedcobra and Shannon I hope two of you be in a situation were you will get insulted and shit on and you can't reply, especially you hooded cobra this is not the first time you are ganging up with that bastard ramier against me,approving all of his post but disapproving mine, you will reap the same, I hope it gets to you. twue
You were not insulted by anyone. You pushed some wrong ideas that demean and demoralize Black people that have an aptitude for science and I took my time for days to have a decent conversation with you.

What will you gain when anyone is insulted?
See how childish that sounds?

No offense but just because science is not easy for you doesn't mean that's the case for every other black person.

Plus, it's very obvious that if you are that Nama Enki guy, you probably have your own agenda here.

I had a problem before with him only because he was, safe to say, being a complete jackass and asshole to a few Satanist. And HoodedCobra is not ganging up on him. I already see why he didn't approve It Whitecloud's. I merely stated facts. Bastard eh? Well that's a bit of a literal point. Not like I really care. All in all, what he has posted at least on the Black Satanist forum, well the informative part was well appreciated.
As he is now lol.
Whitecloud said:
Ramier108666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I'd be surprised if he is that guy. I think he just has some hang ups that many Blacks have.

I didn't get any hint of an infiltrator from him

He actually is. I remember him very well. He didn't like the chastisement of everyone that was involved and wanted to have his account deleted. He was posting new age crap.
At least I have posted many useful things since my time here even though only one of them is taken as being a new age, what information have you posted,I can show how many topics I have posted addressing different matters including in this black forum since four years and you have posted none. You are here spouting nonsense about me posting new age things when you have never posted anything simply valuable to anyone or this community, you are just an idiot looking for approval,you post things to get some validation from people just as you did here, not that this topic matters to me anymore,but that just shows it.you are an inferior element to me and to tell the truth talking to you even now disgust me.

I'm surprised you actually took your time from Cloud Nine to answer a topic that I really lost interest in.

You posted topics that I did say we're valuable. But you are taking your personal feelings in this a bit to far. Was what I said wrong? The facts pinpoint my words I said about you.

Lastly I'm a proud Black Spiritual Satanist, an elite member of Our Father Satan's army. You've disputed multiple times about the comparison between Whites and Blacks technological advancement. Just because your African does not hold water for the rest of the Black Race out in the world. It's like the frog in the well analogy. You only understand you field of vision. A total pathetic vision based off of hangups.

Grow up dude.

We are advancing, and you can sit there trying to pick fights just because you think you're right.
Get a life and focus on the enemy. Also I'm not even disgusted by your feelings against me. Rather I pity you.
I'm continuing my path to the godhead and to help my race advance in any field that we can possibly fathom. Will it be the same as others? No. But it will be a great achievement. That's what I desire to see. Go have your hangups and cry in the corner, it get your ass in gear. This is the last reply I'm sending to you.
Blackdragon666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
You were not insulted by anyone. You pushed some wrong ideas that demean and demoralize Black people that have an aptitude for science and I took my time for days to have a decent conversation with you.

What will you gain when anyone is insulted?
See how childish that sounds?

No offense but just because science is not easy for you doesn't mean that's the case for every other black person.

Plus, it's very obvious that if you are that Nama Enki guy, you probably have your own agenda here.

I had a problem before with him only because he was, safe to say, being a complete jackass and asshole to a few Satanist. And HoodedCobra is not ganging up on him. I already see why he didn't approve It Whitecloud's. I merely stated facts. Bastard eh? Well that's a bit of a literal point. Not like I really care. All in all, what he has posted at least on the Black Satanist forum, well the informative part was well appreciated.
As he is now lol.

Off topic question

Black dragon how do u feel about the Chinese being in Kenya. I think u r Kenyan? Do the Kenyans themselves have a problem with the Chinese or is it neutral?

I see that the Chinese don’t treat the Kenyans and other Africans right at all. Also they don’t treat Africans right in China.
Cowboy123 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
I had a problem before with him only because he was, safe to say, being a complete jackass and asshole to a few Satanist. And HoodedCobra is not ganging up on him. I already see why he didn't approve It Whitecloud's. I merely stated facts. Bastard eh? Well that's a bit of a literal point. Not like I really care. All in all, what he has posted at least on the Black Satanist forum, well the informative part was well appreciated.
As he is now lol.

Off topic question

Black dragon how do u feel about the Chinese being in Kenya. I think u r Kenyan? Do the Kenyans themselves have a problem with the Chinese or is it neutral?

I see that the Chinese don’t treat the Kenyans and other Africans right at all. Also they don’t treat Africans right in China.
There is nothing neutral about China's presence and interference in any African country as far as I'm aware. I think it's possible they are planning to ship a chunk of their population over to Africa in the future due to overpopulation there. I have read about this before. They may also be planning to spread communism to Africa. Kenya for example does have a newly formed Communist Party.
They have ties with many Communist governments around the world as you can see in their site. I also noticed they praise some of the worst Communist mass murderers of the past century like Lenin and Che Guevara, flashing their pictures on the home page of the site.

Zambia is a good example of what China really wants in Africa. As far as I'm aware, they were unable to pay back their debt to China so the latter took control of their ports and mines, and they even have a military base in Zambia.


Yes the Chinese do very much mistreat Blacks in China. Definitely not all of them but very much widespread. My advice to any Blacks in China would be to just leave. If you're not welcome somewhere, pack and leave.
sunstar said:
I asked for this whole thread to be deleted and nothing was done, am sure if it was me hooded cobra of a HP will not waste two seconds to delete my post immediately like he did here even though this trash troll trolled in here with the intention of insulting his bloody self and making trouble, let it be warned that no one should ever write any shit at me again about doing any thing here, or they are stupid, i did not come here to play stupid games most especially with this idiot. And i don't care about your relationship hooded cobra with this person, all am asking is that you delete this whole thread or delete his trash post for good here.
Or there will be a battle here between me and him and i guarantee that you haven't seen anything. Don't take my words here for granted, delete all this fool trash insults now.
I do not want to see it
What a crybaby.
Who is the real troll? Ramier who is clearly a good, honest, caring, knowledgeable, and noble black man.

Or the kikerat troll who has been continuously banned on around 30 different accounts for his endless trolling and nonsense bullshit?

I really do not think that Ramier is the problem.

The health and clarity of a person's soul can be clearly and strongly felt by everybody. Thousands of us here are all clearly feeling that Ramier is a good and healthy soul. And the same amount of people also feel that the guy who has been banned 30 times is only here to spread worthless bullshit and lies.

Ramier said:
So I come back from posting for awhile and I see this. To you Black Stanica, I don’t know why you are fixated on me all of a sudden. I don’t post so much regarding knowledge because in some instances you don’t need to. Knowledge is a gathered from two main points that converge from time to time. Namely experience and th at which is conveyed through instructions. Many of us here are through experience and instruction, while I have experience, I choose more often to follow instruction from the Gods. I’ve gained a vast amount of knowledge, that doesn’t have to be explained unless it’s necessary. Do you see everyone stating some new information? Well yes, but it’s run through with a common phrases of ‘from what I’ve gathered, or ‘if someone else had the same experience. I don’t have to post about African spirituality because of the Jewish agenda and destroying and restructuring of the knowledge held back then. I aim to become god. Raise my serpent as I was instructed by the Gods.

If you want to keep up with this vendetta of scrutiny, by all means be my guest. But if you want to settle this once and for all, you can contact me by my private email
[email protected]
Ramier108666 said:
So I come back from posting for awhile and I see this. To you Black Stanica, I don’t know why you are fixated on me all of a sudden. I don’t post so much regarding knowledge because in some instances you don’t need to. Knowledge is a gathered from two main points that converge from time to time. Namely experience and th at which is conveyed through instructions. Many of us here are through experience and instruction, while I have experience, I choose more often to follow instruction from the Gods. I’ve gained a vast amount of knowledge, that doesn’t have to be explained unless it’s necessary. Do you see everyone stating some new information? Well yes, but it’s run through with a common phrases of ‘from what I’ve gathered, or ‘if someone else had the same experience. I don’t have to post about African spirituality because of the Jewish agenda and destroying and restructuring of the knowledge held back then. I aim to become god. Raise my serpent as I was instructed by the Gods.

If you want to keep up with this vendetta of scrutiny, by all means be my guest. But if you want to settle this once and for all, you can contact me by my private email
[email protected]

I think it's this troll that has created 15 or so accounts by now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
So I come back from posting for awhile and I see this. To you Black Stanica, I don’t know why you are fixated on me all of a sudden. I don’t post so much regarding knowledge because in some instances you don’t need to. Knowledge is a gathered from two main points that converge from time to time. Namely experience and th at which is conveyed through instructions. Many of us here are through experience and instruction, while I have experience, I choose more often to follow instruction from the Gods. I’ve gained a vast amount of knowledge, that doesn’t have to be explained unless it’s necessary. Do you see everyone stating some new information? Well yes, but it’s run through with a common phrases of ‘from what I’ve gathered, or ‘if someone else had the same experience. I don’t have to post about African spirituality because of the Jewish agenda and destroying and restructuring of the knowledge held back then. I aim to become god. Raise my serpent as I was instructed by the Gods.

If you want to keep up with this vendetta of scrutiny, by all means be my guest. But if you want to settle this once and for all, you can contact me by my private email
[email protected]

I think it's this troll that has created 15 or so accounts by now.
He admitted that it was closer to 25 accounts by now.
Ramier108666 said:
Wait did I just read that right??? The pleadians are not bad at least to you? Oh well. Ol Argedco Luciftius when this whole war on earth is done, I challenge you to a fencing duel. Lol
You are going to have a fencing duel against me? Or we are together as a fencing team against him?

We have to be at least as good at fencing as him.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ramier108666 said:
Wait did I just read that right??? The pleadians are not bad at least to you? Oh well. Ol Argedco Luciftius when this whole war on earth is done, I challenge you to a fencing duel. Lol
You are going to have a fencing duel against me? Or we are together as a fencing team against him?

We have to be at least as good at fencing as him.

I’m more inclined to fence the troll. En garde. You’re right we would have to be good at fencing. Funnily enough I’m pretty good at swordplay and own a katana.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ramier108666 said:
Wait did I just read that right??? The pleadians are not bad at least to you? Oh well. Ol Argedco Luciftius when this whole war on earth is done, I challenge you to a fencing duel. Lol
You are going to have a fencing duel against me? Or we are together as a fencing team against him?

We have to be at least as good at fencing as him.
I will prepare the salad then. You can't fence without having eaten some salad before and after.
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ramier108666 said:
Wait did I just read that right??? The pleadians are not bad at least to you? Oh well. Ol Argedco Luciftius when this whole war on earth is done, I challenge you to a fencing duel. Lol
You are going to have a fencing duel against me? Or we are together as a fencing team against him?

We have to be at least as good at fencing as him.
I will prepare the salad then. You can't fence without having eaten some salad before and after.
Make my salad a 2 pound piece of Steelhead Trout. :p
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
You are going to have a fencing duel against me? Or we are together as a fencing team against him?

We have to be at least as good at fencing as him.
I will prepare the salad then. You can't fence without having eaten some salad before and after.
Make my salad a 2 pound piece of Steelhead Trout. :p
You can't tell me what to do! You're not my mom!
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aquarius said:
I will prepare the salad then. You can't fence without having eaten some salad before and after.
Make my salad a 2 pound piece of Steelhead Trout. :p
You can't tell me what to do! You're not my mom!

Oh dear what have I done??!? Lol

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
