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Discovering Yourself On The Satanic Path - Prerequisite Of The Kundalini Serpent


Active member
Oct 27, 2021
There are parts of the media, the Jewish "main source" of the hostile agenda, where the human mind is systematically poisoned, that are worth pondering, or simply asking why it is the way it is.

People in this society forget to ask questions.

They abnormally accept what the world puts in front of them, and because they are not aware of concepts such as the soul or the power of the mind, they are forced to live with this phenomenon and are practically enslaved.

Television is almost a mirror, with its frames and situations. When one watches a series, one takes a liking to a character and tries to identify with it (this is especially true for young people, because it is 'cool').

This displaces the idea of the self and how the self manifests itself in reality, and this can subconsciously create a feeling of 'inferiority' because what you see in films/series is 'cool'. This is a false analysis of the search for identity.

"Oh, goy, we'll show you someone in this cool show that will make you swoon. He has no respect for women, never obeys the rules, and is totally insensitive to his fellow man because it's too "cool", goy". Oyyy veyyy, don't get upset, silly goy.

The Jew Hollywood, where everyone is "perfect", operates on a propaganda system that tramples your formerly "healthy" self-confidence from the outside in, only to destroy you in your self-fictionalized, destructive reality.

As for reality and fiction - One of my books was permanently deleted from the forums. I don't know how many of you have read it, but I hope as few as possible, and it's called "The Unknown". I don't think anyone has noticed, but I should give a one or two sentence explanation.

What it contains can elevate your "reality" or sense of reality to a level where normality loses the paradigm of time and you are immersed in a totally surreal world that actually makes no sense because everything in it is "fake".

When I wrote the book, I myself benefited from the mentality it evoked.

Because there is such a high level of manipulation and deception in the aspects contained therein that it is dangerous to the human mind, specifically the SS, as it goes to the extreme of saying even the slightest bad word about a fellow human being.

Long story short, the book has been deleted, currently the "unfolding" post is still available, but maybe by the time you read this I will have deleted that too.

If anyone has read that book, and is reading this post now, the short explanation for this is that the book is just a "destructive reflection" from a mind that saw the world in chaos at the time, and there were things it didn't understand - that would be me.

The book gives a misinterpretation of the world that is contrary to Satan's Purposes. Although the Gods did not give me permission, and neither did Satan, it was entirely my fault. That's why this Path is beautiful, because when we make mistakes, we can learn from them through our progress.

It can also be an edifying example to newcomers that Satan and the Gods do not forbid anything. In Spiritual Satanism, you can be completely free, where you don't have to conform to anyone's expectations, because that's what the Path is all about - freedom.

Satanic Ethics are an important requirement to understand. We do not like injustice.

Expressing and accepting your feelings will help you get ahead and you don't have to conform to what the Jews propagate and preach. The Jews aim to make you a Spiritual slave where you have no free will.

Back to the original topic.

I used to have a question where I was asked how to accept myself. Both Satan and the Gods at that time (and for a long time after) told me to be who I am because I have inhibitions within me that will not allow me to let go of my identity.

Once I understood this, I let my past feelings and inhibitions come to the surface and through a kind of "Ritual" I pulled out the destructive energies that had a liberating effect on me and made me understand all that is "human".

Man is the first, initial phase of reaching the Divine level. It must be understood that everything you do in life will later lay the foundation for something in the future. It can be positive or negative, most of all we can learn and build from our own mistakes.

"Goy, please adapt to what we show you. Do not grow, Satan is false, "god will protect you."- Never deny your Creator, Satan and the Gods. They put you here, they put you here for a reason. Stop wasting most of your life on negativity.

Break the Jewish spirit and let it die and disappear. During RTRs, if you visualize a monumental gray negative energy destroying "israel" and destroying the jews, it will be a beneficial process.

Whatever feelings or desires you have, make sure they really come from you. For example - you are watching porn (not recommended) and when you are around a woman, you have feelings and desires that make you want to apply what you saw in the porn.

This is not coming from you, it is a destructive manifestation of porn in your mind and mentality, either subconsciously or consciously. Block out the negative phenomena from your life. Stop being like others, stop being like me, stop being like the High Priest.

Our Way is about Freedom. No one is better than the others. We must work to be better and stronger than others, but that does not mean we are "inherently" better. We improve through our efforts, things do not improve by themselves.

An example of this is that time heals everything. I think this is false because the passage of time does not get rid of your emotions, they just get stored up. The same situation and the same emotions resurface, only more painful than the first time.

The painful emotions of a break-up can take up to a week to heal. You simply need to think about the person you have negative feelings for and let them out for good. Crying, being upset, are all restorative and cleansing at this time, not to mention you will feel liberated.

Satan Wants Us to walk in His Path. Injustice is not part of our Path, and "christianity" is not part of it. We come from Satan and the Gods, there is no greater treasure than that.

"Without knowledge, Power is lost, as Power is lost, so is Understanding lost and so is True Knowledge lost." - Understand this and become Perfect!

I think to manage those emotions which resurfaces as more painful than first time as you said, is to see it with new eyes, with different understanding, in order to take it other way, and make something good and new out of it. Clarity should be key here, to be able to see for what it is, as it is not same emotions like was first time, if it resurfaced, maybe it is the assumption which makes one to think that it is the same emotion from first time and this assumption makes one to feel pain but not the emotion.
I think this is a overal good post, I just can´t agree with this

BrightSpace666 said:
Stop being like others, stop being like me, stop being like the High Priest.


We need way more people who try to live up to, what HP Hoodedcobra does on the dayly.
Fuchs said:
I think this is a overal good post, I just can´t agree with this

BrightSpace666 said:
Stop being like others, stop being like me, stop being like the High Priest.


We need way more people who try to live up to, what HP Hoodedcobra does on the dayly.

I understand both sides of this, I'd say the middle ground is we should not compare ourselves and our accomplishments to other people, we are our own individuals and our paths will be our own, however we should learn from those who inspire us Like HP HoodedCobra. We should emulate the good things we learn from our HP and other SS here who are good inspirations and do good work for the community and the Gods. We need more people emulating good behaviors and having dedication to carry this community forward.

Adopting good examples and behaviors is how we learn, how we grow. It's ok to be like our HP but not lose our individuality and completely copy him and expect everything we do to mirror him and his experiences. (I'm speaking in extremes here). I'm sure most people trying to emulate him know they aren't him or will have his same experiences. But some people do become obsessed with things that may lead to delusions like that I suppose.

Ultimately Our accomplishments and contributions are our own. We shouldn't try to walk directly in the same footsteps of those we look up to, but we can walk the same path and learn from them, and through their teachings and the inspiration they give us we can make our own footsteps along the way.
Fuchs said:
I think this is a overal good post, I just can´t agree with this

BrightSpace666 said:
Stop being like others, stop being like me, stop being like the High Priest.


We need way more people who try to live up to, what HP Hoodedcobra does on the dayly.

What he means is, don't try to be HP HoodedCobra, because you aren't HP HoodedCobra, instead, be inspired by HP HoodedCobra to expand your capabilities and do as he does.

Don't be him, but do as he does in the eye suitable you yourself, inspired by him or others who succeed on this path and have capabilities and success worth looking up to and learning from, such as the Guardians.

Hail Satan!
Fuchs said:
I think this is a overal good post, I just can´t agree with this

BrightSpace666 said:
Stop being like others, stop being like me, stop being like the High Priest.


We need way more people who try to live up to, what HP Hoodedcobra does on the dayly.

In short, the meaning of this is that Satanism requires self-acceptance in relation to Kundalini, or even our own mental and psychological health. I took this statement to mean not to be like others (herd mentality in our current society), but I explained this in a "series" of musings in the post.

Let us be individuals, at our own pace. Follow the behaviour of my, or High Priest, or VoiceofEnki, that's fine, but let the self-acceptance happen first, then start empowering ourselves, shaping our personalities.

For example, we can behave like the High Priest, because almost everything he says is wise and rich in Knowledge. We can use this for our development. The statement "don't be like that" is meant to mean that we should not copy anyone and go at our own pace of self-acceptance and empower ourselves with the experience/knowledge of advanced individuals.

If something is still confusing, feel free to ask and I'll explain again.

Thanks for the reply.
TerKorian666 said:
I think to manage those emotions which resurfaces as more painful than first time as you said, is to see it with new eyes, with different understanding, in order to take it other way, and make something good and new out of it. Clarity should be key here, to be able to see for what it is, as it is not same emotions like was first time, if it resurfaced, maybe it is the assumption which makes one to think that it is the same emotion from first time and this assumption makes one to feel pain but not the emotion.

Yes, you see it right.

It is much more rewarding and healthy to let out your hidden emotions than to let "time will tell". It's like a piece of paper you want to throw in the trash. You put it down to throw it away later, but the wind can blow it away. In time you forget what happened, but as soon as the wind blows it back to you, you're right back where you started - ignored it, and there it is again.

Interesting metaphors, I can't think of a better one off the top of my head.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
