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Cursed Nazarene


New member
Mar 1, 2020
Good day to all. I've read something of a Cursed Nazarene ritual on the JoS website my interest lie in performing such ritual. However, in looking into the articles and the pdfs given it seems to have been moved.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to some area of the resources given that I may have over looked? Where might I find such ritual?
Tayai said:
Cursed Nazarene ritual

Satanisgod.org -> RTR section
First: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/RabbiChrist.html

and second: Don't do it.

First that is a RNTR, reverse new testament ritual. The last time we did it was in 2018 just before July F-RTR release date so around May/June of '18. The ritual is kinda of a double blow ritual, it's meant to limit the power of xtianity and also help the Gods reduce the need to curse the enemy thoughtform so they can curse other places and not worry so much. So as much as we help ourselves it helps our Gods.

Perform the Final-RTR ONLY, the only other RTR we perform is Kol Nidre either on Yom Kippur or on a date like in April/May of 2018 when HP. Cobra told us to do it for 3-4 days as astrologically it was perfect for it. It's possible another date might pop up for Kol Nidre but I doubt that, so we have to wait till Yom Kippur.

Final ONLY it deals with everything. Stick with the FINAL.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
