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Breath white gold energies from the Sun and surround yourself with it.Vusualize it and affirm "All these w-gold energies are now completely and permanently curing my mother from cancer in a very quick and yet positive way for her Now!"x9Perform it as many times as you can.A waning moon is better for this spell.Do not begin on a Void moon.

It is a very simple and yet powerful spell.The same method can be used for anything like Love,Money e.t.cJust use the appropriate color. For black magic you should not come into contact with the energies.In this case just condense the energies into a ball infront of you then direct it with an affirmation.Good luck.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Ok will do it as well 
Thank you very much! 

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Στις Τετ, 20 Μαρ, 2019 στις 5:55 μ.μ., ο χρήστηςol ol ool27@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] έγραψε:   Breath white gold energies from the Sun and surround yourself with it.Vusualize it and affirm "All these w-gold energies are now completely and permanently curing my mother from cancer in a very quick and yet positive way for her Now!"x9Perform it as many times as you can.A waning moon is better for this spell.Do not begin on a Void moon.

It is a very simple and yet powerful spell.The same method can be used for anything like Love,Money e.t.cJust use the appropriate color. For black magic you should not come into contact with the energies.In this case just condense the energies into a ball infront of you then direct it with an affirmation.Good luck.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
