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Bhagavad Gita

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Bhagavad Gita

On the Bhagavad Gita its premise lays out the same pseudo metaphysic's the Catholic Church is built upon. Its Communism with a window dressing of spirituality. Its the core Bible of Vaishnavism and popular Hinduism. Scholars have noted its been rewritten over time to conform to this as well. Its corrupt. The below again highlights the enemy has ruined the Dharma culture of the East over centuries to where its horribly corrupt and almost unrecognizable from the original. India scholars have stated Hinduism is Jainism by another name. That's it. Jainism was originally openly condemned as subversive and anti Dharmic movement against he culture of the India. Its Communism with joke metaphysics. This was forced on the population by the new Imperial religion of Buddhism under Askoha like Christianity was on Pagan Roman Empire by Constantine. And it did the same to the culture. The enemy just changed the wine but kept the bottle and label.

Danielou the Traditionalist scholar, author and Hindu states in one of his works his comments on the corruption of the Dharma Tradition in general:

"Inspired by Jainism, Buddhism, then Islamic and Christian influences. This new Hinduism has only a very theoretical links with the Vedism to which it claims to be related. Vaishnavism was subsequently, in the British period, profoundly influenced by Christianity, Protestantism in particular. New reformist movements attempting to present Hinduism in a form suited to Western prejudices such as the Brahmosamaj of Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Devendranath Tagore the Aryasamaj of Dyananda Saravati, as well as doctrines expounded by Vikeananda, Aurobindo, Tilak and others by claiming to return to the purity of a mythical Vedism, has merely succeeded in carrying on the negativist concepts of Jaino-Budhism, whose popular form was from then on linked to Vaishnavism. Which had become the religion of the merchant class and of the new political power, Gandhi in particular. It is these ideas that so-called gurus teach today in the name of Hinduism, in ashrams where the tradition of Arihat is perpetuated. In India, as elsewhere , we can see social and economic preoccupations and puritanism take the place in official religion.... A morality of toil, abstinence, productiveness and civic conformity tends to become a substitute for a morality of love, ecstasy, happiness and freedom."

Something at the locus of this reveals itself quick. The Jewish Therapeutae:

"There are records from Alexandria that indicate the arrival of a steady stream of Buddhist monks and philosophers. They would surely have contributed to the philosophical speculations and syncretism for which the city was noted.

In particular, it seems the original Therapeutae were sent by Asoka on an embassy to Pharaoh Ptolemy II in 250 BC.

Philo Judaeus, a 1st century AD contemporary of Josephus, described the Therapeutae in his tract 'De Vita Contemplativa'. It appears they were a religious brotherhood without precedent in the Jewish world. Reclusive ascetics, devoted to poverty, celibacy, good deeds and compassion, they were just like Buddhist monks in fact.

From the Therapeutae it is quite possible a Buddhist influence spread to both the Essenes (a similar monkish order in Palestine) and to the Gnostics – adepts of philosophical speculations."

As shown here:

The Jewish Creation Of Christianity:

The Jewish Therapeutae created the Christian program. Jainism of which Buddhism is just a covert form and thus Buddhist-Jain doctrines where included into the New Testament as many scholars have noted. Jesus could be a Jewish Jain. Are we witnessing the Jews expanding their subversive ideological network like in the last century with international Communism. The Jew never changes its nature.

The Jews have been in India for thousands of years probably before even coming into the Western World. From studying the Jews its obvious they started in the east even Talmud is a Sanskrit word. Jains originally arose from the merchants and money leader class. A role which Jews always occupy and hog to themselves. They where also involved in meddling in Politics' and society as they always do. One can witness on a Indian synagogue wall a plaque from the local King in the past. Openly declaring the Jews above the laws, and even taxation, thus granted Royal privileges. This was also in the West or anywhere Jews dwell. And always by criminal manipulation of the host population. Jainism has the psychological stamp of one group on it. That is the Jews its primordial Christianity as noted by expert scholars. So just Jew is at the core of the destruction of the Dharma culture in the East like the same culture in the West?

Shankara one of the major subversives Danielou mentions, was from Kerala a city that had the largest Jewish population during the time he was around as well. The influence of Islam and Christianity as we know are Jewish programs and the forcing of Jewish Christian norms on India during the British Empire is normal as it was run by the Rothschild's. England evne having an openly Jewish Prime Minister during the height of the Empire.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
