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Basic concepts in Astrology



Hi folks,
Been reading through the Astrology section on JoS website, but there are some things I don't really understand, as in the meaning of some words. I guess you'd have to have basic astrology knowledge to begin this journey. Which I don't.
I tried looking outside the JoS and I even compared some of the info with that of the JoS to know if the stuff was genuine outside. Got some that matched, some that didn't. So I am confused to where should I get this info from.

I don't know the meaning of the following concepts:

Sextile, trine, square

Eva Braun, Adolf Hitler's mistress/wife had the ruler of her 7th [marriage/partners] with the sign of Cancer on the cusp, ruled by a void of course Moon in the 8th house of power, representing Adolf Hitler - enough said?

Also, since I'm here, I'd like to ask: can I sublimate anything at all in the chart? I started studying astrology to figure out what makes me the way I am, what causes major issues that prevent me from growing. I'm a little scared of what I might find on the chart once I'm able to read it through. Say I see some of the Saturn influences I read about, in positions of major influence. Say I see death or that the future is not pretty due to these, and whatever suffering I experienced is tip of the iceberg, I know I'm being overly pessimistic - hopefully it will not be this bad, but say it is. Can I effectively dominate all of these energies? For how long should I work on them? Everyday of my life once I discover it, or just during certain times? I guess I should ask that particular question when I do have the chart details.

If anyone could shed any light on the subject would be really appreciated. Thanks!
Invictus2 said:
Hi folks,
Been reading through the Astrology section on JoS website, but there are some things I don't really understand, as in the meaning of some words. I guess you'd have to have basic astrology knowledge to begin this journey. Which I don't.
I tried looking outside the JoS and I even compared some of the info with that of the JoS to know if the stuff was genuine outside. Got some that matched, some that didn't. So I am confused to where should I get this info from.

I don't know the meaning of the following concepts:

Sextile, trine, square

Eva Braun, Adolf Hitler's mistress/wife had the ruler of her 7th [marriage/partners] with the sign of Cancer on the cusp, ruled by a void of course Moon in the 8th house of power, representing Adolf Hitler - enough said?

Also, since I'm here, I'd like to ask: can I sublimate anything at all in the chart? I started studying astrology to figure out what makes me the way I am, what causes major issues that prevent me from growing. I'm a little scared of what I might find on the chart once I'm able to read it through. Say I see some of the Saturn influences I read about, in positions of major influence. Say I see death or that the future is not pretty due to these, and whatever suffering I experienced is tip of the iceberg, I know I'm being overly pessimistic - hopefully it will not be this bad, but say it is. Can I effectively dominate all of these energies? For how long should I work on them? Everyday of my life once I discover it, or just during certain times? I guess I should ask that particular question when I do have the chart details.

If anyone could shed any light on the subject would be really appreciated. Thanks!

https://www.astro.com/astrology/in_aspect_e.htm - Aspects A Brief Introduction to Astrology

You can find more on the same site... And you should search on the web.

As for the sublimation. Yes, it is doable. However focus on establishing a steadfast routine first and foremost. As you grow and understand more, you'll know what areas to target and how to.

Basically a 40 day working is permantently on your soul. However 40 days is very short period, and usually 80 or 90 days is better. Sometimes 120 days is one option as well. Some things need to be worked longer. It really depends on the issue. For example you don't stop void meditating after 90 days, do you? It's a neverending process, really...
Invictus2 said:
Hi folks,
Been reading through the Astrology section on JoS website, but there are some things I don't really understand, as in the meaning of some words. I guess you'd have to have basic astrology knowledge to begin this journey. Which I don't.
I tried looking outside the JoS and I even compared some of the info with that of the JoS to know if the stuff was genuine outside. Got some that matched, some that didn't. So I am confused to where should I get this info from.

I don't know the meaning of the following concepts:

Sextile, trine, square

Eva Braun, Adolf Hitler's mistress/wife had the ruler of her 7th [marriage/partners] with the sign of Cancer on the cusp, ruled by a void of course Moon in the 8th house of power, representing Adolf Hitler - enough said?

Also, since I'm here, I'd like to ask: can I sublimate anything at all in the chart? I started studying astrology to figure out what makes me the way I am, what causes major issues that prevent me from growing. I'm a little scared of what I might find on the chart once I'm able to read it through. Say I see some of the Saturn influences I read about, in positions of major influence. Say I see death or that the future is not pretty due to these, and whatever suffering I experienced is tip of the iceberg, I know I'm being overly pessimistic - hopefully it will not be this bad, but say it is. Can I effectively dominate all of these energies? For how long should I work on them? Everyday of my life once I discover it, or just during certain times? I guess I should ask that particular question when I do have the chart details.

If anyone could shed any light on the subject would be really appreciated. Thanks!
I finally understood Astrology by watching Aldrick Strickland's videos on astrology.

Before that I really couldn't learn it at all. His channel is now deleted. It's also not a good idea to start learning with Azazel's astrology.

I think you can find someone saved his videos. Use the search function on the forums to find them. If you can't find them create a topic asking for them.

Once you watch that series I promise you will finally start to get astrology and things will start to make sense.

Hail Satan Forever!
Invictus2 said:
Also, since I'm here, I'd like to ask: can I sublimate anything at all in the chart? I started studying astrology to figure out what makes me the way I am, what causes major issues that prevent me from growing. I'm a little scared of what I might find on the chart once I'm able to read it through. Say I see some of the Saturn influences I read about, in positions of major influence. Say I see death or that the future is not pretty due to these, and whatever suffering I experienced is tip of the iceberg, I know I'm being overly pessimistic - hopefully it will not be this bad, but say it is. Can I effectively dominate all of these energies? For how long should I work on them? Everyday of my life once I discover it, or just during certain times? I guess I should ask that particular question when I do have the chart details.

If anyone could shed any light on the subject would be really appreciated. Thanks!
Yes, you can. This is done through consistent meditations. The more you meditate the stronger your AoP protects you from negative Saturn or Neptune. The more you meditate the less dross is on your soul which means less negative situations and feelings. The more you meditate the more power you have to overcome negative karma, liberate your soul and control your destiny.

Here is a wonderful sermon by Hps Maxine on this topic:
Knowledge regarding the soul has been vehemently suppressed for centuries. Ignorance is required in order to be victims/slaves. What is within the soul determines our fate and YES, much of life IS fated. This can readily been seen in astrology charts when one is accomplished at reading them. Nearly every event that occurs within our life is fated. This is within our souls. Just as nearly everything here begins with an idea first- your house, your PC, your car, buildings, etc., the soul is what determines the quality of one's life and the events that occur therein.

Before any occurrence, such as an oncoming illness, this shows up in the aura. For example, one about to become ill, will have a grayish tinge to his/her aura for anywhere from 1-4 days, depending upon the severity. The same goes for accidents and other unfortunate events- they can be seen in the aura several days before they occur. This does not only apply to negatives, but also with good things, as they appear in the aura as well, before they happen.

Many psychics claim there is no 'time' on the astral. This is not true at all. They are seeing the past, present and future with their own soul and within the souls of others. All of this has to do with past lives.

Events are recorded within the chakras and stored there as what some term as 'seeds.' This is because they have not yet manifested. I wrote of this before – many who have problems in their love lives, made heart-felt commitments in past lives, such as being with the lover/partner in the past 'forever.' When that lover is gone, and the person has entered a new life, the commitment, which was impressed upon the soul, still remains and affects the current love life, hampering and/or ruining it. In some cases, both lovers will meet in a future lifetime, but the majority of the time, this results in hard luck for the affections. People who have this are then often born with Saturn in Libra, and/or have other astrological nasties that work to wreak havoc on the love life.

Another theme is punishing one's self and self-hatred, which is totally exploited by the christian program, which works relentlessly to keep everyone damned. What results are accidents and other bad events. Going on, our souls connect with other souls who are close to us. For example, sharing the same beliefs as another and being in close contact will establish a connection to both peoples' throat chakras. Unless the contact [seen astrally as a cord] is broken and make sure it will no longer connect, this is often dragged into a future lifetime, where both parties meet again. Strong emotions also factor in for better or worse. When strong emotions are released, this also in many cases, establishes a connection.

These seeds are dormant and it can be more than one lifetime before they blossom into actual events. There are things the average person isn't even aware of or why they do certain things. This is within the soul. When the conditions are right, the seeds blossom and then fated events occur. This is also a part of how those near death have had experiences of their entire lives passing before them. The entire life is recorded within the subconscious mind and the soul.
One of the major goals of power meditation [kundalini meditation and yoga] are to BURN these seeds before they have a chance to manifest; to destroy them so one is finally free. This can also be seen in the astrology chart. This is gradual and I speak from experience here, but when you know your own chart and are very competent in making predictions- this includes reading solar and lunar returns and what you know and see in the chart does not occur, this is a sign you are burning the seeds of so-called 'karma.'

For example, I had a horrible month on a lunar return chart. One can predict a horrible month when Saturn makes a hard aspect [the closer and tighter the aspect, the worse it is] to the ruler of the lunar return chart. Mine was exact. Well, with daily meditation, hatha, and kundalini yoga exercises, nothing bad happened and the month was quite pleasant. I was shocked, but now I understand. I have seen more of this as well.

When our life energies are higher, things in our lives go much better. Kundalini meditation amplifies the energies, and must be done consistently to fix them at a higher level. When one's energies are low, this is the time problems manifest in the life, anywhere from illness to catastrophic bad luck in some cases.

Hatha and Kundalini yoga along with breathing exercises [breathing exercises fan the flames of the serpent] keep one's soul strong and protected. As I have mentioned again and again, when one's energies are amplified, one must think positive thoughts and dwell on positive things, as thoughts will tend to become reality much quicker, in this lifetime. Those with weaker/average souls, some negative thoughts, especially repeated ones remain upon the soul through lifetimes and then, manifest into reality.

Satan show us how we can become free. Yes, it is hard work, but it pays off in your freedom and in being able to be your own god and control and direct your own fate.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Thanks for the links, they were helpful.
As for the videos, I'll search through the forum. Have only read through half of the Astrology forum yet.
Also, Thank you for that sermon! Loved it.

I actually found a cool video that I'll leave here in this link https://youtu.be/-4vNK05bEjo. In case someone comes across this post. Was a game changer for me. With this basic information I could then read through the JoS and understand it and use it to figure out the chart. Which I did.
I've also been interpreting some stuff from the chart outside the JoS, had to Google Chiron, and the North Node interpretations on Signs, House's and Aspects. I'd like to ask, this kind of chart doesn't present the South Node or is it just for me...? :?
Still haven't been able to understand: Degrees and Fixed Stars as well as the Configurations. Will Google those sometime soon and figure out a reliable source to help understand those pages in the JoS. There's so much information to process right now.

Anyway. The chart doesn't look good. Also, for anyone having doubts about this path... As I was... Astrology is the answer. It is so extremely accurate. I admit I was a little skeptical at first, I mean I've been around for many years and I haven't been able to grow spiritually and always got to nowhere. Literally every attempt I did... And I lost count of them. I sort of lost my faith. But in Astrology it's all explained. All the answers one seeks an entire life, all presented there. This, in my opinion is one of the most important gifts the Gods gave us. This shows exactly what needs to be fixed in order to grow in life. This stuff is extremely accurate, couldn't possibly be made by humans. And if I ever had any doubt Satan and the Gods were real. I have no more. It's all explained in the very first house. The four planets, and how they aspect with others and in specific houses. It all fucked me up and made me the way I am today. I won't go into much detail, I'm not sure how much is too much of important information to reveal online... I'd like to ask specific questions, it sucks. I'll figure out on my own. I only figured out the basics yet - Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects. But it doesn't look pretty. Basically I have Saturn as ruler, and very prominent Neptune making tight aspects, as well as Saturn on other houses, signs, angles and planets. It's crazy. It had to be. I always knew I was fucked up deep inside me. So deep I couldn't ever touch it. I tried fixing different areas of my personality and life (as confirmed in my chart, I have several) , through Runes and what not. And it never worked. It was as swimming against the tide. And now I know it literally was. It always seemed so little despite my biggest efforts. It was as if I was fated to repeat the same mistakes and decisions over and over again that always lead me to the same circumstances and patterns in my life.

Now, how exactly should I approach this? There's also other planets in the chart that emphasize the same characteristics that Saturn and Neptune do, but I think these two are the most important and should be the first to go down. How do I get in touch with these energies in order to manipulate theme? From what I understood you just meditate, clean, protect, empower, etc.. And that's it, eventually you reach a point where you transcend these energies. But that's what I've been doing all along, trying anyway, something always leads me to failure, I don't know how or why. But every time I crawl out of the hole, it doesn't take much long until I'm back there desperately trying to survive. At this moment I'm still in the hole. But I'm trying to figure out new ways to get out and never come back. This shit is getting old.

I think I might have to do something very specific to dodge these energies or better yet, use them in my benefit. I don't understand how I would do this. Should I just tackle specific areas of my personality that are shown in the chart and hope for the best? That's a lot of work. There's a lot of characteristics that make me who I am. And they're all there in the chart, every single one of them. I've always been aware of this, and I know they exist, I just could not understand how or why. But it's all in the chart, It's amazing.
I thought of using the Planetary Squares but first, there's none for Neptune, and Saturn scares me. It says that even if directed properly bad things may still happen. I don't want to awake the beast... I know there's some working around here to obliterate Saturn. I remember from what feels like a lifetime ago, I'll try to find it and see if it works for my situation. As for Neptune, I'm not sure what to do.

Any ideas? I'm not sure the plan I had is enough to fix this mess. Anyway not everything is bad. I am apparently a late bloomer. And several areas support the idea that later part of my life should be better. It also makes some very interesting predictions, as in, again as seen in several placements. Which makes me comfortable. At least the universe is not working towards my death, which is what I was afraid to find in the chart. It favors a way out of the hole. And I'm gonna take advantage of it. I'm still studying and working my way through the chart, but I believe the most important is this - Saturn and Neptune, taking these negative influences out of the way and I might have a chance in life for the very first time. It will be like being born again. HPS Maxine wasn't kidding in one of her sermons as in - this will change the way you look at life. If definitely does.
Generally speaking one will get the most benefit from basic things done consistently. Steadily increasing the bioelectricity with cleaning, aop, void, yoga and pranyama go long ways. This includes negative planetary placements. After you have established good spiritual routine you could seek out things that bother you and work towards fixing them, not before. It would make no sense starting working towards something specific without stable foundation. Once you are few months into stable routine it can work out in your favor. If you start some working right off the bat with what you've got the results can be underwhelming. Things will take some time to manifest, or will not manifest at all due to lack of basic foundation.
Henu the Great said:
mercury_wisdom said:
It's also not a good idea to start learning with Azazel's astrology.
It is actually. If it did not work out for you, too bad, but this is not good advice.
The planets, signs, and houses parts are useful but if you don't understand anything about astrology to the point you didn't even know there was anything to astrology other than sun signs.

Then no, it's not a good idea. It is too complex imagine not knowing we have other stuff affecting us other than sun signs then start seeing how to read solar returns, houses, cusps, degrees, transits and synastry.

This is just too much and someone who is at point zero will just be repulsed and think they can't understand astrology.

Azazel's astrology website is good although it doesn't go deep into details and misses some points but it is still great and helpful but definitely not for beginners.

I think you misunderstand how much a beginner doesn't know. I experienced this myself because in my country we don't hear much about astrology other than shitty useless horoscope for sun signs.

It's also not only me I talked to several Satanists before and they experienced the same problem until I explained it more. But again this is just my opinion.

Hail Satan Forever!!
Invictus2 said:
Thanks for the links, they were helpful.
As for the videos, I'll search through the forum. Have only read through half of the Astrology forum yet.
Also, Thank you for that sermon! Loved it.

I actually found a cool video that I'll leave here in this link https://youtu.be/-4vNK05bEjo. In case someone comes across this post. Was a game changer for me. With this basic information I could then read through the JoS and understand it and use it to figure out the chart. Which I did.
I've also been interpreting some stuff from the chart outside the JoS, had to Google Chiron, and the North Node interpretations on Signs, House's and Aspects. I'd like to ask, this kind of chart doesn't present the South Node or is it just for me...? :?
Still haven't been able to understand: Degrees and Fixed Stars as well as the Configurations. Will Google those sometime soon and figure out a reliable source to help understand those pages in the JoS. There's so much information to process right now.

Anyway. The chart doesn't look good. Also, for anyone having doubts about this path... As I was... Astrology is the answer. It is so extremely accurate. I admit I was a little skeptical at first, I mean I've been around for many years and I haven't been able to grow spiritually and always got to nowhere. Literally every attempt I did... And I lost count of them. I sort of lost my faith. But in Astrology it's all explained. All the answers one seeks an entire life, all presented there. This, in my opinion is one of the most important gifts the Gods gave us. This shows exactly what needs to be fixed in order to grow in life. This stuff is extremely accurate, couldn't possibly be made by humans. And if I ever had any doubt Satan and the Gods were real. I have no more. It's all explained in the very first house. The four planets, and how they aspect with others and in specific houses. It all fucked me up and made me the way I am today. I won't go into much detail, I'm not sure how much is too much of important information to reveal online... I'd like to ask specific questions, it sucks. I'll figure out on my own. I only figured out the basics yet - Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects. But it doesn't look pretty. Basically I have Saturn as ruler, and very prominent Neptune making tight aspects, as well as Saturn on other houses, signs, angles and planets. It's crazy. It had to be. I always knew I was fucked up deep inside me. So deep I couldn't ever touch it. I tried fixing different areas of my personality and life (as confirmed in my chart, I have several) , through Runes and what not. And it never worked. It was as swimming against the tide. And now I know it literally was. It always seemed so little despite my biggest efforts. It was as if I was fated to repeat the same mistakes and decisions over and over again that always lead me to the same circumstances and patterns in my life.

Now, how exactly should I approach this? There's also other planets in the chart that emphasize the same characteristics that Saturn and Neptune do, but I think these two are the most important and should be the first to go down. How do I get in touch with these energies in order to manipulate theme? From what I understood you just meditate, clean, protect, empower, etc.. And that's it, eventually you reach a point where you transcend these energies. But that's what I've been doing all along, trying anyway, something always leads me to failure, I don't know how or why. But every time I crawl out of the hole, it doesn't take much long until I'm back there desperately trying to survive. At this moment I'm still in the hole. But I'm trying to figure out new ways to get out and never come back. This shit is getting old.

I think I might have to do something very specific to dodge these energies or better yet, use them in my benefit. I don't understand how I would do this. Should I just tackle specific areas of my personality that are shown in the chart and hope for the best? That's a lot of work. There's a lot of characteristics that make me who I am. And they're all there in the chart, every single one of them. I've always been aware of this, and I know they exist, I just could not understand how or why. But it's all in the chart, It's amazing.
I thought of using the Planetary Squares but first, there's none for Neptune, and Saturn scares me. It says that even if directed properly bad things may still happen. I don't want to awake the beast... I know there's some working around here to obliterate Saturn. I remember from what feels like a lifetime ago, I'll try to find it and see if it works for my situation. As for Neptune, I'm not sure what to do.

Any ideas? I'm not sure the plan I had is enough to fix this mess. Anyway not everything is bad. I am apparently a late bloomer. And several areas support the idea that later part of my life should be better. It also makes some very interesting predictions, as in, again as seen in several placements. Which makes me comfortable. At least the universe is not working towards my death, which is what I was afraid to find in the chart. It favors a way out of the hole. And I'm gonna take advantage of it. I'm still studying and working my way through the chart, but I believe the most important is this - Saturn and Neptune, taking these negative influences out of the way and I might have a chance in life for the very first time. It will be like being born again. HPS Maxine wasn't kidding in one of her sermons as in - this will change the way you look at life. If definitely does.
I am very happy you are finally starting to get astrology.

Saturn's energy are sublimated with hard work.
Neptune is sublimated with meditations.
What you should now do is work hard in your meditations and don't skip a single day.

The moment you skip a day your bio-electricity is significantly decreased so you start feeling depressed, sad, down and weak. This makes you feel you don't want to meditate, or you're a failure, or that you should just give up. This makes it harder to meditate so you skip another day the cycle continues until your bio-electricity is like a swamp and you feel like shit and your life goes to shit. So when you had high bio-electricity and felt happy and on top of the world you skip one day and then another, then another then you wonder why the hell do I feel good for some months then like shit for others?

Prominent Saturn is tough but if sublimated and conquered you will be a hard worker and will be willing to sacrifice indulgence for delayed gratification.

Prominent Neptune is tough but when conquered you have psychic abilites, artistic talent, prophetic dreams and spiritual power and elevation.

mercury_wisdom said:
Henu the Great said:
mercury_wisdom said:
It's also not a good idea to start learning with Azazel's astrology.
It is actually. If it did not work out for you, too bad, but this is not good advice.
The planets, signs, and houses parts are useful but if you don't understand anything about astrology to the point you didn't even know there was anything to astrology other than sun signs.

Then no, it's not a good idea. It is too complex imagine not knowing we have other stuff affecting us other than sun signs then start seeing how to read solar returns, houses, cusps, degrees, transits and synastry.

This is just too much and someone who is at point zero will just be repulsed and think they can't understand astrology.

Azazel's astrology website is good although it doesn't go deep into details and misses some points but it is still great and helpful but definitely not for beginners.

I think you misunderstand how much a beginner doesn't know. I experienced this myself because in my country we don't hear much about astrology other than shitty useless horoscope for sun signs.

It's also not only me I talked to several Satanists before and they experienced the same problem until I explained it more. But again this is just my opinion.

Hail Satan Forever!!
Same here, only Sun signs are talked about in public settings.

I did not understand a thing when I first opened the page, but I was determined to understand since I got fascinated by the subject. We are all individuals, and when talking about such things it should be taken into account rather than given blanket statements that one should not do this or that.
Thanks, those sermons were really helpful. So, I came up with a plan. This might actually work. I was looking at this the wrong way. I thought I had to hide from Saturn, run away from it, I thought I had to somehow get in touch with these energies and neutralize them. But I realized, this is done internally, and specifically targeting, as in empowering certain aspects of my personality might actually be enough to turn the course of things. I realized I need not to think of this externally, but rather internally, tap into the Saturn and Neptune forces, face them and conquer them. Saturn does indeed teach the hard way. It took me 10 years to learn the most valuable lesson of my life. But now I actually believe I am fortunate with these placements. Even though they ran wild for a while causing destruction in my life, now I know that I have within myself the endurance, the tenacity to never give up. That I have the will and determination. I always had as I suspected. But something else led me to believe I was weak. And was after all, Saturn that saved my ass in the end.
I know what I have to do. Hard work and sacrifice.
Sacrifice the luxury of indulgence without limitations. Learn when to stop. Build disciplin, responsability and determination, and use this powerful force in my advantage and not be ashamed of who I am because of it. For it gives me the strength to keep going. Now I actually take pride in having such heavy influence of Saturn in my life. Because I know now the negative thoughts were wrong all along. And I am capable indeed. The greatness that I've felt destined for, my entire life, it's all there in the chart. Even though it's been fucked up so far, it also marks an end to this pain I believe - haven't been able to fully understand this Saturn aspect in particular, but I believe it marks the breaking of this so called loop. Which certain placements also confirm this theory so I think might be an accurate prediction. I'm no longer scared of Saturn nor am I going to try dodging or numbing it, and I believe now the only way to truly succeed in life with such placements is to embrace them. Embrace the powerful force that moves me and can quite literally make me unstoppable. And from what I understand, and from what I can already feel, this takes much mental and psychological effort. That does count towards the bigger picture. I thought it didn't. What truly matters is deeply focusing on the good stuff that both Neptune and Saturn can bring, rather than the negative. This was the most valuable lesson I learned on this path. This is the true purpose of Satanism. This is the true meaning of freedom. And with this new knowledge, this changes everything. This changes my whole approach to life.

Now, to the actual plan. It will be set in motion tomorrow morning. I felt complied to force a change within myself. Such as immediately stop smoking drugs and immediately start meditating. I'm not really sure I'm doing things right here but if understood correctly - The planetary placements right now are somewhat favorable for a change and to start a new project, such as beginning to meditate. And let go of bad habits. In a week from now things would have changed and would be less favorable as Mercury would go retrograde. I will start with HPHC 40 day program and I already figured out a safe Hatha Yoga program that I can actually perform for when the time comes to start the yoga in the 40 day program. After I finished the program, I will start my own thing which is, void, yoga, breathing exercises, Chakra rotation, working in protection (Suryae) and cleaning the chakras (Visuddhi and later on empower with Sanskrit mantras instead). In the morning and evening. I also feel that the Pineal Meditation will help me get positive benifits from both Saturn and Neptune. I will also finish every meditation with an affirmation that strengthens my confidence and motivation to meditate.
And then, 22nd July at 21:41 (Waxing Moon in Capricorn - VoC free, Jupiter Retrograde, and Saturn Hour) I will begin a working with the NAUD Rune with this affirmation: "in a healthy and positive way for me, the Naud energies are strengthening my determination, self discipline and strength of will forever".

I will tap into my Saturn force to help me keep going and never give up. And make the sacrifice it demands. I will also get back to weight lifting and then when my legs heal, get back into martial arts.
I will also engage in all sorts of activities that I feel like are hard work, boring and tedious. Slowly building the responsibility and discipline I've been neglecting. I believe doing this, will further push me forward and ultimately help dominating this force. Anything I don't feel like doing because it's such a hard work, well that's exactly what I'm going to do. And I'm going to engrave this lifestyle upon my soul.

This have been very intense days, and a lot of information to process. I've been obcessed with this stuff and I have been reading it non stop, trying to find all the answers I've been looking for, for so long. I obviously haven't figured it all out, but I believe I've figured enough to be able to do something with my life for the first time. But I believe it paid off and I got my plan now, I think it may work, or at least boost me into higher level of existence. And from there I'll figure out later. But this should build a solid foundation for my future. What do you guys think? Also, I'd like to share a funny fact /coincidence. I work as security guard, used to work at a mall, and our names over the radio were names of planets. Anyone wanna take a guess on which name I was given?? And which name I actually preferred the most? You guessed right, it's Saturn lol. I'm sure it doesn't mean anything relevant, but it's still an interesting coincidence.

I can't thank you guys enough, all of you, you guys helped me save my own life, literally.
Henu the Great said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Henu the Great said:
It is actually. If it did not work out for you, too bad, but this is not good advice.
The planets, signs, and houses parts are useful but if you don't understand anything about astrology to the point you didn't even know there was anything to astrology other than sun signs.

Then no, it's not a good idea. It is too complex imagine not knowing we have other stuff affecting us other than sun signs then start seeing how to read solar returns, houses, cusps, degrees, transits and synastry.

This is just too much and someone who is at point zero will just be repulsed and think they can't understand astrology.

Azazel's astrology website is good although it doesn't go deep into details and misses some points but it is still great and helpful but definitely not for beginners.

I think you misunderstand how much a beginner doesn't know. I experienced this myself because in my country we don't hear much about astrology other than shitty useless horoscope for sun signs.

It's also not only me I talked to several Satanists before and they experienced the same problem until I explained it more. But again this is just my opinion.

Hail Satan Forever!!
Same here, only Sun signs are talked about in public settings.

I did not understand a thing when I first opened the page, but I was determined to understand since I got fascinated by the subject. We are all individuals, and when talking about such things it should be taken into account rather than given blanket statements that one should not do this or that.
First time I understood it was when I watched Aldrick's videos years ago. And I would still have had some trouble if it weren't for the chart Lydia made me.
Invictus2 said:
Thanks, those sermons were really helpful. So, I came up with a plan. This might actually work. I was looking at this the wrong way. I thought I had to hide from Saturn, run away from it, I thought I had to somehow get in touch with these energies and neutralize them. But I realized, this is done internally, and specifically targeting, as in empowering certain aspects of my personality might actually be enough to turn the course of things. I realized I need not to think of this externally, but rather internally, tap into the Saturn and Neptune forces, face them and conquer them. Saturn does indeed teach the hard way. It took me 10 years to learn the most valuable lesson of my life. But now I actually believe I am fortunate with these placements. Even though they ran wild for a while causing destruction in my life, now I know that I have within myself the endurance, the tenacity to never give up. That I have the will and determination. I always had as I suspected. But something else led me to believe I was weak. And was after all, Saturn that saved my ass in the end.
I know what I have to do. Hard work and sacrifice.
Sacrifice the luxury of indulgence without limitations. Learn when to stop. Build disciplin, responsability and determination, and use this powerful force in my advantage and not be ashamed of who I am because of it. For it gives me the strength to keep going. Now I actually take pride in having such heavy influence of Saturn in my life. Because I know now the negative thoughts were wrong all along. And I am capable indeed. The greatness that I've felt destined for, my entire life, it's all there in the chart. Even though it's been fucked up so far, it also marks an end to this pain I believe - haven't been able to fully understand this Saturn aspect in particular, but I believe it marks the breaking of this so called loop. Which certain placements also confirm this theory so I think might be an accurate prediction. I'm no longer scared of Saturn nor am I going to try dodging or numbing it, and I believe now the only way to truly succeed in life with such placements is to embrace them. Embrace the powerful force that moves me and can quite literally make me unstoppable. And from what I understand, and from what I can already feel, this takes much mental and psychological effort. That does count towards the bigger picture. I thought it didn't. What truly matters is deeply focusing on the good stuff that both Neptune and Saturn can bring, rather than the negative. This was the most valuable lesson I learned on this path. This is the true purpose of Satanism. This is the true meaning of freedom. And with this new knowledge, this changes everything. This changes my whole approach to life.

Now, to the actual plan. It will be set in motion tomorrow morning. I felt complied to force a change within myself. Such as immediately stop smoking drugs and immediately start meditating. I'm not really sure I'm doing things right here but if understood correctly - The planetary placements right now are somewhat favorable for a change and to start a new project, such as beginning to meditate. And let go of bad habits. In a week from now things would have changed and would be less favorable as Mercury would go retrograde. I will start with HPHC 40 day program and I already figured out a safe Hatha Yoga program that I can actually perform for when the time comes to start the yoga in the 40 day program. After I finished the program, I will start my own thing which is, void, yoga, breathing exercises, Chakra rotation, working in protection (Suryae) and cleaning the chakras (Visuddhi and later on empower with Sanskrit mantras instead). In the morning and evening. I also feel that the Pineal Meditation will help me get positive benifits from both Saturn and Neptune. I will also finish every meditation with an affirmation that strengthens my confidence and motivation to meditate.
And then, 22nd July at 21:41 (Waxing Moon in Capricorn - VoC free, Jupiter Retrograde, and Saturn Hour) I will begin a working with the NAUD Rune with this affirmation: "in a healthy and positive way for me, the Naud energies are strengthening my determination, self discipline and strength of will forever".

I will tap into my Saturn force to help me keep going and never give up. And make the sacrifice it demands. I will also get back to weight lifting and then when my legs heal, get back into martial arts.
I will also engage in all sorts of activities that I feel like are hard work, boring and tedious. Slowly building the responsibility and discipline I've been neglecting. I believe doing this, will further push me forward and ultimately help dominating this force. Anything I don't feel like doing because it's such a hard work, well that's exactly what I'm going to do. And I'm going to engrave this lifestyle upon my soul.

This have been very intense days, and a lot of information to process. I've been obcessed with this stuff and I have been reading it non stop, trying to find all the answers I've been looking for, for so long. I obviously haven't figured it all out, but I believe I've figured enough to be able to do something with my life for the first time. But I believe it paid off and I got my plan now, I think it may work, or at least boost me into higher level of existence. And from there I'll figure out later. But this should build a solid foundation for my future. What do you guys think? Also, I'd like to share a funny fact /coincidence. I work as security guard, used to work at a mall, and our names over the radio were names of planets. Anyone wanna take a guess on which name I was given?? And which name I actually preferred the most? You guessed right, it's Saturn lol. I'm sure it doesn't mean anything relevant, but it's still an interesting coincidence.

I can't thank you guys enough, all of you, you guys helped me save my own life, literally.
Oh my God, Invictus! I am so happy for you! :D
You finally get it, huh?

By the way, the best way to engrave meditation on your soul is with baby steps. Take it slow but always consistenly.

If you ever feel your schedule is too much for you to handle that will make you more willing to give up and skip a day.

So instead start with the most simple schedule and stick to it for atleast 2 months. Then you can add on it an extra meditation if you find it too easy.

I think the schedule you should follow for now is aura cleaning, aura of protection, void, and hatha yoga and nothing else. Although this is my opinion but it will make the process of making meditation a permanent habit sooo much easier.

Only those four can make you a beast if done consistenly for a long time. (But of course if you feel comfortable with it then add on them if you like to.)

I have been doing the above for 5 months but without skipping a day and in only 2 month I could already easily feel energy, slight astral touch, my soul and chakras, the presence of demons (especially my lover♥️) and can see white dots with my third eye and I am a total beginner. Also my soul is cleaner than ever and I feel happier than ever.

The 40 day program was stressing me out and I gave up with it multiple times. So make sure you are completely comfortable, going slow and enjoying your meditations instead of feeling stressed about it.

Also start a working to free yourself from the drugs and addictions. It will be incredibly tough but I know you can do it. You are a son and warrior of Satan afterall, even if you are still discovering your power.

I am so happy if I helped save your life haha. :p

Make father Satan and the Gods proud and find your power. You can achieve greatness. I am sure of it.

The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile. -Plato

Wishing you best of luck!

Hail Satan Forever!!
Aquarius said:
First time I understood it was when I watched Aldrick's videos years ago. And I would still have had some trouble if it weren't for the chart Lydia made me.
Yeah well, what can I say. We are not created equal in any way. That's how Nature works. You are good at something I suck at.
Henu the Great said:
Aquarius said:
First time I understood it was when I watched Aldrick's videos years ago. And I would still have had some trouble if it weren't for the chart Lydia made me.
Yeah well, what can I say. We are not created equal in any way. That's how Nature works. You are good at something I suck at.
I wouldn't have understood much if it wasn't for them. Our website doesn't tell you how to look at the drawing of a natal chart, I would look at it and say:"wtf am I trying to read" haha.
Henu the Great said:

Good job. I would say that the thing with the names was not a coincidence. Anyway, good luck and have fun. It's only going to get better from now on as you realized what you've got to do. I'm also so called late bloomer. :)

Thanks! Hehe. I guess this is the actual beginning of my Journey. We bloom like a Lotus flower, that grows deep in the mud but when it reaches the light, it becomes the most beautiful flower ever :D

I think the schedule you should follow for now is aura cleaning, aura of protection, void, and hatha yoga and nothing else. Although this is my opinion but it will make the process of making meditation a permanent habit sooo much easier.
Thanks for everything! You were very helpful, specially those 2 last links about Saturn and Neptune which immediately switched my brain back to *warrior mode* as soon as I read them.

As for the program being simple, that's basically what the 40 day program is all about, well it starts getting the chakras worked up at some point. I'm ok with this program, I've completed it some times without a problem, it's what I always start with, I think it's very well made. But I guess not all people work the same way, and it even says to change it as you see fit. It's already boring as it is, I don't want to make it simpler hehe. My problem was, after I completed the program I either went on to a harder level, which failed of course, or I managed to come up with a decent basic program but since the mindset was not right, it didn't work either way. But we'll see, if I'm not feeling it when the time comes to try my own program, I will postpone it and keep doing the basic stuff for a while longer.
Don't really want to get used to being tired enough to skip a day, not anymore. I'll keep that one in mind. Because I used to skip a day, and then do it twice the next day, but other times I'd just say fuck it. And that builds up and ends in failure inevitably. So I'll always keep this in mind. If I feel like skipping days I guess it's time to get a simpler program going and there's nothing wrong with that. Another problem was for the entire time I've been around here, I only meditated in the morning (cleaning and protection and the other basic stuff). I already figured out it's extremely important to do it twice a day. So I'm putting in the extra effort on that as well. Specially with the kind of job that I have, dealing with criminals and all sorts of damned people throughout the day. I definitely need the extra cleaning and protection.

As far as the drugs go, they usually are not a problem, it's hard to explain, but I guess the stellium in the first house explains it better, I have several personalities lol what I mean is, if I'm deep in the mud, I will smoke it, drink alcohol, eat junk food etc
But if I'm meditating, I don't event think about it. If my energies are high, I can even be around people smoking weed that doesn't bother me one bit, because I know where I stand (don't usually hang around such people anymore, was just an example). I actually already thrashed everything related to smoking that crap. I saved one joint though, it's in a little box. And you might think this is weird, but I look at the thing several times a day, to remind me (don't feel like smoking it, I just look at it to make it harder for me - to stimulate the "Good" Saturn in me) . That one is a symbol of the mastery of the self. My self anyway. I look at it and I feel pride to know I have the strength to never quit my goals.

So basically I don't think I need to worry much about the drugs or the depression, I used to think they were the root of the problem, but it's all about balance, or well, the lack of it. I believe if I master self discipline and confidence and build the strength in the mind, slowly but steadily, it will all fall into place. I just can't afford skipping any days. If I can manage that, there's no amount of drugs in the world that would make me go back to that life. I don't even like smoking it anyway, I just did for the sake of it. It numbs the mind and eases the anxiety a tiny bit. If I start feeling like skipping days I will know something is not right and walk back a few steps in order to not quit. Also, About Saturn showing signs, in the teeth and also the obesity part. It's very true. At the last stage, I also start eating a lot of food... I thought I'd have some sort of binge eating disorder. And I do have a little pain in my teeth out of nowhere and it lasts for days. I haven't paid much attention to know if it's before I actually quit meditating but I'll keep that in mind. Next time that happens I'll know it's time to buckle up and get myself ready for the Saturnian trials. Having actual knowledge rather than assumptions, about what's happening, changes everything.

I wouldn't have understood much if it wasn't for them. Our website doesn't tell you how to look at the drawing of a natal chart, I would look at it and say:"wtf am I trying to read" haha.

There's actually a link in the Azazel's Astrology page that explains the basic details. (indigoray.net) It's a different website. But it's after the astro.com link. I was so excited that I completely missed it lol. And I read the first pages and didn't understand anything. So I had to Google the stuff. But it's all there in the JoS. That one website has all the basics one needs in order to understand everything else.
Was wondering if anyone could help me with a specific astrology question about my Saturn... I have some interesting theories about it. And I'd like to discuss them with someone... I noticed proton email is a thing now around here, I looked it up and it seems to be safe.. So if anyone's willing to chat some about astrology, more privately, it would be really cool, I don't want to reveal this kind of information here for any possible infiltrator to see, as I'd have to share specific information regarding my chart. So if anyone's willing to talk a bit about that subject, I'll make an email on proton.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
