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Balancing a 9-5 with Spiritual Satanism


New member
May 3, 2022
Greetings fellow brothers and sisters
Ave Satanas.

Quick thanks and appreciation to the contributors of JOS;
I am proud to say I have been an SS for a few months now, prior I was still doing meditations etc but i never had the right sources and guidance, many sources I had researched had in common calling Satan an archetype I always knew he wasn’t an archetype but our lord I called on him to guide me and here I was lead.

So far in my journey I have completed the meditation program and dedication ritual. I haven’t missed a day of meditation however, few weeks after finishing the program I started a new job. Where the usual worker would wake up I would wake half an hour earlier to fit in my meditation but even that’s not long enough sometimes. It’s really fustrating and being someone who is spiritually visualised, everyone is like an NPC on replay. It almost feels like I am ( Metaphorically) selling my soul and energy to a currency and job £ (interestingly currency = current/flow of energy). My energy is drained and by the evening I really force myself to do the meditations and we’ll as the morning. Balancing it is a real challenge, sometimes I get little time to even meditate in the morning.

Prior to this job, I had an injury so I had all the time to study research and do the practical work of raising my serpent. Now that time is very limited.

I have also noticed, enemy attacks are more intense and previously having depressive episodes (which Completely went after the 40 program) often start to creep in and other temptations around such as colleagues asking me to go out for a drink with them. I had just come out of a dark place since last year returning to my light body this year, so my aura is in a deep healing stage. These emotions can be overwhelming sometimes to the point where I feel like I’m losing a battle but I always persevere. It feels like I am balancing on a thin line walking across a river of alagators. Luckily I always return to the path , and Satan is always there for me . I feel as if when I was doing my power meditations prior to the job, my bioelectricy was up and due to the job it may have dropped slightly. Most of these companies are Jewish ran anyway.

My intuition however tells me otherwise and I don’t know if you agree;
“Make enough money to leave, hold down the meditations as much as you can, then find something else less time consuming. This is the project of the enemy to trade our sacred life force for money”

It’s like the enemy does anything to try catch you out, even if it’s like “hey take this money, I’ll take your time so you have less time to do your meditations and research”.

Do your best to do what you can, when you can.
You need money to survive, and indulge, this is simple fact. It also relates to the base chakra which has to do with survival.
We are all busy bees in this jew infested toilet of a world, the gods are with us and we will come out the other side of this cesspit. Money rules everything, turns people into shitstains and it makes me want to puke, but I suffer this life until death in the hopes those after me will not have to.
Also, trust your intuition. Always.
tehutii6x6 said:
See this post:

I actually had a bit of an epiphany regarding this recently. Most jobs, probably 99%+ of jobs, are nothing more than psychic parasites. What I mean by this is, the function of the job is not to be productive or contribute to society or whatever the party line is regarding work nowadays. Most jobs are functionally completely worthless. You could eliminate them entirely and nothing would be lost.

The function of jobs nowadays is to drain your energy. That's it. They're thoughforms designed to convince you to funnel huge amounts of psychic energy into them. It's why the PTB chooses to keep jobs where people pull levers or move boxes or whatever useless busywork you can think of all day. It produces nothing but it tricks the people performing the jobs into consenting to this parasitic relationship with malign parasitic job-egregores.

So you deal with this the same way you deal with any other psychic parasites; you reverse the energy flow. You need to get into a mindset where whenever your work demands something of you, you view it not as a physical duty but as the opening of an aetheric connection where the opposite party is maliciously attempting to sap your vital essence. Every time this happens, consciously reverse the flow of energy so that you're drinking from it instead of the other way around. The parasite will most likely attempt to manifest some physical excuse for why you should resume devoting yourself to your labor, just ignore it and persist of the truth of your working. After I started to do this the stress and imposition of my job all but disappeared. Whenever my job does attempt to interface with me now I simply reverse the flow and end up getting pumped up from it.

If you do this you can reach a point where you're not running from your job, instead you can rise above it and begin aspiring for more meaningful work. Remember that everyone does have to work, even the ritual of the NEET is a form of work, but it doesn't have to be draining.
tehutii6x6 said:

Be efficient with your time and meditations. Ask the Gods what exactly you need to work on the most to advance as fast as possible. Destroy or restrict wastes of time. I deleted all my video games and disabled my computer and never looked back. Add software blockers on your phone. Your brain will adapt.

You can combine certain activities, for example, Hatha yoga + void on the stretched tissue, or training astral senses.


The permanent solution is a wealth working. Something like (Fehu + Sowilo) x40, "This energy has permanently given me the wealth and opportunities to comfortably advance as fast as possible, in a totally positive manner for me." x10

-Advance as fast as possible means reference to what one can achieve on Earth. The highest state of this would be literally having servants caring for your direct needs. Earlier manifestations would be having a loftier position at your workplace, having plenty of money, and so on.

-Comfortably advance means there will be no stress at all. The wealth will not stop at just giving you a cardbox box and ramen noodles to meditate with, but rather full luxury. Also, the wealth does not bring with it other headaches like legal troubles or physical stress.

-The working should be permanent, of course, because you do not want just a random influx of cash, but rather this state of being to be permanently engraved on your soul.

-Fehu and Sowilo are good enough. Of course, there are other runes one can use, like Gebo, Othal, and Jera, but sticking with the basic options, with a moderate amount of reps, you can carry this out for a very long time, which should be done given the state of the world.

I will try this exact working on the summer solstice. Other good dates are Taurus, Sagittarius, and Leo waxing moons. HPS mentioned Cancer can be useful for wealth workings, and Capricorn could as well, to a lesser extent.
tehutii6x6 said:
Balancing a 9-5 with Spiritual Satanism
That's normally very easy however it might be a little difficult for someone who recently started having a full-time job and is not used to such schedules. Basically if I was in your place I would wake up 06:30 in the morning and do all meditations (not because I want to wake up this early but because I couldn't sleep any more anyway even if I wanted to). I would assume two hours are enough for meditation and cleaning, which might be less depending on how much time you spend on transport to work.

Then when you come home say at 6 assuming a bad case that you would be spending 1 hour in the transport, you could go to the gym and eat by 7 or 7:30 and then you would have 3 hours until 10:30 to do RTRs and cleaning, which is plenty time, and also you would be sleeping 8 hours as normally recommended. A session of one Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering takes around 45 minutes at most. Out of these 3 hours you would also have time to relax after finishing the RTRs and cleaning if you need it.

Henu the Great said:
You are fortunate in a sense that you can land another job or career (with more free time or otherwise easier to adapt for meditations) easier than those without, given that you put the spiritual work in for the goal.
In my opinion he is being fortunate for only working from 9 to 5 alone, which is a luxury for many people who are away 10-11 hours a day and probably work Saturdays as well. However for a 8 hours job I assume money probably are not the greatest unless he got an important position.
The Alchemist7 said:
In my opinion he is being fortunate for only working from 9 to 5 alone, which is a luxury for many people who are away 10-11 hours a day and probably work Saturdays as well. However for a 8 hours job I assume money probably are not the greatest unless he got an important position.
Good point. I suppose in actuality there are many levels of fortune regarding work. Let's not also forget that aside from working hours one can also enjoy their work so much that it does not feel like work. These jobs usually revolve around ones passion(s) and working conditions have an impact as well.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=367853 time=1655754301 user_id=21286]
tehutii6x6 said:

Be efficient with your time and meditations. Ask the Gods what exactly you need to work on the most to advance as fast as possible. Destroy or restrict wastes of time. I deleted all my video games and disabled my computer and never looked back. Add software blockers on your phone. Your brain will adapt.

You can combine certain activities, for example, Hatha yoga + void on the stretched tissue, or training astral senses.


The permanent solution is a wealth working. Something like (Fehu + Sowilo) x40, "This energy has permanently given me the wealth and opportunities to comfortably advance as fast as possible, in a totally positive manner for me." x10

-Advance as fast as possible means reference to what one can achieve on Earth. The highest state of this would be literally having servants caring for your direct needs. Earlier manifestations would be having a loftier position at your workplace, having plenty of money, and so on.

-Comfortably advance means there will be no stress at all. The wealth will not stop at just giving you a cardbox box and ramen noodles to meditate with, but rather full luxury. Also, the wealth does not bring with it other headaches like legal troubles or physical stress.

-The working should be permanent, of course, because you do not want just a random influx of cash, but rather this state of being to be permanently engraved on your soul.

-Fehu and Sowilo are good enough. Of course, there are other runes one can use, like Gebo, Othal, and Jera, but sticking with the basic options, with a moderate amount of reps, you can carry this out for a very long time, which should be done given the state of the world.

I will try this exact working on the summer solstice. Other good dates are Taurus, Sagittarius, and Leo waxing moons. HPS mentioned Cancer can be useful for wealth workings, and Capricorn could as well, to a lesser extent.

Yes I have called on the Gods and they have given the mental resources to make it easier. I do hatha yoga combined with void meditation and chakra spinning and well as AC AP in the evening. Morning I just stick to AP AC and VM. Weekends I go all out and do the whole lot.

Absolutely, starting my foundation with affirmations of wealth using the runes is a start. Thanks for that bit of advice.

Wealth is one of our accomplishments as satanists I believe.

Wealth is in the mind, the Egyptian pharaohs were a symbol of wealth as they’re mental and astral garden was filled with luxury. Not to say the physical part is a must too we cannot live in a dream land we have to correspond with cause and effect.

Sagittarius waxing moon during Jupiter transits or hours probably would do it :)

Thanks a lot brother you really helped.
The Alchemist7 said:
tehutii6x6 said:
Balancing a 9-5 with Spiritual Satanism
That's normally very easy however it might be a little difficult for someone who recently started having a full-time job and is not used to such schedules. Basically if I was in your place I would wake up 06:30 in the morning and do all meditations (not because I want to wake up this early but because I couldn't sleep any more anyway even if I wanted to). I would assume two hours are enough for meditation and cleaning, which might be less depending on how much time you spend on transport to work.

Then when you come home say at 6 assuming a bad case that you would be spending 1 hour in the transport, you could go to the gym and eat by 7 or 7:30 and then you would have 3 hours until 10:30 to do RTRs and cleaning, which is plenty time, and also you would be sleeping 8 hours as normally recommended. A session of one Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering takes around 45 minutes at most. Out of these 3 hours you would also have time to relax after finishing the RTRs and cleaning if you need it.

Henu the Great said:
You are fortunate in a sense that you can land another job or career (with more free time or otherwise easier to adapt for meditations) easier than those without, given that you put the spiritual work in for the goal.
In my opinion he is being fortunate for only working from 9 to 5 alone, which is a luxury for many people who are away 10-11 hours a day and probably work Saturdays as well. However for a 8 hours job I assume money probably are not the greatest unless he got an important position.

Hi there thanks for your response.

I wake up at 5 am start in meditation INSTANTLY as your brain is in Theta state your subconscious is more available to programming so I start then. I get in for 6:30. Finish at 5 get back for 6. Eat, do what I got to do then I start at 8 or 9.

I manage to fit it all in but according to the gods this is a test of my will
Henu the Great said:
The Alchemist7 said:
In my opinion he is being fortunate for only working from 9 to 5 alone, which is a luxury for many people who are away 10-11 hours a day and probably work Saturdays as well. However for a 8 hours job I assume money probably are not the greatest unless he got an important position.
Good point. I suppose in actuality there are many levels of fortune regarding work. Let's not also forget that aside from working hours one can also enjoy their work so much that it does not feel like work. These jobs usually revolve around ones passion(s) and working conditions have an impact as well.

Right, for sure being grateful is a must in all circumstances when one is blessed with an opportunity. But being in the advancement mindset of a Mage that becomes your priority :) . My working conditions aren’t bad at all but it’s the time that’s my concern. The gods call it a test of my will and a test to be responsible. I’m sure the Gods have a busy schedule too so to align to a level I guess it’s a lesson of management and will.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
