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Avoiding burnout and becoming a better warrior


Sep 22, 2017
For a while I haven't been making many threads, I realized what I had to do to fix some problems and have been doing a decent job at that. After a slump of not doing a lot I've been significantly ramping up what I do and have also tackled some previous bad habits, I have completely quit smoking and drinking alcohol, have begun to reduce my caffeine usage (a huge thanks to Blitzkrieg who recommended that another user avoid caffeine use in the mornings, I have begun doing this and it gives me better energy, reduced anxiety, and helps me gradually reduce overall intake) and have begun to cut back on other less than ideal habits such as excessive Internet browsing and porn. I am pretty good now about regularly doing warfare each day (I don't mean to brag but wanted to provide the context I'm working with, also, we're not Xians, nothing wrong with being proud of genuine progress).

One issue I have noticed is that I seem to differ a lot with other users here, I struggle with burnout with regards to fighting the enemy a lot. I don't mean to complain, I'm extremely grateful for the knowledge in combatting the enemy the JoS has provided, it has given meaning to my life and the ability to do spiritual warfare itself is a tremendously important gift. Combatting the enemy was one of the main reasons I became a Satanist, and I have no regrets that I did that. But I do often feel burnout just pushing back everyday against the enemy knowing how evil they are. I know a fair amount about what the Jews do, but often it just makes me feel tired and depressed rather than motivated and energized to destroy them. I know my warfare is efficient and I'm proud of it, but I also know I could and should be doing more. After a day of working and having about half my income taken by taxes, I often just feel like distracting myself, overindulgence in entertainment and escapism is a trait I've struggled with a lot. Also, unlike a lot of people here, I often don't have a huge interest in spirituality for its own sake. I'm very interested in the idea of becoming the best warrior I can be, but other than that I am not motivated to do a whole lot. I tend to live in my own head and lack interest in the external world. It's just full of unbelievably evil creatures and I sometimes feel like giving up, I have no intention of harming myself but often mentally play with this thought as a coping mechanism.

I guess my main questions boil down to 1) how can I keep myself from getting demoralized in this world infested by psychopathy, unbelievably evil Jews who want me dead?
2) How can I consistently increase my discipline so that I improve as a warrior?
3) How can I try and find some meaning and form some goals in this world?
Maybe you should start appreciating yourself more and stop trying to be like others, be yourself, heal your male chakras and get some confidence. You don't have to be the best warrior around, we all have our own problems. Once you get more confident with yourself you will easily figure out what you want and need to do, what could your role in this world be or you just need to take some time for yourself and have fun or heal.

Tons of SS feel bad because they don't do things perfectly as they imagined but it doesn't matter at all honestly. You don't have to be like others, you don't have to immediately after you dedicate to be open to the astral and to do huge stuff, you don't have to find some important job nor to burn out yourself.
I recommend making a personal RTR note as I have in my signature and update it before everyone publicly. If you lie, you lie before the Gods and the Gods take commitments seriously so you cant lie.
HailVictory88 said:
I guess my main questions boil down to

1) how can I keep myself from getting demoralized in this world infested by psychopathy, unbelievably evil Jews who want me dead?
2) How can I consistently increase my discipline so that I improve as a warrior?
3) How can I try and find some meaning and form some goals in this world?

Stop making yourself mentally reside in such a dark perception. Focus on your own happiness, you're own positive mental space as a Satanist with the gods, we do not live on a world with the enemy, we do not share it, we live on a planet that is simply afflicted with a temporary pest problem that we are doing our due diligence to exterminate. Do not make it this grandiose and overwhelming shadow at your doorstep that haunts every second of your waking life, because that's how you bring yourself down with negativity in thinking and this is what debilitates not just your mental health but your spiritual health and growth.

Yes the enemy is a problem, they are a big problem and it is a serious one all things considered, but you are already doing your duty to deal with it and taking it seriously in that context. View this all constructively and not so personally to the point that it seriously affects your daily life. Seriousness is in doing the job that is necessary, too much seriousness makes you see the problem as far larger than it should affect you as and can cause you to negatively set yourself back in your spiritual freedom and growth by letting it get to you like that. When we enjoy ourselves and not dwell in a dark mindset that veils the sight with then we can positively thrive in our development in a positive mindset. We do our job to get rid of the enemy and develop and advance in a positive mindset. Positive energy is what facilitates personal growth and protects one against negative thinking.

This is Satan's world, not the enemy's, their actual population is so small in comparison to gentiles on this planet, they only 'flex' control and power over the more few prime foundations to seem bigger and scarier than they actually are as a whole species, like a tick flailing it's arms to try and appear bigger and more threatening to the dog it's sat upon, but as soon as that dog bares it's teeth and shows the actual power it has, the tick abandons ship. The enemy is honestly no different, once all their control is lost and they seriously slip out they'll fall to their knees begging to be spared.

As for the other matters, keep your solar chakra fueled and empowered, clean your base chakra and free yourself of any hang-ups. Find a purpose of fulfillment, see if you can work effectively with a demon, a demon can give signs and show you what you can work towards either for yourself or others.
Jack said:
I recommend making a personal RTR note as I have in my signature and update it before everyone publicly. If you lie, you lie before the Gods and the Gods take commitments seriously so you cant lie.
To each their own.

I'm using pen and paper for over a month. I record everything spiritual I do in there, and write time of day aswell.
Thank you all for the good advice :) I had been feeling a bit down but I keep on with my warfare and I know it's the right thing to do. I will look into more void meditation to better control my thoughts and also pay attention to my lower chakras. I am proud to fight beside you all, and will continue to do so.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
