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Ashes in the Trash

Silver Serpent

New member
Jun 14, 2024
I was cleaning my altar after the ritual I did last night. I wasn't paying attention and I accidentally threw my ashes from my paper in the trash. Is there anything I should do? Is my ritual not going to work now? I feel ashamed that I did something so foolish.

I was able to salvage some ashes. I dont know if its enough. Any advice would be very helpful
I was cleaning my altar after the ritual I did last night. I wasn't paying attention and I accidentally threw my ashes from my paper in the trash. Is there anything I should do? Is my ritual not going to work now? I feel ashamed that I did something so foolish.

I was able to salvage some ashes. I dont know if its enough. Any advice would be very helpful

The thing about not being disrespectful to ashes is related to the respect you give your actions. Because of a Christian past, people have a mentality that if you make a mistake in a ritual procedure that is described according to a certain type of respect, then you are disrespecting: so the result should be feeling guilty, worrying about punishment, Ask an excessive apology, tell yourself to be stupid because the punishment we are waiting for from the outside is still not enough and you feel that you must be the first to punish yourself, But then you feel that perhaps you do not deserve all this punitive hatred since you were only doing one thing in full love for the Gods, so you will ask if you can make up for sin in some way so that Zeus doesn’t condemn you to hell and you can keep doing things that might make him happy.

Instead of wasting time behind these absurd concepts, try to detach yourself from the association "error/fault" and especially from the attribution to the Gods of "error/fault -> punishment". Errors exist. In serious cases, a moderate fault indicates that it is a serious case. But the case must be really serious. And certainly almost nothing provides a punishment in the Christian sense. The Gods themselves see the punishments NEVER as "Christian condemnation to Hell", and always in one of these (mainly) schemes here:

Corrective punishment (Zeus allows you to be inserted in a corrective context where you suffer the consequences of your mistakes, even fully, when you have learned the lesson you will have seen the consequences that brings such a gesture) and Punishment by impediment (Zeus sees that you are doing really wrong things, which can compromise the society in which you live. So he has to block the evil that you are bringing into the world somehow).

Other forms of punishment are rare and require truly serious and personal acts such as directly challenging a God "face to face" or hurting someone who is useful to the Gods. I have seen that the Gods may have little pity for such a thing, but they are indeed very serious cases.
The Gods themselves see the punishments NEVER as "Christian condemnation to Hell", and always in one of these (mainly) schemes here:

Corrective punishment (Zeus allows you to be inserted in a corrective context where you suffer the consequences of your mistakes, even fully, when you have learned the lesson you will have seen the consequences that brings such a gesture) and Punishment by impediment (Zeus sees that you are doing really wrong things, which can compromise the society in which you live. So he has to block the evil that you are bringing into the world somehow).

Other forms of punishment are rare and require truly serious and personal acts such as directly challenging a God "face to face" or hurting someone who is useful to the Gods. I have seen that the Gods may have little pity for such a thing, but they are indeed very serious cases.

I would also like to add something about the importance of punishment. People might ask themselves "why if I obstruct society, Zeus must punish me? Can’t He stop me from obstructing society without having to punish me for succeeding?".

The fact is that the Gods respect your free will and your choices. They will not live for you in your place. Since you are inserted into a macrocosm, you must expect that they will not choose for you how to live your life just as they would not choose it for all human beings inhabiting the Earth.

Expect that Zeus will guide you not to make mistakes, without sending you a paralysis or send you into a temporary coma so as not to get high that night and do a car accident in which you will lose your life if that is another warning that you would still not understand.

The physical presence of the Gods is irrelevant because you know that driving after LSD is madness and the Gods have already shown you that this is madness. After a certain point, you take your responsibilities. Not because the Gods are tired of repeating the same things. But because they can’t keep deciding what you should do when you decide to do something. They created different human races of completely different individuals. They did not create puppets. We are not Jews who do not have a free will of their own, but only succeed in being evil.

If you can choose to do something differently because someone who is literally a GOD has shown you another way and you don’t follow it. It is you who demand too much and are not giving value to your freedom of decision, that you do not think life is worth living.

Zeus has never been wrong in the way he treats you.
I was cleaning my altar after the ritual I did last night. I wasn't paying attention and I accidentally threw my ashes from my paper in the trash. Is there anything I should do? Is my ritual not going to work now? I feel ashamed that I did something so foolish.

I was able to salvage some ashes. I dont know if its enough. Any advice would be very helpful

When I was new and had just dedicated myself, I didn’t have a proper place for the ashes. At the time, I was at a construction warehouse where my friend was working, so I ended up throwing them in the toilet simply because I didn’t know any better.

However, Zeus is understanding in these situations - he recognizes that mistakes happen, that we sometimes act out of ignorance rather than ill intent, and that our hearts and intentions matter the most. He reassured me that sincerity is what truly counts.

If you’re able to retrieve the ashes, you can place them in a jar or another safe container, and labeling it as "sacred ashes" to honor their significance and ensure they are kept with respect.

Don't worry too much about it.
You don't need to keep any ashes.
I had no idea people kept the ashes. I kept the candle for a long while, but I decided to throw it away too after 1 or 2 years because it was a mess to keep around because reasons.
These things matter relatively little in my opinion, it might feel good to do so but it's what's in your heart and Soul that matters truly.
I was under the impression that we were supposed to bury our ashes so the intentions could "grow".

I know HPS Maxine kept her ashes in a jar out of respect, as they are considered sacred due to the profound commitment involved. Instead of discarding them, a more meaningful approach is to bury them, perhaps in a garden next to flowers or something. However, this is not a requirement, nor is it expected of everyone. The dedication is deeply spiritual and permanent, and the use of one's blood serves to reaffirm ancient faith and heritage. Ultimately, what one chooses to do with the ashes is a personal decision.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
