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An advice/reminder for dedicated Spiritual Satanists

Sep 20, 2021
Since we are engaged in Spiritual Warfare/Self-defense against the enemy, we have to take things seriously.

No matter who we are we have to be careful and have to have close to no "holes"
in our lives, businesses, relationships etc. as possible.
Don't let things drag behind you, papers and such, finish them,
if you don't need them, get rid of them. Your plans, do them now, don't wait.
Have "control" over the people who work with you/for you.
Be sure that they can't be used against you in some way by the law in your place of residence.
Don't feel too comfortable even in your home and have as little important things as possible there
or in any of your addresses that could be taken away by the state and/or used against you.
Things can be written over to persons we trust or left there for safekeeping.

Basically the enemy is in rabid mode and attacks anyone who doesn't bow to their alien agenda, small or big.
Somehow they can find you and probably will find out, so be prepared. You have to be close to impenetrable.
They can close your bank accounts at will or distraint them, so it is best to have your money somewhere else.
They can bribe prosecutors and find excuses to attack you, search your homes etc.
They are exploiters, so do have as little holes as possible which could be exploited.
Once the reptile has laid its eye on you, it will try everything it can, but not in an obvious and direct manner.
Live on the edge of the sword, don't forget with what we are dealing with, don't live in false certainty.
This can happen to anyone, you don't have to be a Kanye West or Andrew Tate.

And most importantly, don't get discouraged if this happens to you, but take it as fuel to fight even harder.
"Hard times" can make us stronger.
These times show our true character and what we can handle and if we are really worthy agents of our Gods/Demons.
Don't loose your balance after such attacks, keep your cool. Keep advancing. Use revenge/black magic.
Your priority is to be alive and to be able to fight them another day and to rise even higher than before.
We are winning.
Hail Satan!
Sunny said:
Great advice brother, thank you.

Older members probably know this stuff already and have more experience in this,
i am just writing from my own experience/opinion.
If only one person reads my things and it helps them in some way i am very happy and satisfied.

It basically doesn't stop at internet security, you have to be bulletproof in every aspect.
Better be prepared for every scenario.
We are not safe even in our own homes, big or small, known or unknown, guilty/not guilty.
They are reptiles, control freaks, exploiters and have a tight grip.
So the best outcome would be, for them to only find your unflushed toilet.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Sunny said:
Great advice brother, thank you.

Older members probably know this stuff already and have more experience in this,
i am just writing from my own experience/opinion.
If only one person reads my things and it helps them in some way i am very happy and satisfied.

It basically doesn't stop at internet security, you have to be bulletproof in every aspect.
Better be prepared for every scenario.
We are not safe even in our own homes, big or small, known or unknown, guilty/not guilty.
They are reptiles, control freaks, exploiters and have a tight grip.
So the best outcome would be, for them to only find your unflushed toilet.

Certainly, trying to fight the enemy alone is one of the wrong things to do.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
