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Affirmation for Jupiter Square?


New member
Mar 30, 2012
I plan to do a Jupiter Square on the 29th of November to get rid of diabetes. I was wondering how i should word the affirmation though... Can anyone give me tips?
Jupiter is good, see if you can tag-team it with a Sun healing square too.

"I am fully and eternally free of diabetes and all of its symptoms and causes, in a safe, healthy, positive, natural way."

breathe as needed. someone else could give input too.
How about you get rid of all of your health problems with the Sun Square first and then tackle something big as getting rid of diabetes.

It's like trying to catch a rat without a trap if you don't first get rid of your health problems.

Two times with Sun Square doing a working of getting rid of all possible health problems would even tackle the most deep rooted ones and get rid of them for you.

Speaking from experience that it is better to trap the rat than chase it without a trap.

Hope you understand.

This is for your own good and to make sure that diabetes won't strike twice as hard at you.

Good luck!

what precisely would 2 sun squares remove? if it fixed us up and got rid of all illnesses, i don't see why everyone isn't doing it.
I did.
You're saying two sun squares removes all health problems then suggesting tackling an individual task.
what and which health problems are removed that still leave problems such as..you know, the whole illness? if two sun squares remove all diseases, then I wish I had known about this earlier. I wouldn't have been floundering around for so many years doubting the ability to get rid of my own diabetes (type 1)..
I was told some time back that Jupiter would be best due to the nature of the diabetes. I figure it would be best to... I guess.. use something more focused? A Sun square seemed to me to be more of an "overall" type thing. 
I am open to suggestions, ideas, and advice though. Please, correct me if I'm wrong with my assumptions.

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On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 14:55, donotfearthetruth@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   I just explained it, read again.
Jupiter rules the pancreas.. And is benevolent in any working.

So a Jupiter square definitely makes sense..

But the sun rules all vitality and Yang, therefore the reasoning for doing either or even both is very strong.
exarkuun1991, you have type 1 too? Have you done a Jupiter or Sun square for it? If you have, can you tell me about it?
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On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 2:51, exarkuun1991@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   I did.
You're saying two sun squares removes all health problems then suggesting tackling an individual task.
what and which health problems are removed that still leave problems such as..you know, the whole illness? if two sun squares remove all diseases, then I wish I had known about this earlier. I wouldn't have been floundering around for so many years doubting the ability to get rid of my own diabetes (type 1)..
Sun Square is for healing.

I am only suggesting to do TWO of them so EVERY possible disease is removed in a positive and a healthy manner.

Like for example, when you're doing a working to remove a problem from your past lifes or this one or whatever, sometimes (even Lydia mentioned this) workings need to be repeated a couple of times, so since in todays jewed world, there are far more problems than there are solutions to the problems and people think that medicine would fix some more deep rooted problems... Like for example, let's take eyesight, laser surgery would fuck up your eyesight, but a Sun Square working for healing them in a positive and a healthy way, applied right, would heal the eyes and bring you to the BEST solution on HOW to get rid of a bad eyesight and make your eyes 20/20.

I hope I explained well.
Wish i had realised that before i got cataract surgery v.v

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On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 12:23, donotfearthetruth@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   Sun Square is for healing.

I am only suggesting to do TWO of them so EVERY possible disease is removed in a positive and a healthy manner.

Like for example, when you're doing a working to remove a problem from your past lifes or this one or whatever, sometimes (even Lydia mentioned this) workings need to be repeated a couple of times, so since in todays jewed world, there are far more problems than there are solutions to the problems and people think that medicine would fix some more deep rooted problems... Like for example, let's take eyesight, laser surgery would fuck up your eyesight, but a Sun Square working for healing them in a positive and a healthy way, applied right, would heal the eyes and bring you to the BEST solution on HOW to get rid of a bad eyesight and make your eyes 20/20.

I hope I explained well.
But do remember that even tho Sun Square is of healing nature, you must first attack the main source of the problem before you take on healing anything, so that is why I am suggesting to do two sun squares for removing health issues so no deep rooted problems rise in your life later on. Once you have finished doing so, you can go ahead and heal yourself.
I've done an overall health Sun square before. Not 100% certain what it's accomplished, other than wounds healing faster. I have a second overall/general Sun square finishing up in a few weeks, and 108 THAUR going for both my kidneys and pancreas.
I wish I was cured. I wish it was gone. But it's not yet. I'd love to have a normal, healthy life. 22+ years of this is enough.
ah, i see. you mean the causes of the issues. treat the cause so it has the ability to heal. got it. my mistake.
i'll do however many is needed. i'll see how things go after the first. but yes, sun square is 10/10 for healing. but it might take more for me. idk. i'll use as many as i can and as needed.
also I would like help. this is my current material sun square affirmation. I plan on finishing this up (sounds alright), but any corrections or additions are welcome:
"My self is free of wounds and ailments, and I am fully healed in a safe, positive, natural way"
"self" is just what i've called the mind body and soul, as one. seen that around the groups and forums, just adopted it. but it's physical square, so if anything it'll heal mind and body, and the soul regarding the mind and body. the physical, material side..hopefully. i might drop that "self" bit for the next square.
Diabetes sucks. It's inconvenient. Can't eat a darn thing without checking your blood. Then you gotta take a shot (type 1 here). Can't eat at all if it's high. Drink all the water, pee every ten minutes. When it gets low, you want to eat EVERYTHING and then some, and then it's high and doesn't wanna come down. Vicious cycle.
Too high, you might faint or die. Too low, you might faint or die. Some people don't even show symptoms of low blood sugar, so that's frightening.

And so scary sometimes. Like when the blood sugar drops, and just doesn't come up. 
And insulin? Gotta keep it at a certain temperature. It doesn't stay good for very long. Humalog is said to go bad pretty swiftly in heat. 
I've dealt with it for nearly a decade, ever since i was 11 or 12. As a kid, you don't really understand what it is or what happens to your body when you have diabetes. The doctors would say "if you don't take care of yourself, you could lose a limb or your eyesight", but as a kid, it never really sunk in, you know? Since it never happened, it will never happen. That's what i always thought as a kid. 
I didn't really start actually trying to take care of the diabetes until fairly recently. I just never wanted to acknowledge it was something i had to do. I always wanted to just pretend i didn't have it. But then you go to the hospital for DKA a few times, and you get the message.
Really, I'm surprised i haven't lost anything, considering how reckless I've been. I still have all my extremities. 
Diabetes sucks. I guess it's not the worst disease out there, but it's not fun. No disease is fun. 
But we can heal ourselves! I'm sure of it! Just gotta keep at it. It sucks, but we can do it! 
I wish you luck with your health, exarkuun1991. You can do it!! 
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On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 1:54, exarkuun1991@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   I've done an overall health Sun square before. Not 100% certain what it's accomplished, other than wounds healing faster. I have a second overall/general Sun square finishing up in a few weeks, and 108 THAUR going for both my kidneys and pancreas.
I wish I was cured. I wish it was gone. But it's not yet. I'd love to have a normal, healthy life. 22+ years of this is enough.
yeah, DKA..been there done that. never again. thank you for the warm wishes. I believe in you as well. we just need to do it really.
doctors have told me modern refillable/replaceable pen insulin is stored in the refrigerator, but normal temperatures are fine for it when carrying it. OLD insulin that was in the vials (clear first then the cloudy, amirite?) was the pain. modern stuff is super convenient in comparison.
2 weeks from this sun square being done, one day break then starting it up again. getting rid of this disease. fixing the body up. a pretty, healthy body..
For an affirmation, how does this sound:
"In a safe and positive way for me, using the energies of Jupiter/Sun, i am completely free of diabetes/all disease and ailments and am completely healthy now and forever."
Is that good? I like my affirmations to be thorough so there are no loopholes or anything. I think i might have an issue with overthinking affirmations. I was told sometime back, i think on the old forums, that the wording for an affirmation isn't as important as your meaning or intent.
Material square is for material things, money, luxury, etc.

Spiritual Squares are for healing, achieving spiritual goals, healing (sun), etc.

This material square with this affirmation won't do you any good as it doesn't deal with things that a spiritual square does.
I've had DKA more than once, and from my experience with it, each time you get it, it's worse than the last time. Fortunately, i managed to pull my head outta my butt before it killed me. Yeah, no more DKA. The last time, i could hardly stay awake for the first day at the hospital. I really don't want to see how bad it'll be if i get it again. Scary stuff.
Thank you! It's nice to have support from someone who knows what it's like to deal with this, you know? Gotta crush this stupid disease!

Yeah. I've been told, and read that, unopened insulin has to stay refrigerated. Open insulin can be kept at room temperature, but only for 28 days. Man, i remember the vials and syringes! It was SUCH a pain! Pens are a lot easier. Just gotta screw on the needle. But I'm not sure about the insulin pump. I never liked them. You stick the needle in, and it STAYS there for DAYS at a time! Even while sleeping, even while showering. It never sounded all that comfortable. And, apparently, if you're on the pump and something malfunctions or gets clogged and you don't realise it, you're in trouble. A guy at my dad's work has a pump, and one day he couldn't go in because his pump clogged or something. He had to go to the hospital. Scary things, those pumps. Scary. I'll stick with the needle.
But CGMs sound pretty handy. With a contiuous goucose monitor, you don't have to prick your finger. I hate checking my blood because of the pricking. Sone now some fingers have little callouses and scars. With CGMs, you stick a senor onto your skin, and a little wire/needle thingy measures the glucose level in a layer of fluid, i think just beyond the skin or within it. It sounds reliable enough. Of course, the glucose level the CGM will give will lag a bit behind the actual glucose level in the blood, because the sugar needs time to become present in that fluid layer for the CGM sensor to read. And while I'm iffy on having the senor on me while i sleep or shower, i think the CGM sounds pretty good. Some of them with even alert you if your blood sugar is rising too high or falling too low. They can be pricey if your insurance doesn't cover it though. 
Yeah, the modern stuff is definitely better. According to my mom, when her diabetic mom was alive (she passed away a long time ago, when my mom was young, so i never knew her), she never had a glucose monitor. She had the vials and syringes, but no way of knowing where her blood sugar was. Apparently, she used to faint all the time and my mom and her siblings would give her sugar and stuff to bring her back. THAT sounds terrifying. Crazily enough, she had that diabetes for years before she died, and it wasn't even the diabetes that killed her. But yeah, whenever mom tells me how cool the modern stuff is compared to what her mom had, i can't help but agree. I'm curious to see where the technology will go from here. 
You got this! I plan to do a Sun square when the time is most optimal next. The Jupiter square will be focused on diabetes, the Sun on overall health. It'll be nice to be healthy again and not have to worry about lows when you're trying to sleep or out on a walk, or highs whike you're out but you've forgotten your insulin at home, or being hungry but your blood sugar is too high. Plus,  want to be a pilot, but the process isn't easy with diabetes. Hell, few things are easy with diabetes.
You know, pumpkin seeds might help lower glucose levels. I've read about that, and decided to buy some pumpkin seeds to see if it was true. And, golly, i think it is! Haha Plus, they're a nice little snack. The definitely require thorough chewing, but they're good. I'd recommend them!
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On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 14:00, exarkuun1991@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   yeah, DKA..been there done that. never again. thank you for the warm wishes. I believe in you as well. we just need to do it really.
doctors have told me modern refillable/replaceable pen insulin is stored in the refrigerator, but normal temperatures are fine for it when carrying it. OLD insulin that was in the vials (clear first then the cloudy, amirite?) was the pain. modern stuff is super convenient in comparison.
2 weeks from this sun square being done, one day break then starting it up again. getting rid of this disease. fixing the body up. a pretty, healthy body..
"In a safe and positive way for me, using the energies of Jupiter/Sun, i am completely free of diabetes/all disease and ailments and am completely healthy now and forever."

How about:

"In a positive and a healthy way for me, using the energies of Jupiter/Sun square, I am completely free of any and all disease and ailments and I am completely healthy forever."
I figured a material square for changing an aspect of the physical body would be effective. So, it made sense that you could use a material one to get rid of illness. Could i be correct to assume a material square CAN heal, but a spiritual one will be more effective?
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On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 14:39, donotfearthetruth@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   Material square is for material things, money, luxury, etc.

Spiritual Squares are for healing, achieving spiritual goals, healing (sun), etc.

This material square with this affirmation won't do you any good as it doesn't deal with things that a spiritual square does.
I don't know if this other message got through:
For an affirmation, how does this sound:
"In a safe and positive way for me, using the energies of Jupiter/Sun, i am completely free of diabetes/all disease and ailments and am completely healthy now and forever."
Is that good? I like my affirmations to be thorough so there are no loopholes or anything. I think i might have an issue with overthinking affirmations. I was told sometime back, i think on the old forums, that the wording for an affirmation isn't as important as your meaning or intent.
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On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 14:47, Alyssa Coppen<alyssa.coppen@... wrote: I figured a material square for changing an aspect of the physical body would be effective. So, it made sense that you could use a material one to get rid of illness. Could i be correct to assume a material square CAN heal, but a spiritual one will be more effective?
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On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 14:39, donotfearthetruth@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   Material square is for material things, money, luxury, etc.

Spiritual Squares are for healing, achieving spiritual goals, healing (sun), etc.

This material square with this affirmation won't do you any good as it doesn't deal with things that a spiritual square does.
Thank you for the suggestion!

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On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 15:37, donotfearthetruth@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:  
"In a safe and positive way for me, using the energies of Jupiter/Sun, i am completely free of diabetes/all disease and ailments and am completely healthy now and forever."

How about:

"In a positive and a healthy way for me, using the energies of Jupiter/Sun square, I am completely free of any and all disease and ailments and I am completely healthy forever."
When they told me that, it was in regards to 'this word' versus 'that word' and so on. 
Yeah, affirmations usually give me trouble, since i tend to overthink them. I usually wonder if the wording is thorough enough, or if the affirmation is too long, or if the energy will do something i didn't intend for it to do, or if the damn thing is grammatically correct, or where i should put "in a positive and healthy way for me", or if it'll be effective, or if it makes even sense, and so on. I want to have perfect affirmations, so that there won't be any doubt that it'll do what i want it to, and no worry that something will be missed, incomplete, not understandable. 

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On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 16:34, donotfearthetruth@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   Whoever said that is an idiot.

If you DO NOT affirm the correct form of affirmation, the energy you raise will take the easiest route and cause you more harm than if you were to affirm some thing that would BENEFIT YOU.

Read on here:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... tions.html
I'm curious if this is the reason the last square did me no good, I used a physical/material square and mantra for physical/material healing..I read that page but it doesn't say anything like, "lack of health is because of the spirit being bound" or anything like that. It just says, spiritual square for health..
oh well. day of rest to reset the count, then on to the spiritual square.
To be honest, that is good in some extent.

You should use your intuition for the affirmation, perhaps ask on the groups for knowledgeable SS to answer if it's quite good enough or if it lacks something, etc. Heck, you can even affirm things in your own language to see if it feels better and you understand it more better, etc.
The reason it does not say that is because there are many things that can affect your health. The only way to find out how everything works if you know how to read your birth chart. In other words: Astrology.

Here is the link to about Astrology and so on: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... URCAS.html

Here is a link to Lydia's astrological servers (but note that she has A LOT of birth charts to cover, so you'll be in for a long wait, just for heads up): http://lydiasastrology.com

Here is High Priest Hooded Cobra's Azazel's Market Place (This is for all astrological things you need, be it for perfect workplace or numerology, etc. It even covers health): https://josmarket.org/

But note that, you need money to have these services delivered to you and for that, there is money working spells, here they are (But I'll leave the main source for other workings using your powers just in case you're interested, but it also covers a lot of needed information for you to know!): http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... tions.html

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
