You are welcome! I felt I had to tell you because there are few people like that. Beyond enthusiasm, this is not only what I noticed from your message.
This post of yours started off really well with you absolutely wanting to let people know that you were happy with the new updates. And it is not a given that good people like you take pleasure in rediscovering their Gods as their Gods really are. This in itself, from the beginning of the dedication, already indicates that you truly love Zeus and all the Gods. Already such a spontaneous thing is full of value. You did not need to explain it, but it was so true this love on your part that you felt bound to clarify this concept.
But that's not even the part that I liked the most about what you wrote. What I really appreciated a lot was the part that you wrote in capital letters. You wrote that you were thanking Zeus for allowing you to follow him. Now, Zeus is happy that you are following him. He is really happy that you are dedicated to him. But to see that you understood the importance of his caring for you, to such an extent that in capital letters you wanted to thank him even for the mere fact that you were welcomed ... shows true respect.
And by respect I don't mean writing "Lord" somewhere or "Great" to another. By respect I mean that with really just a few words you have shown that you recognize the importance of the good that Zeus wants to do for you, you are grateful to him and you give importance to this Pater Familias love of his toward you. I think that is really the most respectful thing you could have written as your first post-dedication topic.
Your message has grammatical errors. I personally recommend that you gradually improve with your writing and revising what you have written before posting. But you will have time to do that. Now it was much more beautiful and important, at least for me, to be able to witness such a direct and intense manifestation of the Divine nature in someone's heart. Then if you omitted a few commas or made two typos rather than just one, it is really insignificant to me. If you like, however, you can improve as you stay on the forum or in daily life (for example in whatsapp messages).
I also read your reply to Hp HoodedCobra666's new sermon. You do well to keep up to date. Don't rush it, really take your time to understand concepts.