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Other #76155 Dealing with fear and anxiety towards Demons & meditations


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I dedicated several years ago, but due to my lack of self-discipline and incorrect mindset I was unable to move forward in the path in any significant way. Right now, my goal is to change this, better myself and actually make some progress instead of only thinking about it. It's been a long time since I seriously meditated so I had began to do the 40 days meditation program for beginners all over again. It's all good so far and going smoothly but I have some thoughts that keep returning to me, more and more frequently. Which is anxiety and fear towards doing spiritual work. For example thinking that I'II mess something up and accidentally harm myself, or that something bad gonna happen to me if I do the meditations. I have these thoughts whenever I do something new, or something that I haven't done in a long time. Doing void meditation is fine for example, but the thoughts returned when I got close to doing the chakra opening meditations. Similarly, I have some kind of fear towards certain Demons, not every one of them may I add. In the past I've done Gods' Rituals before, and I can remember the exact same thoughts going on in my mind while doing them. They disappeared halfway, but at the start was always rough. One example I could bring up could be Lord Andras, I can remember being really anxious before doing his ritual.
I don't exactly know where this feelings come from, as I don't have any prior negative experience with any Demons or spiritual work. My experience with Demons is quite limited and always happened at the very base level, but despite this all the small interactions I had were really nice and positive. I even received help in a health crisis once.
My current tactic for dealing with the fears is to just simply ignore them and push through anyways. I always remind myself that no matter what happens I can't stop the program, I have to do my daily meditations always. If I happen to fail on a day that means I'II have to start all over again from day 1, and I most definitely don't want to make that mistake. As for my fear of Demons I have no idea what to do with it, outside of just laughing at myself when I get the thoughts. Thinking about it logically and with a calm mind I can see and completely understand how ridiculous it is for me to feel that way, and forcing myself to think logically does help a little bit, but it doesn't make the thoughts disappear. Any help, idea or trick would be highly appreciated.

This is cause of the enemy program, this is only in your mind, the β€œsecret” is to read jos, sermons, and perform daily meditation.

This with time will take away this resistance/programming present in your mind. The time required is different for each person. Fight your fear and do not worry about it.
my lack of self-discipline and incorrect mindset

A great help:

Right now, my goal is to change this, better myself and actually make some progress instead of only thinking about it

More about this:

For example thinking that I'II mess something up and accidentally harm myself,

Here you go:

that something bad gonna happen to me if I do the meditations

"if one is under Satan’s protection, nothing can touch him/her" - HPS Maxine Dietrich
From: https://satanisgod.org/Evocation.html

Similarly, I have some kind of fear towards certain Demons, not every one of them may I add

If you were to use the definition of "Demon of hell," you would naturally be afraid. However, think about if you were to use the term "Egyptian God." How reassured would you feel?

Yet "Demon of Hell" is not a bad thing. On the contrary!



HPS Maxine Dietrich, speaking of the Demon Bune:
"She is very friendly. I asked her if she was Egyptian. She said "We are all Egyptian." Her hair is styled like the Hollywood Cleopatra"
– High Priestess Maxine

for dealing with the fears is to just simply ignore them and push through anyways

Read here:

Any help, idea or trick would be highly appreciated.

What YOU think is more valuable than the Christian psychological terrorism with which they scare you about Demons to convince you to worship a crucified Jew who wants you to suffer all your life

WHO is really scary:

Who frees us from this psychological oppression:

Who is the benevolent figure in our support who truly cares about us:
Unexpected thoughts may come from inside yourself. For some reasons, childhood experiences (including programming from the enemy) are carved into the emotional patterns of a human being and, if not corrected, will manifest with those kind of thoughts. Probably in your early life you have been frequently exposed to the enemy lies (may be horror movies, attending churches, hearing adults saying bad stuff about Demons, etc.) I think it's different for each of us but I experienced those on myself.
Re-reading the JoS, exposing xianity/islam, etc. is very helpful (I thnik I read at least 6/7 times all the site + some books). It would be advisable to do it in a way that recalls your childhood. For example when you were a young kid did you do your homeworks on a yellow desk? Or watch movies on a velvet sofa? Or wear a blue jumper when attending church? If you recall those things, your mind may access early life thoughts and correct them like you were in those years.
Hope this helps,
It's completely understandable and your not alone, I've written about this but I has the same vision for 2 months straight of children (representing children of satan) running and hiding from Demons which took care of them and provide everything they asked for... the reason why this fear and anxiety remained was because of how they saw the demons.

They saw them through the eyes they've been told to view such things from and breaking that habit can be tricky even when they've never caused you harm and will never do so. You still have hard time overcoming that fact.

Best advice besides meditations is that you send time with your Guardian Demon to get use to Demons in general that will help.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
