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  1. Babalel666


    this is correct, though elementals exist, and sirens are debatable. but if something isnt a human it cant reincarnate as a human. humans reincarnate as humans, other species reincarnate as their own species. you cant reincarnate as a different species, and another species cant reincarnate as a...
  2. Babalel666

    A thank you note to the JoS!

    this path is most definitely the right one. even though ive only been here for a short amount of time, JoS and dedicating my self to Father Satan have both significantly changed my life and outlook for the better. Hail Satan! Hail the gods!
  3. Babalel666

    What is your origin story?

    i was originally an xtian, but quickly became disillusioned with it. i moved on to wicca, quickly moved from that to norse paganism, and then not long ago i found the JoS site and it resonated with my soul like no faith i had encountered before. i made the decision to dedicate myself to Satan...
  4. Babalel666

    The 3d Sex

    there is no*
  5. Babalel666

    The 3d Sex

    there is 3rd sex, anyone who claims there is is either a liar, delusional or a jew. there is only men and women.
  6. Babalel666

    Terrorist attack in Moscow with 100 people going to burn alive - Purim 23-24 March 2024

    the jews always cause death and destruction in everything they do. this is the true modus operandi of the kikes.
  7. Babalel666

    Must read books?

    Mein kampf is a book i already read on a almost daily basis. those other two will definitely make for interesting reads. Thank you!
  8. Babalel666

    Must read books?

    ive been spending a big portion of my days reading JoS, it has really been opening my eyes.
  9. Babalel666

    Must read books?

    i appreciate the suggestions!
  10. Babalel666

    Another celebrity done with the elite

    When you start speaking out against the kikes they'll do everything in their power to silence you. This is especially true in the case of well known people, and celebrities, the more people you can reach the harder the jewish efforts will be to squash you.
  11. Babalel666

    weird question

    please refrain from engaging in sexual activity with animals.
  12. Babalel666

    feeling kind of hopeless?

    Thank you very much for the words and the advice. Hail Satan. and i will definitely be writing a letter to Satan and reading it to him as you have suggested.
  13. Babalel666

    feeling kind of hopeless?

    thank you, this was very encouraging to read. i will make more of an effort from now on to focus on progressing and focusing on the present and future instead of getting hung up on the past.
  14. Babalel666

    feeling kind of hopeless?

    I recently dedicated myself to Satan. But I'm starting to have doubts that Satan and the Gods even want me. I have lived a very rough & unspiritual lifestyle up until last year. I didn't even truly believe in anything spiritual until I went to jail last year. I've lived a lifestyle that...
  15. Babalel666

    Adolf Hitler Our Great Fuhrer!!

    Love it! heil!
  16. Babalel666

    Venting: Utterly hate how my Christian family blames satan for everything.

    this is the sad but honest truth. If your open about your Satanic beliefs, any xian or jew that hears about them will try to make your life a living hell at worst, or mock and degrade you in some form or fashion. Stay strong brother. Hail Satan!
  17. Babalel666

    Must read books?

    are there any books any of you would recommend for every SS to read, especially someone as new to it as myself? i love reading and would love some book suggestions.
  18. Babalel666

    Meditation and long rituals?

    thank you for the advice!
  19. Babalel666

    Meditation and long rituals?

    I have recently dedicated my life to satan and evolving spiritually. i have extreme difficulties with focusing, so when i try to meditate or perform a ritual or spell that takes alot of time and concentration i always seem to fail. any tips on clearing my mind and improving my focus so i can...
  20. Babalel666

    Thank's father Satan

    I just recently gave my life over to satan, and ive never felt better. Im so happy for you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
