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    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    I'm trying to go into the grand ritual but it seems the site is down the other links work if you will please check Thank you
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    Ritual Schedule Feb 29 to March 15

    Just wish all this Jewish shit will end
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    Question #3998: Extermination of white race

    And i experienced this myself. and speaking for myself here there is no place for cowardness in Satanism.You fight or you become a slave its simple as that.
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    Question #3998: Extermination of white race

    We have part of Satan in us and the enemy aliens hates this therefore their minions too.
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    FAQ about the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering [Updated 25 August 2021]

    I cannot clean my aura Yes but raising my energy gives the enemy energy. I'm dealing with parasites. I cannot stand that they are benefiting from my efforts to improve. Then they use my own energy I raised for their own agenda and its te enemy agenda.They thrive of my soul When i do something...
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    FAQ about the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering [Updated 25 August 2021]

    Was wondering if doing Frtr from morning to night one after the other can be harmful to a soul who is jit ready? The rtrs don't vent my anger it makes it worse. I nearly went on a physical rampage afterwards on the enemy. I was prepared to go to jail for what i was about to do. Everything the...
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    FAQ about the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering [Updated 25 August 2021]

    The new rtrs page doesn't work on any phone i tried.I have to use the old sites
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    Why is Zeus above Poseidon?

    Is Ra Satan?
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    Has Anyone ever here communed or summoned Adolf Hitler??

    I have. but it's not something to really talk about. It was personal and a very serious problem.Made me do endless rituals and will until i die still i don't feel it's enough.
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    Proud of my country taking action

    Since the beginning of last year doing rtrs for my life and soul, country and Folk non stop until today seems to be really working.No matter how much I'm attacked i just keep going.Things started to really happen against jews and Israel. My county is taking action against them.So proud Can...
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    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    I luckily don't have this problem. My problem is dealing with harder truths facing reality that the enemy has full control of the lower dimensions where part of my soul is stuck . Dealing with that is horrible.
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    Keeping A Mouth Shut: A Practical View On The Satanic Adage

    I got my arm broken by a black guy with a pipe,nose broken and eyes kicked shut just because i said what is on my mind beginning of last year. They nearly killed me. It wasn't racially motivated because a white guy was with him but still be really careful when fighting the enemy in real life.
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    What Will The Gods Think?

    It's really amazing that all your posts are on time to what i need to hear. It shows me that the Gods are in control Then a message to Henu. I'm sorry man i gravel at your feet it's true. I will never fit it here because i failed in everything. But out with the old in in with the new
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    Pseudo-Satanism Will Be A Thing Of The Past

    Thank you HP. This is extremely good news to know this Everyone always made me to be the bad guy despite all the evidence for fighting againt evil I'm glad this will change for all of us and the Gods
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    THE NEW JOY OF SATAN WEBSITE LAYOUT IS NOW LIVE! [Update 2 - Changelog 15/Dec/2023]

    "None of what you falsely claim was or is your fault because you are what you are, and thus, irrelevant to us Gentiles, nothing that you say or do could ever stop us. And you know this." It make me happy to hear this but in reality why am i right then about the broken links THAT DON'T WORK...
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    THE NEW JOY OF SATAN WEBSITE LAYOUT IS NOW LIVE! [Update 2 - Changelog 15/Dec/2023]

    I don't know why i must be the one to point this out I'm not even important. I feel JoS should have fixed this a long time ago. All of Adolf Hilter's speechless are gone and a lot of other links like the satanic arts and stuff. Also i see a lot of SS share beautiful poems and stuff but it's...
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    THE NEW JOY OF SATAN WEBSITE LAYOUT IS NOW LIVE! [Update 2 - Changelog 15/Dec/2023]

    It's nice i like it but i like the old one more plus don't take this offensive but why are you guys not working on fixing all the broken links on the old site and in the JoS library. I think it's more important don't you guys? So many awesome links were on there before and they haven't been...
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    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule: Dec 7 to Dec 12

    Thank you so much ❤️ I'm just really sad i didn't start earlier but it is what it is and I'm now fighting on timelines past present and future I don't know of you guys experience the same but the while doing rtrs I'm going on the Astral and fighting there. It's also an inner war at the same...
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    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule: Dec 7 to Dec 12

    I will obliterate them! As soos as a im fully heal for what they did to me I'm healing and they gonna get whats coming to them one way or another
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    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    I thought Ra the sun God was Satan Is there a difference Amon Ra and just Ra?
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    I'm sorry i did not do enough in the beginning

    It's all coming back too me now and i see the consequences. It's terrible to have it on my conscious.The warfare is in the here and now and let me tell you I'm battling keeping my head above water I'm so sorry i couldn't be strong enough when i had to for our sakes. I'm doing what i can now I...
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    Elon Musk: Short Message About Jews

    I'm thinking of how he would make JoS public to the world if he joined that would be awesome
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    The Right And Wrong Spirit Of The World

    The shattering ritual works to destroy this spirit or soul of Juda The tetra helps against them angels
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    The Right And Wrong Spirit Of The World

    HP you are the best Hp one can ask for I'm sorry i attacked you once before everything i blamed you for was me but i didn't see it because i was one a path of decay. When i did the God ritual to Lord Baal i saw the enemy won't get away with their crimes because no matter how hard they try Lord...
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    The True Face Of Israel - Holocaust Of The Palestenians

    I opened the gates of HELL https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjE1dNuk/ GUYS TIKTOK IS FULL OF THIS NOW Jews are losing control of the media Now is the best time to put wwwsatanisgodorg in the comment sections
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    The True Face Of Israel - Holocaust Of The Palestenians

    Holy shit we have totally won these jews it only a matter of time before everything completely collapses on top of them. Its already happening but people are not fully aware yet of that it is all the jews to blame they mostly blame the Zionists now and say no not all jews are bad so we must do...
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    Jews get arrested for selling human organs

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    Staying On The Straight Path To The Gods

    I did so many rituals now and all hell broke loose the soul of Egypt has overpowered that of Juda Lord Baal is coming back Hail Satan!!!
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    Improving As A Man

    Thank you HP you a good man Charlie Brown :)
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    Improving As A Man

    I am on this path of self improvement at the moment. It's not easy it hurts to face ones self and one problem head on VERY HARD na sometimes even to painful to bear but im striving to overcome them. It's all i can do i cannot immediately just fix something within it takes time and a strong mind...
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    The True Face Of Israel - Holocaust Of The Palestenians

    Guys we can do serious on TikTok if you put the link wwwsatanisgodorg just like that it does not get removed and i have openly spoke up against jews and got likes. Some stuff gets removed if you insult jews or christians but I'm shocked at what they did not remove. Looks like all hell broke...
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    The Truth About the Palestine-Israel War

    This war is the beginning of the end for Israel and Islam as well as Christianity
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    Bless Up My Family: Spiritual Schedule Nov 12 to Nov 25

    Okay will do.This is the few rituals i don't really do I will start doing them from now on everyday Thank you HP
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    Staying On The Straight Path To The Gods

    When i feel empty i noticed by doing rituals this brings me back on the path. EVERYTHING BAD IN MY LIFE IS BECAUSE OF THE ENEMY literally everything and by doing rituals this gives me purpose and i see the beauty of life again through the pain and my soul remembers again. Rituals are all i...
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    The True Face Of Israel - Holocaust Of The Palestenians

    Hp there was a speech of Adolf Hitler where he spoke about the palestinians and that he would of made a home for them in Germany Do you know what speech it was so i can go look for it. I believe we should share that speech now to world
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    The True Face Of Israel - Holocaust Of The Palestenians

    And also if you read this it makes sense it starts wars. This is the first in endless repeats regarding living blood sacrifices to that monster YHVH. Parasitic aliens require blood and the life-force of humans and animals alike. This has incited wars of all kinds [most instigated either...
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    The True Face Of Israel - Holocaust Of The Palestenians

    No this ritual https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse195Ritual.html I do all the rtrs everyday continuously until late in the night and sometimes in the early mornings too regardless of the planets. This way I don't miss any important times with them. No i don't know what times will be better...
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    The True Face Of Israel - Holocaust Of The Palestenians

    I think the reverse blood ritual works to counter this because its not just the blood sacrifice we are reversing but all the killing of gentle people maybe lets do this next time
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    The True Face Of Israel - Holocaust Of The Palestenians

    Maybe they will eventually try and physically destroy the ancient pyramids in Egypt if they expand so far. We must do more rtrs i think isn't there any other reverse torah rituals that we don't have which will make them even weaker?
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    I feel we need another Schedule

    We are doing so well i think lets do some more because they are truly been exposed for what they are.
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    Frtr and rituals are opening up my soul there where it hurts

    It's a good thing but i feel so late. What are the consequences for this? The earth and it's people? Or is it just me overthinking I feel the extreme negative energy of Christianity and all the toxic people and things around me. I feel i let myself down tremendously and the consequences...
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    The JoS Has A New High Priestess

    I knew this was going to happen She deserves it
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    Israel Does It Again: Europe & United States Under Threat Of Terror Attacks

    Everytime something like this happens i feel I'm to blame, everytime they get away with something i feel to blame because i cannot handle the reality what i promised the Gods i cannot handle the seriousness of the situation. I don't know what to do i don't know how to get out of this I don't...
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    Israel Does It Again: Europe & United States Under Threat Of Terror Attacks

    Thank you HP Cobra I regret all these years wasting time. It's really scary times ahead Thank you for standing very strong since the beginning. You are an incredible man ❤️
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    Israel Does It Again: Europe & United States Under Threat Of Terror Attacks

    Thank you HP Cobra I regret all these years wasting time. It's really scary times ahead Thank you for standing very strong since the beginning. You are an incredible man ❤️
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    We all need to do more rtrs NOW

    Please everyone i ask you kindly lets do more rtrs together. We can truly put an end to all this bit we must do rtrs thousands and thousands of them NOW
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    So Israel Went Boom Again

    Well its all leading to their own destruction at the end so I'm with with whatever is going on
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    More on the Final RTR

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    Humbling The Warmongering Israel - RTR Schedule - Oct 18 to Oct 30 [Schedule Extended]

    This is what i feel aswel like an enemy is my mind everytime i try and do something against Israel the opposite thoughts come into my mind. It might be programming or an enemy trying to use my own powers against me
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    Humbling The Warmongering Israel - RTR Schedule - Oct 18 to Oct 30 [Schedule Extended]

    This is what i feel aswel like an enemy is my mind everytime i try and do something against Israel the opposite thoughts come into my mind. It might be programming or an enemy trying to use my own powers against me
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    There was just a live show where a black guy interviewing a South African jew. They ended up in a BIG argument about Palestine and the jew obviously blame shifted everything and the black guy said its crocodile tears be because the jew brought up the Holocaust again and lol it just shows you our...
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    When will there be another RTR schedule

    I know I'm a bit late years wasted years it might of even cost the earth and I'm so sorry but I'm doing what i can now and will do so until every single last kike on earth is gone. Please give us another Rtr schedule HC
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    Mexican Grey Skeletons: Yes, Aliens Exist.

    How must i know? All that i do know is that that our Gods are the most perfected creations of the universe maybe they are few in numbers that makes them weaker or something
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    That Which Will Never Leave

    What do you mean by battling time? Do you mean like jumping timelines where the enemy has power or won and changing this by reversing the letters? because it's obvious not all SS are where they should be because of the enemy and related. We have completely won the spiritual war which means...
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    Mexican Grey Skeletons: Yes, Aliens Exist.

    Don't know if you noticed but all the enemy aliens and entities look hideous. And hate us
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    JoS Donors Free Article: A Story About HPS Maxine

    This brought me to tears. Thank you for this very inspiring post. One day i wish to read a whole book about her
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    Mexican Grey Skeletons: Yes, Aliens Exist.

    When you say the bigger ones do you mean like in size or in brain power? I read HPS Maxine said that the Gods are not even the most powerful in the universe. That scares me! If i meditate i have to deal with this type of stuff. I have noticed they are after Satan's people the most and want...
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    I really want to hurt you and your rotten christ I hope you meet that rotten bastard alien when you die and see that you made a big mistake BIG FUCKING MISTAKE
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    This ritual was a BIG success I see now that i don't need to fear anything
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    We are winning brothers and sisters i can feel it. Thank you HC and thank you MARBAS
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    Humanity Will Understand: But We Know Now

    I can't wait for the day Satan Himself walks on Earth. I'm working overtime to make this a reality and OMG why didn't i do this sooner. I feel so much more in power of my life and much more happier.
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    Humanity Will Understand: But We Know Now

    Hp you speak my heart asif we are feeling and seeing the exact same thing. Wow
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    Whenever I read or hear Moloch

    The Moloch tunnels are what the jews by parasitic means to drain sexual energy from gentiles to feed their sick agenda.The child porn industry ties into this. The Moloch tunnels are like MASSIVE energetic cords to the base chakra when one ties into this sick program
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    Does super blue moon have any special magical significance

    An what about a dark red african sun? Here where i live you can look the sun directly in te eye it's so fucking beautiful and feels magical. Just wondering
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    Meditation: Cleaning Repressed Emotions

    Thank you. Its asif you know what im going through. It's extremely painful stuff,fear for example not doing enough for the antichrist to return or things like it's too late for my soul and a LOT of anger towards the enemy. I wake up during the night or early morning with these things on my...
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    Small Acts? I don't think so.

    I realised this and i feel i kept JoS back for not doing anything for a long time. I see we are all part of this even me and it's scary with a lot of pressure on me because i feel overwhelmed with the responsibility.I will not give in again and stick my head under the sand again. I'm so sorry
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    The Heroes That Are Needed

    I took off from work this whole week to do rtrs. Im definitely winning big spiritual battles for myself. I don't want to be born in a world again with Christian parants and people. They destroyed my life. I'm Overcoming limitations of my mind and overcoming obstacles it's scary butz Henu...
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    The Heroes That Are Needed

    I was told i mean nothing and have zero importance. Even afer that i showed I'm sharing JoS stuff. I do rtrs day and night close to 7000 by w or more. All my spare time i dedicate to rtrs i bet nobody do as much as i do When we going to have another group ritual btw?
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    I'm trying to do the final rtr on the new JoS website platform and I'm clicking it but what then why doesn't it take me to the frtr automatically? Where should i click agter that to open the rtr?
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    o damn this is nice Hail Satan and all the Gods thank you everyone who did this. It looks really cool and well organized
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    Joy of Satan Must Succeed: A Look Into The Future Ahead

    Where is the anti Islam rituals i was promised a few months ago? If now is the time to act then let me at em
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    US Congressional Hearing Admits: Aliens Exist

    Believe me I'm doing more rtrs than people think. It's not nessesary to do any other rtrs except the final rtr but i decided it's best i do all because i slacked long time ago and making up for the years i held back. The only problem i have is the negativity dealing with the horrific Jewish...
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    Azazel's Day: Three Days Of Honor

    I'm getting his sigil tomorrow And will do extra rituals to him
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    US Congressional Hearing Admits: Aliens Exist

    I'm doing Munka working to free myself for any enemy alien connection out of desperation. They are extremely hostile to us and it's truely not something to be toyed wich i experienced first hand. I mean i made real contact i felt it's power spiritually they are VERY advanced spiritually way...
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    How Gods Think: Why Doesn't Beelzebul Or Satan Tell "Me" The Lottery?

    Thank you HP i see this too.And i am working on this. I want to ask if it is ok if my boyfriend does rtr rituals with me he said he wants too.I told him Henu said that one must first be able to protect oneself but that i will ask on the forums.
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    How Gods Think: Why Doesn't Beelzebul Or Satan Tell "Me" The Lottery?

    This was beautiful to read and I'm grasping this. I have a bulb with meth on the side of my drawer that i bought two days ago after i was assalted and broken down. I promised myself last night i won't smoke again and got tempted this morning but desperately held on to what i told myself last...
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    Magick, Meditation & Your Destiny

    Once again Hp proves me right. Someone asked can the enemy influence someone aura wile its being programmed vy ones self and i said yes and hp basically said the same in this post. It all depends on resistance
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    Relations Between Spiritual Satanists: Clarifying The Subject

    To me everything I say makes perfect sense to me. To others maybe not. Sorry
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    Big Attack Against Our Main Sites - May 16/2023 [Update 3 - Main Sites Are Up , Forums 100% Safe, Translations ]

    I shared this on redit two days ago and when i went on it last night it was removed https://www.reddit.com/r/satanism/comments/2rpcg2/108_666_aum_and_the_pentagram_hp_mageson666/ Wonder if it is the same people

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
