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  1. Lasollor

    New Sections Update

    Sure thing &..
  2. Lasollor

    Obsessions: Detach, Sublimate, Manage

    For those who need it https://ancient-forums.com/threads/how-to-control-addictions-passions-animal-drives.63969/
  3. Lasollor

    JoS Wiki : New JOS Site Annoucement [https://joswiki.org/]

    Hello Blitzkreig, I emailed your [email protected] a few days ago using my [email protected] , Kindly respond I'm available and willing to help
  4. Lasollor

    Keeping A Mouth Shut: A Practical View On The Satanic Adage

    Or else you'll get into a You know what i mean my black brothers But I'll elaborate Or else r.i.p -Hail Satan
  5. Lasollor

    Holy shit money manifestation works

    What is wim hof breathing?
  6. Lasollor

    What Will The Gods Think?

    Oh the gods have saved my life Numerous times. And if someone saves your life then you owe them the world. Joy Of Satan Saved the God's thus saving me and unwittingly many other members out there. If I could have a single -ultimate- gift for Joy Of Satan. It wouldn't be money but a fully...
  7. Lasollor

    Mexican Grey Skeletons: Yes, Aliens Exist.

    If you know. You know. Only the Adversary of the Jews can be thanked with info, He made the goyim you know..
  8. Lasollor

    How Gods Think: Why Doesn't Beelzebul Or Satan Tell "Me" The Lottery?

    Talmud Libbre David 37: "To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly." Wonder why.. ^
  9. Lasollor

    Happy Women's Day - To Our Women

    Looking for a pagan wife preferably from the black race (mixed race people are welcome too. I am a pure black single male 27 - who has no children. Email [email protected]
  10. Lasollor

    Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

    I have done RTR'S with and without FRTR? and was wondering is it a must they must be done together because when they're all are done in full it might take 3hrs verses <1:59 hour without FRTR? what are the differences -do you get blessed, more or less -do you destroy Jews more or less? Help me...
  11. Lasollor

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    How much in dollars per each tier?. I understand were paying in Bitcoin. And how often?
  12. Lasollor

    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    I want to translate to kiswahili please.
  13. Lasollor

    Joy of Satan French Forum & Website Is Now Live

    Maybe if i finish translations then my life might have value. Hooded Cobra are translations a life changing experience i should look up to? Or is my birth chart set in stone and unchangeable.
  14. Lasollor

    Overcoming Major SS Limitations: Gaining Free Time

    I have two questions 1. Are these money spells in order of their power or are they randomly assorted? 2. Between the runes, planetary squares, money spell and hooded cobras> https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=64966&p=299257&hilit=Gentile+wealth+working#p299257 " >x40 POWER...
  15. Lasollor

    A Secret About Satan's Name : Satan Is God

    I wonder why no one is asking the real question about the secret to Satans name. -i understand satanama is for spiritual advancement. -what is satanas used for? -what's Anastasia used for?
  16. Lasollor

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    since I'm supposed to be working on them separately The PTAH vibration meditation is for the 6th chakra.. the most powerful vibration for the 3rd eye is it the Dagr/Dagaz rune? and finally the sanskrit HAUM vibration is supposed to be the most powerful for the throat chakra for astral hearing...
  17. Lasollor

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    Do I still need to separately empower the 3rd eye to get astral vision or is this ptah meditation for the 6th Chakra only enough for this? Plus in the last quoted sentence what do you mean by "completing more general empowerment?" Isn't ptah the highest form of empowerment for the 6th Chakra...
  18. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Hi friend I'm back again I've just done Satan's Absolution Ritual in Swahili and I'm going to work on Astrate's Ritual tomorrow then back to normal translations for the Kabbalah exposed. Be sure to back up my work! Thanks. Plus would you be in a position to tell me about the perks of completing...
  19. Lasollor

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    To anyone. Is Weird AL Yankovic jewish? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lOfZLb33uCg Thanks
  20. Lasollor

    Satan And The Gods Can Heal You, But You Must Let Them

    1st I wanted to say how are you doing Hoodedcobra666? It's been forever since ancient-forums had a new sermon. Is everything OK. Do you need a safe house or anything that I can provide? My questions are After re-reading and re-reading this sermon. I've got to wonder is the healing the soul...
  21. Lasollor

    Disclaimer: About "National Socialism"

    This is slightly off topic but what list of animals are we supposed to eat or not eat? What is the procedure of killing these animals? Do some animals have special procedure? / times? Thanks. Hail Satan
  22. Lasollor

    The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself....

    Is the 36 repetitions of SURYA for deep cleaning or standard cleaning. What the difference in Deep cleaning and standard cleaning?
  23. Lasollor

    Reminder for new members

    Is the final rtr the only thing we should focus on or are there others like the freeing of the soul MUNKA vibration?
  24. Lasollor

    Satan And The Gods Can Heal You, But You Must Let Them

    Do you mean this meditation (MUNKA) to remove negative things from the soul? https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Words-of-Power.html Vibration of satanama (Satan's name) with the correct hand signs of the original post should be your solution. It improves health...
  25. Lasollor

    About Finances And New Donations Page For Joy of Satan

    Finally now we can get better money spells. With real billionaire power in them :idea:
  26. Lasollor

    For Sunday/Monday [20th-21st of March]: Including Lady Astarte's Ritual

    If you missed days can you add the previous non active RTRs into current RTRs? And can Satan's and Astartes ritual be multiplied by multiplying the runes or must someone repeat them over and over?
  27. Lasollor

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule: March 12th to March 23rd 2022 [Astarte's Ritual Added]

    Hoodedcobra666 said doing rituals outside their specified dates is useless. I assume now you'd be wasting your time doing Astartes ritual. for those who can't open the RTR links.. use this https://archive.org/web/ copy paste their links to see their backups Hail Satan
  28. Lasollor


    Since this ritual schedule is still posted on the forums can we continue to do it even privately on any day we decide?. Or is it only effective when done as a group on your specified power days?
  29. Lasollor

    “But What Does Yoga Actually Do?”

    I just have these questions for you. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=280432 (Yoga: 6th; 3rd Eye; Crown by lydia) is this yoga capable of opening my astral vision entirely when consistantly done? & can i use the ptah vibration with this for 6th chakra and 3rd eye since it is an...
  30. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Alright then.
  31. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Please notice for uniformity. I translate Satans name as Satan not shaitan or shetani cose its respectful. Unless the text is trying to say Satanist or Satanism and such. In short if its Satans name i say it in english not swahili as it sounds offensive. What do you think?
  32. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Welcome and thank you.
  33. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Alchemist7 I have noticed a discrepancy in your mega.nz offline files. The kabbalah exposed, part 19 has a paragraph near the bottom that has been jew'd. I assume others that have finished before me have already brought this up unless they see it as work and not a duty. I've continued...
  34. Lasollor

    ApriCity Class

    I've noticed the link on your signature on rtrs and rituals does not have rituals it only has rtrs is there something I'm missing or something you missed to put on scribd ? https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=50009&p=219769
  35. Lasollor

    ApriCity Class

    Sorry for not responding sooner The hacker is i there basically everyday and can do a lot of of things i could list them all but I don't think its worth it although what i learnt is the older the electronic the more control they have to where it's quite unusable but newer devices have updates...
  36. Lasollor

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    I could start telling you how badly I need this as its a life/death struggle for me and how badly I need to connect to the Gods in New ways but I've tried with you before with no luck. So instead I'll just ask directly can the Ptah vibration be also effective on my third eye or do I use a...
  37. Lasollor

    Tulpas, Thoughtforms & Betraying...Christians

    Does being open mean the pineal gland is active or third eye or crown chakra. And if telepathic communication is done with the pineal how can you communicate without a active throat chakra for astral hearing? How does this all work. I'd like to know what I need to activate to connect with father...
  38. Lasollor

    ApriCity Class

    Plus if you could kindly answer the previously asked question of non verbal meditation so far, I'd be so calmed. In my current situation can Amon Ra, planetary squares, sexual energy, and a rune like Sowilo be vibrated non verbally (mentally) and still be fully effective? Or what...
  39. Lasollor

    ApriCity Class

    I dont mind I.T its just that You need to remember I have some hackers on my ass thats why I try to keep reminding you to keep checking my translation work lately. So how will the I.T work unless I do another planetary square to kill off my enemies(digitally&physically).. I'd be glad to do I.T...
  40. Lasollor

    ApriCity Class

    I followed all the steps even with a compass to face the correct sides, Unless I don't know how to invoke the crowned prince/es cause I literally call out their name once (unless there's a special name I don't know of). If I was to work with a rune on someone else do I visualize them or focus...
  41. Lasollor

    Upcoming May Jupiter Square, questions?

    Can I do more than 1 planetary square, how many is the maximum? Can I do two similar planetary squares (that started at different days? at different times of the day?) ?
  42. Lasollor

    ApriCity Class

    I've already done this several times previously with no (noticeable) in & outside of my daily work. I guess they just want me to focus on money spells I found this which I'm gonna start on the highest level https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=64966&hilit=Satanic+wealth I just don't...
  43. Lasollor

    ApriCity Class

    Since it pleases the heart and balls of my jewish hacker. I have decided to continue translations from now. Be sure to back up my mega.nz files as they come, As there's no 2 step verification I could find yet. I absolutely love doing this as there's a reptilian that hates it cose it DESTROYS...
  44. Lasollor

    It Is Never Too Late To Return - Answer The Phonecall...

    What about rune 24 Odthal and other runes used in the wealth and prosperity rtr and a raidho rune combination. I hear rune 24 its about wealth in form of property and possessions which other rune combinations can I use it with? My only focus is the ultimate rune combination and espesially...
  45. Lasollor

    ApriCity Class

    I am part of the ss internet battalion. That's why I put this here. The answers I get can help others. Hi i started this thread for you because you said I should respect our above thread and not post personal content there. Sorry I've not been uploading as I said I would I got caught up in...
  46. Lasollor

    Lords of Covid World Order - exposing video

    I'm just wondering why we can't have a Passive rtr schedule that can be done whenever someone feels like or gets sudden free time. To hasten the fall of the Jewish reptilians? - And, Satanic wealth building rtrs as a bonus!.
  47. Lasollor

    It Is Never Too Late To Return - Answer The Phonecall...

    You can definitely get more wealth, just do workings and impress upon yourself to create and work towards this end. It will take a while, but it is achievable. Do not let life defeat you. I wish you truly the best of luck. Sir Hoodedcobra666. I fully and completely understand by workings you...
  48. Lasollor

    It Is Never Too Late To Return - Answer The Phonecall...

    My lack of any material wealth with 0.29 $ to my bank name and other problems keep on pushing me towards suicide. But this sermon has told me to hold on just at the right time and push through the struggle. Thanks Hoodedcobra666 for the sermon. I'll try to do what I can. For those who want...
  49. Lasollor

    Some Questions About Planetary Squares Answered

    Can I also do them silently in my head, will they still be effective Hooded Cobra?
  50. Lasollor

    A question to fellow translators about RUNES

    I'd do it with the English alphabet. Swahili alphabet looks the same as English alphabet no need to translate unless instructed only a e i o u sound different and the letters q and x aren't in Swahili. Most people know English and can teach it to those who struggle and it's easier to research on...
  51. Lasollor

    Meme warfare

    Please explain
  52. Lasollor

    Some Questions About Planetary Squares Answered

    When is the sun in Leo, Aries, Aquarius and Libra?
  53. Lasollor

    Meme warfare

  54. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    I'm stuck at part 5, Page 6, paragraph 6 of my translations of the the kabbalah exposed Where it says "Neshama which is the name of the should comes from Anasema which means "The Breath" or the power to breathe. This again goes to the Hindu Vayu and the concept of the breath." The way i...
  55. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Sir Yes sir!, if i have questions when necessary l necessary I'll post to the forums. For now I'll try (like today) to be doing 3 - 5 Pages of translations for about 3 years ±½ with cumulative one month break each year to see whether i can finish my translations duty of Joy of Satan Main...
  56. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Ok I've finally understood about the money. Finally, do you think doing all the meditations and RTR's e.t.c none verbaly is completely effective for all everything or are there some certain exceptions where there's no choice but to do them verbaly? And if someone does Lydia's heart chakra yoga...
  57. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    I was talking about option B in that sense because since i restarted to translate kabbalah exposed I saw. " Serpentine Power, telepathic communication and all knowledge are possible and with telepathic communication, there are no language barriers, as the communication is filtered down through...
  58. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Answer->Yes you've read my mind. Those dual flags promote unity and togetherness against shared enemies. But if all the flags on Satan's library are single flags shouldn't we do the same? -https://satanslibrary.org/index.html Or did they pick each flag based on the translators nationality? If...
  59. Lasollor

    Yoga: Easy & Rest Days; Anti-Anxiety Bedtime Routine

    If there's no privacy is non verbal mantra effective. Or are verbal mantras superior?
  60. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    I was thinking of this minus the textures. Since kiswahili is a first national language in Kenya / Tanzania.
  61. Lasollor

    When Will This All End?

    My "pointless worry" is that I need to do money spells related work to have financial security. Are you saying that I can ignore that completely. And work on the third eye and astral senses with rtr's and still become financially stable/successful? (Side note I've been with Jo's before their...
  62. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Kiswahili yangu sio poa so si elewi maneno zile ziko underlined Ukitaka unaweza proofread kazi yangu nikiifanya kila siku page 1+ au unaweza tafsiri (kilingana na kenye untaka na kenye masaa yako ina kubali). Uki taka ku proof read una weza anza na kenye nime sha upload Rtr's na kabala exposed...
  63. Lasollor

    Yoga: Easy & Rest Days; Anti-Anxiety Bedtime Routine

    Is the yoga in your post ( https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57115&p=253879&hilit=Yoga+solar#p253879 ) enough to continously improve the solar plexus or will the meditation stagnate at some point? ( should I ignore the stagnation and push through. Or do the yoga from the money...
  64. Lasollor

    REVERSE TORAH RITUAL SCHEDULE [Jew Hanukkah]: 26 NOV To 7 DEC - Concluded

    I have a question if you missed the previous most recent wealth building rtr's and you do the this current one will the previous rtr effects still work on me? Sorry for not doing the previous.
  65. Lasollor

    PRELIMINARY RTR SCHEDULE - NOV 4 2021 to NOV 14 2021

    How? Do we simply say something like "my guardian demon please help me with today's reverse Torah ritual" ? *Assuming you don't know your guardian demon.. how do you difinitively know your gd.. is there a way to use their sigil once you do? (If not are the sigils decorative works?)
  66. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Alchemist7 amesema tubonge ndani za hizi forum.. Mimi Sina shida na hiyo. Una weza penda kufanya aje? kwasababu nime Sha translate RTR's zote na nime anza kabbalah exposed kama kiswahili yako Iko poa (mufti au sanifu) unaweza kuwa proof-reader wewe u rekebisha mahali nime anguka kwasababu...
  67. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Thanks for being so patient with me and my delays. I'm going to try doing at least 1 page and more a day. Now i'm going to see you as my boss (since you have responsibility over my translations) and make this like a job for me, cause I know I wouldn't have been chosen if I wasn't capable and I...
  68. Lasollor

    Yoga: Growing Your Home Practice

    When one begins to feel suck while doing solar plexus yoga, what yoga positions can they do to get to the next step? And Is yoga like classes where you move on to the next step or can a single set improve you immediately? Hail Satan
  69. Lasollor

    When Human Anatomy Meets Satanism (Solar Plexus + Money Testimony)

    Which workings have you been doing?, What are the effects and for how long, I've been limited to this yoga meditation only for the past week -https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57115&p=253879&hilit=Yoga+solar#p253879 And does vibrating AUM RAH bring more money power than vibrating...
  70. Lasollor


    Honorary/Invocatory & Psalm to Azazel do not work on the web page.
  71. Lasollor

    Yoga: Throat Chakra

    *Continuation I was saying These yoga sets all together take 4+hours :( Base https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=47239 Sacral https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=213118 Solar https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=253879 Center...
  72. Lasollor

    Yoga: Throat Chakra

    But all of these yoga sets confined takes 4+ hours to do everyday. Wouldn't focusing on the ones you need and vibrating satansas on the ones you don't need be enough to balance them enough Because I just wanted to open my astral senses enough to get to hear the gods instructions & continue...
  73. Lasollor

    Introspective Meditation: Increasing Conscious Awareness

    Can this make me have photogenic memory or have a live memory effect? And do I need to be in the meditated state to achieve this or can I use it in exams,?
  74. Lasollor

    Yoga: Throat Chakra

    It's this entire yoga script for the throat chakra the only thing I'll need to permanently activate my astral hearing? Or is there more Which mantra should I use? (Concerning boosting astral hearing.) And lastly once finished what affirmation should I say after the mantra??, That I can also...
  75. Lasollor

    Exposing The Truth About Angels

    Can Helios be safely used to empower the solar chakra?? Since it the most powerful word of the sun, I've tried it <20 times and started feeling heat so I had to ask first. Thanks. Hail Satan
  76. Lasollor

    Different Methods Of Doing the RTR's - Answered Question

    Sorry this is kinda long... Sir, since I have the opportunity to learn I shall grasp it, And ask you a question does saying all other workings mentally also fully work?, are there workings that don't work when said mentally?, Particularly my concern is will money meditations, planetary...
  77. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Id like to continue with the kabbalah exposed translations first before I move on to others, could you send me the PDF link. I lost my copy and can't find it in Jos library or the notifications of ancient forums. And I've decided to do money spells + solar chakra yoga to her my life issues...
  78. Lasollor

    Attacks On Forum / Group - And Spiritual Warfare

    What vibration & affirmation do you use and how do you visualize the earth do you look at a picture of the earth or?
  79. Lasollor

    [3 DAYS ADDED - SEPTEMBER 28-30] / RTR Schedule September - 28th to September 30th - 2021

    Your correct you do day VAHT 9 times (or a multiple of 9) then the next FUHT 9 times (or a multiple of 9) then the next VUHT 9 times (or a multiple of 9) then the next as you blot out one your done with each letter. Affirmations have no multiple tetra and soul shattering have no multiple in...
  80. Lasollor

    Yoga: 6th; 3rd Eye; Crown

    By this you mean those who can't do the head stand correct??, Or are we supposed to do both for crown? Hail Satan
  81. Lasollor

    [3 DAYS ADDED - SEPTEMBER 28-30] / RTR Schedule September - 28th to September 30th - 2021

    HP Hooded Cobra 666 or others who can answer 2 save time how do we multiply all other RTR rituals other than Final RTR. Do we multiply the vibrations and leave the affirmations the same or do we multiply everything Hail Satan
  82. Lasollor

    Everyone Will Want To Join, But It Will Be Too Late

    United airlines already chose to be the cohorts of the enemy, they are against us. Site - https://www.united.com/ual/en/za/fly/company/global-citizenship/diversity.html
  83. Lasollor

    Meme warfare

    Jews be like
  84. Lasollor

    [3 DAYS ADDED - SEPTEMBER 28-30] / RTR Schedule September - 28th to September 30th - 2021

    Understood from now on I'll be doing the FRTR complete set together with Curse Israel RTR Whether there is a RTR schedule or not. That's what I understood
  85. Lasollor

    The Path Towards The Godhead: Happiness Of The Righteous

    Is PTAH the stand-alone and only meditation needed to open the (6th chakra) Pineal gland and third eye?? Once after spamming Ptah meditation and I walked through the supermarket, for a brief moment I could see that the (liquids of) products that cause little harm had a light-white aura and...
  86. Lasollor

    Additional Information On Beelzebul - [Advanced Knowledge] - Updated + On JoS Page Now

    honorary/invicatory psalm to beelzebul link https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/PsalmBeelzebulHC.html is currently working.
  87. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Unfortunately I'm not sure I'll be able to assist in the website creation, because the jewish hacker that's been on my case (ever since) disabled the wifi on my computer I even tried windows updates - a firewall app and antivirus But that did nothing I can still go to public cyber cafe computers...
  88. Lasollor

    About New Products/Updates In Azazels Marketplace

    That's ok & The sayings in your signature are a goldmine. I've never needed to hear those lines more. :) Particularly the second one. Do you have any more sayings (quotes)? It's motivated me to get back to work. Hopefully I'll be able to force myself work harder than an earth type now Thanks in...
  89. Lasollor

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    What other meditations have you been doing together with PTAH to reach this point where your Pineal gland opens?? Or have you only been doing PTAH. Thanks Hail Satan
  90. Lasollor

    About New Products/Updates In Azazels Marketplace

    Sorry for the long post I'm just looking for a way to be independent. First I want to apologize for the delays in translations ( I blame my airtype nature but I'm trying to balance out my elements, although at this point I have no affirmations or vibrations to help this so I just force myself...
  91. Lasollor

    Rolled R, planetary squares and money spell

    Not rolling a r in a affirmation does not finish the vibration just like not putting the c in doctor does not finish the word. This reply took a while but better late than never Z is for zebra K is for Cabbage (c is pronounced k) or Ketamine And that affirmation doesn't describe what your...
  92. Lasollor

    Preliminary RTR SCHEDULE Before New Releases: August 22 - 30

    If it's compulsory to go to church. What's the best method of satanic magic someone can do. I've been vibrating S-A-T-N-A-S while imagining Father Satan's sigils on all four walls of the church while imagining the place being filled with Satan's Blue energy. But I don't have a affirmation to...
  93. Lasollor

    Preliminary RTR SCHEDULE Before New Releases: August 22 - 30

    I can not find the *veil removal* link, please post it. Until then I'll just do the standard Final RTR + Killing Tetragrammaton RTR + Shattering Jewish Soul Protection RTR on https://web.archive.org/web/20210622175035id_/https://relaxed-fermat-a62e4f.netlify.app/ Hail Satan.
  94. Lasollor

    King and Queen meditation Q

    Do you think that we should continue with the GAUM vibration or use the new PTAH vibration for this meditation, or do they do 2 different things.. And what are the differences between both meditations as far as I understand the king and queen meditation enables the Pineal to open and work while...
  95. Lasollor

    French People Forbidden From Buying Food Due to Vax Pass

    Can't it come any faster, we have (possibly non-Jew) brainwashed into doing crimes and blaming it on Satan and the gods. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LmhNfUqVX9s EA Knotting is behind this event as far as I know.
  96. Lasollor

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    Dude, you should tell us all about the signs and what to expect, because we're all doing this now and that would further boost our moral and motivation and for anybody who wants to start Because I was thinking that the 3rd eye makes you see light not the Pineal Gland? Anymore info would be great.
  97. Lasollor

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    I used this to open and empower my astral vision ( astral eyes: ) Is this usefull since they're same with the 6th chakra or should stop. And use the Inanna vibration instead? *My experience so far with Ptah in the astral eyes is a pressure senation..
  98. Lasollor

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    So, what's the correct method to combine both? Ptah first then inanna or inanna first then Ptah or replace inanna with ptah?
  99. Lasollor


    Story of my life I've gotten used to it. The fact that I'm not able to change my situation in any positive way :( I've learnt to do RTR's even when there's no schedule I do the final RTR. Donate to joyofsatan.com & more.. Still tho. No change. Maybe someone could read my birth chart and tell...
  100. Lasollor

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    HP. HoodedCobra the Position of the Pineal Gland is https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/King_Queen.html defined to be @ the lower right of the 6th chakra as described in the King and queen meditation was this information altered or which information is correct...
  101. Lasollor


    HP Hooded Cobra in this video it shows that Satanama should be vibrated as is. But a HP Maxine Dietrich mp3 pronouciation showed that the t is to be pronounced as zz.. like sazzanamma Which is correct Thanks Hail Satan
  102. Lasollor


    can someone upload these videos to a shared folder in www.mega.nz so those of us, having difficulty watching it, Can watch & share thanks. Hail Satan!
  103. Lasollor

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - July 26th to August 6th

    In this link https://web.archive.org/web/20210622174911id_/https://wizardly-sinoussi-cbec44.netlify.app/ (also in black version) provided by HP Hooded Cobra, done by you the second tier & fourth tier is simply HAYH & HEH unlike the full original.. Screenshot -...
  104. Lasollor

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - July 26th to August 6th

    For those of you who have no privacy, You can do these RTR'S non-verbally in your head (As far as I know). There shouldn't be an excuse to not do these, if you need to wake up earlier to do them, do it. HP Hooded Cobra the tetragrammaton RTR combination in the link is LACKING in the second...
  105. Lasollor

    Advanced Spiritual Warfare: Usage Of The FRTR, Shattering And Tetra

    Do you mean this place? Do you mean we imagine the final RTR hebrew letters shattering over the aura as we vibrate the words or do we imagine his/her image dissipating. And are all the three RTR's effective for this?
  106. Lasollor

    Considering suicide...

    What's the difference between suryaye and surya (I understand that their both sun mantras, but what does each do? & I've always been told to clean my aura with surya :? Kinda confusing..) Satanama I was told was for healing too but isn't satanas simply father Satan's energy?? Kindly...
  107. Lasollor

    Under House Arrest (Illegal)

    I'm going to do this when I get the opportunity to get out. I was already starting on the 6 months meditation program. But I dint know that we're supposed to do RTR's even when they're not in session (like now) but these should be enough...
  108. Lasollor

    Under House Arrest (Illegal)

    Kindly feel free to email me [email protected] it's a secure email there I can become more personal and describe my situation clearer, as long as I can confirm the email is from you. I have problems with consistency which I only think can be solved by invoking the earth element which I'm...
  109. Lasollor

    The Knowledge Of The Gods: "Forbidden Knowledge"

    This is true. I have 2 problems one is consistency and I think I can resolve it by absorbing the earth element - Which I believe helps in consistency if you know a great way to do this, or a better method of having ocd like consistency please Share :D Two is generally having a short memory...
  110. Lasollor

    All Astral Projectors! ( Astral projection )

    Does someone need to be in a deep trance for this is there a breathing pattern? And what actually gets you out of the body? Focusing on the back part or right above your body or do you visualize your climbing something.. is there a specific demon to call or affirmation??
  111. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Thanks and sorry I just tried to talk about this just 15 mins before the moderator posted your reply so don't worry. I've read it and probably won't need to ask you anything meditation related for about >2 months :) . If there was somewhere else like another forum I could ask at that time that...
  112. Lasollor

    Under House Arrest (Illegal)

    And there's once I spotted one of their (not my family's) quadcopter small black drone somewhat crash inside someone's compound that I was walking near. I assumed it ran out of battery or range and I couldn't retrieve it as going in there would be trespassing as it was far away from home. Plus I...
  113. Lasollor

    Under House Arrest (Illegal)

    There was another time I would be the only member of my house to remain in the house as other members tool an inpromptu 'vaccation' 6 days before this attack. And my mother suddenly allowed me to become as self-destructive and disruptive as I wanted without repercussions from her Untill one day...
  114. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    You should understand my parents are utterly shit parents Example -For my recent 26th birthday they tried to force me to stay home and do nothing, with the cover up lie that they'd throw a party over the coming weekend (they've never thrown a party for me since I was about 7) -Of all the 3...
  115. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    This read should be interesting for newer members. Recently I was visualizing about jumping off a building the moment I was deciding to let go I noticed father sayams sigil behind me and it sit out strings that wrapped in my hands preventing me from falling. I told the sigil most of my problems...
  116. Lasollor

    Astral projection + suicide

    Please elaborate the seriously sucking part for I was going to do this but physically, thinking that reincarnating would be so much better to start from scratch than to lug around the seemingly unsolvable problems, catch my drift?
  117. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    No it's by a doctor who's only reason for that is so that I can stop weed use. My story goes far back and if you had an email id pour out my life's story for you. Cause I tried to say it in the forums but posting a post but it seems the moderator din't like it, I posted my life's story thinking...
  118. Lasollor

    All Astral Projectors! ( Astral projection )

    Thanks that was 5+ years ago now I know I'm very ready. What are your steps to success for projection? +Back then that happened during day time but I could see nothing while having the falling sensation, I guess that means I don't even open my astral eyes. & Dint know the exact steps to follow.
  119. Lasollor

    Under House Arrest (Illegal)

    My forum name is lasollor which in enochian means the rich man but my life is anything but that.. My story starts years ago under the most recent forums [ the one before ancient-forums.com ]. I used to post DAILY videos on my YouTube channel called Spiritual Satanism and each day I posted...
  120. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Black race awareness RTR - https://mega.nz/file/EfQQjJpb#7sUVNBDny0oyhiRRcBJgtUrJmKtItVcn57-zy68sR0Y Mp3 included Image included
  121. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    White race awareness RTR - https://mega.nz/file/8LpwiSqK#RXxeOBsipUYlQYKzXHal_8HoXZrRSs31qerJDPQG5MM
  122. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Wealth and prosperity is already done I'll start with the white / black racial awareness next and finally I believe the Amazon rainforest one. Should be the last rtr Then I'll continue to the Kabbalah exposed that I started, unless there another preferred translation you'd rather have done...
  123. Lasollor

    Multilingual Joy of Satan Websites Index

    That link has finally made me fully understand the scale of this endeavor.
  124. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Shattering jewish soul protection - https://mega.nz/file/pagm1ACQ#_YwJa6dlJTeUCrEpnuehc5chWdXrcEtOZCj7wejgld8 Pictures now included. Now Im sure I've done all rtr's. And I'm waiting on your confirmation to move onto the other non-RTR translations You could also combined instruct me on how to...
  125. Lasollor

    All Astral Projectors! ( Astral projection )

    I am a long time blood dedicated member of the JOS Ministries who puts in extra effort through the forums in a way I can not specify because there those who are without that luck within the forums. (Even though our webpage search will reveal my work for those who know how to use it.) I struggle...
  126. Lasollor

    Astral Color Dimensions Question

    I am a dedicated Jos that serves Satan over-and-above in the translation forums (u can search my name in the forums, for proof). I struggle with astral projection My last experience was 4 years ago. When I felt a sudden falling backwards sensation due to void meditation breathing, but I panicked...
  127. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Killing Tetragrammaton RTR - https://mega.nz/file/MCAGVRja#SIXSc3J8x5oBUjmrvcN-0UONdk72miQnPD8UyhTeN2E Pictures included no Mp3 available
  128. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Final RTR - https://mega.nz/file/MSpQ2ZyL#LaRSz2xmFcY0N-HHG7zSh0DE64H_lZTptDVHDSezJyU Mp3 included. Images included.
  129. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Even if I got a job acceptance abroad or education acceptance which I already got abroad they wouldn't pay for even the flight.. Or support and the unsecured loan I could get here won't pass 250 USD. Since your more advanced than me is there another way to make money? Or should I become a...
  130. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Destroying jewish rule and domination part 2 & 3 - https://mega.nz/file/4GQUwDxb#ZPmcTb4c97IWikA9klPmhYiWkcSQNJhUoErvJlYSsZM No Mp3 available
  131. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    72 stinking names - https://mega.nz/file/NCZhVAqC#KJQfFXHJYqWit3aAdWRBhqkbJBu8tdemelPtmf-ShFc Mp3 included Picture included
  132. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Reversing the Curse upon the Serpent - https://mega.nz/file/saojDIpR#YQSo8VjJDDL3oncGws09vBVR3VoKPNIHkWNbFhkgWrs Mp3 included.
  133. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Removing the Obstacles That Prevent the Serpent from Ascending - https://mega.nz/file/gPh3xQAI#pw5nZQ8Ud8lSbxEzzjYZ3Nxrgpaojf0P__8Rsr99W-I Mp3 included
  134. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations - https://mega.nz/file/EW4gADiJ#sRjOuoIWiAPEy6zgfnKX1H4YVr9FNtEZW-_0P4jc-fQ Mp3 included
  135. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Reversing curse upon the goat - https://mega.nz/file/1CpSHYQT#40tVBPzcFylOeiR375t7854ka1MzH8zvM_-IZ6BaahQ Mp3 included
  136. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Reverse blood sacrifice - https://mega.nz/file/AbBmAJKC#Mdg8S6f7QpmYXzFkkuRKPlIBAdbyLUkl5xwYLSGOrxw Mp3 included.
  137. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Preventing another major war 3 - https://mega.nz/file/FOAw1BrA#GQHWMPBBhFXCmBAeBHyEjefL6RD_EQzabHJPXBsbMco Mp3 included
  138. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Preventing another War #2 - https://mega.nz/file/AaoCnbiY#VB41pP3Td3uvw5CwiuHhvPW8TfQ47qR_O4SuhP3Iap0 Mp3 included.
  139. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Preventing another War #1 - https://mega.nz/file/8H4WFQLQ#cPyWgMrdB7ZmcZPbENUPQS3twjsp9Eg0A0Ayl8xXG3I Mp3 included.
  140. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Kol Nidre - https://mega.nz/file/gThkEIwL#OKDKQpFMnFqC1-j-ElCXor8GLE0OIrFLj8utwYFdyg4 Mp3 included
  141. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Ending confusion - https://mega.nz/file/1SpEEJCa#GTPr8KggYTA3iV3qDAnp-n6U01xM5U-8S_HrwyMfG2U Mp3 included Holding the enemy accountable - https://mega.nz/file/JHpElDaL#BQWSfzZBXanwoPxsjpnyIL-JZpaYYW_2z5mXCZG5kO4 Mp3 included
  142. Lasollor

    About Mentally Ill People And Basket Cases PART 2

    I don't know how someone can not know themselves.. How many years of experience are we talking about cause I'm like
  143. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Holding the enemy accountable - https://mega.nz/file/JHpElDaL#BQWSfzZBXanwoPxsjpnyIL-JZpaYYW_2z5mXCZG5kO4 Mp3 included.
  144. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Disarming the enemy and restoring justice - https://mega.nz/file/1G4SzQhR#dOBeVxJjCxcji5Q-inomkAtBvwZKY5Ywn2k2mjRBXd4 Mp3 included
  145. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Destroying Jewish rule and Damnation - https://mega.nz/file/FGIX2aZQ#SGQ8z8-OkAjX6BJ8MTKm18mo9zZNSnk6yxlhcnhf3z8 (no mp3 file was available)
  146. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    1. In already going to do that but if you could do only one thing ..give me a word template on how I can be the highest paid celebrity (preferably musician or actor) for as long as my life is, that would be life changing cause there basically no barriers to entry to it, since I only have a high...
  147. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Demonic authority rtr - https://mega.nz/file/ILhhVA7Y#ThDSYC0wXsse8RSdAVQbhqK0hN9ntYgMYEe0kM7wMdA
  148. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    72 letter name RTR - https://mega.nz/file/gf4jXKbb#GbIrItWyKae2JmlB9QOVCRphu10FKhgSH6bXiHabfO8 MP3 included
  149. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    42 letter name - https://mega.nz/file/RC401ILR#9HLD3EKehgtoyhb61wc09sdjbuDsSP5J-uA5thTu1KU NOTE: from now on I'll begin to include the MP3 for each ritual (already started this with the curse Israel ritual). After I'm done with RTR's I'll go through and refine those before curse Israel ritual...
  150. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Curse Israel ritual - https://mega.nz/file/8H4kAKpS#LKZbEEpTJAwBGihRT7KcIAPXdNDjxEPelZjKD9n_TE8
  151. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Restoring Communications - https://mega.nz/file/8K41RCYJ#M5LGV369f65M496KHCxH1FHOE_J1PDhkWO5hLyrzFAU
  152. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Wealth and prosperity - https://mega.nz/file/0C4lVIAC#osbXAUMXpXlz02R_hz3LI_OdVwwuQ0CWONfULXuQe7g
  153. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    I noticed something when translating Satan in Swahili is Shetani but I know that means the devil and im sure Ibilisi means devil so what can I do for that plus rune/s and thoughtform/s have no translation.
  154. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Here's my background. In university I changed my first person who at the time was my girlfriend. I would show her our works (including my videos) and she'd have interest but not as much for my videos. She then dedicated. (I along her in the ritual, speaking and helping where necessary.) Until...
  155. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Shattering Jewish Soul Protection. - https://mega.nz/file/4HYCRbYY#q-_i_USNgMXThYHXZ8ft0xzneqxWPqrJa_5i55Ye5-Y
  156. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Tetragramnaton - https://mega.nz/file/9PhkEaiR#yn3K1jF3fYCARhRwpmlqreenih2aAyrIt1UPG1EkQoE is slightly unstructured, if there's content missing kindly notify.. ps. I was unable to add the paintable
  157. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Final RTR - https://mega.nz/file/kWYzCIbB#8yGWtoJjT-tgtea4WIH0q5yH8c-5HGcLoC31mL1mt5k
  158. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    I understand but to be plainly honest I don't have the efficient general skills necessary for kiswahili to do that. + As an example in the financial control part 2 RTR I made sure to reference English pronunciations at the bottom of the page as: ( § S yani S ya kingereza, kwamfano Snake. § O...
  159. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    I now know the final rtr other languages have different spelling for their reverse torah. Are they made that way to sound like the original?
  160. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    I was doing it that way since I thought its reversed hebrew, And when said as a RTR in English original it was working but understand accents are different as this may differ on spoken sound. So would you like me to have the reverse torah text re-typed into Swahili accent pronunciation letter...
  161. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Terminating financial control part 2 is done ( https://mega.nz/file/hTQmABAC#kCbazGHaKUR4CUv5h_U1fiNdsbURFrgy62d1JXwfVPk ). Most of it is done and corrected unlike part 1 which was not 100% translated this part 2 is as much as mentally & googley translated as possible. Which reminds me now I...
  162. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    After your response I'm now inclined to do the rtr's first knowing now how important they are Terminating financial control part 1 - https://mega.nz/file/cGZQ2TBI#IgS_JTKbn2zL6l27GxPDvMDxNJnhDDJX1E_5HrAMwOg
  163. Lasollor

    Ask me anything here

    Truth I am basically unable to do (verbal) meditations & most physical meditations due to privacy and random distractions, I still live in my parents house in mid-late 20's. Rtr's are a no go as well unless I whisper them (literally under wraps of my bed or with radio drowning out my breath)...
  164. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Kabbalah exposed PG 1. https://mega.nz/file/4XgFSarR#Jyr6H3e2ghRA7T1PQYvkV9LN9z0GQXJCQej3Z0hxtjw
  165. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    I'm ready to upload Where and how do I upload?
  166. Lasollor

    Please state here what website you are/will be translating

    Is it possible to submit page by page of PDF's or every certain number of pages to get a better chance against hackers? thnks
  167. Lasollor

    Physical Meditation: How To "Feel" Meditation, For Those Who Don't

    Which exercise would you say is best, are there links Thanks.
  168. Lasollor

    Joy of Satan Websites Record - Update required

    Understood I will do my best to do all
  169. Lasollor

    Please state here what website you are/will be translating

    I have started with the kabbala exposed pdf and the third Reich and Christianity pdf these are PDFs and not websites I am also ready to start website's too. I can correct grammar errors but I'm poor in punctuation in my language. And no currently I'm not correcting grammatical errors.
  170. Lasollor

    Joy of Satan Websites Record - Update required

    How soon should we finnish all this or part's of this translation? And is doing more translating additional documents helpfull? And what kind of gifts should we expect from the gods are they physical or astral like astral projection astral hearing e.t.c What should we expect
  171. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    When you say mirroring.. Do you mean that each sentence should be the literal same as the translation? (while still being a constructive sentence) For example The Christian churches are built upon men’s ignorance is Makanisa ya Wakristo zimejengwa juu ya ujinga ya wanaume (men) / or watu...
  172. Lasollor

    Joy of Satan Websites Record - Update required

    or do we just download from this (Joy of Satan Websites Offline Archive: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=42136 ) link in your comment signature @ The Alchemist7
  173. Lasollor

    Joy of Satan Websites Record - Update required

    I couldnt find joy of satan main,the black sun 666 & kaballa exposed pdfs in https://www.satanslibrary.org/Pdf_Library.html There is a pdf called The Third Reich and Christianity (https://web.archive.org/web/20151106113258/http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/ThirdReichandChristianity.pdf) not...
  174. Lasollor

    Swahili Translation Thread

    Should the translations be formated completely to exactly match the pdf's formating or plain text with paragraphs and punctuations where necessary. For PDFs that have images and backgrounds should they be formated in. ?
  175. Lasollor

    Please state how you want to help here

    I'd like to do all four of these things.
  176. Lasollor

    [ JOS TRANSLATION FORUM NOW LIVE ] Expanding Joy of Satan - my proposal

    Swahili [email protected] ready to work as soon as possible too.
  177. Lasollor

    For Students In School: Magick, Recommended Reading

    Family doesn't want to pay for education Grades can't get a scholarship Only thing I can do now is rtr's Hail Satan
  178. Lasollor

    Are We Allowed To Say: Death To All __S, Like They Are Doing?

    What do you do when you've tried meditations and followed all rtr until final rtr with meditation and get no progress in life. We work for Satan.. Are we supposed to be rewarded in the next life? Granted now I understand signals from living things and something else. Am I just supposed to...
  179. Lasollor

    In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

    Here you go, 108 is ½ a number in spiritual workings where as 216 is complete. In a sense that workings I.e chakra workings in 108 can dissipate unless done in reps. Different working have different numbers e.g magical squares it's good to remember this.
  180. Lasollor

    The Rise Of A New World - Looking At The Future With Optimism

    Hello and welcome what you want to do is patriotic to the God, this is nice but its also very-unsafe when done incorrectly (this, is probably why you haven't received feed back on the issue). There are other better ways like leaving tracts of info that lead 2 the jos. With that said its also...
  181. Lasollor

    Israel's Moshe Feiglin: " I feel happy about what happened in Beirut".

    It was an insider job. Your not far from the mark here. But it's not Israel single handendly to blame. There was a jet that was "probably" not a Boeing P-8 poseidon on scene. That delivered a NUKEesque Bomb as heard here -https://youtu.be/tFR1PJnLwg0 And seen here...
  182. Lasollor

    To Glory

    I am going to take this opportunity to clear any misconceptions, misunderstandings e.t.c about my previous Aliens post. It is cipered. Example. I can reveal that ' Time travelers have re-introuduced prehestoric man back into society. ' In public key this can be ' Scientist have been using...
  183. Lasollor

    ((("Satanic"))) Clown Organizations

    Here's the situation. On the U.S.A theres a war tactic to cause the police to become burdened enough that the military gets involved. Then it's easy to take them down As the (bad) public see's this as an opportunity to finnaly take down the government. Forcing a war on 2 fronts on the home turf...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
