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  1. 6

    To Young Men In The Forum

    Not everyone around the age 15-20 are all of which ways you describe. A majority can be. Though Age has nothing to do with. To belittle someone amongst their age is improper. one of the age of 20 can have more knowledge & be more self developed than someone of the age of 50. I very strongly...
  2. 6

    Suppressing Emotions & Breaking Mental Barriers

    I’m sorry about that, its my fault for assuming u guys really hated each other lol. I just didn’t catch on & was very confused.
  3. 6

    Suppressing Emotions & Breaking Mental Barriers

    This planetary information you’ve given helps me tremendously to understand my placements/chart a lot more clearer. Gives me insight on why some problems may occur, also to help decipher which runes I’ll benefit from most. Thank you very very much.
  4. 6

    Suppressing Emotions & Breaking Mental Barriers

    I agree with you very much aquarius, I also agree with daakraahn very much. as punching a hole in the wall or insulting someone might not seem like good advice. I very well understood his philosophy and meaning of what he said. I live throughout love, and strive on love. So insulting someone or...
  5. 6

    Suppressing Emotions & Breaking Mental Barriers

    Thank u I will do so, I have looked into the freeing of soul before but have not been able to properly complete the steps. was when I was legally/ forcefully on anti pshycotic medication. was awhile ago, but read something to not participative in freeing of the soul while on that specific...
  6. 6

    Suppressing Emotions & Breaking Mental Barriers

    Thank you for ur reply I really appreciate your kindness and help very much. my answer on the meditation is when I first found out about JoS (a little over a year ago) I completed the 40 day program, and continued to do daily aura cleanse, AoP, void, chakra spin. added kundalini yoga, this went...
  7. 6

    Suppressing Emotions & Breaking Mental Barriers

    I wrote a long post for an hour. to submit it and be told to log in. it’s what ever. the main point I got to is I wanted to ask for help, how to break down barriers in the mind and oneself. Barriers that I feel stop me from being my true honest pure self at all times. I do not want to be a...
  8. 6

    Sexual Energies

    Your knowledge is much appreciated I will take your advice and try to use these energies to clean or empower my chakras or certain chakras. power meditations everyday have been something I’ve lacked., As I used to everyday morning and night I began to slack. now I’d only follow the aura cleans...
  9. 6

    Sexual Energies

    Sexual Energy being the life force (as I read) am looking for guidance on what to do with a surplus of this energy , I do not wish to release frequently everyday. Once a Day I read is healthy. What is the best option or meditation I can do to make use of this energy, and or what does this mean.
  10. 6

    Unknown Stomach Problems

    I am veryyyy thankful to read your response just now. I’m going to follow exactly what you’ve told me. It makes complete sense , when I was smoking I could only eat if I smoked. When I tried to stop smoking my appetite was gone completely. Also got multiple CT Scans from doctors and they found...
  11. 6

    Unknown Stomach Problems

    Recently I made a post about quitting smoking weed, shortly soon after I quit maybe a couple of days (I’m not saying this has anything to do with it) I’ve developed a weird stomach issue. I have been to the hospital 4 times in the past week and they refuse to help me. The only appointment I can...
  12. 6

    Quitting Weed

    just like you said a little turn into some more & into a lot.. it just happens the pattern is very hard to avoid even if aware of it, I was sober for a year and was confident in my plan to just smoke again once for the night, turned to every night to all day everyday. Was like a blink of an...
  13. 6

    Quitting Weed

    great members thank you all everyone it gives me even more drive and focus on my goal to quit and to not ever go back
  14. 6

    Quitting Weed

    I’m quitting this poison after relapsing again for a few months. marijuana really is poison! Will ruin you from the inside out slowly and surely. THANK U friends May everyone stand strong
  15. 6

    Question About Uses of Cannabis

    I just have a genuine question I want to know honestly if smoking a joint once a night is too much cannabis consumption. i plan to quit today , does use of cannabis daily/once a night create imbalances in chakras system/brain/body etc; am I over using this drug?
  16. 6

    The Laws of the Universe & Law of Attraction

    Wanted to start a topic on these subjects as I’ve been reading “The Master Key System”. It’s a 6 month process as each part/chapter is to be followed for a week before moving on (24 parts). Each 4 parts I’ve finished came with meditations to help control thoughts, similar to void meditation...
  17. 6


    how would i know if someone is vamping my energy?
  18. 6


    does anyone have a similar experience or knowledge with antipsychotic medication taking away your emotions, and changing you permanently? I was stuck inside of several mental hospitals/Psych Wards for months being forced to take Medications or else I could not go home. I was diagnosed with...
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    Thank u aquarius ur answer helped me I am now doing a lot better than I was.
  20. 6


    Any workings/meditations to rid my video game addiction ? I play competitive call of duty and 90% of the time I dont enjoy playing, it’s also a very toxic community. I can’t help but to stay up until 3 am playing & it feels like I’m just chasing a dopamine rush, it’s not easy to stop playing...
  21. 6

    Altering State of Mind

    Would invoking earth as a very air dominant person work out? am looking to practice balancing my elements
  22. 6

    Altering State of Mind

    Is there anyone that knows of any certain meditations that kind of alter ur state of mind / put u in a sort of different state of thinking if that makes sense. I meditate daily cleansing/aop/void/chakra spinning, I just get so stuck in one state of thinking and perception, any meditation...
  23. 6


    thought I’d make a post on here, no real topic but im planning to be more interactive. As I usually lurk the forums without ever logging in; being able to use this website is a pleasure. Many people here I look up to, lots of great advice; that’s about it and maybe I’ll frequently post things I...
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    You are Never Alone

    this was very needed for me

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
