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  1. WiseDragon

    The Situation In Syria

    Here you go again trying to ridicule and question the effectiveness of our efforts against the jews. Apparently, there have been multiple similar accounts trying to tell us: "Oy vey goy, stop cursing the Jews, it doesn't work, you have to go in the battlefield and get slaughtered directly by our...
  2. WiseDragon

    An important tip about handling temptation

    The technique I posted has quite literally nothing to do with Void Meditation, but whatever. And as I said, this is not even a Meditation I invented, but one that I got from two different sources. I just explained it further and added my experience and opinon on it. When I write posts here it's...
  3. WiseDragon

    For those who are still failing - There's still hope

    Thank you for these replies. A very important step is to learn from past mistakes and failiures, truly internalizing the lesson/s. This is not automatic, it takes some level of introspection. It's important to sit down and truly ask yourself why you did what you did. Then write down the answers...
  4. WiseDragon

    For those who are still failing - There's still hope

    I know there are people who have found the JoS even many years ago, but still are not being able to stay consistent in their path, with their Meditations, the Rituals or their studies. There can be different reasons, but this is definitely not a good place to be in. One can start to be very hard...
  5. WiseDragon

    How to get accepted by Lord Beelzebul?

    My experience showed me that the more we help ourselves, the more the Gods will be able to help us. This is not vague, but very practical. The higher we raise our frequency through consistent and diligent Meditation, the more the Gods will help us and direct us towards the higher levels. I...
  6. WiseDragon

    New God Rituals: Raum & Asclepius

    Just some months ago during my studies I found out about Asclepius, I didn't know he became a God, but I was very surprised when I took a brief look at Il lamento di Asclepio. It appears that Asclepius predicted almost 2 thousand years ago exactly what would happen on this planet. The loss of...
  7. WiseDragon

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    I have done the Ancestor Ritual and a certain point, maybe it was just my mind fooling me, but I felt like I wasn't the only one speaking so to say, I felt the voices of multiple people being with me. The Ritual in itself was excellent and extremely powerful, especially towards the end. About...
  8. WiseDragon

    An important tip about handling temptation

    Thank you HPS Lydia! It's a great honor for me that you appreciate my posts. It also motivates me to keep going in general. Thank you again!
  9. WiseDragon

    An important tip about handling temptation

    These words truly make me happy! Very nice to hear. Despite the fact that I took a break from the forums, and I will have to continue doing so, to focus on my life (things are already getting better) I felt I had to share this piece of information sooner rather than later because it's a most...
  10. WiseDragon

    An important tip about handling temptation

    I write this post because I feel it can help a lot of people who are struggling with self control. A long time ago I learned about this concept of urge surfing, which is basically about handling temptation, that can be about porn, sex, entertainment, food and all sorts of cheap dopamine...
  11. WiseDragon

    Why have people betrayed JOS, what drove them to do this

    I have to be honest, the 'High Priest' title next to the people you mention, can be very misleading. If one thinks that many of these individuals were on HPS Maxine's and HP Hooded Cobra's level, because after all they were 'High Priests' too, one couldn't be more wrong. Back then titles were...
  12. WiseDragon

    Rune per protezione della casa

    No, puoi proteggere una casa anche a distanza molto tranquillamente. Fai lo stesso procedimento, ma visualizzando la casa in questione.
  13. WiseDragon

    Rabbi wants to bring "Messianic Times" by defeating Lilith and "Demonic Forces" - Goes horribly wrong

    To this day, it's a very common practice in their communities to go to Rabbis and buy 'talismans' that are meant to protect them specifically from Lilith and other Gods. The RTRs have been removing all of these protections of theirs, one affirmation in particular does this as well. It would be...
  14. WiseDragon

    Rune per protezione della casa

    Ciao fratello. Per cose simili un rituale formale non è sempre necessario, semplicemente programmare e dirigere energia è ottimo lo stesso.
  15. WiseDragon

    Babies, Lies Told to Women

    I don't get what you're even trying to say here, you're taking things out of context and over-exaggerating them to cause fear and mislead people, it appears to me. HPS Lydia's post is an extremely important one, especially for White people, who If I'm not mistaken, are the majority here. Whites...
  16. WiseDragon

    Babies, Lies Told to Women

    If other people had your same mentality, thankfully they don't, you wouldn't be here writing this message. Sacrifice to others is an extremely beautiful, noble and important thing. And no, you don't need to be a millionaire or conquered half of the world to do it. You can still work on yourself...
  17. WiseDragon

    Question #4964: Why can't the Gods physically come to earth?

    Yeah saying that their body would survive a nuke, or even a regular explosion, is crazy. When I say resistant, I don't mean that resistant.
  18. WiseDragon

    Question #4964: Why can't the Gods physically come to earth?

    Yes, a body is a body, but when extremely high level Magick is involved, things are different. The amount of energy a God can invoke and condense is unimaginable. They can condense energy so much that it becomes physical, with the elements as well, with pyrokinesis you have fires etc. With the...
  19. WiseDragon

    Question #4964: Why can't the Gods physically come to earth?

    The damage would have to be extreme in my opinion. Even very advanced human adepts, thanks to the Earth element can make their body extremely resistant, almost invulnerable. So I think seriously damaging a God's body would be almost impossible, and a God, having extreme clairvoyance, would never...
  20. WiseDragon

    Rising Serpents

    You and @Krishna are actually very talented in my opinion. Very beautiful!
  21. WiseDragon

    Do jews worship baal?

    Not all Rabbis and jews appear disgusting when it comes to behavior. Some of them can appear charismatic, likeable, witty etc. They work on this specifically, because it helps them in their endeavors in many cases. Don't let them fool you though, they still believe that you are an inferior goy...
  22. WiseDragon

    Rabbi wants to bring "Messianic Times" by defeating Lilith and "Demonic Forces" - Goes horribly wrong

    But again, even with Christian theology, what do they accuse Satan of? They accuse Him of giving humanity Knowledge, of opening their eyes and trying to make them like Gods. The snake also being a symbol of Kundalini. This is humanity's biggest "sin" here, wanting to evolve. Yaweh of course...
  23. WiseDragon

    Rune per protezione della casa

    Il link che ho pubblicato contiene informazioni anche su come fare questo.
  24. WiseDragon

    Rune per protezione della casa

    Ecco un ottimo post di JG Voice of Enki, usa deepl se non conosci l'inglese: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/protecting-your-home-against-spiritual-attacks-negative-energy-and-misfortune.65276/ Proteggere la propria casa è un qualcosa da non sottovalutare.
  25. WiseDragon

    Saturn: Satan, Golden Age & Lord of Time

    HP Cobra shouldn't be praised just because of his endless work, he is the reason the JoS still exists. If it wasn't for him, we would be nowhere now. People don't understand certain things, I won't pretend I understand everything, but I feel like some people have no idea how blessed they are to...
  26. WiseDragon

    Rabbi wants to bring "Messianic Times" by defeating Lilith and "Demonic Forces" - Goes horribly wrong

    There are differents versions of the story. The one you are mentioning is emphasized by Christian theology mainly. At the end of the day these are all myths, and you are right, in this version it is emphasized that Adam and Eve represent the original "sin" of humanity. The Christian Church has...
  27. WiseDragon

    Rabbi wants to bring "Messianic Times" by defeating Lilith and "Demonic Forces" - Goes horribly wrong

    And about the "Gentile ones", it wouldn't be the first time a jew pretends to a Gentile, or that a real Gentile works for them. Like every other source, take what's good and discard what is not. In my opinion, he says a lot of correct things.
  28. WiseDragon

    Rabbi wants to bring "Messianic Times" by defeating Lilith and "Demonic Forces" - Goes horribly wrong

    He surely can make mistakes, especially when he takes things too literally, but he knows Hebrew perfectly and he was also an official translator for the Bible and other texts in Hebrew for the Vatican, so it's not like he's just some random guy. He dedicated his life to this. Some jew scholar...
  29. WiseDragon

    Rabbi wants to bring "Messianic Times" by defeating Lilith and "Demonic Forces" - Goes horribly wrong

    I don't know if some of you know this story, but it's a story of a certain retarded Rabbi named Hanina ben Dosa, who was a very powerful kabbalist. One day he had the idea of evoking Lilith and use "Magick" to defeat Her to bring the "Messianic Times" (again, shows you that the only reason we...
  30. WiseDragon

    Thank You, Vapula!

    Explains your envy.
  31. WiseDragon

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    These orthodox jews, if they had the opportunity, would torture you and execute you for being an "idol worshipper". These people believe every word written in the Torah and Talmud with maximum conviction. So to them you're nothing more than an animal, that they can kill any time they want and...
  32. WiseDragon

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    I do it like Ol argedco says, I agree with him, it's not necessary to extend the vibration too much, but the method you're using is also fine, so don't worry, your rituals were effective, if that's what you are worrying about.
  33. WiseDragon

    Nuovi Rituali e Programma: Rituale di HPS Maxine e Rituale di Balaam

    Sono molto contento di vedere come la nostra comunità sia evoluta nel corso degli anni. Grazie a tutti per il vostro continuo lavoro!
  34. WiseDragon

    Can you marry Jews?

    Yeah, mine was a general statement and a bit satirical too. Some of their women can be somewhat decent looking, especially after plastic surgery. And you're right, they can be quite manipulative too. But for a Satanist to end up marrying one of them, that would be very embarassing and stupid in...
  35. WiseDragon

    Can you marry Jews?

    Jews are extremely ugly and their personalities are even worse. It's not like it takes a lot of discipline to stay away from them.
  36. WiseDragon

    Black satanist

    First you were saying some months ago that a friend suggested to you "if you can't beat them, join them" regarding enemy entities. Then you started saying that you thought that maybe Satan and Jesus are the same entity. Then again that maybe the Reptilians are our Gods. And now you say that...
  37. WiseDragon

    Black satanist

    A jew should never be trusted, no matter what. A jew should never even be given the benefit of the doubt. The benefit of the doubt is all the jew needs to corrupt and destroy. Countless civilizations have fallen because of the foolish mistake of giving the jew the benefit of the doubt. This is...
  38. WiseDragon

    is it a problem if i do a working twice in 1 day

    I think it's fine, but stick to once a day as a rule, just to be sure.
  39. WiseDragon

    Black satanist

    Not as extreme as jews saying everyone is an animal but them.
  40. WiseDragon

    Black Cube 666

    No, it would be you doing exactly what I told you to do. Going to the origin, to the Pagan source, pure, and using it. Not going to the jews, seeing what they have and creating a new version made by you based on your assumptions. In a similar way to how Ancient Greek is similar to Hebrew, but...
  41. WiseDragon

    Black Cube 666

    These are very complex subjects. The occult can be extremely complex, don't think it's all easy and straightforward as it can appear. Many of these elements have been "jewdified" so much that you have no idea and the situation can be way more complex than you imagine on the astral. Jews also...
  42. WiseDragon

    Black Cube 666

    One example I can give you is with the Hebrew alphabet; it is pretty much stolen from the Ancient Greek alphabet. Would you think it would be a good idea, since Hebrew was stolen from Pagans, to now take Hebrew and based on it create a new "Satanic" alphabet with a similar structure and...
  43. WiseDragon

    Black Cube 666

    Great, then use what was Pagan and wasn't changed by the jews to begin with. Taking what the jews have corrupted and trying to "re-create" it your own way, a new version made by you, makes no sense. It just makes Satanism look like a reaction to Judaism and it looks ridiculous.
  44. WiseDragon

    Black Cube 666

    There is no need for this. What's next, we're going to create a "Satanic Kippah" too?
  45. WiseDragon

    Need help

    I don't even understand what you're talking about. Are you sure you're not imagining things?
  46. WiseDragon

    Levels Of The Magnum Opus: Clarified

    This can be true, but clearly there are also people who know and teach. We call them High Priests, you know. There's a reason for that.
  47. WiseDragon

    How to find time to meditate

    Another thing I'd like to add is that Meditation becomes so much more interesting and beautiful when you are more advanced. The beginning is the hardest time as a meditator, because you barely feel the energy, and you don't even know if what you're doing is working. But when you are more...
  48. WiseDragon

    How to find time to meditate

    The important thing is also to truly understand how important Meditation is, it goes beyond spirituality, it will literally change your material life as well. The benefits are infinite. Once one understand this, he will make it a top priority and he will find time for it in one way or another.
  49. WiseDragon

    Question #4930: what do the gods think about this

    I think that relentless jewish propaganda has made people assume that accepting gays is the most important aspect in human existence and if you don't you're a horrible person and you deserve the worst. If you don't accept them, it's ok. What would be weird is if you were forced to accept them...
  50. WiseDragon

    New Rituals & Schedule Now Live: HPS Maxine's Ritual & Lord Balaam's Ritual

    I feel great admiration for Balaam, I think He maybe was the most powerful Magician that ever lived on this planet. I've heard a Rabbi say that when Balaam would throw a curse against the jews, tens of thousands of them would be immediately destroyed. Considering how much they lie and minimize...
  51. WiseDragon

    Question #840: Need help

    Study the website and start meditating first.
  52. WiseDragon

    What to see, Basketball or Football soccer?

    No need to be this worried. Just watch whatever you want.
  53. WiseDragon

    How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions

    It's mostly a waste of time. You can, but why? We don't have unlimited time, If I was you I'd focus my time on studying spirituality, science etc. instead of reading hundreds of pages of Marx's retarded theories.
  54. WiseDragon

    Thoughts on a recent podcast

    I get what you're saying. Use this as motivation to do even more. We cannot be satisfied until total victory!
  55. WiseDragon

    Question #2908: isreal and jews

    That entire spell has been reversed. Now all those who bless Israel are cursed, and all those who curse Israel are blessed. So everytime you curse them you are actually being blessed. This goes beyond Magick, all forms of oppositions towards them are included. So it benefits/empowers all of...
  56. WiseDragon


    Make sure you don't hold your breath when you do the Rituals. If they are just attacks, then keep doing cleaning (also right after the RTR), increase AoP and keep empowering yourself.
  57. WiseDragon

    Question #4883: Humanity Endgame, fear of success, fear of peace

    In the past I used to have similar thoughts, but what stopped me from thinking like this was realizing that things are quite difficult to accomplish in the real world (so no point in thinking too much ahead) and that there will always be challenges and things to live for, especially if one has...
  58. WiseDragon

    Question #4886: Can not stop thinking

    You have emotional reactions when you think about them and this leads you to give excessive attention to these thoughts, and they become obsessive. Learn not to react emotionally, they are just thoughts. Stay calm and ignore. Being calm is absolutely necessary to control your mind.
  59. WiseDragon

    Was Emperor Nero Really Serious When he said the Christians Burned Down Rome??

    A whole lot of nonsense is spread by the jews on the Romans. They are still incredibly salty because of the destruction of the second temple. They always brag about having conquered their enemies and so on, but where is the temple after 2000 years? Nowhere. I've heard a Rabbi say that the...
  60. WiseDragon

    World divided in two fronts, even more?

    Not an expert on politics, but to me right wing parties look much more reasonable, peaceful and careful than leftists. Trump always said that he doesn't want war with Russia and that having good relations with them is important. He also says that he wants to stop all wars as soon as possible...
  61. WiseDragon

    The Cost Of Winning

    Sacrifice is definitely necessary in life, absolutely. Something I want to add though is that work can be much more enjoyable than one might think too. Once you do a good dopamine detox and reset your mind and dopamine system, you will notice that working, meditating, working out etc. can be...
  62. WiseDragon

    Question about lucid dreaming

    Lucid dreaming is not clairvoyance. If one is not clairvoyant in his everyday life he won't develop this ability out of nowhere in dreams or in astral projection.
  63. WiseDragon

    Question #4876: Xtains claiming this

    And......what happened after they started speaking like retards??? Objects started to move? They started levitating? Yeah, absolutely nothing happened. And they consider these "profound spiritual experiences". I feel bad for them, an average Satanist has more spiritual experiences in one day...
  64. WiseDragon

    How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions

    If you think that Karl Marx and Hasidic jews are possible Satanists, our allies and good people, then indeed you have a lot of study to do, but on Satan's Library. Reading more enemy garbage will only make you more confused if you still have such doubts.
  65. WiseDragon

    Question #4873: Why I only see in one color the aura of all?

    It takes time to see more colors. Many people stop training when they start seeing like a meter or so, thinking that's all there is to it, but auras can expand for much, much more, especially if the person meditates. In general keep this in mind, this is an intuition I had. "When you think you...
  66. WiseDragon

    Debunking the jewish lies about the sun

    These "people", the "experts" also claim that working out will cause you heart attacks. Recently they also claimed that being a father is very bad for the heart! While taking 500 pfizer boosters is perfectly healthy and natural. They also claim things like working out is much more dangerous if...
  67. WiseDragon

    Question #4880: Slavery in the Golden Age?

    Slavery is mainly a jewish thing. If you look at who really owned the majority of slaves throughout history it was always jews. Jews project their own crimes and insanity on their enemies all the time.
  68. WiseDragon

    Question #4879: Why did I growl like an animal during meditation and rip my poster?

    Did it happen during a full moon by any means? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  69. WiseDragon

    Joy of Satan History Restored: Groups Archive Now LIVE!

    I'm going through the old messages of the 'Advanced Meditation' from page 200 and so on and it's soooo interesting reading these posts from HPS Maxine!! Of course one has to keep in mind that some knowledge has been updated since then and some of these messages are experiments and experiences...
  70. WiseDragon

    Strengthening the Soul's Ability to Attract Money?

    What truly makes the difference is the strength of your aura and mind in general. And this needs time to be built, with consistent Meditation. Workings can only enhance what you already have in terms of spiritual power.
  71. WiseDragon

    Diet Program.

    I often do this, also with coffee. I not only direct energy, but I also program it to do something, like making me more energetic, happier etc. It seems to work somewhat.
  72. WiseDragon

    Aiuto ho problemi con vista

    Wow, grazie Aquarius per questi tuoi messaggi, molto interessanti. Una cosa che ho letto io invece è di guardare paesaggi che sono distanti per diversi minuti, senza focalizzarsi particolarmente su un punto preciso, ma mantenendo un "gaze" più "largo" diciamo. Ho anche letto di adepti che sono...
  73. WiseDragon

    Question #4153: Donald Trump

    Yeah, let's not act like jewish owned America is so holy and innocent in all of this. America's involvement in Europe since the end of the second world war was due to them wanting to completely control economically and politically all of these countries. All of their "help" was for selfish...
  74. WiseDragon

    Jews teach the extreme importance of concrete action to their own, while preaching non-action to all of humanity!

    I think they would be preaching the Torah to lemurs in Madagascar.
  75. WiseDragon

    Jews teach the extreme importance of concrete action to their own, while preaching non-action to all of humanity!

    Just recently Israeli minister Ben Gvir posted this quote: “Our future does not depend on what the gentiles will say, but on what the Jews will do.” This is a quote from the jew Ben Gurion. From the Rebbe, one of their most important spiritual leaders: Rabbi Manis Friedman: "Unlike other...
  76. WiseDragon

    3 Body Problem series on Netflix

    Didn't watch a single Tv series in the last 10 years for this reason. Some were somewhat enjoyable back then, now it's literally all marxist garbage.
  77. WiseDragon

    Question #4830: Did Jesus exist? Historical Jesus

    If one looks at how corrupt and distorted the history of even 80 years ago is, he will see that it's really not that difficult for the jews to corrupt the history of 2000+ years ago. Did a Rabbi named Yeshua exist back then? Probably, yes. More than one actually. Was one of them walking on water...
  78. WiseDragon

    Question #4851: Motivation

    Developing motivation is important, but you have to rely on discipline as well. Doing things even if you don't feel like it. The more you do it the easier it gets.
  79. WiseDragon

    About jews and Kabbalah, an answer

    One thing that enemy attacks can do to is creating endless doubts and confusion. It's good to question things, but when it turns into irrational nonsense and paranoia it's not good anymore. The JoS makes things very clear for one to understand. It's not productive to dwell on these nonsense...
  80. WiseDragon

    "Flaming" Aura

    Great, I wish you well on your path.
  81. WiseDragon

    About jews and Kabbalah, an answer

    Yes this is true, I said it in another post. The most important aspects and teachings are transmitted orally and they are not disclosed to the public. But the point that I really wanted to make clear with my post is that many jews are involved, way more than people think. Like I said they have...
  82. WiseDragon

    How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions

    I answered you here to not go off topic: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/about-jews-and-kabbalah-an-answer.288991/#post-1067799
  83. WiseDragon

    About jews and Kabbalah, an answer

    Hi, no I didn't see it. When jews speak publicly, they almost always lie/decieve in some way, especially when it comes to things like these. Their explanations about Kabbalah are usually extremely vague, philosofical, impractical etc. They just give these nonsense answers to the goyim, so the...
  84. WiseDragon

    About Interacting With The Gods

    Thank you! Your posts are very good.
  85. WiseDragon

    How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions

    Because Hebrew has been infused with those kind of energies for centuries by jewish adepts/Rabbis. It has also been used by the jews in ways that has made it that way.
  86. WiseDragon

    Question #4826: is it possible to read the Bible and disassemble it into spiritual allegories stolen

    The Bible, the 5 books of the old testament in particular (Torah), is full of hidden messages and "spiritual" concepts and codes, this is why orthodox jews study it all day. HPS Maxine called it a book of jewish witchcraft for a reason. The translations in other languages lose a lot of these...
  87. WiseDragon

    "Flaming" Aura

    Are you sure that you are already able to see auras to this level? It's really not that easy, especially if you are still opening the chakras. If you are naturally gifted it's possible, but just make sure that what you're seeing is actually true. It should be a sign that your energies are...
  88. WiseDragon

    Question #4820: Can dark energy be used to build the AOP?

    I'd never suggest using Black for protection as it naturally absorbs energies. Actually it's the last color I'd use, after seeing directly how effective it is when you put a black aura on someone; they absorb the negativity much easier.
  89. WiseDragon


    And I feel like you're a troll. You can't honestly think that. Lol.
  90. WiseDragon

    How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions

    This is the difference between us and the people of the enemy, christians, muslims and so on. We know both sides. We know what their garbage religions have to offer and we know what Satan has to offer. This is how we know that we are on the right Path. They only know their "side of the story"...
  91. WiseDragon

    What if the roman empire never adopted christianity

    We would be much more advanced in all areas. These programs seriously held humanity back. One who is cynical can argue that in one way or another the jews would've found a way to establish these sooner or later regardless. I think that it's up to humanity really. Jews can only do what we allow...
  92. WiseDragon

    "Oy vey goyim! Jesus is such a threat to us, please stop following him!" Videos to share online.

    Many people are waking up to the jewish control, but sadly at the same time these same people are becoming more and more interested in Christianity. They think that the jews "hate" Jesus, that the jews follow the "Devil", and that the only possible option to survive this is through.....a jewish...
  93. WiseDragon

    How to still the mind?

    I think Void Meditation, since it's in the beginner section, is thought to be an "easy" Meditation by some, but it's quite the opposite. It can take years and years of practice to achieve a high level. When this is achieved, it's a great sign of advancement. So just keep practicing.
  94. WiseDragon

    I need some help/advice with Astrol Projecting!!

    Check out Michael Raduga's works. His 'indirect method' in particular.
  95. WiseDragon

    Question #4771: what happens after u activate ur pineal gland

    It depends. And it's a process that keeps going. Meaning it's not like once you activate it, you then have 100% of its powers. You will still have to keep empowering it and learning how to use it.
  96. WiseDragon

    Question #4767: reincarnation for xians

    Yes, they do. Their soul has to have enough energy though.
  97. WiseDragon

    Help me

    When it's annoying and even a bit painful it's usually not a positive sign. Do some cleaning in that area and also visualize energy flowing smoothly there. 'Directing Energy from Azazel' is a good Meditation for this.
  98. WiseDragon


    Jews mostly use their system that they call Kabbalah. They use this system to curse everyone else and bless themselves. They use their "Torah", the "Names of God" their alphabet and basic occult knowledge that they stole to achieve their goals. Needless to say that thanks to the RTRs this is all...
  99. WiseDragon

    Question #4720: Holocaust

    Jews lie more than they breathe, you will notice this fact when you will get to know them better. Also, there have been cases where jews have admitted that they lied about their experience in those camps. I just wonder why there are not many similar stories in the media about the experience of...
  100. WiseDragon

    Svegliarsi presto la mattina per meditare

    In aggiunta a quello che è stato detto, datti degli orari specifici. Ad esempio se ti alzi alle 7.00, alle 7.20 devi iniziare con le meditazioni, non un minuto prima o un minuto dopo. Con il tempo diventerà un'abitudine e richiederà meno sforzo. Cerca anche di andare a dormire più presto la sera...
  101. WiseDragon

    The Matrix is...

    What is bro yapping about??:ROFLMAO:
  102. WiseDragon

    Does it matter what day you were born? Astrologically

    Prithvi is listed before Apas in the book now that I checked. So they are switched.
  103. WiseDragon

    Does it matter what day you were born? Astrologically

    If I remember correctly, German author Karl Brandler Bracht, in his book "How to develop your occult powers", mentions that in the East they consider both planetary hours, and also "Elemental hours", if you will. Meaning every Tattva (element), Akasha, Vayu (Air), Tejas (Fire), Apas (Water)...
  104. WiseDragon

    Placebo effect

    Yes. And it shows you the extreme power that even an untrained mind can generate when it has full confidence that something will work.
  105. WiseDragon

    Ancient Greek, a Language of the Gods

    Yes. Hitler and his party emphasized the importance of these older languages. Old High German, Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Old English, all of these languages were studied in Germany back then. These languages are very important and I'm sure they will become relevant once again in the future.
  106. WiseDragon

    Awesome, thank you for sharing HPS! It would be very nice if one day, for every Meditation on...

    Awesome, thank you for sharing HPS! It would be very nice if one day, for every Meditation on the JoS we had similar quotes in the beginning of the page, from a God or even a High Priest, that would offer some added enlightment about the benefits of the practice.
  107. WiseDragon

    How efficient is RTR? Can it be practiced by non-Satanist?

    One just has to have two eyes and see how the jews were doing before the JoS established itself, and after. A massive awakening is happening right before our eyes, more and more people are seeing the Truth. Israel has never been in a worse position. The fact is also that you can see the Gods...
  108. WiseDragon

    Question #4636: Synagogue of satan

    This is why I say that the modern christian's faith is based on facebook quotes and bible verses taken out of context. If they actually read that damn bible they would realize that Rabbi Yeshua was just mad that some jews were not following the kike path properly. If their "bible" and their...
  109. WiseDragon

    Noticing Among the Goyim Increases

    Just a few hours ago I was watching a video of a Rabbi explaing to us that we Gentiles must ensure that the jews stay in power and eventually conquer the world, and he was saying that this is in the best interest of us Gentiles too, because if jews were to cease to exist, we wouldn't have a...
  110. WiseDragon

    Noticing Among the Goyim Increases

    When Gentiles use it, it's more to highlight the insanity and extreme arrogance of the jews, in a humorous way. But I see what you're saying.
  111. WiseDragon

    U.S. House Passes Antisemitism Bill

    At this rate they will fall much sooner. The thing about them is that they are doing what they've always been doing for thousands of years. Mass murder, lying, crimes against humanity etc. They always managed to get away with it and this is who they are to their core, they won't ever change the...
  112. WiseDragon

    U.S. House Passes Antisemitism Bill

    "A law against hating Jews is usually the beginning of the end for the Jews." - Dr. Joseph Goebbels
  113. WiseDragon

    I have a problem

    It's going to be the most obvious advice ever, but just push yourself, no matter how you feel. The more you do it, the easier it's going to get. You will gain momentum and discipline will become a part of you. Nauthiz is a good Rune for discipline. During those days where you feel lazy, remember...
  114. WiseDragon

    Question #4614: Why is that the evil people like the Israelites claim their "god" is Lucifer??

    Jews are masters of deception and they create endless confusion on purpose. These kinds of tricks work wonderfully on christians who have never opened a book in their lives and don't know anything about the Abrahamic religions and their teachings. Their "faith" is based on facebook quotes, bible...
  115. WiseDragon


    Just a dream, it has no meaning.
  116. WiseDragon

    Question on spiritual books

    Sounds like complete nonsense. There are much better books out there if you are really interested. Many have been mentioned here.
  117. WiseDragon

    Question #2236: about HP Mageson book

    I remember downloading that book many years ago, while the rat was still here, but for some reason, even back then, I really found his writings very boring and annoying and I quit reading it immediately. He really writes like a jew. The only good posts from him were when he quoted books, and he...
  118. WiseDragon

    Group chat member limit

    My best wishes to your Greek community @Hellenic SS!
  119. WiseDragon

    Question #4596: Books by Rabbi's

    The most important aspects and teachings of the enemy Kabbalah are kept secret and they are mostly transmitted orally to chosen adepts. Some books about their forms of spirituality are out there, but they are purposely extremely complex, full of corrputed and ineffective concepts and so on. Jews...
  120. WiseDragon

    Microfratture piede - Consigli yoga e allenamento

    Prova a fare una guarigione, anche semplicemente indirizzando energia bianco-oro e usando delle affermazioni. Un'operazione magica di questo genere può aiutare anche in questi casi, velocizza il processo di guarigione e diminuisce il dolore. Abbi massima fede che sta funzionando.
  121. WiseDragon

    Description of Du'at

    Snails have something cute and funny about them ahah. Nice work, I like it!
  122. WiseDragon

    How to spread JoS among protestors at colleges?

    When the HP says we should stay at a distance while these things happen, there is a reason. A Satanist, spiritually speaking, is just too valuable to risk being incarcerated or worse for something like this. You would be able to do much more damage to the enemy by simply doing the Rituals and...
  123. WiseDragon

    A thank you

    Thank you for sharing your experience, very nice to read. Yes, if one applies the Knowledge that is shared here, he will have proof beyond doubt that what the JoS offers is life-changing and a true blessing. The blessings will only increase as one follows the path diligently. The problem with...
  124. WiseDragon

    Reading Natal Chart Adolf Hitler By Fuoco Blu 666

    It changes his Mecury position from the 6th house to the 7th. It also makes the Mercury/Uranus opposition closer to the AC/DC. I think the AC also gets closer to some positive star, I don't remember which one right now. Thanks, I didn't know that.
  125. WiseDragon

    IMPORTANT: Changes to New Accounts and Private Messages

    Thank you. In my opinion it would've been better if the number of posts needed to write private messages would've been higher, like 50 for example. A new account shouldn't need to send private messages anyway, for the most part.
  126. WiseDragon

    Controlling Over-Analyzing Mind; Strengthening Creative Mind

    Chess is something that can be extremely frustrating and complex in the first months, no matter how talented you are. But as you keep playing, and studying if you have time/want to, everything gets clearer and it becomes extremely fun.
  127. WiseDragon

    TIKTOK BANNED & The Anti Israel College Protests are the MOST IMPORTANT TURNING POINT of the Century against Israeli Occupation of the US

    The amount of exposure that the jews are going through right now is insane. What you say is true, many muslims blame this on white people. The job of many "anti-Zionist" jews is exactly this as well, to shift the blame on the "West", calling Israel a "Nazi" state, saying "they are not real jews"...
  128. WiseDragon

    Question #4530: hp hc deep voice

    Kikes already at it exploiting it. Not surprised.
  129. WiseDragon

    Question #4530: hp hc deep voice

    And they have no moderation either these private messages. Agree 100%.
  130. WiseDragon

    Come home after work, bored...

    Maybe consider learning how to astral project. We often hear about reasons why one should wait to do so, warnings and so on, but there are many benefits to it. Getting rid of boredom is surely one of them. When this world feels boring and depressing, your soul can leave it temporairly and have...
  131. WiseDragon

    Who is the Yoga creater and why?

    Lord Shiva (Satan) is the the patron God of Yoga and Meditation. He is also considered the Adiyogi (the first yogi).
  132. WiseDragon

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    Having your name on someone else's ass is not the flex you think it is bro. She was probably laughing at you, while you felt like a boss lol
  133. WiseDragon

    Question #4535: do gods help prevent suicide?

    The Gods can help up until a point. Nobody can save you from your own stupidity/bad decisions, not even the Gods. You can be guided, but at the end of the day if you are stubborn and you keep going towards the wrong direction with full speed, there isn't much that can be done.
  134. WiseDragon

    Question #4533: Should I raise my energies first, and THEN do a Square?

    It would be like going to work out without eating for 3 days. Meditation is absolutely essential. At least do 15 minutes if you are that short on time.
  135. WiseDragon

    Another celebrity done with the elite

    Stuff like this is why the jews always try to get these people into drugs and when they don't comply and they are not under total control they often get murdered. These people have a powerful voice and when a voice like this starts saying the truth, that's the jew's worst nightmare.
  136. WiseDragon

    Question #4514: Souls haunting

    Some souls for a reason or another remain on a very close plane to ours and they try to interact with it. Some of these souls are of people who were wronged and can't find peace. Others are souls of mages/witches who enjoy harassing and harming people for whatever reason and so on. Many souls...
  137. WiseDragon

    "Custom" Natal Chart

    There is no "ideal" karma or chart. It depends on what you want individually. There are countless possibilities. Copying or acting as someone who is advanced is not the goal, the goal is to understand the values that these people follow and the principles that they apply and then doing these...
  138. WiseDragon

    Do animals have souls?

    Merging of consciousness is an advanced technique, but it should allow you to do just that. It can take years of practice though. https://joyofsatan.org/Merging_Astral_Consciousness.html
  139. WiseDragon

    Question #4511: advice here how to love yourself when you think you are garbage

    Focus on things that really matter. Also, this is my opinion, but this modern obsession with loving one's self is kind of weird. Do I respect myself? That's the question one should ask. The way one gains respect for himself is with his actions.
  140. WiseDragon

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    Both of their creations, the current left and Islam, are violently turning against them, how funny is that?
  141. WiseDragon

    Question #4496: Why can't Whites just conquer and colonize the world already?

    Our focus should be on conquering our own lands at this point. We're losing them day by day. How can we conquer the world if we don't even control our lands? And this "conquering the world" idea is nonsense, only jews think in those terms.
  142. WiseDragon

    Caution Regarding Divinatory Readings

    You are right, we shouldn't be calling you immature after these last responses from you, that's being nice, we should call you mentally retarded, because that's what you are, or maybe you're simply whoring for attention and trolling like a bitch.
  143. WiseDragon

    Caution Regarding Divinatory Readings

    To want to paint HPS Lydia as an arrogant, rude person is so unfair. She is literally one of the nicest people here. She doesn't need to, but she is always very kind and patient with everyone. I read the thread that was deleted, and it was nothing to lose your mind over. It was just a thread...
  144. WiseDragon

    Science behind telepathic communication

    I understand what you're saying and I agree with you. When you learn something from different sources, you understand the pure underlying principles better. Also, each author gives you an unique perspective, some new advice etc. and all of this will help you in having a broader understanding of...
  145. WiseDragon

    Caution Regarding Divinatory Readings

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that making a reading for a SS that regularly meditates and does Energy Work should be significantly more complex and require even more skill than usual. Our destiny and our souls should be much more "unpredictable" and things that would apply for a regular...
  146. WiseDragon

    The curses come back to me during Returning Curses 1, what can I do about it?

    Void Meditation is very important, never underestimate it. About faith, maybe this will help: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/about-faith-and-doubts.91847/
  147. WiseDragon

    Science behind telepathic communication

    The first chapters of the book "Practical Mental Influence" by W. W. Atkinson talk about this. Franz Bardon talks briefly about this too. Both of these guys had a tendency of wanting to prove to themselves, and to others, occult phenomena via scientific explanations, but it often times becomes...
  148. WiseDragon

    Question #4486: Humble

    It can be a personality trait. Christianity puts enormous emphasis on it to take the Fire out of people.
  149. WiseDragon

    Question #4485: Can I curse other dedicated satanist if he curses me too?

    This is silly behavior. Why would he curse you? Ask Beelzebul for help with this.
  150. WiseDragon

    Question #4494: I am too sensitive - what can I do about it?

    Invoking the elements requires experience. Fire should be the solution.
  151. WiseDragon

    Question #4493: whereis stormblood, brightspace, shadowcat?

    Brightspace just posted today, odd.
  152. WiseDragon

    Do animals have souls?

    Animals have souls. They will always be reincarnated as animals.
  153. WiseDragon

    The curses come back to me during Returning Curses 1, what can I do about it?

    This can be a mental thing and have nothing to do with what is actually going on energetically. The mind can play games, and then when you follow it and you believe that "the curses are coming back", you start losing control, becoming fearful and thinking that you can't direct the energy how you...
  154. WiseDragon

    Meditation and long rituals?

    It's frustrating, but it's part of the process. It's like in the gym, you get strong by failing over and over again. You will lose focus so many times before you will achieve mastery over your mind. So don't get discouraged, do your best and understand that it's just part of the process like I...
  155. WiseDragon

    Four Israelis Kicked Out of Hotel in Tanzania

    Sounds like another holocaust to me. Books will be written about this, apoligies will be needed as well as reparations and so on.
  156. WiseDragon

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    It looks like an enemy attack on the websites to me, anyways, the links below should work, for now. https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D724.html https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/CurseIsraelRitual.html https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse195Ritual.html...
  157. WiseDragon

    Programma RTR - dal 14 al 20 aprile

    Il programma è stato esteso fino al 30 Aprile. Stessi Rituali.
  158. WiseDragon

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    Ok, now they are not working to me either. I don't know what's going on. Both old and new jos rituals have issues. This is why it's important to have these rituals saved.
  159. WiseDragon

    Question #4480: Help with Womens freedom

    One cannot just do workings to quickly change his personality radically. You can enhance tendencies and traits. Start with your way of thinking and approaching the world.
  160. WiseDragon

    Question #4474: Thoughtform uses

    Yes, they can be used for everything you want them to do. But it's better to use the standard AoP methods.
  161. WiseDragon

    Question #4478: How do you make it up to the Gods/Demons?

    Apologize, correct the mistakes and move forward.
  162. WiseDragon

    Question #4481: enochian alphabet

    Enochian is a waste of time.
  163. WiseDragon

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    What are you talking about? All the links I posted work. It must be your own problem. Do you have extensions like uMatrix maybe that are blocking them? Or maybe use a VPN if it's an internet issue.
  164. WiseDragon

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    https://old.josrituals.org/ https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/CurseIsraelRitual.html https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/Reverse195Ritual.html https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/D724.html https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Baalzebul_Power_Ritual.html https://old.josrituals.org/tspaintableb.html
  165. WiseDragon

    Why is there not a edit button

    ask for the post to be deleted*
  166. WiseDragon

    Why is there not a edit button

    I think HPS Lydia said that even mods cannot edit user's posts, only their own. One can ask the post to be deleted though with the report function and then rewrite it like you said.
  167. WiseDragon

    Why is there not a edit button

    Regular users cannot do that.
  168. WiseDragon

    Andrew Tate Is Not An Ally of the White Race

    Yes, after seeing that 99% of the comments were Whites enraged at him. Tate is mixed and a muslim, I don't think he really cares if whites are replaced by blacks, which he is, and muslims which he also is. He, like many others (especially being mixed and a complete narcissist) doesn't see...
  169. WiseDragon


    To ultimately fail or not to fail is your choice, always. If you just stand up again, learn your lessons and keep fighting you will be good. Life and warfare are full of difficult moments. Overcoming these difficult moments, the pain, is what makes one stronger. There is no way around this.
  170. WiseDragon

    Massive Flooding in Dubai

    It's climate change goy, the only solution is to implement Communism faster, sorry.
  171. WiseDragon

    Massive Flooding in Dubai

    CNN told me it's because of climate change, so it must be that, they never lie.
  172. WiseDragon

    Satanic path & gods

    The Gods will always accept you. This thought that the Gods will not want you anymore is an enemy manipulation to keep you away from the path.
  173. WiseDragon

    Is this proof of tate's jewishness?

    Yes. This is a video of Mossad agent Andrew Tate spotted in Israel getting into a fight.
  174. WiseDragon

    Why are some people so negative

    They are failiures many times. This is not to shame them or vent on them, it's just how it is. When you're an unhappy loser, you start hating the idea of anyone being happy and having any kind of luck. So you spread negativity to bring others down to your level. Communist type of envy. "If I...
  175. WiseDragon

    Question #4462: Satan

    Satan literally tells you that there are no other Gods but Him. This other "Gods above Satan" thing is nonsense. Also, Satan's Soul is much older than that. Satan is the Supreme God of this Universe. Time is a very complex concept in the Universe and in the higher levels/dimensions. It works in...
  176. WiseDragon

    Why on some days do my meditations feel weaker?

    It's part of the process. Nothing to worry about, you're still making progress even when you feel like you are not having a great session. The important things are consistency, doing it everyday, and diligence, doing your best to do it well. Some days are just like that, even with other aspects...
  177. WiseDragon

    Il Grande Rituale - [DA FARE INSIEME AL PROGRAMMA]

    Aggiungo anche che l'Alto Sacerdote in una delle risposte ha detto di fare anche l'RTR Finale se possibile. E' molto, ma questo è un momento davvero importante.
  178. WiseDragon

    Il Grande Rituale - [DA FARE INSIEME AL PROGRAMMA]

    Due correzioni aggiuntive dopo aver fatto il Rituale. Metterei: "dopo la caduta di questi marci criminali ebrei ed Israele." Suona meglio secondo me. Al posto di tuoi seguaci: "vostri seguaci". Grazie ancora!
  179. WiseDragon

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    I'll give you my opinion on this, this is not to be taken as advice, just my view. I personally don't think it's meant for most people to be a Satanist. A real Satanist. An initate who devotes his life to spiritual advancement and fighting the enemy. I remember Gerecht Ror telling me: "we are a...
  180. WiseDragon

    Il Grande Rituale - [DA FARE INSIEME AL PROGRAMMA]

    Grazie fratello, a me sembra tutto perfetto ed anche migliorato rispetto alla traduzione originale. La tua comprensione della lingua italiana è notevole. L'unico errore è una svista, l'ho evidenziato: "Signori Dèi".
  181. WiseDragon

    Il Grande Rituale - [DA FARE INSIEME AL PROGRAMMA]

    Per chi avesse dubbi sulla pronuncia l'Alto Sacerdote ha aggiunto l'audio sulla versione originale in inglese.
  182. WiseDragon

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    It's better to do it for 40 or 80 days, but if it's a random number it will still work. You raise energy and direct it. It will have its effects regardless.
  183. WiseDragon

    Moon in cancer

    Both JG Voice of Enki and HPS Lydia gave instructions on this. To develop your astral sight properly you need to be at a certain level of development. Focus, Trance, Cleaning and general advancement are all important...
  184. WiseDragon

    Blotting the runes.

    Runes are much more than just an alphabet, and they don't even belong only to Germanic languages necessairly. Runes have strong ties to the Gods and to the Universe, they are not a corrupted "man-made" alphabet like Hebrew.
  185. WiseDragon


    Thank you JG ApolloAbove for all your amazing work. It is much appreciated.
  186. WiseDragon

    Everyone Is a Terrorist And Hamas Nowadays

    Absolutely. Jewish arrogance really leads many Gentiles even over here to believe that kikes are some sort of super-human, untouchable aliens. But they're really not. When you look at them rationally, you will see the most cowardly beings that ever existed. This is not to shame them, to insult...
  187. WiseDragon

    The Grand Ritual [Schedule Concluded]

    This Ritual was something else. Still feeling the great Energy as I write this. Thank you infinite times for allowing us to experience this High Priest and for giving us an opportunity to make such an important impact on the world. This is legendary stuff. Something to be proud of.
  188. WiseDragon

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    Correct me if I'm wrong but in the Ritual "Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations", on the new version of Jos Rituals it says to vibrate V/W--AH--V/W•V/W--AH--V/W•V/W--AH--V/W x9, but it's actually only one time in the original Ritual: https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/D724.html
  189. WiseDragon

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    To think this hideous monsters that is Israel (and world jewry in general) will go down painlessly, smoothly and with no great destruction would be extremely stupid. They are going to take many down with them. If there is ever a time to be cold, "ruthless" and decisive it's this one. No "muh...
  190. WiseDragon

    Programma RTR - dal 14 al 20 aprile

    Grazie per la traduzione. Il link del Rituale "Diritto di governare le proprie nazioni" non funziona sulla Biblioteca. Sarebbe meglio mettere sempre i link specifici di tutti i Rituali esattamente come li mette l'Alto Sacerdote, invece di dire "tutti i Rituali li trovate qui", proprio per...
  191. WiseDragon

    Il Grande Rituale - [DA FARE INSIEME AL PROGRAMMA]

    "Stand above us" va tradotto entrambe le volte: "State sopra di noi". Al posto di "Ospiti degli Dei e dei Demoni direi": "Insieme di Dei e Demoni". In inglese host significa ospite, ma secondo me in questo caso sarebbe questo il significato. Potrei sbagliarmi. @Aquarius , @PinOcchio ...
  192. WiseDragon

    Can Satan offer me financial help?

    One thing I can tell you about Satan and His Demons, what I've observed about them, is that people who insult them, joke about them, try to troll and be disrespectful, often end up deeply regretting it because of the consequences. The consequences are very real and painful. There is a serious...
  193. WiseDragon

    Any upcoming race awakening rituals for Whites?

    Yes, the situation is getting quite concerning, but I can tell you that here in Italy so many people are completely fed up with all of this trash and they see right through the agenda of replacement. We elected "the best possible option", the most nationalistic party in the nation, I'm not...
  194. WiseDragon

    Can Satan offer me financial help?

    The intention surely is important, but with the Kabbalah the correct pronunciation is actually very important too. There is a reason why the enemy corrupted AUM into "om", because it is significantly less powerful. With time pronunciation gets better, true, but one needs to know the real...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
