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  1. A

    What did pre-greys look like?

    Since greys are an abominable degeneration of the original pre-greys, what did these pre-greys look like? Do there exist depictions of them? I'm aware that Valefor is a nordic/pre-grey hybrid, and that he has shown himself to have green skin, though beyond that he looks pretty much humanesque...
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    The Daily Newspaper Circulation Levels Lowest since 1945

    At least more trees will be saved, too bad most people have moved on to CNN, Facebook, and Reddit for their propaganda.
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    Why was the swastika in the NS German flag in a circle?

    So what would a single circle mean? Also, I remember reading that the pentagram shouldn't have circles around it as they would bind the pentagram, and circled pentagrams traditionally just have one circle.
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    Why was the swastika in the NS German flag in a circle?

    If circles are binding, why is the swastika in the National Socialist flag in a circle, seemingly bounded by the periphery of the white and the red?
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    Any spells, meditations, or exercises for learning a foreign language?

    I'm trying to learn a new language, it's a European one, but for some reason internalizing the lessons is hard and soon enough I forget what I learned, in one ear and out the other so to speak. Are there any practices that I could do that would greatly assist in me learning this new language...
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    Sweden to Remove Ancient History to Teach Women's Studies and Postmodernism

    The guy in the video sounds like a jew, muh sjws, muh women, doesn't talk about the problem, just engages in gender wars. Are you him Weassel? You and he both have similar avatars.
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    Bill gates the jew

    Neither Gates nor Jobs (another likely jew) nor the open jew Jef Raskin created the GUI nor the computer icon omnipresent in personal computers today. The true pioneers and inventors of such interfaces and applications are people like Ivan Sutherland, Douglas Engelbart, and the far too...
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    Human(oid) life on (or in) Mars

    What other planets are they known to live on? Orion? Do they have jews on these planets as well? If a knowledgeable high priest could explain this, I'd be thankful.
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    Human(oid) life on (or in) Mars

    If humans (or humanoids) existed on Mars tens of thousands of years ago, and Mars was attacked and there is no longer any known life on the surface of Mars (or any revealed to us goyim), is there still a possibility of life underneath the surface of Mars? I recall Maxine Dietrich mentioning...
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    How can we free egypt from the emeny?

    I'm guessing you're from Egypt. Anyway, it's the same answer as freeing Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, etc. from the enemy. RTRs and meditations are the best choices now, slowly but increasingly destroying the enemy's psychic and spiritual grips, while strengthening ours. Perhaps a group working...
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    Body hair and curly hair (as the historical appearance of Whites)

    Are there any gods with significant amounts of body hair or have they done away with it/never had it? Would working toward godhood have any effect on it? Did whites, especially Nordic whites, have the amount they/we have today tens of thousands of years ago?
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    Body hair and curly hair (as the historical appearance of Whites)

    Is body hair an "okay" trait to have, or is it caused by genetic degradation and mixing? Caucasoids (which includes not just Whites but Middle Easterners and most Indians) have the most body hair of the human "superraces" (Mong/Negr/Austr, etc). Were we always like this? Are there any gods with...
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    Ivanka Trump: White supremacy is evil and needs to be destroyed

    How anyone can look at Ivanka and Donald and say with a straight face that, yep, they look 100% gentile is beyond me, especially coming from supposedly jew aware people. Maybe it's just (((Daily Stormer))) concern trolls always saying that crap. Actually quite a lot of presidents looked jewish...
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    El Paso Shooter Looks Like A Jew

    There is a statistic on Wikipedia, citing jewish sources, stating that there are around 10 million "people" in the United States alone with some degree of notable jewish ancestry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_population_by_country Look at the table. If the enlarged population is...
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    Boy (8) dies after he and mother pushed on train tracks in Germany

    Apparently this link https://www.fnp.de/frankfurt/frankfurt-kind-hauptbahnhof-gestossen-getoetet-zr-12867650.amp.html used to have the line "Täter sowie Mutter und Sohn sollen afrikanischer Herkunft sein, ob das für die Tat relevant ist, wird derzeit geprüft." (Perpetrators as well as mother and...
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    Boy (8) dies after he and mother pushed on train tracks in Germany

    The boy and the mother were also of African origin before anyone assumes they were native Germans, but nevertheless such a crime is reprehensible regardless.
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    Satanism In History The Renaissance In Germany

    Wittenberg is also where Lutheranism kicked off. Was Martin Luther a jew, given that he had jewish associates in his earlier life and initially spoke favorably of them, or was he a Satanic agent covertly working to destroy the Catholic church? From the outset, I really doubt he was a Satanist...
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    Information about roman empire in general

    Didn't Nero marry a jewess though?
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    Its All Coming Down

    Was the collapse of the Soviet Union made to deliberately coincide with Christmas Day, the 25th of December, 1991? Did jews purposely collapse it on that day to tie into other energies, and if so, which ones?
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    Demons And Vlad Tepes Mode

    Who was this rabbi and which demon did he attempt to abuse? I can't find anything online about it.
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    Why is pork forbidden in judaism and islam?

    Thanks for the answers, even if there isn't one concrete opinion agreed upon. I do wonder why jews are okay with eating beef and chicken though and not pork. Further still, I wonder why they've also been pushing the (in my opinion extremely retarded) bacon craze for the past 10 years. And if...
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    Why is pork forbidden in judaism and islam?

    Why do (religious) jews have a taboo on pork (as well as shellfish)? I suppose islam just copy-and-pasted judaism, I've heard it being referred to as "discount judaism" before. But what is it about pig meat that makes jews avoid it? Is there something spiritually negative about pork that they...
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    Firefox Add-on Notice

    I'm using Pale Moon right now, which is a pretty good alternative to Firefox. http://www.palemoon.org/ Others on other sites have recommended Waterfox and IceCat as other alternatives.
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    Guardian Demons/Gods and God Anubis

    So he doesn't literally have a jackal head then :) ...Or does he? The JoS wiki's description of him makes it seem to be the case though, https://joyofsatan.fandom.com/wiki/Ipos Is he also Ymir?
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Why was my thread regarding the relation between jews and Neanderthals not approved? If the post still exists for approval, I would kindly like for it to be allowed through.
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    About Quran Recitals

    Let me guess, you have a Muslim upbringing?
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    Do greys normally interfere during PLR attempts?

    A while ago I attempted the past life regression meditation as stated by JoS. While I was in the midst of the free falling bit, my head was slumped back over the back of my chair and my eyes just opened on their own. I saw what appeared to be two grey heads, very white in appearance with an...
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    California Synagogue Shooting

    Is this a troll post? Do you not know what Indians look like? You don't know about the second, but I can clearly tell that he's a standard Vietnamese man. As for Mike Green, I'm not getting any strong jewish vibes from him and there are probably more Whites named Green than jews.
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    Do you regain your past memories when you die?

    Is it possible for past memories to fade out permanently to the point that they cannot be recovered even with PLR and completing the Magnus Opus?
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    California Synagogue Shooting

    What is it specifically about the number 13 that works for gentiles but doesn't work for jews? On Angelfire 11 and 33 were said to be Satanic numbers, but jews use those profusely in their numerology and in false flags/hoaxes. What does 33 mean for Gentiles versus what it means for jews? And if...
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    Can one dedicate without a candle? (and other things)

    Thanks for all the answers!
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    New York Times publishes a counter semitic cartoon

    It looks like Trump is supposed to be a blind jew and Netanyahu is his guide dog. Funny that it's a Dachshund. Maybe a leftard "ZioNazi" reference.
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    California Synagogue Shooting

    There's something kinda fishy about these "anti-semitic killers" names. Brenton Tarrant sounds like Quentin Tarantino (extra ironic since people are saying that the NZ shooting is something out of Hollywood) and Tarrant County, Texas was home of the JFK assassination. Robert Bowers shares his...
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    California Synagogue Shooting

    https://heavy.com/news/2019/04/john-earnest/ Just like with Pittsburgh and the "Robert Bowers" character, this "John T. Earnest" character is also an explicit Christian, yet apparently shoots up the descendants of Christianity's creators... What do you make of it? Real shooting? Hoax with crisis...
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    Spiritual Satanism: On Suicide

    What is the shortest wait for reincarnation from time of death to rebirth that any HP is aware of? What is the average wait time?
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    Can one dedicate without a candle? (and other things)

    If one lives in a situation with less privacy than desirable, is a black candle required for dedicating to Satan? In addition, must the dedication be said aloud? Would dedicating silently, in the mind have less of an effect even if a silent dedication is preferable due to privacy issues?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
