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  1. Blue Fire

    Chakra Meditation Enhancement

    I extend my deepest gratitude to all who have shared their boundless wisdom and enriched my understanding beyond measure.
  2. Blue Fire

    Chakra Meditation Enhancement

    I just clawed my way back from the brink of death after battling cancer. The torment of facing that again is almost certain. In my next life, I might never encounter the salvation of our great religion, so I must push myself to the limits now, before it's too late. I am sorry but I have no choice.
  3. Blue Fire

    Chakra Meditation Enhancement

    Greetings brothers and sisters, I am performing the full chakra meditation with 216 Sanskrit vibrations for each chakra daily. Would it be more empowering to substitute the 216 vibrations for all seven chakras with 1,512 (216×7) vibrations for a specific chakra on its designated day, starting...
  4. Blue Fire

    Seeking Guidance: Can Interrupted Meditation Still Be Effective?

    With heartfelt sincerity, I thank each and every one of you for your boundless knowledge, wisdom, and generosity in sharing it.
  5. Blue Fire

    Seeking Guidance: Can Interrupted Meditation Still Be Effective?

    Hello everyone, Recently, my life has been turned upside down, and now I must meditate for 12 hours a day to find my way through these circumstances. Even though I have a job, I meditate as much as possible while working. However, this meditation is often interrupted when a customer arrives...
  6. Blue Fire

    siddhis and advanced magical abilities

    I have found it. I had not idea merging consciousness was so powerful. Thanks again and I am sorry I don't have any knowledge on the sidhis to offer in return. 😔 Have a good day!
  7. Blue Fire

    siddhis and advanced magical abilities

    High Priestess Maxine Dietrich stated that in order to perform miracles, one only needs a strong soul. I have commenced reading Initiation into Hermetics, searched fusione mentale, and failed to find said exercise. However, I will apply all exercises in the book, in order, starting this...
  8. Blue Fire

    siddhis and advanced magical abilities

    This is astonishing! However did you manage mind control? It is truly most fascinating. Sound Meditation opens new, hitherto unaccessed neural pathways in the brain, so I would recommend that. Any Satanists who have knowledge on the subject, I humbly request you to enlighten me on possession...
  9. Blue Fire

    Vibrating the Entire Soul at the Speed of Light

    Understood. Thank you!
  10. Blue Fire

    Vibrating the Entire Soul at the Speed of Light

    Greetings brothers and sisters! I have been meditating without missing a single day and I am doing all the meditations on the Joy of Satan website daily, except the Magnus Opus. Some time ago, I was informed that High Preist Vovim Baghie was delusional and a drug addict. I am well aware that...
  11. Blue Fire

    Breaking Up

    Thank you for lighting up my day. I really needed it.
  12. Blue Fire

    Breaking Up

    Greetings Comrades! A lady is still in love with me. We were in a relationship for 3 years and now she is engaged to another. They are getting married in ten days. Is it possible to use Aum zAsitR to get her to marry me instead? It is a long story but I assure you, she is marrying out of...
  13. Blue Fire

    Tips for destroying a relationship?

    Greetings Comrades! A lady is still in love with me. We were in a relationship for 3 years and now she is engaged to another. They are getting married in ten days. Is it possible to use Aum zAsitR to get her to marry me instead? It is a long story but I assure you, she is marrying out of...
  14. Blue Fire

    23rd December 2020

    Thank you for setting my mind at ease not to mention, countless illuminating articles, High Priest Hoodedcobra666.
  15. Blue Fire

    23rd December 2020

    Greetings Comrades! In these uncertain times, I am starting to get worried about High Priestess Maxine Dietrich. Anyone who knows why she has not posted in a long time, kindly inform me. I only fear for her life and am not trying to waste anyone's time. Thank you in advance.
  16. Blue Fire


    This is possible but unlikely to succeed. You may also inadvertently harm yourself. We are not Gods yet. I recommend limb lengthening surgery. It is relatively expensive so I suggest money meditations, if necessary. This is far safer and much more practical.
  17. Blue Fire

    The Evil Eye and Mind Control

    I appreciate your honesty and effort in ending my delusion. I am new and this was very helpful.
  18. Blue Fire

    The Evil Eye and Mind Control

    Greetings comrades! I am new and I have grown relatively powerful through meditation. My Mer Ka Ba disc and the rest of the soul are currently vibrating at 10,000 times the speed of light, as instructed by High Priest Vovim Baghie. Alas, I have little knowledge of the Evil Eye. The...
  19. Blue Fire

    Some Clarification

    Understood. They require more precision.
  20. Blue Fire

    Some Clarification

    Thank you so much! This means that I can increase the power of the working even more!
  21. Blue Fire

    Some Clarification

    Hello Brothers and Sisters! I am new. I am currently doing a working for Freeing the Soul and vibrating Munka 216 times once a day and I am 8 days into it. May I increase the frequency of sessions to twice a day or more, without nullifying the working?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
