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  1. SahelianWarrior

    [IMAGE] Blacks and Abrahamism

    This is a graphic I made that can be used to help enlighten other blacks about the destruction the Abrahamic religions want for us. Enjoy.
  2. SahelianWarrior

    African History Thread

    Thread for posting things related to sub-saharan african history. Can include Culture, Lifestyle, and Urbanism. I will start with this: Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Kongo, issued to King Afonso I.
  3. SahelianWarrior

    The Jewish Faces Behind the Trans-Atlantic slave trade

    The Transatlantic slave trade stands as one of the most well-known slave trades in human history, a colossal and inhumane enterprise that spanned over four centuries. At its core were Jews that orchestrated a system of transportation and enslavement of millions of Africans. This abhorrent trade...
  4. SahelianWarrior

    Flag of NatSoc Ghana

    Made this flag. It is supposed to be one for a NatSoc Ghana, the symbol in the middle is "Gye Nyame" and it means "Except God". (Referring to the omnipotence of the lords.) I am not too proud of it but I think it could work with some edits. If you guys have any suggestions please don't be shy to...
  5. SahelianWarrior

    Baal Enlil in the Yoruba Religion

    Enlil has many names. ( ZEUS, THOR, INDRA and PERKUNAS). Is Shango one of them? Consecrated day: Friday Colors: white and red Elements: thunder, lightning, fire Sacred food: amalá (a stew of okra with shrimp and palm oil) Instruments: oxê, a double ax; bangles; brass crown; Thunder Stones, or...
  6. SahelianWarrior

    Pictures of the Northern Lights

    Some pictures I got of the Northern Lights. Very beautiful, like a gift from the gods.
  7. SahelianWarrior

    How many of you still lather yourself with GoyBlocks in the shower?

    The title. How many of you still use soap from mainly Jewish-owned companies? Many soaps contain a cocktail of harmful ingredients used in them to make scents. Avoid these. Ladies especially. The (((FDA))) doesn’t require companies to disclose the breakdown of a fragrance’s ingredients to...
  8. SahelianWarrior

    Adolf Hitler: Evil Racist

    Sorry for the provocative title. I don't actually think Lord Hitler is an evil racist. I am actually making this post to examine these claims - specifically so you can send this to someone you want to bring closer to national socialism. Here I go. Many countries fought on the side of Hitler's...
  9. SahelianWarrior

    Ancient City Kano

    The ancient city Kano was known for its leather and cotton. The people living there used to be called the Blue people of the Sahara.
  10. SahelianWarrior

    Alternate Living Masterpost

    Food & Water no dig gardening - forest garden - https://spiralseed.co.uk/making-forest-garden/ aquaponics - aquaponics with edible fish - aeroponics system - sunken greenhouse - net cup alternatives etc - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AbxnWiVTH8 no-till beds -...
  11. SahelianWarrior

    Good OPSEC/Techie channel

    I found this channel on Odysee. He talks a lot about OPSEC, Internet security. I recommend his videos. Mental Outlaw Also consider reading this thread: Monumental Security Reviews - Browsers, Add-ons, VPNs, Linux Distros, Darknets, I2P, VeraCrypt, KeePassXC
  12. SahelianWarrior

    Song Demo

    This is a demo for my solo project I guess you could call it. I came up with this tune after some meditation, my mind was focused and I felt more creative. I'm really proud of myself even though I am not set on finishing this hahah. Hope you enjoy this little snippet, as always, Hail satan. Demo
  13. SahelianWarrior

    The purity of Zamints and the horrors of mixing

    The purity of Zamints and the horrors of mixing A video about racial purity. I am unsure of this young man's religion, but he does say some true things.
  14. SahelianWarrior

    NS/Ethnonationalist symbols

    The rainbow is unironically a good symbol for ethno-nationalists of all races. Globalists and multiculturalists want to mix all the shades of humanity into one boring light brown. Those opposed to global homogenization want a rainbow of peoples and cultures on this planet. I've made these, If...
  15. SahelianWarrior

    National Socialist Africa flag

    Hello. I made this flag of Africa (yes, the entire continent) if it was following National Socialism. I hope my African fellow SS, and others, enjoy it. Sorry if it is blurry or the lines aren't straight. It is my first time making a flag like this seriously :^)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
