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  1. S

    Vlad Dracula

    Hello, lately I have been thinking a lot about Vlad Dracula, I am interested in him and I would like to know more about him. Vlad was a hero who defended his kingdom against the Christian/Jewish Ottoman Empire. He has very flattering titles like "son of Satan" or "descendant of Satan". Was he...
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    1- Sometimes I feel special for being a Satanist, even though I haven't achieved anything yet. In this world of 8 billion people, I am on the side of the father satan It's like walking down the road and finding a golden ticket Was my coming to Father Satan just a chance event or did Father...
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    Did Buddha really live?

    Buddha, also known as Gautama Siddhartha, was born into a Hindu Brahmin family in India approximately between 563 and 480 BC. His life is known for his journey in search of religious enlightenment, which led to him being called Buddha. Originally born a prince, Siddhartha lived a life of luxury...
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    What exactly is shenu?

    Infinitely powerful is the Shenu around you, Bright like the Power of a thousand burning Suns.
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    Question to HPS Lydia

    You have had many experiences with HPS Gods and Goddesses so I felt I had to ask you. Are the Gods and Goddesses always dressed in white, do they dress like us? Does Father Satan really look like he is depicted in the pictures? Have you ever seen what their planet and society looks like? For...
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    Satanizmi tanıtmak

    Sosyal medyada Nasyonal sosyalizm ,Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussoloniyi paylaşan vril kızları ve maria orsici tanıyan ve aryanlığı savunan birisi ile karşılaştım daha önce başkalarına satanizmi tanıtmaya çalışmıştım ama ana sayfaya girip Şeytan ismini gören veya satanizmi tarikat olarak gören kimse...
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    Güç Ritüelleri

    İngilizce forumda bununla ilgili bir soru sormuştum ama çeviri kullandığım için sorumu yanlış anladılar Hergün nasıl rtr yapıyorsak aynı zamanda tanrıların güç ritüellerinide hergün yapmak istiyorum bunu söylediğimde bana her ritüelden önce duş almam gerektiği gibi mantıksız bir cevap verdiler...
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    Düzenli olarak güç meditasyonu yapmıyorum aslında yapamıyorum bunun sorunu uyku düzenim 1 yıldan uzun süredir aslında inisiye olduğum zamandan beri inanılmaz canlı rüyalar görüyorum bunlar hepimizin bazen gördüğü saçma ve alakasız rüyalar değil geçen hafta gördüğüm rüyayı hala unutamıyorum çünkü...
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    Third eye question

    I am confused about focusing on the third eye in meditations, is it the extension of the 6th chakra that I should focus on or the clairvoyant point, the area in the middle of our forehead depicted as a miniature sun?
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    1- Nihai RTR ses dosyasında maxine'nin telaffuz ettiği gibi kelimeleri düz bir şekilde mi okumalıyız yoksa Tanrıların güç ritüellerin'de bulunan rüneler gibi mi titretmeli miyiz? Örneğin VAĞT kelimesini okumak yerine VVV-AAA-ĞĞĞ-TTT olarak titretmek. 2- Örnek olarak A harfini maxine gibi mi...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
