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Recent content by Purified666

  1. Purified666

    Temple of Zeus promotion images

    I just want to point out that the first temple image has an extra column on the left, and that there are two columns not supporting anything on both sides. AI likes to sneak in things like that sometimes. Keep it up though!
  2. Purified666

    NEW SITE - Destroying Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com

    Amazing work! This site will be a great tool to steer the influnence of islam into a cold grave where it belongs. Another victory for the Righteous!
  3. Purified666

    What is your origin story?

    Long story short: I was spiritually open as a kid and had abilities that even today I cannot replicate, right until someone from my family called an "angel" and I was essentially coerced to pray to "god" or jewsus every night (the fear would subside just enough for me to fall asleep and my gifts...
  4. Purified666

    Practical martial arts

    A good martial arts teaches you moves and techniques to end the fight fast, i.e. moves that target weakpoints of your foe and makes you hit them hard. I agree with VoE and I believe that Muay Thai is the best martial arts to learn for self-defense. You should also learn "dirty" moves like eye...
  5. Purified666

    About Cold / Sickness / bones hurting

    You should also look into your diet. Bones hurting is a symptom of Vitamin D deficiency.
  6. Purified666

    Understanding a different outlook on pacifism

    Pacifism is against all sense and reason, and it's especially against laws of nature. Pacifism is yet another bullshit term invented by those who have slave morality in order to appear "noble" or "civilized", and not as a bunch of useless weaklings. Being a pacifist means you have no power. And...
  7. Purified666

    About Enemy Nordics

    They can still lie about being in service to Satan. You should always listen to what your gut/intuition tells you first and foremost.
  8. Purified666

    Iran BOMBS US backed Terrorists near US EMBASSY IN IRAQ

    May the rain of bombs and rockets keep hitting them until there's not a single rock they can crawl under.
  9. Purified666

    The Occult Meaning Of Christ(os)

    ᚺᚨᛁᛚ ᛊᚨᛏᚨᚾ! Greetings everyone. I've been sitting on this for quite some time and I wasn't sure if I should post it or not. What was holding me back I can't quite say, maybe the fear of criticism, knowing that people will be reading this or something else. But I won't grow if I don't face my...
  10. Purified666

    Fuck The Mob

    I actually had a conversation in private with someone about pretty much this. I mentioned how there needs to be a barrier of entry to any sort of position of power (and college for that matter). My idea of a barrier would consist of real (i.e 2 years+) military service and a successful passage...
  11. Purified666

    Fuck The Mob

    Thank you for this post, HP! When all things are laid bare, the only thing that truly matters are what we have done for our Gods. Their memory and existence, unlike whatever 3rd dimensional subhumanry is going on Earth, is eternal. Anything eternal is worth the investment! :) All karmic...
  12. Purified666

    My half sister doesn't want a relationship - help

    Thank you! I try to be as objective as possible whenever an emotionally charged topic/subject is at play. During such an event it's easy to lose sight of what ultimately matters: finishing the Great Work and claiming our birthright as rulers of the stars.
  13. Purified666

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule: Dec 7 to Dec 12

    The enemy will burn in the fires of our assault! Curses* to israel!
  14. Purified666

    My half sister doesn't want a relationship - help

    I look at the general compatibility with a person before I choose to invest time into them, especially if it involves magic. A mere blood bond in my current reincarnation is not enough, even more so if it didn't happen in past lives - then it's just an ephemeral bond probably not worth keeping...
  15. Purified666

    My half sister doesn't want a relationship - help

    Personally, I wouldn't bother. Even if you try using magic on her, it would take 10 times as much effort because she's clearly not interested in letting you in her life. I would just cut any bonds I have with a person like that and move on.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
