There is no doubt or fear in your voice. Truly magnificent, powerful and intriguing, your voice draw the attention, and the well edited video completes it.
Hello, maybe atleast the Shenu ring should be downloadable. In this way we, the translators, can post the ritual once is translated, without having to wait for a response to our email.
Hello H.P. HoodedCobra666. I want to ask you if at The Fall Virtue wasn't make a mistake.
„O Father Satan, help us reverse the fall, make is short and not eternal...”
Wouldn't it make more sense if it was written „make it short” instead of „make is short”?
Hi HP. HoodedCobra, i have a silly question, but i want to be sure. Is there any chance that you've made a typo at the pronuncation of the first divine name? Baal-Zebul in *Va-AL-ZeBul. What i want to say is that i don't see how the B (from Baal) transforms to V (Va-AL). Even in His ritual it is...