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Your financial patterns are keeping you poor...


New member
Apr 14, 2022
We live in a world of duality: up and down, dark and light, hot and cold, inside and outside, fast and slow, right and left. These are just a few of the thousands of examples of possible polar opposites. For one pole to exist, the other pole must exist. Is it possible to have a right side without a left side? Darkness without light? Absolutely not!

Therefore, just as there are "external" laws of money, there must also be "internal" laws of money. External laws include the notions of business science, money management and investment strategy. These are essential. But the internal game is equally important. As an analogy, think of a carpenter and his tools. For him it is mandatory to have very good quality tools, but the professional knowledge through which he masterfully uses these tools is even more important.

"It is not enough to be in the right place at the right time. You have to be the right person in the right place at the right time."

So who are you? How do you think? What are your beliefs? What are your characteristics and habits?
What do you think about yourself? How confident are you in your own powers? How much do you interact with others? How much trust do you have in others? Do you really believe you deserve to be rich? What are the skills that enable you to act in spite of fear, doubt, despite inconvenience and discomfort? Do you want to put in the effort required to become rich?

The truth is that your mindset, character and beliefs are a key part of what determines your level of success.
The key to success is growing your own
energy; when you achieve this, people will naturally be drawn to you. The moment they show up, put them to work!

Have you heard of people who have literally "exploded" financially? Have you noticed that some people have piles of money that at some point they lose, or that they have great opportunities, start off well and then get dusted? Now you know the real reason. From the outside, it looks like bad luck, an unfortunate economic conjuncture, a bad partner or whatever. However, the internal mechanism is different. That's why when you end up with a large amount of money, but in your inner self you are not prepared for it, there is a risk that your wealth will not have a long life and you'll lose everything!

Simply put, the vast majority of people do not have the inner capacity to create and hold large amounts of money, nor the ability to respond to the great challenges that arise
more money and success.
This, my dear friends, is the main reason they don't have much money!

The perfect example is lottery winners Research has repeatedly shown that regardless of the size of the win, most lottery winners return to their original financial state, to the amount of money they can easily handle.
They're scared to hell to get out of their comfort zone....

On the other hand, the opposite is true for millionaires who have built their own wealth. Notice that when they lose their
money, they usually recover it in a relatively short time. Donald Trump is a good example. At one point, Trump had billions, then lost it all; a few years later, he regained everything he had and more.
Why does this phenomenon occur? Because although the self-made rich may lose their fortunes, they never lose the most important ingredient of their success: millionaire mentality. Obviously, in the case of "Donald Trump " it's his "billionaire" mindset. Do you realize that Donald Trump could never be just a millionaire? If he had a net income of only a million dollars, how do you think he would perceive his financial success? Most people would agree that he would probably feel like a loser, a financial failure!

That's because Donald Trump's financial "thermostat" is set for billions, not millions.
Most people's financial thermostat is set for generating thousands, not millions of dollars, other people's is set for hundreds, not even thousands of dollars, while others have their financial thermostat set for sub zero values. They are freezing "cold" and have no idea why!
The reality is that most people are not reaching their full potential. Most do not succeed. Statistics show that 80% of individuals will never be as financially independent as they would like to be and 80% will never be able to say they are truly happy.
The reason is simple. Most people are unaware. They are asleep at the wheel.

They work and think on a superficial level of life - based only on what they can see. They live strictly in the visible world. They don't see the forest of trees...

Imagine a tree. Suppose this tree represents the tree of life. In this tree there are fruits. In life, the fruits are actually our results. So we look at our own fruit (our results) and we don't like it; it's not big enough, it's too small or it doesn't taste good enough.
Under these circumstances, what is our tendency? Most people tend to turn their attention and focus on the fruit, our results. But who actually creates these fruits? It is the seed and the roots; they create these fruits.
That which is under the ground creates the fruit above the ground. That which is invisible creates that which is visible. What does this mean? It means that if you want to change the fruit, you first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.

Of course, some will say that they only believe what they see. My question to such people is this:
"Why bother paying the electric bill?"
Although you don't see electricity, you can recognize and use its power. If you have any doubts about its existence, just stick your fingers in an electrical socket and I guarantee your doubts will quickly disappear, I hope.

In my experience, what you cannot see in this world is far more powerful than anything you can see. You may agree with this statement or you may disagree, but to the extent that you don't apply these principles in your life, you have only to lose. Why? Because you are walking in the wrong mindset.
The laws of nature, says according to which what is underground creates what is above ground, and what is invisible creates
what is visible.

As human beings, we are part of nature, not above it. Consequently, when we put ourselves in accordance with the laws of nature and work on our roots -
inner world
- our life runs smoothly. When we don't, life gets rough.

In every forest, on every farm, in every orchard on earth, what is underground creates what is above ground. That is why it is useless to focus your attention on the fruit that has already grown. You cannot change the fruit that is already hanging on the tree. However, you can change the fruit of tomorrow. But to do this, you must dig deep and strengthen the roots.

One of the most important things you can ever understand is that we don't live on one plane of existence. We live in at least four different realities in the same
moment. These four quadrants are the physical world, the mental world, the emotional world, and the spiritual world.

What most people don't realize is that the physical world is largely just a "resultant" of the other three.

Money is a result, wealth is a result, health is a result, illness is a result, weight is a result. We live in a world dominated by the principle
of cause and effect. Have you ever heard anyone say that a lack of money is a result of a cause? Is a problem? Now listen to me: lack of money is absolutely never a problem. Lack of money is mainly a symptom of what is going on inside.

Lack of money is the effect, but what is the root cause? Here's the problem! The only way you can change the "outer" world is to change the "inner" one first -- your subconscious.

No matter what results you achieve, whether wealth or poverty, good or bad, positive or negative, always to remember that your outer world is a mere reflection of your inner one. If things are not going well in your outer world, it is because something is wrong in your inner world. Very simple!

Each of us has a pattern of money and success already ingrained in our subconscious. This pattern will determine your financial destiny more than anyone else or anything else combined.
What is a financial pattern? As an analogy, consider the blueprint of a house; this is a pre-determined design or plan for that house. Simply put, the financial blueprint is the predetermined program by which you relate to money and success.

I want to present to you an extremely important formula. It determines how you create your reality and wealth.

Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings trigger
actions. Actions drive accomplishments...

Your financial pattern is a combination of thoughts, feelings and actions in the money arena.
So how is your financial pattern formed? The answer is simple. Essentially, your financial pattern consists of information or "programming" you received in the past, especially in childhood.
What were the key sources of this programming or conditioning?

For most people, the list contains parents, relatives, friends, authority figures, teachers,
religious leaders, the media and one's own culture, to name but a few.
Every child is told how to
to think and act in money matters.
The same goes for you, for
me, anyone. You have been taught how to think and act when it comes to money. These lessons become your conditioning, which determines the automatic responses that drive the rest of your life. Of course, this is not longer happens if you intervene and review your money-related mental files.

Your programming drives your thoughts, thoughts lead to feelings, feelings trigger the actions that determine outcomes.
So, just like a computer, by changing your programming you are taking the essential first step to changing your outcomes.

Conditioning in every aspect of life, including financial, is done in three main ways:
-Verbal programming: what you heard as a child. When I lived with my parents, whenever I asked my father for money, I would hear him shouting: "What, am I made of money?" Jokingly, I would answer him: "I wish. I'd take an arm, a hand or just a finger." He never laughed.
Here's the problem! All the utterances you heard as a child about money remain in your subconscious?

-Pattern: what you saw as a child.
How parents or guardians behaved
your parents or guardians did when you were a child? Did they handle money successfully or did they not handle it well? Were they spendthrifts or thrifty? Were they shrewd investors or non-investors?
Were they risk takers or conservative? Was money on hand or did it come sporadically? In your family was money easy to earn or was there a constant struggle to get it? Was money a source of joy or a source of contention? They are a good model or not?

-Specific incidents:
What you experienced as a child. The third way we are influenced is through specific incidents. What are your experiences from your youth in the financial field, and when you are in the vicinity of prosperity and wealthy people? These experiences are extremely important because they will shape your beliefs.

There are four key elements to change, each of which is essential in reprogramming your own financial pattern. They are simple, but extremely powerful.

The first element of change is awareness. You can't change something unless you know it exists.

The second element of change is understanding. By understanding the origin "mindset" you can recognise that it comes from outside.

The third element of change is dissociation. The moment you realise that this way of thinking is not you.
you can detach yourself from it and choose at that point whether to keep it or discard it - depending on where you are in the world.
where you are in the present and what you want for the future. You can notice this way of thinking and realise that it is just a "file" of information stored in your mind.
for a very, very long time, but it no longer represents truth for you, it no longer has any value.

The fourth element of change is reconditioning.
Positive affirmations in trance, releasing the soul, RTR, cleansing etc...

For example:

AWARENESS: Write down all the bad statements you heard as a child about money, wealth and rich people, or wrong patterns or bad experiences about prosperity.

UNDERSTANDING: Describe how you think these statements have influenced your financial life up to this point.

DISSOCIATION: Are you able to understand that these thoughts are only what you have learned, that they are not a part of
anatomical part of you and that they don't represent you? Do you understand that in the present you can choose a different path, one of abundance?

-Cleansing the aura
-Feeing the Soul
-Positive Affirmations
-Solar Chakra Empowerment
-Money Education

Now it's time to answer the "million dollar

What is your financial pattern right now and what are the outcomes it is leading you towards? Are you set for financial success, mediocrity or failure? Are you programmed to make easy money or to fight a real battle for every penny? Are you set for balanced work or for "pulling at the yoke"?
Are you conditioned to have a consistent income or an insufficient one? You know what they say, "Now you've got them, now they're gone; you've got them again and they're gone again." It seems that the reasons for these dramatic fluctuations always come from outside. For example:
"I had a well-paying job, but the company restructured. After that, I started my own business and things were going well, but the market crashed. The next business was doing great, then my partner left and so on."

Don't be fooled, this could be your pattern at work.
Are you set for high, moderate or low income? Did you know that each of us is programmed to earn a certain income? Are you set to earn between $20,000 and $30,000 annually? Between $40,000 and $60,000?
Between $75,000 and $100,000? Between $150,000 and $200,000? More than $250,000 annually?

I want to emphasize that your current income does not matter. What matters is whether you have reached your full financial potential. I know that many of you think like this: ''What the fuck would anyone need so much money?''
First of all, this very question is not at all encouraging for your income and is a sure sign that you will want to revise your financial pattern.

Moving on. Are you scheduled to earn money or spend money? Are you set to manage your money well or invest it poorly?
Are you set to choose winning or bankrupt investment vehicles? You may ask yourself: "How can
part of my financial pattern information about gains or losses in the stock market or real estate?"

Who picks the stocks or properties? You do. Who chooses when to buy? You do. Who chooses the the time of sale? You do.
I think you have something to say in this equation, don't you?

Again, your financial pattern will determine your financial life - and even your personal life. If you're a woman whose financial pattern is set for low income,
there's a good chance you'll attract a man with a similar pattern, so you'll settle into your comfort zone... and validate that pattern.

If you are a man whose financial pattern is set for low income, there are high
chances are you will attract a woman who will spend all your money so that you settle into your "financial comfort zone" and validate this pattern.

Your financial pattern is like a thermostat. If the temperature in your room is 21 degrees, chances are the thermostat is set at 21 degrees. At this point, things get interesting.

Because the window is open and outside
it's cold, is there a chance the temperature in the room will drop to 18 degrees? Of course, but what will eventually happen?
eventually? The thermostat will step in and bring the temperature back up to 21 degrees.
Also, if the window is open and it's warm outside,
there's a possibility that the temperature in the room could go up to...
26 degrees? Of course it can, but what will eventually happen? The thermostat will kick in and bring the temperature back up to 21 degrees.

The only way to permanently change the temperature in the room is to reset the thermostat. In the same way, the only
way to "permanently" change your level of financial success is to reset your financial thermostat, i.e. your financial pattern, i.e. your mindset!

If the Gods, Nature and the entire Universe want you to be rich, have abundance and enjoy life, why wouldn't you?
Dagr666 said:

Also : https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=66545

It's nice that you talk about money. There's barely any talk about it as most people here view it as a taboo subject.
Some people view it as the source of all evil. Some people view it as a tool of oppression. Some people will perceive you in a negative light if you talk about the subject. Some people will think that you are bragging, showing off or compensating for a lack of it, which is perfectly normal as we have the tendency to want that which we don't have. There is also the fact that when you have something, it's easier to get more of it than if you had none. Have a job? Finding another is easy. Don't have a job? Nobody wants you. Have a wife? Finding another is easy. Alone? Good luck! The phrase fake it till you make it has truth to it. By faking to have that which you don't have, it's easier to acquire it.
Does the same hold true for money? Kind of. The only thing that matters is that one is not desperate. Nobody wants to do business with desperate people, it'd be like telling a girlfriend that you got AIDS.
I have to also further add on this very well written and clarified post, that an individual has to find how to create value for others and themselves.

Most "gurus" and other people just overstate this and just tell people bogus nonsense that deals with supposedly handling your emotional or thought patterns, which in itself is only a partial explanation. That's because they want to evade the serious questions, as many "gurus" have no experience with financial wealth or achievement in anyway.

Fix all of this but if you sit down all day and do nothing eventually nothing will be the result. Many people also feel all sorts of entitlements which are without any basis but a sense of openess or even a false entitlement will not yield any results on its own, especially compared to many fraudsters who only say things like "Imagine it and it will happen".

That is only 10% of the game if it even works. Authors like "The Secret" and others don't focus on nothing practical due to lack of knowledge on any subject. Trump didn't just imagine things all day.

Lastly, one of the ways to become financially able and reach a height, is to essentially manage to be the top tier in your profession, whatever that is. It could be anything at all. If one reaches the 1% in effectiveness, wealth will likely follow, if one does the necessary preparations and workings for this, developing also the skillsets necessary.
Master.mind said:
Dagr666 said:

Also : https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=66545

It's nice that you talk about money. There's barely any talk about it as most people here view it as a taboo subject.
Some people view it as the source of all evil. Some people view it as a tool of oppression. Some people will perceive you in a negative light if you talk about the subject. Some people will think that you are bragging, showing off or compensating for a lack of it, which is perfectly normal as we have the tendency to want that which we don't have. There is also the fact that when you have something, it's easier to get more of it than if you had none. Have a job? Finding another is easy. Don't have a job? Nobody wants you. Have a wife? Finding another is easy. Alone? Good luck! The phrase fake it till you make it has truth to it. By faking to have that which you don't have, it's easier to acquire it.
Does the same hold true for money? Kind of. The only thing that matters is that one is not desperate. Nobody wants to do business with desperate people, it'd be like telling a girlfriend that you got AIDS.

The situation is that those versed in this area must tend to others not in a negative fashion or confrontation, but in a way that recognizes others, their needs and also the fact not everyone wants to have the same mind or opinion. The original post succeeds in doing this, showing a properly arrayed method for success.

Another problem with instructions people are given is that many instructions are utopian or don't have proper elements that work into them.

A lot of knowledge focuses on an American bullshit approach also doesn't work in other places of the world. If you are in Romania or Estonia or Africa or the Balkans or elsewhere, you better get the value thing I explain down and seek other avenues for wealth creation, and do your business really well to succeed, or you won't suddenly get a bag out of nowhere because Mr Beast showed up as it could be possible in the United States. The terrain is different.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have to also further add on this very well written and clarified post, that an individual has to find how to create value for others and themselves.

Most "gurus" and other people just overstate this and just tell people bogus nonsense that deals with supposedly handling your emotional or thought patterns, which in itself is only a partial explanation. That's because they want to evade the serious questions, as many "gurus" have no experience with financial wealth or achievement in anyway.

Fix all of this but if you sit down all day and do nothing eventually nothing will be the result. Many people also feel all sorts of entitlements which are without any basis but a sense of openess or even a false entitlement will not yield any results on its own, especially compared to many fraudsters who only say things like "Imagine it and it will happen".

That is only 10% of the game if it even works. Authors like "The Secret" and others don't focus on nothing practical due to lack of knowledge on any subject. Trump didn't just imagine things all day.

Lastly, one of the ways to become financially able and reach a height, is to essentially manage to be the top tier in your profession, whatever that is. It could be anything at all. If one reaches the 1% in effectiveness, wealth will likely follow, if one does the necessary preparations and workings for this, developing also the skillsets necessary.

Agreed completely.

Another major element is clearing bad karma here. Sometimes people's mindsets, emotional or thought patterns are not going to change if they have tons of shit on their Chart holding them down and making them go through crises of money or anxiety about money, even if these can appear to be majorly self inflicted. Saturn and Pluto in 2nd or 8th can do this with finances, harsh Saturn/Venus aspect, 5th House placements causing lunatic gambling tendencies, no aspects to Saturn whatsoever making one completely irresponsible, so on and so forth. Cleansing with Munka or the Runes or burning away negative patterns with planetary mantras may be a necessity in such cases.

The big element also with money is that people forget in many cases money is an extension of social power. If you have rich friends [real friends who aren't just exploiting you, as in the case of many celebs on slave contracts], being rich comes more naturally. A lot of people who favor an anti-social approach to money don't want to hear that.
there’s no nobility in poverty


all individuals who contribute financial information on the forum are blessed and bless those who read in every way in a positive and healthy way

Karnonnos said:
Another major element is clearing bad karma here.

if something like this was released tomorrow
i would swear to everyone that it would work without receiving a commission, because i know that the vast majority are doomed to the beautiful cycle of negative karma.

the BILLIONAIRE INCOME, at some point in your life - HP. Hoodedcobra666


After years of struggle, waiting and work, in an INTELLIGENT, ESOTERIC AND DIVINE WAY, I reveal here my secrets and experiences for the absolute formula that EXISTS, YES, but they don't tell you, for wealth.
With an initial promotion of only 10.113 USD, for the first 500 only.

I think I still have some leftover xian programming related to this.
My natal chart already leans towards wealth, so it's likely just poor mindset and astral dross holding me back.
I feel I need to do more work on my solar plexus and sacral chakra, are there any runes or other vibrations I can use to speed up the process? I've already been doing yoga that focuses on my lower chakras as well.
I am permanently walking through the Doors the Gods have opened for me. This particular Door 🚪 holds all the wealth and abundance and prosperity of 1000 generations of hardworking men. I am worthy of all of this wealth and am using it in a way that I may retain this wealth for eternity. I cannot go back through this door the way I came, it would be impossible, the size of this room is infinite in comparison. I am wealthy and worthy of abundance and prosperity, and I have built the necessary skills to advance in my prosperity and abundance.

Currently doing another Wealth working, this was extremely important for me to read! Thank You Dagr666
This post comes at a very interesting time for me. I'm almost done with a real estate course and looking to buy my first property to house hack. I think a very important book to read is the "richest man in Babylon". It is a very practical book I wish I had read years earlier.
What a wonderful and helpful post! thank you for sharing this!
One of the biggest failures of the education system is not providing students with a financial education. Apparently, teachers consider that, from a ''religious'' point of view, money is dirty. They believe that the love of money is the source
of all evil.

As many of us know, it's not the love of money
brings evil - it's the lack of money. A job we hate
brings evil. Hard work for very little money that we don't can't support our families causes harm. Some people believe it is bad for them when they are mired in debt. It's bad to argue over money with those you love.
Committing criminal or immoral acts for money is bad. Money in itself is not evil. Money is just money.

Without financial education, people can't turn information into useful knowledge, or if they can, they don't apply it. Without financial knowledge, people struggle financially. Without financial knowledge, people make things like buy a house thinking it's a asset. Or they save money without realising that, since 1971, their money is no longer ''money'' just a currency.

One of the reasons why so many
people have financial difficulties is that they continue to use money according to the old rules: ''work hard, get rid of debt, invest for the long term in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds and mutual funds.''

In case they know what it takes, some are too lazy to act and put what they know into practice. Knowledge is power only if you know and do what you know...

Poverty is nothing more than having more problems than solutions. Poverty occurs when a person is overwhelmed by problems they cannot solve. Not all causes of poverty are financial. It can also be caused by addiction - addiction to drugs, living with the wrong person, living
in a neighbourhood with a high crime rate, lack of qualifications for a job, not being able to afford transportation to work or not being able to afford to pay for your medical services.

Some of today's financial problems, such as debt
and low wages, are caused by circumstances that are beyond a person's ability to deal with them; they are problems that have more to do with government and the economy.

In 1971, President Nixon ordered the standard
gold standard. This was poor economic policy that changed financial rules. It is one of the biggest changes financial changes in world history, yet few people are aware of it and its effect on the world economy today.
One of the reasons why so many people are having financial difficulties today is precisely because of the measures taken by Nixon.

The poor and middle class tend to avoid or ignore the fact that they have
money problems. Because of this attitude, they don't solve their problems, nor do they get smarter about it and they don't get better at making money.
The rich face their financial problems. They know that solving them makes you smarter and leads to higher financial IQ.
What do you recommend for someone who is good dissociating and reconditioning, but struggles with awareness and understanding?
For example, when I recognize a wrong belief I'm moderately good at knowing it's not part of me and changing it but I'm unable to remember many such events from my childhood and when I do I can't always see the meaning.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
What do you recommend for someone who is good dissociating and reconditioning, but struggles with awareness and understanding?
For example, when I recognize a wrong belief I'm moderately good at knowing it's not part of me and changing it but I'm unable to remember many such events from my childhood and when I do I can't always see the meaning.
We keep our most shameful actions buried, believing they will remain unseen and unheard. This is not the case, because what is inside will manifest outside. No matter how deeply buried, these actions will shape both you and your future actions - often in a negative way, until you become aware of them and change them.

Sit down calmly with a sheet of paper and a pen and write down everything that has programmed you; at first you will have trouble remembering, but this will pass. Think deeply and calmly; be patient - memories will surface one by one, even those that were seemingly long forgotten. Write them all down.

Focus on clues that remind you of negative experiences and programming about. Look at your current situation too. How you spend, your attitude, etc... You might remember what you need to so. Just wait.
Im a musician and its all i want to do in life and as a career. With these days its the hardest its ever been and people dont value it as they use to or pay as they use to. But im still persistent and would you recommend to visualize followers growing? Or just being on big stages and then walking off with a cheque handed?
What I'm about to say isn't to undermine this post whatsoever and I acknowledge it's completely nuanced and even irrelevant to compare but I'm not doing that and only saying this to see if it's possible to get some helpful feedback.

The main two financial problems I have are the following;

1. My legality regarding where I have been living ever since I was an infant but not born there.

2. Having a severe medical issue where my kidney yin was so deficient I physically had trouble even moving around the house because I literally felt too physically tired to move. When I did go out I would immediately get really tired. For many years I never knew why I felt like this and even did my best to ignore it until a big backlash came. Even being in good shape didn't seem to help out much. I wish it was just a lazy mindset because that would've gone away a couple to a few years into being a SS.

Now that I understand the 2nd part for a while now I have been taking it head on and finally getting better. Not fully healed but I can feel the big difference now then from even last year.

So the biggest obstacle now is the number 1 point I mentioned. The only jobs I have been able to find are below minimum wage jobs that will knowingly take advantage of my situation even if they're of the same race as me. The other options I've had was harder manual labor where even if I did get paid a bit better I (sometimes barely) it would get in the way of my spiritual practices and has gotten in the way when I did these jobs.

Thank the gods I now have an opportunity where in a couple of months I'll be able to work even more at a job that suits my schedule. Can't say why it'll take a couple months from now as it's too revealing of personal info.

I obviously have looked into returning to Mexico but every single time I have it set in my mind that I'll move back there (firstly gain and save money here) I would immediately get all these people from people close to me to random people in the streets telling me how bad Mexico is even if I didn't bring up the subject. Not to mention random videos on my feed bringing showing Mexico in a bad light during this time.

I know not all places over there are as bad and even some cities in America have a higher crime rate then some cities over there but I can't ignore these incidents as if they weren't signs. I did try ignoring them until one day a thought came into my mind after a day or two of asking the gods for signs of what I should do and that's when I realized these were more than mere coincidence and seemed like signs from the gods.

So now I feel it's best to stay put and make the best of it.

It's going to be more rough than even a teen trying to get ahead in life financially since even people younger than me will eventually have more opportunities down the line for just being a citizen but I feel like it'll be worth my struggle and fight and have come to peace with it.

It does get frustrating and overbearing at times especially when there's been recent times where I have to eat saved canned food (the best being soup to the worst being just plain ol beans) and only twice a day since I don't have much of that. Then throw in getting sick. I already have personal problems with people who don't want to be to taking care of me by having me in their home but to them they feel obligated or something. Idk if that's how they feel but regardless I don't want to ever take these chances for granted and do my best to stay out their way and in general be respectful and mindful. The sooner I can fend for my grown ass self the better.

But aside from venting there a bit, like I said I have accepted this is what I have to go thru for now and haven't felt like I can't handle it because now I'm constantly in the forums and doing all my spiritual practices while everyday focusing on the gods which gives me the feeling that everything will be alright.

I can still take away a lot from this insightful post of course so I'm not saying all this is bunk to me at all. As I said earlier in this post, I'm just writing this to see if I can get some helpful feedback but I am not looking for any legal advice whatsoever as I wouldn't want anyone here or this whole place in general to get in that position as it's not a good look among other more obvious serious reasons that I'm sure I don't have to mention.
Dagr666 said:
In 1971, President Nixon ordered the standard
gold standard. This was poor economic policy that changed financial rules. It is one of the biggest changes financial changes in world history, yet few people are aware of it and its effect on the world economy today.
One of the reasons why so many people are having financial difficulties today is precisely because of the measures taken by Nixon.

That's one of the reasons Gottfried Feder announced Labor-Backed finances instead of Metal. Because Germany possessed little to no Gold due to the War and Versailles Treaty.

He acknowledged there is another way through that hasn't been implemented. For example infrastructure, his proposal don't take loans to build stuff rather just debt it down immediately and once the infrastructure has been completed it becomes a financial asset to the state and thus moves money after completion. You can even pay employees building it with Cebens(CBN) [As I call it] | Construction Bank Notes. Pay employees part of their wealth to be able to purchase a home and pay off the up to 50 year loan, 2% minimum. Say you want a nice fancy home and don't mind spending 50 years working for it.

275,750 dollar home: 2% = $5,515 dollar yearly payment. $5,515 x 50y = $275,750

I'm sure Feder even thought normal money i.e. the legal tender can be used but have the Construction Bank Notes as a force multiplier for the citizens and people wishing to own property.

Even rent can be done so long as the Government is allowed to lower rents 30, 40, maybe 50%. Or as Waffen-SS General Leon Degrelle in VHO said, "Hitler houses you pay ~20ish RM a month, a person who makes more money pays 58RM a month. Everything can be reduced 30-50% except mansions and other wealthy property as that is supposed to be for people who gain capita very easily.

Feder is even against loaning people money. Money should never be loaned we are against that. But realize we have to as not everyone is well off. So perform a ZIL(Zero-Interest Loan), like Moumar Ghadaffi in Libya before his murder and his rulership of Libya ended destroyed another Arabian National Socialist Nation.

Feder also pointed out big loan captial is the huge scourge much like Currency Speculation, Market Speculation, and International Speculation.

On top of that he points out "The Ultimate aim of the programme - Taxless society."

The economic policies of the Capitalists and Communists both share a sacrosanct duty to big loan capital i.e. the enemy. They relish in both systems one abuses nicely the other abuses with brutality.

Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes plunder the nation of it's resources and wealth that could go into the people. As Robert Reich puts it trickle up effect. Even if Reich is a dupe who promoted trickle down first and foremost. Give to the rich and it pours unto people. It's the opposite you provide like Feder states wealth distribution as we are Socialist(German Socialists) he even states children can be provided finances to support the economy and teach them a lesson in financial management.

Why? If I receive from the Government a 8.7 million dollar bailout. I can invest it in the Speculative market/Crypto and make a few tens of not hundreds of millions of dollars. Think Bankman-Fried's girlfriend, he loans her 13 billion crypto, she steins the money, bergs the market and then repays the 13 billion while making a huge chunk of change. But that failed Fractional Reserve Lending of Crypto, does not work. Funny using crypto who knows how many people or entities know the transactions that occurred. I highly doubt Monero or some privacy-coin was used.

Labor makes the World go round.

As Feder puts it, "Money is only a voucher for completed labor/work and THAT is IT."

As Feder puts it Mammonistic poison everyone acts like a "Spiritual Jew".

Finances is a science as with all science it must be taught and learned. But at the same time if you fuck with the science and present bullshit to people they'll eat it up and be poor and miserable and enjoy it. You'll own nothing and be happy as a Schwab and company state in the Great Reset in his little Financial palace at Davos.

We had our Great Reset with Hitler, the glimpse of the Age of Aquarius as HP.Cobra put it.

Unfortunately in modern society and in modern Capitalist|Communist doctrines of reality. It's basically berg and stein and stein and berg.

Just as your supposed to fleece money from everyone your supposed to invest it to fleece even more money.

Money makes the World go 'round. or as Homer Simpson puts it, "The 'll 'itghty' 'ollar".

Sheer fact is Feder points out that he wishes people did not store vast quantities of money rather through gaining wealth i.e. physical material property to enrich the lives of people and make it better.

In other words Feder even if used in Capitalism wants people to move the money through the system to enrich everyone. I doubt Feder is against people who make a lot of money but money should be done like the finances of the Ancients. Look at the Romans practically their entire history of finances wiped cause the yehudim have a hatred for Esauv.

We could have used the countless and meticulous financial learning of the Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, or any Ancient civilization to build better blueprints for people and society.

Sheer fact is the enemy fucked people over real good with lack of finances. They don't even teach this stuff to their kids the judeo-bolshevik money is the root of all evil. So give it to the jews to berg and stein and stein and berg and Maimonides you till your civilization has become a grey borg with Communist money and a chip.

I agree with O.P. sheer fact is you gotta study. As Yoda puts it, "To learn: You must unlearn what you learned."

But for many people they just don't want to do it. I'd do it but I'm totally lost on how to work the market or crypto or anything. I too and a friend of mines posses a "I don't give a shit about money or making money or anything".

Honestly even in these last few years. What am I gonna do with the money. I'd rather save all the money and just have it just in case.

Do what the enemy does only on a much smaller scale.

Would I like stuff. Yes but I don't want to pay for example a new computer that financially speaking is so overprice for the parts to build my own PC. That technically speaking the computer is probably truly worth maybe less than a 100-150-200 dollars in a proper society. Not spending 3,000+ dollars for some gaming PC or something.

Sheer fact is everything is inflated by such massive amounts that literally there is hardly any deflation. If anything even digital electronics industry is deflationary and prices are record high.

For example chips and processors and VRMs and other electro-mechanical-digital items should be so affordable anyone can buy it. But it just keeps going up and up in an infinite curve.

At O.P. or anyone else I strongly recommend reading Manifesto on abolition of Interest-Debt Thralldom and Collected Writings of Gottfried Feder.

Learning about this the NS principle of finances that should have been the standard. Some might say "Why?" because you need to know all sides.

Feder's mention of Taxless societies beyond Libertarians and only in emergencies like War or national issues should direct and indirect taxation occur.

Sheer fact is we are dealing with a beast of a Mammonistic proportions that is collapsing and make the enemy collapse everything to themselves. No where should the enemy exist in finances but that's what happens when you let the enemy dictate everything.

Sheer fact is like HP.Cobra said look at the enemy and what maneuvers they perform to see the system. Remember the Gamestop rebellion, as Tim Pool puts it, back in the last week of February if you put 10,000 dollars on AMC stock by the first week of June you could have cashed out 64,000 dollars.

Most people believe making money or more specifically steining money by berging is the appropriate thing. Like my xtian dupe father Germany lost cause they couldn't sustain their economy. Capitalism is the best it gives people opportunity.

There's an entire field of people who would disagree with you.

Anyways I suggest everyone acquaint themselves with Feder's books.


On top of that keep educating yourself. Unfortunately there is so much and things become so old quickly that it's an entire Universe of data to keep up with.

No wonder AI/ML/SA/WAI/SAI is being used for finances there's no way Humanity can keep this non-sense up. But in today's times it's berg and stein, stein and berg. Unfortunately you gotta deal with "Spiritual Jews" a.k.a Andrapods who believe in Capitalism or some other system.
When I do the Necronomicon money spell. The one with gigimanpa and ziku. I do tend to find or win small amounts of money.

There is something there. At the end of the day they say it takes the same amount of energy to create a big or a small win.
Personal Growth said:
When I do the Necronomicon money spell. The one with gigimanpa and ziku. I do tend to find or win small amounts of money.

There is something there. At the end of the day they say it takes the same amount of energy to create a big or a small win.

The amount of the money you want to earn / win needs the same energy to be used as the sum of money you want in the end, from doing the working.

The more money you want, then the bigger is the energy amount that you need to use.
Phenix_rising666 said:
Im a musician and its all i want to do in life and as a career. With these days its the hardest its ever been and people dont value it as they use to or pay as they use to. But im still persistent and would you recommend to visualize followers growing? Or just being on big stages and then walking off with a cheque handed?

How to Increase Musical Talent?

I would say register on as many platforms as possibel, give out your music for free/payed by watching ads or just prices. Include in your music as much satanic imagenary as possibel, people are drawn to it, like Mudras, symbols,... . Invest in quality videos, have good idears. Try to stay under the radar. I did see some music videos in which the music was just generic and not special in anyway, but had a good video. Look at your successfull colleagues how they do it and invent your own way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Master.mind said:
Dagr666 said:

Also : https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=66545

It's nice that you talk about money. There's barely any talk about it as most people here view it as a taboo subject.
Some people view it as the source of all evil. Some people view it as a tool of oppression. Some people will perceive you in a negative light if you talk about the subject. Some people will think that you are bragging, showing off or compensating for a lack of it, which is perfectly normal as we have the tendency to want that which we don't have. There is also the fact that when you have something, it's easier to get more of it than if you had none. Have a job? Finding another is easy. Don't have a job? Nobody wants you. Have a wife? Finding another is easy. Alone? Good luck! The phrase fake it till you make it has truth to it. By faking to have that which you don't have, it's easier to acquire it.
Does the same hold true for money? Kind of. The only thing that matters is that one is not desperate. Nobody wants to do business with desperate people, it'd be like telling a girlfriend that you got AIDS.

The situation is that those versed in this area must tend to others not in a negative fashion or confrontation, but in a way that recognizes others, their needs and also the fact not everyone wants to have the same mind or opinion. The original post succeeds in doing this, showing a properly arrayed method for success.

Another problem with instructions people are given is that many instructions are utopian or don't have proper elements that work into them.

A lot of knowledge focuses on an American bullshit approach also doesn't work in other places of the world. If you are in Romania or Estonia or Africa or the Balkans or elsewhere, you better get the value thing I explain down and seek other avenues for wealth creation, and do your business really well to succeed, or you won't suddenly get a bag out of nowhere because Mr Beast showed up as it could be possible in the United States. The terrain is different.

I think the most important thing is, to understand ones birth chart, find out the best way to earn money:

Astrology for Beginners: An Easy Guide to Understanding & Interpreting Your Chart (Llewellyn's Modern Astrology Library Series)

PDF copy see here-->
Phenix_rising666 said:

It´s dangerous to give out personal info like you do. Kikes will curse you or put other obstacels in your way.
Fuchs said:
Phenix_rising666 said:

It´s dangerous to give out personal info like you do. Kikes will curse you or put other obstacels in your way.

Also isn't this a safe platform? I have noticed however not to give your real name and the obvious where you live. So basically our enemy scrolls through here just to curse people? Just confused with the impression i did something terrible but theres astrology posts here so uhh. Ok was just sharing some positivity didn't think i gave away a big secret
Phenix_rising666 said:
Also isn't this a safe platform? I have noticed however not to give your real name and the obvious where you live. So basically our enemy scrolls through here just to curse people? Just confused with the impression i did something terrible but theres astrology posts here so uhh. Ok was just sharing some positivity didn't think i gave away a big secret

Yes, the enemy scrolls through here. If you become an important person, they can dig through your post history and find information about you. That is why it is best to keep this all private, if not for you, then at least to encourage a safe culture for everyone else.

This should be done even if it seems silly. We don't want the enemy having any leverage against us.

Many astrology placements are unique, especially when combined together. Even though you did not get the full chart, someone could recreate your chart by knowing a few specific placements.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=422036 time=1675564363 user_id=21286]
Phenix_rising666 said:
Also isn't this a safe platform? I have noticed however not to give your real name and the obvious where you live. So basically our enemy scrolls through here just to curse people? Just confused with the impression i did something terrible but theres astrology posts here so uhh. Ok was just sharing some positivity didn't think i gave away a big secret

Yes, the enemy scrolls through here. If you become an important person, they can dig through your post history and find information about you. That is why it is best to keep this all private, if not for you, then at least to encourage a safe culture for everyone else.

This should be done even if it seems silly. We don't want the enemy having any leverage against us.

Many astrology placements are unique, especially when combined together. Even though you did not get the full chart, someone could recreate your chart by knowing a few specific placements.
Well i definitely value privacy allot no doubt. But technically speaking asking about astrology should be even more private then
Phenix_rising666 said:
Well i definitely value privacy allot no doubt. But technically speaking asking about astrology should be even more private then

Yes, it should. This is one of the main reasons for developing the "Ask Satan" anonymous platform.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=422103 time=1675595087 user_id=21286]
Phenix_rising666 said:
Well i definitely value privacy allot no doubt. But technically speaking asking about astrology should be even more private then

Yes, it should. This is one of the main reasons for developing the "Ask Satan" anonymous platform.

Aside from that, if you tell people the name off your band, it is not much to research your full name adress etc.
People even did state wrong real names, or uploaded pictures off people they did not like as avatars so the enemy would curse them.

Before you use satanic images etc, pls study the background so you can use them in a appropriate way, so you don´t end up mimicing the enemy or doing reverse christianity.
Big Doggo Boy said:
Personal Growth said:
When I do the Necronomicon money spell. The one with gigimanpa and ziku. I do tend to find or win small amounts of money.

There is something there. At the end of the day they say it takes the same amount of energy to create a big or a small win.

The amount of the money you want to earn / win needs the same energy to be used as the sum of money you want in the end, from doing the working.

The more money you want, then the bigger is the energy amount that you need to use.

I got it effort is commensurate with results.

I did the Necronomicon money spell today which is a one shot. But I think I will continue it for a 40 day working.

And double up in that I will also do the 40 day Shreem Maha Lakshmi Yayee Swaha working alongside it.
This is such an excellent and high quality post and it's already helping me tremendously. Thank you so much for your help.

Hail Satan and the Gods.
Thank you for this very helpful post
This is a very valuable post! And this can be applied not only to financial life but also to love life, nutrition and much more. I had to take my time to read it and tried to think about what was written considering other areas too.
Amazing post, I had a really great read!
Hail Satan!
Dagr666 said:
The perfect example is lottery winners Research has repeatedly shown that regardless of the size of the win, most lottery winners return to their original financial state, to the amount of money they can easily handle.
They're scared to hell to get out of their comfort zone....

It's true that many people cannot handle money properly, and tend to spend it all when winning the lottery for example.
Important to point out there is how the Christian mindset of money plays in; that one doesn't deserve it, it's "evil" etc.

I'm skeptical though of lotteries, casinos, gambling etc. since the risk of both losing and getting too hooked exists there (I also think casinos want people hooked).
Money affirmations and meditations I do believe more in, as well as working hard and cutting down on the spending's, including any gambling with it. It's always good to go through what money is spent on and see how it can be minimized,
thus you can see how much money you can save every month.

Monthly subscriptions is something to erase as well as traveling with bus instead of bike, eating out etc.
I've just recently realized myself how much of my own money was taken away by such things, and how much I could have saved instead (like $700 a month seriously).
(((They))) most certainly want us to spend it all away on Ubereats, Voi's, Spotify etc. So not being a stupid goyim also plays in here.
Examples of monthly costs which can be reduced:

  • Physical exercise - I run outside and train yoga asanas at home for free.

  • Traveling costs - recently bought a bicycle to travel to work with, which also means some more free physical exercise :!:
    This I should have done a long time ago. Bicycles are underrated.

  • Food costs - as I work in a store I take advantage of eating as much free food I can from there, like expired products etc. But one can also find other cheap alternatives and never use Foodora etc.
  • Subscriptions - I ended Spotify, Soundcloud and Spreaker saving almost $200 monthly just from that. Totally unnecessary costs which I did not realize just how unnecessary they were until I ended them.
xlnt said:
... Bicycles are underrated...............
How do you say?
Already a barely acceptable bike(that can be used to travel normally) is comparable to piece(in value) of inferior vehicle(car category bottom[lower]).

I would be curious to know,that which country you live in.
xlnt said:
Examples of monthly costs which can be reduced:

  • Physical exercise - I run outside and train yoga asanas at home for free.

  • Traveling costs - recently bought a bicycle to travel to work with, which also means some more free physical exercise :!:
    This I should have done a long time ago. Bicycles are underrated.

  • Food costs - as I work in a store I take advantage of eating as much free food I can from there, like expired products etc. But one can also find other cheap alternatives and never use Foodora etc.
  • Subscriptions - I ended Spotify, Soundcloud and Spreaker saving almost $200 monthly just from that. Totally unnecessary costs which I did not realize just how unnecessary they were until I ended them.

Other good idea

- If you have a house, pay the mortgage faster that you can, cut everything else that is non-essential. You will end up saving a lot of cash.

-Buy expensive thing only if you can pay it all in one paiement or choose the lowest interest % option, like making a loan to your bank instead of going for the compagny you are buying the product and most of the time you can pay before the term. They get a cut from the bank they are loaning the cash for your purchase and you can't pay it faster. I did it for my car in 2019, took me 1 and a half year to pay it all, saves like 2000k$
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
xlnt said:
... Bicycles are underrated...............
How do you say?
Already a barely acceptable bike(that can be used to travel normally) is comparable to piece(in value) of inferior vehicle(car category bottom[lower]).

I would be curious to know,that which country you live in.

They are underrated because: you get free physical exercise from them while not having to pay anything for parking, no rent, no insurance and it's also fun, way more than taking the subway or bus (or car for that matter). The bicycle I bought costed me $104 may I add, a used Crescent. That's less than I would pay monthly for Voi's, bus etc.

I live in Sweden and it's 4,7 kilometers from my apartment to my workplace, so taking the bike to work is a financial win in many regards here.
xlnt said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
xlnt said:
... Bicycles are underrated...............
How do you say?
Already a barely acceptable bike(that can be used to travel normally) is comparable to piece(in value) of inferior vehicle(car category bottom[lower]).

I would be curious to know,that which country you live in.

They are underrated because: you get free physical exercise from them while not having to pay anything for parking, no rent, no insurance and it's also fun, way more than taking the subway or bus (or car for that matter). The bicycle I bought costed me $104 may I add, a used Crescent. That's less than I would pay monthly for Voi's, bus etc.

I live in Sweden and it's 4,7 kilometers from my apartment to my workplace, so taking the bike to work is a financial win in many regards here.
Yes.If we look at taxes and the rental charge,which bicycles do not have,then it's definitely just good for us.So it is perfectly understandable.And still healthy also due to physical activity.

I was just thinking about the prices,because here in Hungary even the weakest type of bikes are quite expensive(of course from new bikes[bicycles]).

By the way, your signature is very great.I appreciate your work,creations and efforts,as reflected in your signature.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
